La Area Chieftaincy Ministry Launched

La Area Chieftaincy Ministry Launched

The La Area of The Church of Pentecost has successfully inaugurated the Area Chieftaincy Ministry.

Speaking at the event which took place at the Sophia Mckeown Temple, La in Accra recently, the La Area Head, Apostle John Osei Amaniampong, noted that the Chieftaincy Ministry is an aspect of the church’s vision 2023 agenda, which seeks to possess nations for Christ.

Apostle Amaniampong noted that kings and queens are the gateway to cities and town, and so for the possessing the nations agenda to be realised, they needed to be involved to make the vision a reality. This, he said, will empower traditional rulers to possess their various jurisdictions for Christ.

On his part, Apostle Lt. Col. B. G. Kumi-Woode, a member of the National Executive Committee of the Chieftaincy Ministry, with scripture references to judges 21: 25; and Revelations 21: 24- 26, stated that the chieftaincy institution is biblical, and not devilish as has been perceived in the past since it is a necessary part of the Ghanaian culture, saying, “the chieftaincy is highly revered in our various communities.”

Apostle Lt. Col. Kumi-Woode outlined the objectives of the Chieftaincy Ministry as follows: to propagate the gospel to all royals and draw them to Christ; mobilise all Church of Pentecost royals for the very purpose of their call; institute the Chieftaincy Ministry in all palaces through chaplaincy; mobilise all royals within their various jurisdictions, including non-members to attend the royal conferences, and to use their noble office to possess nations for Christ.

Quoting from Judges 5: 1-2; Proverbs 16: 12 and Psalm 89: 14; Apostle Lt. Col. Kumi-Woode noted that God is supreme over all nations and its people including kings and queens, and so requires a total submission and dependency on Him.

“Any king or queen who allows God to rule in their kingdoms succeeds,” he stressed.

He charged chiefs to let righteousness and justice be the foundation of their reign, and also remain loyal to their subjects.

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, charged the Chieftaincy Ministry to develop a collaborative ways to partner government to bring development to their communities.

“As chiefs, you should not get yourselves involved in active politics,” he admonished them.

Executives of the La Area Chiftaincy Ministry includes: Elder Dr Nana Amo Tobin (Nana Kwaku Gyebi, Nkosuohene of Wasa Fiase Traditional Area), Elder Nana Oppong Agyei Sikapa (Kontirihene of Kumawu Traditional Area), Pastor Bright Addae (District Pastor for Kokomlemle), Elder Nana Kofi Kuma V (Obaatan for Adwumako Mando) and Elder Nii Abiriw Anum Bi Anum (Sei Tse for Teiman in the La State).

The rest are Deaconess Nana Anoa Oko Adae Munumkum II (Queen Mother of Gomoa Amanfrom), Elder Seth Nii Mensah, and Elder Enoch Addo (Registrar for the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs).

In attendance were some La Area Pastors and their wives, Mamaa Alorvi II; and Mamaa Gbemu (Kings and Queens Association), Nii Afotey AnoKwafo (National Executive Committee Member of the Chieftaincy Ministry) and Nana Asante Akuffo (Abokomahene of Coaltar, Otoase).

Report by Gina Akua Padi.

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Eschew Religious Hypocrisy In Building A Better Nation – Apostle Kumi-Larbi To Christians

Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, has admonished Christians to desist from being hypocrites and rather stand by the truth as we seek the progress of the nation.

“The worst form of hypocrisy is the religious hypocrites who behave as hypocrites while claiming to be followers of Christ,” he stated.

According to Apostle Kumi-Larbi, the scribes were men who read and interpreted the scripture to the people, like Ezra. He said that at the time of Jesus, they were just interested in teaching and not practicing.

On the other hand, he noted that the Pharisees were a religious sect who attempted to strictly observe and keep the law. He further noted that during the days of Jesus, He observed that their type of “righteousness” was hypocrisy; they had an external observance of the law, were clean outside but rotten inside.

“Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of God (heaven),” he pointed out while quoting from Matthew 5:17-20.

This, he said today at the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC) – Tesano, at Tesano, during his ministerial visit to the church.

Speaking on the topic: “Righteousness, (the “if clause” in our relationship with God), A Prerequisite For Nation Building,” he said that the Bible’s stand of human righteousness is God’s own standard. He, therefore, said that our righteousness as Christians is never dependent on our setting or environment.

He iterated that when we become Christians, we are free, yet there is a prerequisite to enjoy the fruits which is by being righteous.

He stated that the Bible’s standard of human righteousness is God’s own perfection in every attribute, every attitude, every behaviour, and every word. This, God’s laws, as given in the Bible, both describe His own character and constitute the plumb line by which He measures human righteousness.

“Without righteousness in our nation, we can have all the good laws, but can’t apply them. This is because we would lack men and women of character to ensure laws work,” he emphasised.

Reading from Romans 14:17 and Matthew 6:10, he noted that the kingdom of God is not about a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

He admonished Christians to be mindful in their associations and cautiously avoid affecting the weaker ones in the church with their behaviour.

Touching on hypocrisy, he explained that it is the act of deliberately pretending and giving false impressions over a period.

Quoting from W.W. Wiersbe, the General Secretary of the church said that: “…hypocrisy is lying to other people about our fellowship with the Lord”.

He added: “There are many ways we do this: preaching what we don’t practice, praying things we don’t mean, and pretending to do what we don’t do”.

He further encouraged Christians to turn around and live right to ensure prosperity in their lives.

“Wherever there is sin in the land, whenever there is sin in your life, be sure that God will punish,” he reiterated.

He urged that when we stand for the right things in the nation, prosperity will never be away from us and reproach would not be our portion.

Concluding his message, he charged Christians to hold on to the righteous scepter of God which is their authority in Jesus Christ, moreover, when they live right, God’s power comes upon them.

He made scriptural references from Joshua 1:8, Exodus 7:1, Deuteronomy 6:6-7; 8-29; 28:1-14, Joshua 4:14, Leviticus 20:10-21, Hosea 4:7-9, and Matthew 23:1-28 respectively.

Present were Apostle Prof. Peter Ohene Kyei (Retired), Mrs. Rose Kumi-Larbi, wife of the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Dr. Mrs. Abigail Kyei, Pastor Benedict Eghan, Personal Assistant to the Chairman and Resident Minister of PIWC-Tesano, and Mrs. Grace Eghan, wife of Resident Minsiter of PIWC-Tesano.



Newly-Elected Full Gospel Church International Leadership Meet With Chairman Of The Church of Pentecost

The newly-elected leadership of the Full Gospel Church International (FGCI), have met with Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of The Church of Pentecost (COP).

This occurred last Friday at The Church of Pentecost General Headquarters, La in Accra.

The Full Gospel Church International recently held elections and appointed new leaders to run affairs of the church especially with the election of a new President who takes over from Bishop Samuel Noi Mensah, former President of the church.

According to Reverend Theophilus Mangesi, General Secretary of Full Gospel Church International, the visit was to introduce the new President of the church, Bishop Godwin Dela Fiagome and wife, Lady Cynthia Fiagome, to the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, who doubles as 2nd Vice President of Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC).

Apostle Nyamekye in a brief address, said that the presence of the leaders were signs of love for The Church of Pentecost globally and he was happy to share fellowship with them.

He iterated that Jesus Christ came to earth to establish His church, however, man has built denominations out of them to form churches.

“For us The Church of Pentecost, we have gone through a lot of transitions and a lot of experience is available to share,” he said.

He added: “Our doors are always available to the Full Gospel Church International.”

He charged the new President and his leadership to stay strong and be courageous in leading the church for Christ without entertaining fear.

“Don’t compare yourself with your predecessor, grow your own style and lead,” he advised.

He further urged the leadership of the church to support and help the President in discharging his duties to God and the church.

Bishop Godwin Dela Fiagome, President of Full Gospel Church International, in response thanked the Chairman of the church for the warm reception and wisdom shared to them.

He called on the Chairman share pieces of wisdom on how to manage his time as a minister of God; the President of the church and how to effectively implement their compliance policies.

He said that the Full Gospel Church International would keep learning from The COP to spiritually and administratively reach more.

On his part, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, explained that copies of policies are sent to all ministers through their Area Heads to the members keeping them in sync with the structures of the church.

He pointed out that members are educated on the policies to be able to help monitor from the grass roots and act as checks and balances for the ministers and officers of the church. He, therefore, encouraged them to involve the church in their administration.

He further urged the FGCI leadership to work in synergy especially with the President and the General Secretary who are key officers in the church.

The Full Gospel Church International (FGCI), is the first Penteco-Charismatic Church in Ghana and a member of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council.


Forestry Commission Officials Pay Courtesy Call On The Church of Pentecost Chairman

Forestry Commission Officials Call On The Church of Pentecost Chairman

The Forestry Commission of Ghana led by Mr. John Allotey, Chief Executive Officer, have paid a courtesy call on the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye at the General Headquarters, La in Accra today.

According to the Chief Executive Officer, the visit was to inform the Chairman about the President of Ghana’s initiative to plant 20 million trees this year as part of the Green Ghana project.

He said looking at the performance of the tree planting exercise last year, it would be achievable this year.

He, however, explained that trees planted by the roads and avenues were challenging, yet, the Commission plans on meeting with the Parks and Gardens Department to help protect the trees through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

He revealed that the Government of Ghana through the Commission has adopted two strategies to tackle the objective of the exercise.

He noted that as part of the strategies, 50 percent (10 million) of the trees would be planted in degraded forest reserves where compartments have been dedicated to be bought by corporate organisations at an amount of GH₵ 1,550,000.

A compartment consists of 1,200 hectares (320 acres) of land with a planting of 133, 000 seedlings. He iterated that two compartments would be assigned to each of the 50 forest districts in Ghana labeled with the name of the organisation.

“The Church of Pentecost will pay for the cost of one-year maintenance and fencing of the land which will be used to cater for the community and members of the community managing them,” he noted.

He reiterated that the second strategy would allow individuals and corporates who willingly want to plants and adopt compartments without paying.

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Nyamekye, in response, said that the Church of Pentecost as an entity is concerned about the society because it is part of the society.

“The relevance of the church must first be seen through their works to make the society better,” he pointed out.

He added: “This is why The Church of Pentecost would like to partner with the Government of Ghana to ensure the success of the Green Ghana Planting exercise.

Apostle Samuel Gakpetor, Chairman, Environmental Care Campaign and Agormanya Area Head of the church indicated that the church would be planting one million trees this year and that the adoption of a compartment is a good idea to consider.

“Forestry Commission district offices will liaise with The Church of Pentecost districts and Areas to help assign the reserves to them,” he said.

He assured the Commission on the involvement of the church in planting more trees and contribute towards it.

The Forestry Commission delegation includes Mr. Hughes Brown (Director of Plantations, Forestry Commission), Elder Elisha Asiedu Amponsah (Director, Internal Audit of Forestry Commision), Loiusa Fuseini, and Adu Safo (Media / PRO).


Ashanti-Bekwai Area Donates Mattresses To Ghana National Fire Service

Ashanti-Bekwai Area Donates Mattresses To Ghana National Fire Service

The Ashanti Bekwai Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated 20 packets of four-inch high-density Latex Foam mattresses to the Bekwai Ghana National Fire Service.

Speaking at a short ceremony held on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, at the forecourt of the Area Office, Apostle Fred Tiakor, the Area Head, said that per her mandate as ’Salt of the Earth and Light of the World,” the Church must contribute meaningfully to the development of nations. 

He further noted that the gesture, which is in line with the Church’s “Possessing the Nations” agenda, was in response to a specific request made by the fire station to the Church to enhance their operations. 

Receiving the items, the Municipal Fire Commander, DOIII Daniel Asamoah, said this timely intervention by The Church of Pentecost would go a long way to support the operations of the station. 

He also commended the leadership of the Church for the great vision that seeks the welfare of society. 

The Ashanti Bekwai District Minister, Pastor Emmanuel Okoh Lartey, prayed for the staff of the Ghana National Fire Service to climax the presentation.

Report by Overseer Frank Osei Tutu (Area Media Coordinator)

Is-Jesus-the-only-way-to-heaven wow

Is Jesus The Only Way?

“Jesus is the only way to God” may be the most controversial claim of Christianity, so we had better have good reason for it. And I think we do.


Let us start with Jesus. We certainly do not want to claim something for Him that He would not claim for Himself. If the Gospels are historically reliable (and we have overwhelming evidence they are), then we have Jesus’ own words and we discover He claims to be the only way to God.

In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Jesus does not leave much room for debate. Indeed, Jesus says whoever rejects Him “rejects the One who sent [Him]” (Luke 10:16). So according to Jesus, there is no other path to God. If you think highly of Jesus, eventually you have to grapple with His claims about Himself.


Those who claim all religions are basically the same simply have not studied them closely. This is because religions make contradictory claims.

Hinduism, for instance, says God is an impersonal force while Christianity teaches God is a personal being. Both cannot be right. Also, Jesus is completely unique among the religions of the world. Jesus’ disciples taught that Jesus is God (John 1:1, Philippians 2:5–7) because Jesus claimed that Himself (Mark 14:61–64, John 10:30–34). No other founder of a major world religion claimed to be God.

Now, Jesus was either right or wrong and He provided a standard to verify His claims. Jesus said His resurrection from the dead would be confirmation (Matthew 12:38–42, Mark 14:28). Siddhartha, the founder of Buddhism, is still in his grave. Muhammad, the founder of Islam, is still in his grave. But not Jesus. He is risen, providing the ultimate evidence for the truth of His unique claims.


We are conditioned by our culture to think of religion as a personal preference. We are told, “You’ve got yours, I’ve got mine and there’s no right one.” So, to claim Jesus is the only way to God is like claiming chocolate ice cream is the one true flavor. It sounds absurd. However, preference is the wrong category for religious truth, and ice cream the wrong analogy.

Instead, we ought to think of religion the way we think of medicine. Each religion recognises the world is sick and offers its own diagnosis, just as a doctor would. In addition, each religion offers a potential cure. And we do not choose medicine like we choose dessert. It would be absurd to say, “Doctor, I prefer aspirin over chemotherapy.” Instead, we want to know what is true. Which cure actually works.

When you examine the diagnosis and cures offered by other religions, you discover they differ radically from Christianity. In John 8:24, Jesus says “if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.” Here Jesus offers both diagnosis and cure. Sin is the disease we are all infected with and Jesus is the cure. So, why is Jesus the only way? Because Jesus is the only medicine that can cure the spiritual disease—sin—that is killing us.


Osino District, PEMEM Donate To Missions

Osino District, PEMEM Donate To Missions

The Osino District in the Suhum Area of The Church of Pentecost, in collaboration with the Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM), has donated a tricycle and a motorbike at a cost of GH¢ 19,850.00 respectively to support internal missions evangelism.

Presenting the items at the Suhum Area Office on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, Pastor Prince Agyemang, Osino District Minister who also doubles as the Suhum Area PEMEM Leader, indicated that the gesture corroborates the vision 2023 agenda which focuses on possessing the nations.

“As a way of possessing the nations, I am optimistic that this gesture will help in propagating the gospel,” he stressed.

Receiving the donations, the Area Head, Pastor Anthony Eghan Kwesi Ekuban, thanked Osino district and PEMEM for their contributions to the missions enterprise of the church.

For the past four years, the Osino district has been instrumental in supporting internal missions. Every year, the district donates a motorbike to support the missions work of the church.

Report by Samuel Danso.

Elder Amoah Builds Ultra-Modern Children’s Auditorium For Nkwanta Assembly

Elder Amoah Builds Ultra-Modern Children’s Auditorium For Nkwanta Assembly

The Chief Executive Officer of Prince Mark Group of Companies and member of the Santasi District in the Kwadaso Area of The Church of Pentecost, Elder Prince Amoah, has built an ultra-modern Children’s Auditorium for the Nkwanta Assembly in Sefwi-Anhwiaso District of the Sefwi-Bekwai Area of the church.

The auditorium which cost One Hundred and Seventy-five Thousand Ghana Cedis (GH₵ 175,000.00) to complete, consists of three rooms, ninety custom-made chairs, four washrooms, two bathrooms, and an interior made to appeal to children.

The dedication occurred recently at Nkwanta by Apostle Emmanuel Osei Ofosu, Sefwi-Bekwai Area Head, assisted by Pastor Samuel Blessed Ababio, District Minister of Sefwi-Anhwiaso.

In addition, Elder Prince Amoah donated items worth sixty-six thousand Ghana cedis (GH₵ 66,000) to the church. These are a set of brass band equipment for the establishment of a Children Evangelism Brass Band, three keyboards with stands, two bass guitars and combos, three television sets, three laptops, one projector and a screen.

The rest were ten tambourines, one chargeable speaker with two microphones, three teachers’ tables and chairs, three whiteboards with two boxes of markers, three registers and a set of drums.

According to him, the children’s auditorium will serve as a training and equipping centre for the children in possessing the nations’ agenda.

“It is my sincere hope to save all the children in the community for Christ for a better future,” he said.

He intends to establish a Children’s Music School in addition to the Evangelism Brass Band to help provide the children with skills to help their service to God.

A total of three hundred (300) children participated in the short ceremony, and as a result, 60 souls were won for Christ.

Report by Pastor John Afawuah (Children’s Pastor, Kumasi).


Aflao Area Organises Prayer Rally

The Aflao Area of The Church of Pentecost has organised a mega prayer rally which resulted in healing and breakthroughs.

The event which took place recently at the forecourt of the Shekinah Temple in Aflao, had 2,224 members attending.

Hosted by the Aflao Area Head, Apostle Peter Kofi Dzemekey, the prayer rally was joined by Apostle Dr. Dela Quampah, Coordinator of the Volta Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC) and Executive Council Member, who doubles as Ho Area Head. Also, in attendance were the Aflao Area pastorate as well as officers in the Area.

Delivering the sermon on the topic, “The Valley of Achor is a Door of Hope,” Apostle Dr. Dela Quampah said that the Valley of Achor was the place where Achan, one of the family heads of the tribe of Judah, was stoned to death after he took some of Jericho’s plunder after Israelite’s conquest.

“Even though the Israelites were warned not to take any plunder, this man was disobedient to God and was subsequently stoned to death together with his family,” he further said.

He stated that due to God’s divine judgement, the valley became a place of desolation and hopelessness to the Israelites, yet the Prophet Hosea prophesied that the story of the Israelites will not be the same again.

The Volta RCC Coordinator assured that the valley will be a door of hope for God’s people in any situation.

He declared that God has made believers ‘curse breakers’, saying, “However difficult your situation may be, God can turn the hopeless situations into a beautiful future.”

He further testified about how God miraculously healed him from intestinal obstruction in the year 2012.

He, therefore, prayed that God will pour out his immeasurable grace upon his people so that they can overcome all obstacles.

The host, Apostle Peter Dzemekey, in a remark, iterated that the prayer rally would help increase the anointing of God on the members to perform greater works.

During the prayer session, Innocent (aliased Osofo), a machete-wielding man, having been touched by the Holy Spirit ran to the grounds to surrender his life to Christ.

Report by Francis Lamptey, Aflao Area Reporter.

Ps. James Agyin

Love Vs Hatred: Match Day 2

The Match Day 1 between Love and Hatred in Jacob’s household ended in an emphatic and resounding victory for Love. We can liken today’s encounter to an El-Classico FA Cup between the sides represented by David and his boss King Saul. While Match Day 1 looked at a minor and avoidable family feud that was allowed to degenerate into deep hatred, this match is fundamentally a Mentor-Mentee smooth relationship that sadly metamorphoses into intense hatred by one for the other. It usually happens when people begin to recognize mentees’ efforts over their mentors, which infuriates the mentors. The hatred generally emanating from the Mentors or those who should know better get people wondering why the relationship between two close pals could be allowed to descend that low.

Hatred is what tears close pals apart in such a manner, even though other trivial reasons may be given as a cover-up. The fact that you trained, lifted or brought others up to the limelight doesn’t mean your achievements should necessarily surpass theirs. Fortunately or Unfortunately, humans don’t control what others must admire, talk about or judge as more outstanding achievements. Besides, God is the one who assigns tasks and gives the requisite grace for accomplishing them. John the Baptist was, therefore, wise to proclaim, “Let Him increase whiles I decrease”, when his followers nearly incited him to pick issues with Christ, whom he introduced to Ministry and baptized. John’s disciples came asking him why many were trooping to Jesus. In John 3:26-27, they asked, “Rabbi, that man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan—the one you testified about—look, he is baptizing, and everyone is going to him.” John replied, “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven.” To settle the matter and uproots any sentiments from his followers that had the propensity of brewing needless hatred between him and Jesus the Messiah, John proclaimed to the hearing of all, “He must become greater; I must become less.” (John 3:30). The day all prospective Mentors will accept that those they train or mentor can enjoy more praise and acceptance than them will be the end of this avoidable clash which usually turns bloody.

For 40 solid days, Israel had been terrorized by the Philistine giant and champion of Gath called Goliath. According to 1Samuel 17:10-11, “Then the Philistine said, “This day I defy the armies of Israel! Give me a man, and let us fight each other. ” On hearing the Philistine’s words, Saul and all the Israelites were dismayed and terrified.” David, the shepherd, suddenly appeared from the bush to the battle lines when his Dad Jesse sent him to see how his elder brothers were doing. To their surprise, out of God’s help, he got consumed with a divine mandate and succeeded in killing Goliath. Young David’s spirit of excellence exhilarated king Saul, then brought him closer to his household to be one of his aides or what we may easily refer to as “his boys”. Multi-talented and versatile David served his boss King Saul and his household as best as possible, and God also granted him success in all his endeavours. “From that day Saul kept David with him and did not let him return home to his family…… Whatever mission Saul sent him on, David was so successful that Saul gave him a high rank in the army. This pleased all the troops and Saul’s officers as well.” (1 Samuel 18:2-5)

After defeating Goliath, some Israeli women met King Saul and his men returning from the victory over the Philistines, singing and dancing with joyful noise, lyres and tambourins. The song and its refrain went like this, “Saul has slain his thousands,

and David his tens of thousands.” (1 Samuel 18:7). King Saul became angry and began nursing hatred for his darling boy until the hatred spiked, and he decided to kill David. Wow! How come the great Love he had for David suddenly turned into a monster called hatred? And at a time of all Israel’s celebrations? Was it that he did not take his time to listen to the lyrics of the song? Did the women mischievously decide to compare the achievements of King Saul and his “boy” David? In my opinion, the answer is a big NO! Without attempting to remix the song, the “his” in the lyrics settles the matter because it suggests that Saul had a thousand challenges, whiles David’s was tens of thousands of challenges. They both defeated all and hence scored 100% each. Yet, the monster called Hatred, owned by the devil and with sponsorship by humankind’s depraved nature took the better part of Saul for a painful showdown against Love or David. Did David have any control over his admiration by all, including Saul himself, after killing the Philistine champion? With Hatred playing at home, whoever kills a champion would automatically be admired by all and, unfortunately, accrue some sizable amount of hatred.

How do you feel when the audience or congregation gives a standing ovation to your “boy”, junior, or spiritual Son’s presentation against yours? How do you react to those readily acknowledged as great achievers while your efforts are ignored? Why aren’t you getting on well with that friend of yours these days? Yes, you probably suspect they are behind and in support of the choruses for them and against you. Do you have any evidence for that assertion? Is it not your own heart speaking to you instead of what you think all are saying? After Abel’s offering received God’s attention and endorsement, no one was with them in the field, let alone sing any song. Yet his elderly brother Cain heard something from within that made him kill his only brother at the time (Genesis 4:1-12). 1 Samuel 18:8-9 reads, “Saul was very angry; this refrain displeased him greatly. “They have credited David with tens of thousands,” he thought, “but me with only thousands. What more can he get but the kingdom? ” And from that time on, Saul kept a close eye on David.” Keeping a close eye on David from that day was when Hatred exchanged pleasantries for a showdown against Love. How did King Saul allow his heart as the venue and key promoter of that difficult match between Love and Hatred with the devil as the match commissioner?

We can, therefore, conveniently conclude that the seed of hatred is triggered and has its source in the human heart but is not necessarily engineered by third parties. Check and work on your heart anytime it begins to communicate things that can cause you to nurture hatred for others. In 1 Samuel 18:11, Saul made the first attempt to kill David with a spear, but David eluded him twice with God’s help. At this time, Love was leading Hatred by 2-0. Saul then deceived David to fight against the Philistines with the reward of giving him Merab, his older daughter, to marry. He thought the Philistines would kill David in one of those military campaigns so he would get the relief he wanted. David won that battle, though, but Saul gave his daughter to another to marry.

When Saul realized his other daughter Michal had fallen in Love with David, he again asked for 100 foreskins of the Philistines through another battle with them as the bride price before offering her for him as a wife. David came out successfully in that campaign and even paid a hundred percent increase of what Saul required with 200 foreskins. Lies and deception were leading the attack of Hatred at this time. According to 1 Samuel 18:29, “Saul became still more afraid of him, and he remained his enemy the rest of his days.” Even though the tension in the game was mounting, Love had the edge over Hatred before the referee whistled for halftime. At the resumption of the second half, Hatred introduced Propaganda into the game when Saul instructed his Son Jonathan to kill David because the latter’s continuous stay was going to hinder him from ascending the throne as King (1 Samuel 19:1).

Unfortunately, people can spread their hatred for others to peers, friends or relatives. Hatred can, therefore, be contagious and spread like wildfire if not checked. Saul decides to work his hatred for David into the heart of his army officers, his female daughters, and Jonathan. Why have you allowed yourself to be worked out in hating someone you have not even met or dealt with before? Has your friend’s hatred for others infected you because of what you were told about them?

Thank God Jonathan had his spiritual nose, ears, and face masks on anytime his father came close to him with the Propaganda against David. He told his father, “Let not the King do wrong to his servant David; he has not wronged you, and what he has done has benefited you greatly. He took his life in his hands when he killed the Philistine. The LORD won a great victory for all Israel, and you saw it and were glad. Why would you do wrong to an innocent man like David by killing him for no reason?” (1 Samuel 19:4-5). Jonathan tried to broker a peace deal between them, but Saul pretended with an oath to accept the agreement for David to come back and stay with them as before. Whiles at home, Saul attempted to kill David with the sword for the third time, but Love managed to survive that rough tackle again. Saul then sent mercenaries to kill David while asleep with his wife, but Michal helped David make a good escape. Saul said to Michal, “Why did you deceive me like this and send my enemy away so that he escaped?” (1 Samuel 19:17). The scoreline changed to 3-0 in favour of Love. At this, the bench of Love decided to bring onboard Wisdom, the dribbler who could hold onto the ball for a period before releasing it.

The Bible said David behaved wisely in all his ways because the Lord was with him (1 Samuel 18:14, KJV). David fled to Prophet Samuel, King Saul’s mentor, to inform him of what was happening and whether he could intervene. When the game is getting tough with Hatred, it is always good to find trustworthy and mature minds to confide in, especially those your opponents’ respects. These great minds, at times, possess the grace to exorcise the evil spirit of hatred by their intervention. Better still, they also witness all efforts being made to de-escalate tensions. The mention of David’s asylum at Samuel’s end at Ramah didn’t do much to awaken Saul’s conscience. The latter still sent his men to go and assassinate him there. They went, and the prophetic magnetic field around Samuel caused them to prophesy. Saul became furious when they were unsuccessful, and he decided to go there himself as the hitman. He went and was equally arrested by the Holy Spirit, and he also began prophesying but this time laying prostrate and fully naked all that day and night. This was Love’s fourth goal against Hatred because the latter lay prostrated before the former.

One would expect Saul to allow both Samuel and David to attend to him to nurse his wounds from that 24-hour surgery the Lord performed on him so he recuperates well (I Samuel 19:18-24). Even though hatred can be an acute infection, God has an infectious disease control centre for all who gets infected and decides to seek medical attention there. When the evil spirit of hatred entered Saul, David tried giving him first aid in the house, but Saul refused. Jonathan and Michal, Saul’s children, tried massaging their Dad with an ointment of reasoning and logic so all the clots of envy in his blood vessels would be released. It also did not work because Saul won’t lie down for that therapy. The Prophet Samuel intervened, and with the power of the Holy Spirit, Saul fell under the anointing at the cistern of Seku, prophesying for 24hrs but again, he blew that opportunity away. Therefore, David, Jonathan, Michal, Samuel, and God asked Saul why? This happens when we allow hatred in our hearts to move from acute to chronic. Little did Saul know that time was ticking against him, with every chance for his restoration eroding by the day.

We should, therefore, not be too surprised to see people expressing themselves in all manner of spiritual gifts in the church yet exhibiting legendary levels of hatred for others. Is this not the reason for the judgement day? When we succeed in blowing away all chances of repentance, would we still have the nerves to blame Lucifer for our inactions, knowing we would not be given any opportunity to cross-examine him before God? Unfortunately, Saul attempted to kill Jonathan, his own Son, when he realized his help had also foiled another plan he devised to kill David at the New Moon feast. It was discovered that Hatred’s side had introduced Wickedness to join the attack in the game with Propaganda. Saul hurled insults at Jonathan’s Mum and reminded him if David didn’t die, he could not ascend the throne as Israel’s next king (1 Samuel 20).

Before running from Saul and parting ways with Jonathan, his trusted confidant, David wept bitterly by the stone Ezel and then escaped to Nob. “Then they kissed each other and wept together—but David wept the most.” (1 Samuel 20:41b). Hatred appeared to be having a hand over Love, at least per David’s assessment. David, indeed admitted here, he was only a step away from Death due to what he was seeing.

From Nob, David fled to Gath and had to feign madness by smearing himself with his saliva before Achish the King of Gath. This was when Hatred was credited with a goal bringing the scoreline to 4-1 in favour of Love. Even Goliath, the Philistine champion, could not cause David to feign madness. Hatred by King Saul, however, succeeded in bringing David to that state. Has your encounter with hatred changed your looks, perception of life and even where you are currently domiciled? Never worry! The game against Hatred is full of tension, suspense and intrigue and always takes a toll on one’s emotions. Take heart and do not lose concentration once Wisdom and forbearance are still on the pitch playing for you. When he wanted a sword, the priest at Nob replied, “The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you killed in the Valley of Elah, is here; it is wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod. If you want it, take it; there is no sword here but that one.”

David said, “There is none like it; give it to me.” This was not a sword David promised he would use in killing Goliath but an implement that had been put to fruitful use. God’s gifts and talents must be put to productive use because when Hatred brings it on, it will be one of the most powerful weapons at our disposal. It will not be what you promise God to do should you get your breakthrough but what you have done. Are you holding your “Goliath’s sword”? The “sword of Goliath” in the hands of David also represents our testimonies and trophies kept in the museums of our hearts as believers.

In expressing the frustrations of his unsuccessful attempts in killing David, King Saul of all people, sanctions for the killing of 85 priests, together with the entire males, females and nursing infants of a whole city in suspicion of their support for David, his enemy. He argued David was instead looking for his life. Was that the case? Or Hatred causes people to run away from their own shadows? (1 Samuel 22:10-19). How low could King Saul come to? When God chose him to be Israel’s first King, he said to Samuel in 1 Samuel 9:21, “But am I, not a Benjamite, from the smallest tribe of Israel, and is not my clan the least of all the clans of the tribe of Benjamin…? Yet, due to hatred, he had now gathered the nerves to slaughter the Lord’s anointed priests and massacre a whole community. Hatred indeed is destructive because this was someone who was handpicked by God from the smallest clan in Israel and anointed by Prophet Samuel.

At this time, the players of Love began taking signals from their technical bench. Prophet Gad then directed David to flee from the cave in Adullam and run to the Land of Judah in the forest of Hereth. In the game’s last minutes, Hatred decided to push more men forward with hard tackles because they realized they had nothing to lose. The bench of Love then did some substitution and brought on Prayer and Forgiveness to take care of the wings. David then developed the habit of personally praying and inquiring from the Lord about the way forward (1 Samuel 22:5; 23:2-4, 10; 24:15). God answered in real-time and gave him directions on all of these occasions. In like manner, there are times the Prophets Samuels and Gads would be out of reach.

Our faith, trust and prayer lives is what will take us through when Hatred decides to hold our jerseys and begins to ignore every courtesy of fair play. Prayer is critical because the Holy Spirit, the coach of Love, expects his players to look in His direction anytime Hatred begins with those hard tackles. We can, therefore, not continue to depend on others for our spiritual and prayer needs when God has offered us a direct hotline through Christ Jesus unto His throne of grace. Saul was happy to get the tip-off that David was hiding at Keilah. He said, “God has delivered him into my hands.” (1 Samuel 23:7). Which God was Saul referring to? Was it the same God whose Priests he massacred? Was it the same God whose Prophet he chose to disobey but rather please men? Ironically, some, in pursuit of their own selfish and wicked ambitions, pick specific signals and delude themselves as though God was the one urging them on. God does not inspire people to perpetuate Wickedness nor sponsors such acts of callousness against their neighbours. Let’s, therefore, not deceive ourselves as divine when an apparent golden opportunity presents itself to visit mayhem or pay back those perceived as enemies.

One group of people who did not help King Saul in his crisis were his servants. Although they were supposed to be taking directives from him, they could have tried persuading him to stop pursuing David as Jonathan and Michal were doing. Unfortunately, they doped him with more hatred for David. In 1 Samuel 19:19; 24:1-2, they condoned Saul’s treacherous acts against David even though it was clear their boss had been entrapped in sheer hatred against the killer of Goliath. It will not be out of place to prayerfully and politely draw people’s attention to some visible excesses in their attitudes. The consequences of such inactions can be more far-reaching than one can ever imagine. In the same way, no matter the power you wield, seize every little opportunity to reflect on dissenting views, even from subordinates, especially when on the course of vendetta.

It is revealing to learn that, in all that David was going through by hiding in caves and strongholds, he had six hundred (600) fighting men with him. Irrespective of the numbers marshalled and incited against Love; he never walks alone because God is Love. If you are gasping for life due to an active force of hatred against you and think all have abandoned you, wait a minute. There will always be more than “600” able men God may have unleashed for your aid. Love, therefore, never walks alone even in this life. So relax and see the victory of the Lord. In one of the caves David was hiding, he got the opportunity to kill Saul but refrained from doing so since he referred to him as the Lord’s anointed and his master. What a spirit! It was, therefore, evident that Forgiveness, Respect and Mercy had taken over the midfield and dictated the pace of the game. David did not only spare the life of the one he referred to as his master but also restrained his aides from killing him. (1 Samuel 24:4-12). Love indeed restrains friends from hatred, whereas Hatred incites friends to hate. When David tried proving a point to the side of Hatred that they can also be quite rough on the field by cutting a small piece of Saul’s cloth, God whistled for an infringement against the side of Love. The Bible says, “Afterward, David was conscience-stricken for having cut off a corner of his robe.” (1 Samuel 24:5). Fair play is the hallmark of Love no matter what. David was so smart not to lose his concentration of missing the winning formation of Love. Since Hatred doesn’t allow the Holy Spirit, his sides do not see anything wrong with employing rough tactics.

The Holy Spirit, the coach of Love, will, however, draw the referee’s attention when his side attempts to show the side of Hatred that they are also men. As believers, let’s be careful of the pressure from the supporters at the stands urging us to show some small muscles as well due to the rough tactics by Hatred. When Saul woke up, and David proved how he had spared his life, he said, “Is that your voice, David, my son?” And he wept aloud. “You are more righteous than I,” he said. “You have treated me well, but I have treated you badly……May the LORD reward you well for the way you treated me today. I know that you will surely be King and that the kingdom of Israel will be established in your hands.” (1 Samuel 24:16-20). At this, the scoreboard credited Love with an additional goal making 5-1.

David, on another occasion, resisted what his aides called, a golden opportunity occasioned by God to kill Saul in 1 Samuel 26:7-19. Then Saul said, ” I have sinned, come back, David my Son. Because you considered my life precious today, I will not try to harm you again. Surely I have acted like a fool and have been terribly wrong…. May you be blessed, David my Son; you will do great things and surely triumph.” (1 Samuel 26:21-25). Love by this increased his score tally to 6-1 against Hatred. The formation of the Love side was grounded in verse 24, which reads, “As surely as I valued your life today, so may the LORD value my life and deliver me from all trouble.”

In 1 Samuel 27:8-12, David maintained his focus and won battles for the Philistines during his sixteen months of exile in the Philistine town of Ziglak. Achish, the King, therefore, loved him and retorted, “Is this not David, who was an officer of Saul king of Israel? He has already been with me for over a year, and from the day he left Saul until now, I have found no fault in him.” The battle lines were drawn again between Israel and the Philistines. The Philistines did not allow David to wage that military campaign with them against his people for obvious reasons, even though Achish thought otherwise. At the peak of Saul’s frustration when he felt abandoned by God, Hatred made his last substitution in the injury time by bringing on Witchcraft to replace Anger. In I Samuel 28:3-25, Saul consulted the witch at Endor for help in what was to be his last set-piece on the field of play, looking for a consolation goal. Hatred is what turns a hitherto spirit filled into a fetish priest within split seconds. It is, therefore, not surprising to hear some believers consulting Vudoo and black magic.

This time around, Israel’s military campaign against the Philistines went terrible for them, resulting in a heavy and embarrassing defeat. Sadly and needlessly, Jonathan fell in that battle, and King Saul committed suicide after getting wounded badly(1 Samuel 31:1-4). The scoreboard changed by registering an own goal against the side of Hatred. Even though David did not fight for the Philistines in that battle, Hatred, unfortunately, succeeded in driving David away to be on the side of the Philistines as against his own beloved Israel? Can you imagine the extent to which Hatred can escalate otherwise trivial issues? Do you think Saul would have died if David had led the campaign against the Philistines as he used to do? Hatred is, therefore, not only self-destructive, it is also suicidal. David finally returned home and was subsequently crowned King of Israel after the Death of Saul. Let’s not allow Hatred to push our God-given helpers away from our path in this life. They may be the only people to silence the “Goliaths” for us when they roar at us. The FA Cup between the two sides ended in another emphatic 7-1 trashing of Hatred by Love. Watch out for the Champions League clash between them on Match Day 3.