TheCoP_hq-68 (1) post

PENT TV Now Free-To-Air TV Station

History was made Sunday night [March 20, 2022] as PENT TV, a Christian television station owned by The Church of Pentecost, was officially migrated unto the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) platform, making it a free-to-air television station.

The colourful launch was performed by the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, at the church’s Headquarters at La in Accra where the TV station is located. He was ably assisted by the General Secretary, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, Pent Media Centre Board Chairman, Apostle Samuel Yaw Antwi, Pent Media Centre Board Members, as well as some Executive Council Members and Area Heads of the church.

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, on behalf of the General and Executive Council of the church, blessed the name of the Lord for His gracious love and mercy towards His Church and particularly the Pent Media Centre Board and the staff of Pent TV in enabling the church to achieve this feat.

According to him, the Vision 2023 of the church acknowledges the indispensable role of the media in modern society and, therefore, makes significant use of the media to advance the course of the gospel.

As a result, he said, the Church established the Pent Media Centre Board in 2021 to bring all the media arms of the church under one body and then position the media hub of the Church to be relevant and competitive in contemporary times.

“To achieve this, the Church acquire the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) also known as free-to-air license in October 2021 to enable Pent TV provides unlimited access to viewers who hitherto, could not watch PENT TV,” he pointed out.

The Chairman paid glowing tribute to his predecessors such as Apostle Fred Stephen Safo, who nursed the vision for the creation of a media unit in the church; Prophet Martinson Kwadwo Yeboah, who strengthened and deepened the foundations of the media unit; Apostle Dr. Michael Ntumy under whose tenure, the Church started broadcasting her content on major TV stations in Ghana and Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah, under whose leadership, PENT TV was set up in October 2014 and launched in February 2015.

He also thanked the Pent Media Board Chairman and the board members who worked tirelessly over the years to enable the church to build a solid media front for the Church.

With the migration unto the DTT platform, the General Manager, Pastor Kwasi Asante Annor, said new programmes such as French content have been introduced while the existing ones have been enhanced.

Established some seven years ago (February 2015), PENT TV has become a household name in the Ghanaian media landscape providing unparalleled Christian content to its teeming viewers.

PENT TV is a limited liability company duly incorporated in Ghana under the Companies Act of 1963, Act 179 with the primary purpose of carrying out the business of digital television broadcasting.


Ps. James Agyin


“El Classico” is the term used to refer to football matches between Spain’s most famous and bitterest rivals: FC Barcelona and Real Madrid C.F. In the Ghanaian context, it will be games between Accra Hearts of Oak and Kumasi Asante Kotoko.  The euphoria and escalated tensions that characterise such games is only a shadow of the actual “El Classico” between Love and Hatred. The supporters of the rival teams are one of the significant sources of the heightened tensions that even turns bloody on some occasions. Similarly, the forces behind Love and Hatred may explain why de-escalation of the tensions cannot be possible until the end of the age into eternity. God is the owner of the FC Love with Jesus and the Holy Spirit as the CEO and Managers, respectively. Satan is also the bankroller of Hatred FC with The Self and Evil spirits as CEO and Managers, respectively. Some emotional supporters of rival clubs do not even attempt to follow the match proceedings until the referee blows the whistle to bring the game to an end. Even when one team is leading, its supporters sit on the edge in the stands until proceedings are brought to an end.

Similarly, in many instances, Hatred leads Love on the scoreboard in most games, especially during the game’s early minutes. Somehow, Love comes in to get the equaliser and goes ahead to win all encounters with Hatred.

This article, divided into four parts, analyses four different matches between Love and Hatred and glean unique lessons from them. We will also learn a lot about how the Technical benches of both sides read the games and made their substitutions. Matches between the sides from the tiniest hamlet to the highest world stage are always graced with tensions, intrigues, suspense and an avalanche of off-the-pitch occurrences. The first match labelled Part (I) is a local derby in the household of Jacob. Part (II) was an FA Cup between the two sides, whiles Part (III) will be the “Champions League”. The final bit, Part (IV), was the Club World Cup between the sides dubbed “The Easter El Classico”. The article also seeks to outline strategies for those in the Love colours and their supporters of what should be done anytime it appears Hatred has taken an early lead. It is crucial because Hatred and its Technical team do well anytime Love seems to have lost concentration due to the noisy and intimidating tactics of its supporters. The first leg in all the four encounters played in Hatred’s home grounds (i.e. This world) explains the reason the noise of its supporters appears to have overshadowed the cheering songs and well-organized choruses from supporters in the Love stands. About Love and its supporters, Jesus said, “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.” (John 17:16).

Hatred incited the first encounter in Jacob’s household when Joseph’s brothers needlessly hated him. This encounter largely applies to feud amongst family members or close relations that degenerates into deep seated hatred. Joseph’s brothers took offence when Joseph started reporting their evil deeds to their father when they were all out tending the flocks (Genesis 37:2). They did not also take kindly to the ornate designer robe Jacob their Dad made for Joseph due to the special love he had for him. What was Joseph’s fault here? Did he have any control over being born to his father at his old age? Then what appeared to have broken the camel’s back began to unfold. Even though people do not choose which dreams to have while asleep, they envied him for having what they saw as offensive and treasonable dreams regarding the hierarchical structure of authority. After sharing the first dream, his brothers said to him, “Do you intend to reign over us? Will you actually rule us? And they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said.” (Genesis 37:8). How wrong was teenage Joseph happily sharing some of his night dreams with his blood brothers and parents for help and direction during family gatherings? Is that the case that even the topics to be discussed as siblings must be carefully selected? How come Joseph’s parents could contain, manage and keep the content of his second dream, which suggested they would bow to him someday without giving hatred a field day to operate in their hearts? Did they hear and interpret the two dreams differently? Or was it that his brothers had underlying heart conditions or some undercurrents that made them predisposed to hatred for him? Be it as it may and rather unfortunate, the side of hatred had already left the dressing room and moved onto the pitch to exchange pleasantries for a possible showdown with Love, even in that small household.  

One day, Jacob sent Joseph to seek the welfare of his brothers when they took the flock for tending. As they saw him afar, wondering in the bushes looking for them, they planned, mapped out a strategy to adopt on the field of play to kill him and get rid of the fulfilment of the dream of they ever serving or bowing down to him. When he got to them, they bound and detained him in an empty cistern awaiting his assassination soon after finishing their meals. Joseph begged them to spare his life, but their level of hatred would not allow them of any reasoning. An effort by Reuben, their senior-most brother, to rescue him proved futile. It became apparent that Hatred was having the better exchanges in that encounter at least when Joseph was bound in that empty cistern waiting to be slaughtered. One wonders how the brothers could sit and eat their meals whiles their little brother was gnashing his teeth in that empty cistern bound at the junction of life and death. That is what hatred is all about. It blinds its adherents, captivates the mind and renders their hearts callous until they see mayhem visited on their perceived opponents. Gentle Love started swinging some few passes together when mysteriously, a vehicle to Egypt approached just when Judah had prevailed upon his brothers to spare his life but rather offload him to the Ishmaelites. The brothers finally agreed and had Joseph sold to Egypt. The brothers or Hatred left the scene back home with the notion that they had defeated Love or the one who instead sought their welfare. Wait a minute! The match had just started, and like all soccer encounters, unless the referee blows the last whistle, none of the teams is safe jubilating.

Today, we can all outline areas Joseph might have gone wrong to concede such an early goal. It is said that talk is indeed cheap! Some believers have blamed him for not keeping quiet on the wrongs of his brothers when tending the flocks because he courted needless troubles for himself. Is that what you also think? Is that what the Bible admonishes believers to do? Will the Holy Spirit allow us to condone wrongs or sins perpetrated by others in the full glare of our eyes? Ephesians 5:11 reads, “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” Joseph, therefore, acted according to scripture and did no wrong in exposing the evil deeds of his brothers. Was that not why, Love also started warming up to meet hatred on the field booth-for-booth? Most believers have today bought into the propaganda of not bothering ourselves in the house, churches or the organisations we work for when we see people doing the wrong thing. Yet we fast and pray to operate in the overtaking anointing of people like Mordecai, who rose from a gatekeeper to the highest office in the Kingdom of Persia.

Meanwhile, we forget that Mordecai rose to that office not only through prayer and fasting but also by his loyalty and the professional act of exposing the assassination conspiracy against the King of the Persian empire then (Esther 2:21-23). Let’s not turn a blind eye to evil no matter how little, just because of the hatred battles it generates. We do not want to uncover sins by others that we are privy to, yet we want God to lift us unto glorious heights. It does not work that way, please! Any act taken per Biblical instructions automatically invokes the power behind Love to keep our defence, hold the midfield and lead the attack anytime Hatred brings it on.

Others have also blamed Joseph extensively for being talkative or telling his family members the dreams he had. They argue Joseph should have picked the right signals when his brothers refused to speak kindly to him due to the special ornate robe Jacob had given him and how he reported their evil deeds to the latter when they came from the field. Yes, a sound argument, though quite bitter and unfortunate to learn that is the reality of life in this temporal life. Joseph did not broadcast this dream on any radio or TV channel when he woke up after the dream. In that case, it could be argued that he was courting needless troubles and envy for himself. It is possible he shared it at one of their household devotions since the parents were present when he shared the dreams with the brothers. Which heart and ears did his parents possess which made them keep those dreams in their hearts instead of developing a hatred for him? Is it not disheartening that those you may quickly refer to as brothers and sisters in the Lord are the very ones who cannot just contain the blessings God might have reserved for you from your mother’s womb? The message from Joseph’s dream was rightly interpreted by the family but processed differently. Was the message, therefore, or its carrier the problem? Or the recipients and its processing that was the issue? Do we think God will change His mind from blessing and showing mercy to others just because we disapprove of it or hate them? In Exodus 33:19b, God told Moses, “…I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” As believers, let us accept and celebrate the success of others in the household, churches and the various organisations we find ourselves in. Your hatred for them will never have any single justification today, tomorrow or in the next life. Joseph, therefore, contributed very little to the heightened hatred his brothers developed for him. In like manner, we as believers would have very little control in the needless qualms people pick against us, which matures into deep-seated hatred. Bound to be hated in a world ruled by its Prince, the devil, believers must only learn not to waste too much time on why the level of hatred but quickly wear the Love jersey, employ its formation on the pitch and intermittently watch the technical bench for ideas anytime hatred is seen to be on the offensive.

Fast forward, a severe famine struck the whole world at the time Joseph had risen to be the Prime Minister of Egypt by the help, workings and machinations of Love. Jacob sent his sons to buy grain in Egypt for their survival and livestock.  So when Joseph’s brothers arrived at his office in Egypt, “they bowed down to him with their faces to the ground. “. Joseph recognised his brothers when he saw them and immediately remembered his dreams about them after they bowed down to him. He tried drilling them by calling them spies, but they argued, “No, my lord, ” they answered. Your servants have come to buy food.” (Genesis 42:6-10).  It is worth noting that Joseph’s brothers did not only bow to him; they called him “their Lord” and also servants of him. This great goal was the heartwarming late equaliser by Love for that early goal scored by hatred against Joseph and jubilated by its supporters. The referee then whistled for halftime. Hatred has bowed with the face on the ground and called Love, “My Lord”! In Genesis 42:11-13, Joseph’s brothers mounted a strong defence before Joseph to prove they were not spies. They said, “Your servants are honest men”, brothers from the same father, with one left with their Dad and the other no more in existence. Anytime Hatred bows or calls Love his Lord, the scoreboard changes and credits Love with an additional goal. So Love, at this point, was leading Hatred by a goal just after the second half had begun. Referring to themselves as honest brothers with one of their brothers no more in existence was when the technical bench of Love realised lies and dishonesty had come into the game as substitutes at the resumption of the second half. How do you sell someone to strangers even when he pleaded for his life, kill a goat and smear the blood on his ornate robe, report back home that an animal had devoured him and turn around arguing vehemently that you are honest men? Those who easily hate are victims of certain propaganda or lies, or they are liars themselves. How often haven’t we realised we were made to hate someone, a group of people, by virtue of their ethnicity, colour or race due to a lie we grew with or learned from others? I believed certain stories about some ethnic groups as I was growing up. Even though I didn’t hate them, I was always on my guard to watch such tendencies in my engagements with them every time our paths crossed. As I got the opportunity to get closer, I realised how sweet and honest a people they were and how that lie could have ruined my relationship with them if not for God’s help. So anytime truth begins to take its rightful stand, hatred tends to fade off until it sublimes into thin air. The technical team of Love then made a substitute by bringing on board “forgiveness” even though they led by a lone goal. Remember, the Holy Spirit is the head of Love’s technical bench. Joseph then overheard Rueben, the firstborn, telling his brothers in their native language, “Didn’t I tell you not to sin against the boy? But you wouldn’t listen! Now we must give an accounting for his blood.” (Genesis 42:22). Joseph turned away from them and began to weep. Joseph returned and ordered his servants to fill their sacks with grains but put back each man’s silver in his sack and add provisions for their journey back to Cannan (Genesis 42:25).

This was “forgiveness”, announcing his presence in the game and swinging a few passes together. It is, therefore, not surprising to see people weeping uncontrollably anytime they are confronted with letting go of something that hurts them. It is part of the healing process. The famine became severe back home, and they had to return to Egypt to repurchase grain, but this time with Benjamin as a bail condition for Simeon’s release. When they arrived, Joseph instructed his steward to give them water to wash their feet and provided them with fodder for their donkeys because he wanted to dine with them. “When Joseph came home, they presented the gifts they had brought into the house, and they bowed down before him to the ground. He asked them how they were, and then he said, How is your aged father you told me about? Is he still living? They replied, “Your servant, our father is still alive and well.” And they bowed down, prostrating themselves before him.” (Genesis 42:24-28). This was the moment Love registered his third goal against Hatred. Forgiveness’ inclusion from the bench had changed the game entirely and put so much pressure on the defence system of Hatred.  The midfield and defence of Hatred find it extremely difficult to tackle “Forgiveness” when he gets the ball. It is, therefore, not surprising that Romans 12:19-21 said, “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord. On the contrary: If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”  When he saw Benjamin seated, he again was deeply moved, rushed into his private chamber and wept for the second time. I am sure, so many things were running through his mind, especially the phrase by his brothers that says, “The younger brother is with the father, and one is no more”. After he had washed his face, he came out and, controlling himself, said, “Serve the food” (Genesis 43:31). The steward returned each one’s silver in his sack loaded with grain and intentionally put Joseph’s silver cup in Benjamin’s sack. They were accosted a few miles away and brought back to Egypt. When they got to the palace, Judah and his brothers threw themselves to the ground before Joseph, again, making it four goals to one (4-1) against Hatred. (Genesis 44:13). Dejected as they appeared, Judah mounted a spirited defence to Joseph for Benjamin’s release because per the deal struck, the one with the silver cup was to be an enslaved person in the palace. By the time Judah was done with his submission, Joseph could no longer control himself before all his attendants. He cried out, saying, “Have everyone leave my presence!” So there was no one with Joseph when he made himself known to his brothers. And he wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard him, and Pharaoh’s household heard about it. Joseph said to his brothers, “I am Joseph! Is my father still living?” But his brothers were not able to answer him, because they were terrified at his presence” (Genesis 45:1-2). Joseph’s brothers terrified and their inability to answer him was the fifth goal Love scored against Hatred. Forgiveness on the side of Love was the one turning all the bitterness and tendencies of paying back his brothers into tears. If you have to weep and cry out indoors or outdoors to get every little trace of anger, bitterness and pain out of your system, do so because you are already on the winning side. The Bible also establishes that the brothers got terrified and could not answer a word to him when he finally revealed himself to them.  In like manner, Hatred is always and will forever be terrified before Love. Joseph had them bring his father Jacob and his relatives, numbering seventy, to stay with him in Egypt. “So Joseph settled his father and his brothers in Egypt and gave them property in the best part of the land, the district of Rameses, as Pharaoh directed and provided them with food according to the number of their families.” (Genesis 47:12-13)

In that hot local derby between the two sides in Jacob’s household which many would like to watch repeatedly, Love whipped Hatred 5-1, and that victory still resounds. No matter how difficult the first leg appears here in this life where Hatred is playing home, Love, the visitors always have the edge over Hatred. The latter is allergic to every principle of fair play on the field, but Love supporters should never lose heart and be discouraged. The second leg, scheduled at the end of this present age in Love’s home, would be a formality where the teaming supporters Hatred has managed to recruit will gnash their teeth. If hatred has taken over your life, please repent and allow Love, which is God in Christ Jesus, to flow through your spirit and soul. You do not deserve to gnash your teeth with satan and his fallen angels, who are the Architects of all hatred in this life. Watch out for the FA Cup between the two sides in my next article.

Team Sheet of Love: Patience, Kindness, Humility, Hope, Perseverance, Truth, Trust, Peace, Joy, goodness, Self-Control, Faith, Resurrection Power, Selflessness, Respect, Forgiveness, forbearance, gentleness, Unity, Compassion, Prayer and faithfulness.

Team Sheet of Hatred: Anger, Envy, Jealousy, Pride, Slander, Selfish Ambition, Unforgiving spirit, Strife, Bitterness, Worldliness, Wickedness, Hypocrisy, Greed, Dishonesty, Lies, Nepotism, Rebellion, Death, factions, witchcraft, Propaganda and racism.

Written by Pastor James Agyin (

Sawla Township Experiences Open Heavens

Sawla Township Experiences Open Heavens

The Savannah region is one of the warmest parts of Ghana with an average daily high temperature of 34 degrees centigrade. It is yearlong warm (hot) and often experiences its rainy season from April to mid-October.

This is why it was quite unusual to suddenly see the clouds gathering by mid-morning yesterday at Sawla, a community in the Sawla-Tuba-Kalba district of the region, only to be followed by a heavy downpour for about 20 minutes.

Needless to say, having to endure high temperatures of up to 42 degrees, the sight of rainfall at any time of the year is always welcome news and a great relief to residents of Sawla and its environs.

However, for the indigenous members of The Church of Pentecost who had converged at the Changbalyiri Assembly auditorium for the “Sawla for Christ” crusade at the time, the rainfall was very “symbolic” and a confirmation of the prophetic declaration made by the Kasoa Area Head, Apostle James Asare, during his ministration.

In his sermon titled “The Spirit Without Measure, based on John 4:1-14” the Kasoa Area Head said that there is a massive outpouring of the Lord’s spirit on the Sawla land and that life in the community would not be the same again after this visitation of the Lord.

He further stated: “The visitation of the Lord is both spiritual and physical. When the Lord visits a land, He comes first in the spiritual realm, before it later manifests in the physical. So today is raining day and a day of abundance.”

He said that the Holy Spirit is given to believers by God through Jesus to guide, counsel, teach and strengthen them to live up to the purpose of God for their lives.

“God has given us a helper, in the person of the Holy Spirit, to help us through our life’s journey. If we neglect Him, we would miss our providential way, but if we hold on to Him, He will ensure that everything the Lord has said concerning our lives, which we call destiny, would come to pass,” he said.

He explained that the believer encounters the Holy Spirit in three ways; the first encounter, he noted, is the “Well Encounter” (John 4:1-14), which symbolises the beginning of one’s salvation.

“To experience the Well Encounter, one must repent from their wicked ways and accept Christ as Lord and Saviour” he highlighted.

The Kasoa Area Head explained that having the Well Encounter is not enough, rather every believer must yearn to have a deeper encounter with the Holy Spirit. The next encounter, he mentioned, is the “River Encounter” (John 7:38), symbolising the giftings of the Holy Spirit. The final encounter, according to him, is the “Rain Encounter,” which brings life back into any dead situation.

As Apostle Asare elaborated on the “Rain Encounter,” suddenly the clouds started to gather and it began to rain heavily.

The sound of rainfall on the roofing of the church auditorium and around the building was greeted with a spontaneous cheer by the members who could easily link the Word being preached to the downpour.

The scene also confirmed what the Evangelism Ministry Director, Apostle Dr. Jimmy Markin, had earlier told the Chief of Sawla (Sawlawura), Abdullai Iddrisu, when he led a team to pay a courtesy call on him at his palace on Tuesday.

Addressing the Chief, Apostle Dr. Markin said that wherever the gospel message of Jesus Christ is received, the blessing of the Lord rests on the land and transforms the lives of its inhabitants.

He, therefore, assured the Chief of a special visitation of the Lord in the land during and after the mega crusade.

“My dear Chief. Please mark every single word of my mouth: This event will be historic and it shall be said that, after this crusade, Sawla land was never the same again,” he said.

From all indications, Sawla land has received a mighty visitation of the Lord these few days. Although, there are still two more days to go, the “Sawla for Christ” crusade has been a huge success.

In addition to the thousands of souls led to Christ through various evangelistic outreaches, several spectacular events have been recorded since its opening on Tuesday to the glory of God.

The event, which is under the theme: “In the Name of Jesus” (Acts 3:6), is expected to end on Saturday, March 19, 2022, with a medical outreach at Changbalyiri, a community also within the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba district of Ghana.



Suhum Local Council Of Churches Launches “Operation Clean Your Backyard”

The Suhum Local Council of Churches, in collaboration with the office of the Akyempim Hene and the Suhum Municipal Assembly, has launched an environmental campaign exercise as a way of creating awareness on the need to take good care of the environment.

The campaign, dubbed “Operation Clean your Backyard” was held on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, with a float within the principal streets of Suhum.

In an interview, Pastor Anthony Eghan Kwesi Ekuban, the Suhum Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, who also doubles as Chairman of the Suhum Local Council of Churches, said that the campaign was in response to the government’s initiative for cleaning and greening the environment.

Pastor Ekuban made a clarion call to all Christians to get involved in the ‘operation clean your backyard’ exercise which will be held on Saturday, March 19, 2022.

“It is important that as Christians, we take good care of our environment as we possess the nations,” he said.

Among others, the operation clean your background will focus on the planting of trees and desilting of gutters within Suhum and its environs.

Report by Samuel Danso

CP DOWN post

Kasoa CP-Down District Gets New Mission House

The CP-Down District in the Kasoa Area of The Church of Pentecost has constructed a new mission house to house the district minister and his family.

The Area Head, Apostle James Kwabena Asare, assisted by the District Minister, Pastor Thomas Tete Asare, and other ministers in the Area, dedicated the six-bedroom manse with an office recently.

Delivering the sermon at the dedication service which took place at the Salem Assembly, Pastor George Timinca of CP District, spoke on the topic: “Whatever You Do, Do It To The Glory Of God.”

Quoting from Colossians 3:23, he admonished Christians to always remember that it is God who strengthens them to do what they are able to do, saying, “So, at the end of it all, we should give all the glory to God.”

The CP-Down District was created out of the CP District in 2015 with Pastor Alexander Kwabena Abrafi as the first district minister.

The land for the project was acquired in 1998 during the time of Pastor W.W. Asamoah (now retired), then pastor of Kasoa District. The Headquarters initially planned to put up a 3-bedroom apartment for Apostle Buenor Apedo (Rtd), an Executive Council Member of the church who was then retiring as a Missionary from Togo.

The construction of the building started under the supervision of Apostle Albert Amoah (now retired), the then General Secretary of the Church, and it was completed within four months.

Upon completion, the intended usage of the building changed when the Headquarters decided to put up a new building for Apostle Apedo in Togo since his family wanted him to settle there after his retirement.

The building being vacant, became temporary accommodation for church members. Later, the Construction Pioneers (CP District) was created and it became the official residence of the First District Minister, Pastor James Mensah, now of blessed memory.

Other Ministers who occupied the building included Pastors Charles Boadi, Alexander Kwabena Abrafi, and their families.

Upon the creation of the CP-Down District, it became necessary to reconstruct the old mission house with modern facilities.

The current District Minister, Pastor Thomas Tete Asare, who was transferred into the district in August 2021, continued with the project in earnest. By the grace of God, he completed the building in about five months after the assumption of office.

As part of the reconstruction, four new bedrooms were added to the old building, whiles one of the old bedrooms was demolished to make room for the expansion of the main hall and the dining hall.

Pastor T. T. Asare was full of appreciation to one Elder Paapa Asmah, officers of the district, and the members, for generously donating various amounts to finish the project on time.

He also commended the Area Head for releasing a grant to support the project  


Chairman’s Wife Visits Teshie-Nungua Women

Chairman’s Wife Visits Teshie-Nungua Women

The wife of the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Mrs. Mary Nyamekye, on Wednesday, March 16 2022, paid a working visit to the Teshie-Nungua Area Women’s Ministry.

The meeting which was held at F. S. Safo Memorial Temple at Nshorna, Nungua, was attended by women from the 26 districts of the Area. The meeting was also part of the National Women’s Prayer and Fasting Chain programme under the theme, “Equipping women for everything good to do the will of God,” taken from Hebrews 13:20-21.

Reading from Ephesians 6:10-14; Mrs. Mary Nyamekye admonished women to live righteous and devout lives which encompasses putting on the full armour of God in these perilous times.

She also urged the women to raise and train godly children to be responsible adults as well as live at peace with their neighbours, and help maintain family altars or devotions.

“Set godly examples for your children at home, at your workplace and wherever you find yourselves.” she admonished.

According to Mrs. Nyamekye, God has endowed women with so many weapons such as the Sword of the Spirit; which is the word of God, and prayers which they can use positively to affect their lives and that of their families, hence they should not be oblivious of the schemes and works of the devil which can distract them.

“Christianity is not an easy journey. However, I pray that we will all be well dressed from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet so that the devil will not have a foothold in any aspects of our lives,” she said, adding, “the challenges we face should not make us despair in life.”

Mrs. Mary Nyamekye also encouraged single ladies to hold on to the word of God without wavering and to offer their bodies as living sacrifices unto the Lord. She further encouraged them to take their schooling and studies seriously so they can influence society positively.

The Chairman’s wife was of the view that women need to be agents of spreading or evangelizing the word of God at their workplaces, in their neighbourhoods, and also teach it to their children and family.

The Women’s’ Director of The Church of Pentecost, Deaconess Philomina Mireku, led prayers for the entire church and its leadership as well as the leaders and members of the Women’s Ministry at all levels. Prayers were also said for families and the nation.

The meeting was attended by the Teshie-Nungua Area Head, Apostle Wilberforce Nkrumah Agyeman, and his wife, Mrs. Grace Nkrumah Agyeman, ministers in the Area, Deaconess Vivian Amfo (Deputy Women’s Ministry Director), Deaconess Cynthia Siaw Agyepong (immediate past Teshie-Nungua Area Women’s Leader), and some queen mothers in the Area.

The Area Women’s Ministry Leader, Deaconess Sophia Naana Arthur, was grateful to the Chairman’s wife and the Women’s Ministry national leadership for their visit.

Report by Yaa Asantewaah Adu Boahene.

CHairman at La post

The Church Of Pentecost Chairman Pays Last Respect To Late La Mantse

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, has paid his last respect to His Royal Majesty Nii Dr. Kpobi Tettey Tsuru III, the late Paramount Chief of La State.

This happened on Thursday, March 17, 2022, at the La Royal Palace Grounds in Accra.

The Chairman of the church was accompanied by Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Lawrence Otu-Nyarko, Finance and Administrative Director, The Church of Pentecost (CoP), Deaconess Philomina Mireku, Women’s Ministry Director, CoP, Apostle John Osei Amaniampong, La Area Head, CoP, and Apostle ADP James Teye Tetteh, immediate past Chaplain General of Ghana Prisons Service.

The rest were Pastor Benedict Eghan, Personal Assistant to the Chairman, CoP, Pastor Dr. Felix Dela Klutse, Media Ministry Pastor, CoP, Pastor Peter Eshun, La District Minister, Pastor Kwasi Asante Annor, General Manager of Pent TV, and Mrs. Marian Awuzah, Principal HR Officer, General Headquarters, CoP.

The Chairman of the church, in a brief address said that his visit was to pay his last respect to the late La Mantse and the family as they prepare for the funeral.

He added: “We came here to mourn and sympathise with you for the loss of our dear father.”

He prayed that God will strengthen the family and the La Traditional Council throughout the funeral and burial of the Paramount Chief.

Nii Adjei Koofeh IV, La Shikitele of La Traditional Council and Supreme Head of Nmati Abonase clan, in response, thanked the Chairman and The Church of Pentecost for commiserating with them in this sorrowful moment.

He iterated that the La Traditional Council will continue to maintain a strong relationship with The Church of Pentecost for growth and development in the La State.

The Finance and Administrative Director of the church, Apostle Lawrence Otu-Nyarko, on behalf of the Chairman, donated a cash amount and some assorted items consisting of ten (10) cartons of soft drinks and 20 cartons of bottled water to the La Traditional Council to support the burial arrangements.

Some members of the La Traditional Council present were Nii Kotey Armah IV, La Klanaa Akutsotse; Nii Yemo Din II, La Akwaashongtse; Nii Obodai Adai IV, La Mankralo; Major General Nii S. Anum Odotei (retd.), La Dzasetse; Professor Nii Ablade Glover, Advisor to the La Traditional Council; Nii Solomon Tetteh, acting La Man-Otseame; Nii T. T. Aryeh; La Stool Secretary, and Nii Okoe Adjei-Mensah, La Stool Treasurer.

The final funeral rites of the La Mantse has been in session from March 14, 2022, and is expected to end on March 20, 2022, at the La Royal Palace Grounds in Accra.

The late Paramount Chief of the La State, Nii Dr. Kpobi Tettey Tsuru III, died in January, 2019. He celebrated 30 years of enstoolment before he passed away.

The La Traditional Council is made up of other nine clans namely, Nmati Abonase, Nmati Dzarasee, Leshi, Kowe, Anarhor, Klanaa, Abese, Abafum, and Agbawe.


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From Limping To Dancing: Madam Sortie Receives Instant Healing

Madam Larwaa Sortie, a peasant farmer at Sawla, came to the “Sawla for Christ” Crusade limping on one leg, but left the grounds dancing after she was instantly healed of a leg pain which had persisted for over a year.  

The mother of five shared this testimony of her healing with the thousands gathered at the Modern Ghana Park yesterday on the second day of the mega crusade.

Speaking to PENTECOST NEWS in an interview, Madam Sortie said it all happened when she returned from the farm one evening carrying a pan of firewood for domestic use.

According to her, as she dropped the pan from her head, she felt a sharp pain in her left leg. The pain was so severe that she could no longer walk without an aid. All medications she tried did not improve her condition.

So, when she heard that The Church of Pentecost was holding a crusade in Sawla she knew it would be an opportune time to seek a divine intervention.

“I used to be a member of The Church of Pentecost, but I joined the Catholic church after I got married to my husband. So, I have a fair idea how powerful these crusades are,” she said.

Madam Sortie said she came to the crusade ground with an expectation to be healed; she is, therefore, very happy that the Lord has answered her prayer.

Testifying of her healing to the massive gathering, an elated Sortie could not help but dance (something she could not do before) to further prove the divine healing she had received.

In addition to the many souls led to Christ, several spectacular events like Madam Sortie’s have been recorded since the opening of the crusade two days ago with some patrons being healed of various ailments and conditions. To God be the Glory.

The “Sawla for Christ” crusade, which is under the theme: “In the Name of Jesus” (Acts 3:6), would end on Friday, March 18, 2022 and would be climaxed on Saturday, March 19, 2022, with a medical outreach at Changbalyiri, a community in the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba district of Ghana.


Ave-Dakpa District Supports PWDs website

Ave-Dakpa District Supports PWDs

The Ave-Dakpa District in the Aflao Area of The Church of Pentecost has supported Persons Living With Disabilities (PWDs) within the district.

As part of their annual event, 16 PWDs members were given assorted food items and undisclosed cash amounts to support their livelihoods on Sunday, January 30, 2022.

Speaking on the topic, “Be Grateful As An Equipped Soldier” (Luke 17:12-19), Pastor Eric Osei, District Minister of Ave-Dakpa, said that Christians must demonstrate acts of appreciation to God by taking care of the needy.

He stated that after Jesus had healed the ten lepers who requested help from him, only one of them went back to the Lord to thank him for his kind gesture. This, he said, should not be the attitude of any soldier in the army of God.

“In our present situation, when we give to the needy, we are expressing our gratitude to God for his unmerited favour bestowed upon us,” he noted.

He then urged Christians to exhibit love to one another, since it is also an act of love towards God.

After the exhortation, the members were taken through a time of prayer and thanksgiving.

Elder Fred Obed Asamoah, the District Coordinator for the Ministry to Persons with Disabilities (MPWD), advised beneficiaries to be regular at church, and always pray for those who have been supporting them.

Present were some members of the District Executive Committee, Local Coordinators of the ministry, and some members of the church.

Report by Pastor Francis Lamptey, Aflao Area Reporter.

Lady Receives Instant Healing On First Day Of “Sawla for Christ” Crusade

Lady Receives Instant Healing On First Day Of “Sawla for Christ” Crusade

Hagar Dortiery, 19, was instantly healed of a chronic eye condition on the first day of the “Sawla for Christ” crusade being organised by the Evangelism Ministry, in partnership with the Sawla Area of The Church of Pentecost.

The spectacular event took place yesterday during a healing session held to climax the opening day of the mega crusade at the Modern Ghana Park, Sawla.

Speaking to PENTECOST NEWS on the sidelines of the event, Hagar, a Senior High School graduate and a member of the Changbalyiri District of the Church, said that she had been suffering from a strange eye condition which had persisted since her early childhood.

According to her, anytime it recurs, her eyes begin to itch terribly and swells for weeks before it comes back to normal.

She said that every effort to remedy the condition had proved futile so she had resigned to the fate of living with it for the rest of her life.

Narrating her miraculous experience, Miss Dortiery said that she came to the crusade ground with a “normal” eye and took part in every aspect of the service.

Later in the service, the Evangelism Ministry Director, Apostle Dr. Amos Jimmy Markin, invited all persons seeking divine healing to step in front. He further directed them to put their hand on the part (area) of the body where they had the problem as he prayed.

Hagar was one of the hundreds of people who responded to the apostolic call in faith by stepping forward and she covered both eyes with her palms.

“Although, it was not time for the condition to recur, as the Evangelism Director began to pray, suddenly my eyes started to itch intensely,” she said.

Hagar said that this time the itching was worse than she had ever experienced. But it totally stopped after Apostle Dr. Jimmy Markin had finished praying, she recounted.

“Why I call this a miracle is that, usually when my eyes begin to itch, it does not stop until it swells for weeks; this time it has completely stopped, yet my eyes did not swell,” she said.

Hagar is confident that the Lord has healed her of her condition and is grateful to Him for confirming His word with signs and wonders.

Miss Dortiery was not the only one to receive the supernatural touch of the Lord. Mrs. Lydia Torso, a mother of four and a member of the Nyange District of the Church, who suffered a hearing impairment was instantly healed as well.

According to her, about a week ago, she felt a sharp pain in her ears and could no longer hear with both ears. She quickly reached out to a Deacon of her assembly to pray with her. After the prayer, Mrs. Torso could partially hear. But, after the healing session, she testified that both ears have opened and she can now hear clearly.

Other spectacular events were also recorded on the opening day of the crusade. Among them was Cynthia Darlara, who testified of being instantly healed of a chronic stomach condition. Hannah Amoah, who had a heart problem and also suffered from a recurring abdominal pain, was instantly healed of her ailments.

Linda Gandaari complained of some pains in her leg, for which reason she was unable to stand for more than ten minutes. However, after she was prayed for, she could stand for a longer period without feeling any pain.

Anastasia, an epileptic who always suffered an embarrassing attack whenever she was around people said that, for the first time in her life, she did not have an attack despite being in the midst of the thousands of participants gathered at the Modern Ghana park for the event.

To God be the glory.