
Madina Area Of The Church Of Pentecost Ends Easter Convention In High Spirit

The park in front of the Ghana Institute of Languages (GIL), near the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) in Madina was overflowed with members of The Church of Pentecost from the Madina Zone of the Madina Area where they had gathered to climax this year’s Easter convention on Sunday.

The four-day convention which started on Thursday was climaxed on Sunday morning [April 17, 2022], where believers in high spirit turned out in their numbers, numbering over 5,000, as they danced and praised God for the victorious death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.

Officiated by the International Missions Director (IMD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, who was present with his wife Deborah, the service was also graced by the Member of Parliament (MP) for Asene/Manso/Akroso Constituency, Hon. George Kwame Aboagye.

Also present were Apostle Nene Ahorlu Ofoe Amegatcher (Rtd.), former Director of Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM), and the six ministers and their wives who constitute the Madina Zone, namely Pastor Patrick Kobina Bremansu (East Legon District), Pastor Enoch Odame (Egyir Paintsil Memorial Worship Centre), Pastor Nehemiah Adjartey (Madina District), Pastor Gideon Kofi Boadu Yirenkyi (Firestone Worship Centre), Pastor Joshua Yirenkyi-Smart Jnr. (Adjiringanor District) and Probationary Overseer Prof. Joseph Osafo Adu (Rhema Worship Centre), as well as the PENSA Travelling Secretary for the Madina Sector, Pastor Gabriel Nti.

Preaching the sermon on the topic, “The Spirit that Raised Jesus From the Dead” based on Romans 8:11, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe revealed that it was the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of God) that raised Jesus from the dead, but not the angel who was seen in Jesus’ tomb.

He disclosed that before the coming of the angel to the tomb, the Holy Spirit had already lifted the “unliftable” from the dead.

According to him, the Holy Spirit, who is a spiritual being (a bodiless spirit with no human flesh) is both human and God, and exhibits himself in two ways – the breath of God and the wind from the Lord – as revealed in Exodus 14:21, Numbers 11:31, Acts 2:1-2; Ezekiel 37:4-5.

The International Missions Director disclosed that the Holy Spirit does not expire and is forever active to quicken the mortal bodies of believers and restore them to their original states.

He indicated that when believers are clothed with the Holy Spirit, he is able to transform and give them hope and turn things around in their lives.

Apostle Agemang Bekoe after the sermon led the congregation in prayers which saw an impartation of various spiritual giftings to the members.

This year’s Easter convention in the Madina Area was held at five zones. The other zones are the La-Nkwantanang zone made up of La-Nkwantanang, Ashalley Botwe, Estate Worship Centre and Adenta Housing Down districts; Dodowa zone made up of Dodowa, Doryumu, and Oyibi districts; Oyarifa zone comprising Oyarifa, Oyarifa Worship Centre, and Oyarifa Salem districts, and Amrahia zone consisting of Amrahia and Ashiyie districts.


Our Greatest Reconciliation With God Comes Through The Blood Of Jesus – Apostle Asante Asserts

Our Greatest Reconciliation With God Comes Through The Blood Of Jesus – Apostle Asante Asserts

Apostle Samuel Osei Asante, the Koforidua Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, and Executive Member of the church, has asserted that the blood of Jesus shared on the Cross of Calvary, was Christianity’s greatest mode of reconciliation with God.

He, said this today, at the Nkurakan Zone Easter Convention, within the Koforidua Area of the church, at the Wawase R/C School Park, Wawase.

Speaking to the event’s theme: “God was In Christ, Reconciling the World to Himself,” taking scriptural reference from 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, Apostle Asante said that through the death of Jesus, the unrighteous nature of man became the righteousness of God.

He emphasised that Jesus dying for us as believers was not due to our righteousness. This, he believed is because the righteousness of man is like filthy rags and full of negative behaviour.

Reading from 2 Corinthians 5: 17, he explained that in most cases, Christians only focus on only the new creation of man, emphasising on leaving the old nature behind.

Enlightening the congregation on the new creation, the Koforidua Area Head of the church, noted that it means, “taking away the old nature of man and being restored with the new nature full blessings.”

“Therefore, when you come to Christ, the old has gone, and the new has come,” he pointed out.

He added: “it encourages us that God has made new creatures, devoid of the past.”

He iterated that when man chose to accept the sacred offering of salvation, he received three things. He, then mentioned that through Christ, we have become God’s righteousness, we are no longer in human nature, and we have become the new creation of God.

Another good news worth reflecting on, that he further said was that: “God was reconciling people to Himself, and not counting their sins against them.”

He, however, stressed that to receive the reconciliation of God, one needs to accept Jesus Christ, as their Lord and personal Saviour. (Salvation)

Touching on reconciliation, he explained that it is the restoration of a broken relationship, adding: “reconciliation in the Bible talks about the restoration of man back to God through the blood of Jesus.”

The Eastern Regional Coordinating Committee Chairman admonished married individuals to make conscious efforts to reconcile with each other anytime there is misunderstanding, moreover, whenever there is reconciliation, anything lost will be restored.

Quoting from Genesis 3, he cited that the man’s depraved nature led to the destruction of the relationship between Him and God. Nevertheless, through the death of Jesus, mankind was again reconciled back to Him.

“God found a way to bring man (world) to Himself, on the cross of Calvary,” he further said.

He reemphasized that: “When we celebrate Easter, it is to help is remember when God, though we sinned against Him, did not consider that, rather He brough the Salvation plan through Jesus Christ.”

Concluding his message, he outlined that through the reconciliation in the blood of Jesus, we are at peace with God, have access to God and His grace; we boast in hope of His glory, rejoice in suffering and became the children of God, through Christ.



Christ Endured Excruciating Suffering To Pay For Our Sins – Apostle Kumi-Larbi

Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, has emphasised that Jesus Christ endured the worst death possible in order to reconcile humankind back to God.  

According to him, the biblical account of the gruesome crucifixion of Jesus Christ recorded in Matthew 26:36–27:56, Mark 14:32–15:41, Luke 22:39–23:49, and John 18:15–19:37 should not be taken lightly, for it is a true representation of events that took place.

“It is important to note that Christ’s suffering—His passion—was real. It is not as though He simply appeared to suffer; He actually suffered and died,” he said.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi shared this on Friday morning when he spoke on the topic: “The Purpose of the Passion of Christ” at the Good Friday morning service of the Accra-Newtown Zone (La Area) of the church, as part of this year’s Easter Conventions.

Using Isaiah chapter 53, Matthew chapters 26 and 27 and 1 Peter 2:21-25 as his main Scripture references, the General Secretary explained that Jesus allowed Himself to endure pain, suffering and shame for the primary purpose of restoring the broken relationship between God and humankind.

He explained that when Adam and Eve sinned against God by violating His command, they lost the relationship they had with Him and this affected all humans after them. He said that for humanity to be made right with God, there was the need to pay the price of sin, which is death (Romans 6:23).

“The New Testament letter to the Hebrews (Hebrews 9:22) states plainly that “without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. One purpose of this letter was to explain that Jesus Christ was the very Son of God and that He gave His life’s blood for the remission of humankind’s sins,” he further explained.

He, therefore, reiterated that Christ’s sole motivation (passion) for going through the gruesome experience was so that humans would have their sins washed away, be forgiven, and be reconciled to their Maker.

According to him, “Jesus experienced genuine suffering when He was beaten and mocked; when the ‘Crown of Thorns’ was pressed on His head; when He was nailed to a cross; when He hung there and struggled to breathe; He endured this excruciating suffering to pay for our sins and save those who would trust in Him.”

Quoting 1 Peter 3:18 and 1 Peter 2:24, Apostle Kumi-Larbi said the fact that Christ was wounded for our transgressions points to the doctrine of the “Substitutionary Atonement,” which means that Jesus died as a substitute for sinners. 

“We deserved to be the ones placed on that cross to die because we are the ones who live sinful lives. But, Christ took the punishment on Himself in our place—He substituted Himself for us and took what we rightly deserved,” he stated.

The General Secretary further noted that the sacrifice that Jesus made on behalf of humankind makes the celebration of Easter very essential to all believers, stressing that Easter is the very pinnacle of Christian celebration.

He, therefore, called on all persons who are yet to receive Christ to do so so as to share in the His sacrifice of atonement. 

The death of Christ puts an end to the sin of mankind and in its place, the Lord has restored humanity to their rightful place as children of God, and also quickened within them a brand-new nature that can live a life of righteousness, he explained.

In concluding his sermon, Apostle Kumi-Larbi noted that included in the salvation package, is the deliverance from infirmities and diseases, because by the stripes Jesus sustained in His body, they (believers) are healed (Isaiah 53). 

He, therefore, urged Christians who are battling chronic diseases or conditions to have faith and appropriate this power of healing that has been made available to them through the Resurrection.

“The same blood that paid for our sins has paid for our healing,” he said.


Lady Receives Instant Healing During “Kwahu For Christ” Medical Outreach

Lady Receives Instant Healing During “Kwahu For Christ” Medical Outreach

Martha Dansowaa was instantly healed of a painful eye condition when she patronised a medical screening exercise organised yesterday by the Evangelism Ministry of The Church of Pentecost at Kwahu Kotoso in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

The outreach formed part of a series of activities for the “Kwahu for Christ” Easter Outreach being undertaken by the ministry in partnership with the Kotoso Assembly of The Church of Pentecost. The medical team was led by renowned pathologist and member of the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Evangelism Ministry, Elder Dr. Ken Aboah.

Narrating the miraculous incident to PENTECOST NEWS, Madam Dansowaa said she had suffered the eye problem for about two months. 

“My eye was very sore and it felt like someone had poured sand particles on it. It was so severe that I could hardly blink my eye,” she stated.

After a while, Martha said she felt a burning sensation in her eyes which was followed by swellings around her eyelids.

“This uncomfortable situation has persisted for the last four days; the reason why I decided to come and see the medical team for help,” she said.

After going through the screening process, Madam Dansowaa was referred to the Pharmacy Desk for medication. There, she was received and prayed for by some members of the team, namely; Elder Albert Narh, Deacon Patrick Agasiya and Philippa Bortei.

According to Madam Dansowaa, while she was being prayed for, she felt that the pain, burning sensation and swellings had suddenly left her. She could now see clearly and could blink her eye without any discomfort.

“This could only be the doing of the Lord,” she shouted with excitement as she thanked the Lord for her healing.

Madam Dansowaa, a staunch Methodist, was also grateful to The Church of Pentecost, the Evangelism Ministry and the Kotoso Assembly for organising the event.

Elder Dr. Ken Aboah took the opportunity to encourage her to fully dedicate her life to Christ and to tell others about the love of God and what He has done for her. 

In a related development, Mr. Kwame Denteh, who arrived at the medical outreach grounds with an infected wound on his left leg, was rendered speechless after Elder Dr. Aboah offered to enroll him onto the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).

Mr Denteh, 45, said that his wound, which has caused the swelling of his left leg, had deteriorated because he could not seek medical treatment due to financial constraints.

He, therefore, expressed heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Aboah for the generous gesture.


Christianity Without Easter is meaningless - Apostle Nyamekye Declares

Christianity Without Easter is meaningless – Apostle Nyamekye Declares

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, has implored Christians to accept the love of Christ exhibited to them on the Cross of Calvary wholeheartedly.

According to the Chairman of the church, when you take Easter out of Christianity, it becomes meaningless, adding: “the purpose of our worship is due to the death of Christ.”

This, he said at the Akuapem Zone Easter Convention, today at the Presby ‘B’ School Park, Amanokrom, in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

Speaking to the topic: “What Is Our Response to the Love of Christ to Us,” Apostle Nyamekye said that it is the love of Christ that compels Apostle Paul, moved him along, as a person is moved along in a crowd. (2 Corinthians 5:1ff; 6:1ff)

“Apostle Paul contemplated on the marvelous love that Christ showed to him; he could not help but to move along in service for his wonderful savior and redeemer,” he stated.

He set a precedent in Acts 21:10-14, where the Prophet Agabus came down from Judea, took Paul’s belt and bound his own feet and hands, warning him of the occurrences he was likely to face in Jerusalem. Withstanding that, Paul, however, was not perturbed by the prophecy and left.

He added: “This, makes us realise that Apostle Paul worked sacrificially and tirelessly for the sake of the blood and name of Jesus Christ.”

He further noted that though physically Paul had no beauty, yet spiritually he was full and endowed with great power and the knowledge of Christ. He asserted that Paul was surprised by the love Jesus showed to mankind on the cross and pledged to die in Him.

Reading from Isaiah 53:1ff, he mentioned that: “The price of sin is death. We were heading towards the destination of death, which was our initial place, however, Jesus’ death exchanged our destiny for life.”

He iterated that the love of God through His son Jesus, made us newly-created beings on the cross, therefore, “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold, the new has come.”

He, then admonished Christians to restrain from looking down on each other, because we have all been reconciled in Christ.

“From henceforth, do not judge any one in their human nature. Desist from that practice,” he reiterated and mentioned that we have all been blessed spiritually through the blood of Christ.

He called on the political leaders to also, eschew from tribal politics. This, he believes brings national division and hatred among the tribes, resulting in negative vices.

Touching on the work given to Christians by Jesus Christ, he pointed out that each person has been given the Ministry of reconciliation and the Words of reconciliation.

According to the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, the ministry of reconciliation made us the light of the world, and the words of reconciliation, is that: “for our sake He made him to be sin, the one who knew no sin, so that in Him (Christ), we might become the righteousness of God.”

He further said that many Christians now days fail to admit their stand in Christ, due to the trials and obstacles that come their way. He, therefore, assured them that trials and difficulties are part and parcel of the Christian, and added: “you can not be a Christian and not be faced with obstacles.”

Apostle Samuel Osei Asante, Koforidua Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, and Executive Council Member of the church, then led the congregation in an intensive prayer.

The convention was also, graced with the presence of Oyeman Osinkwetia II, Amanokromhene and Gyaasehene of Akuapem Traditional Council; Nana Kwasi Ntow, Frankaahene of Amanokrom, Elder Nana Otutu Larbi, Asisieso Mawerehene, Nana Osasraaku I, Abriw Akwamu Gyaasehene, Nana Ampem Darkowaa, Dabenhene of Abriw, Nana Ankobea Kwasi Kwapong, Amanokrom, Elder Nana Akyiako II, Otumfuo Apagyahene of Asanteman, and Nana Otopa Boateng III, Otopahene.


Easter Is the Best Season WEB

Easter Is the Best Season On Earth – Apostle Lt. Col. Kumi-Woode Declares

The Chaplain for the Ghana Armed Forces (Director, Airforce), Apostle Lt. Col. Benjamin Godson Kumi-Woode, has declared the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, widely referred to as “Easter,” as the best season on earth.

According to Apostle Kumi-Woode, “Easter is the best season because it is the period during which the primary need of mankind was met, the primary debt of humanity was paid, and the primary battle of the human race was won.”

The revered minister, who doubles as the Resident Minister of Burma Camp Worship Centre of The Church of Pentecost, said this yesterday during the opening session of the La Zone Easter Convention at the Arko Adjei park in Accra.

Speaking on the theme of the event, “Being Equipped with the Resurrection Power to Possess the Nations” (Philippians 3:10), Apostle Kumi-Woode said that every human being born of a woman has the burden of death hanging around their neck.

He explained that this came about due to the disobedience of the first humans, Adam and Eve. Hence, as products of Adam and Eve, all humans have inherited their sinful nature and share in this common state of sin.

“For this reason, we also share in the wages of sin, which is death. This also implies that we are all born ‘dead on arrival’ because we have death hanging around our necks,” he said.

Apostle Kumi-Woode further noted that, in addition to the sin of the first humans they have inherited, humanity, by virtue of their Adamic nature, continue to indulge in sinful acts on earth.

“Human beings have become very innovative in creating sin, because the seed of sin is in us” he said.

What is worse, he added, is that, death is a slave of Satan and it also comes with other challenges such as sicknesses, worry, etc.

He, however, stressed that, although very destructive, death can only reign in the absence of resurrection. This, he stated, is the main reason why Easter is the most important season, because it marks the resurrection and triumph of Jesus over death, the primary enemy of all mankind.

Buttressing his assertion, the GAF Chaplain explained that, on many occasions during Jesus’ time on earth, He proved that He has power over death.

He cited the instance of Jairus’ daughter who died and was laid in state, but Jesus raised from death (Matthew 9:18-26). He also cited the story of the widow’s son at Nain, whom Jesus raised from death, while his family were on their way to bury him (Luke 7:11-17); and finally, the story of Lazarus whom Jesus raised from death after he had been buried for four days.

According to Apostle Kumi-Woode, Jesus, by these miracles, proved that He has absolute power over death. Beyond that, Jesus has fully paid for the wages of sin, which is death, by dying on the cross for mankind, he noted.

The GAF Chaplain, therefore, called on all and sundry to take refuge in Jesus, because He is the only one who has the remedy to death and its associated ills.



The Church of Pentecost Resumes Outdoor Easter Conventions

For the first time in three years, members of The Church of Pentecost in Ghana could once again converge at various open spaces to observe this year’s Easter Conventions.

One person who is really relishing this moment is Mrs. Vivian Darko Addo, a member of the Bethel Assembly in the Osu District of the Church.

Vivian arrived ahead of time yesterday for the opening day of the 2022 La Zone Easter Convention at the Arko Adjei park in Accra. She is a member of the La Zone Easter Convention Evangelism Team.

In an interview with PENTECOST NEWS at the event, Mrs. Addo stated that the last time she and her team took part in an outdoor Easter Convention was in 2019, right before the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) when the outbreak reached an alarming peak in the year 2020; compelling nations across the globe to introduce extreme measures to help manage and reduce the spread of the deadly virus.

It was for this same reason that on March 30, the government of Ghana imposed a lockdown on the Greater Accra and Greater Kumasi Metropolitan areas for two weeks. Enshrined in the lockdown directive, was the suspension of all public gatherings, including church services, with all individuals urged to stay home as much as possible.

These interventions, although necessary at the time, had a devastating impact on the Church, especially on the 2020 Easter Convention, which was only a few weeks away.

Despite the challenges, the Lord endowed the leadership of the Church with the wisdom to introduce new ways of doing things to navigate the situation. One of the novel initiatives introduced during the period was organizing the Easter Convention online via Pent TV and the various social media platforms of the Church. Thus, for the first time in the history of The Church of Pentecost, members took part in the convention virtually from their homes.

Two months later (on May 31, 2020), the government eased some restrictions on religious activities, leading to the resumption of church services. This, however, came with some conditions such as: a mandatory one-meter rule of social distancing between congregants, a mandatory wearing of nose masks, a mandatory two-hour length of service, and a maximum of 100 congregants per service. In spite of these restrictions, the Church relished the opportunity to resume in-person services and to hold the Easter Conventions indoor the following year.

While acknowledging that the 2021 Easter Convention was a significant step forward compared to that of 2020, Vivian revealed the restrictions still had an adverse impact on the work of the evangelism team.

“From the perspective of the evangelism team, I believe the last two years has been quite difficult for us. We have had to be more strategic in our evangelism efforts in 2020 and 2021, but with relatively low results,” she said.

According to her, the team mostly resorted to house-to-house and personal evangelism to win souls during the period, but that did not yield much results (compared to the souls won during outdoor conventions in the past).

She added: “During the indoor convention, the members were also encouraged to invite people to the service, but we observed that it was not very effective, because most of them left for work early and came to the service right from work, so they were unable to invite people within the community. So, it was difficult to get non-members attending the event.”

Following a rapid decline in cases, President Akufo-Addo announced the relaxation of most of the COVID-19-related restrictions in his 28th COVI D-19 Update on March 27, 2022. The new directive allowed for the resumption of church meetings to full capacity and beyond two hours. He also directed that the wearing of nose masks in public spaces was no longer mandatory for citizens who are fully vaccinated.

Vivian, a mother of three, said she received the announcement with great joy, because it has made it possible for this year’s convention to be organised outside the auditorium.

“We thank God for this directive. It is always good to have Easter Convention outdoors for many reasons. As an Evangelism team, it is easier for us to evangelise when conventions are held outside. The singing, dancing and powerful word ministrations capture the attention of people and draw a lot of onlookers to the event grounds, which gives us the opportunity to draw close to them and help lead them to Christ,” she explained.

Vivian further observed that church members’ approach to conventions held indoors is not the same compared to that of outdoor conventions.

“When conventions are held indoors, it usually feels like a ‘normal’ service because all our church meetings are held inside. But when held outside, a lot of people really look forward to it: this is partly because having the conventions outside gives it more of a festival feel, which is what Easter is all about; a celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So, we thank God that we have resumed outdoor conventions again,” she said.

Due to the new directive on nose masks, majority of members who thronged the Arko-Adjei park for the La Zone Easter Convention were seen without nose masks – a scene reminiscent of past Easter Conventions before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Reacting to the nose mask directive, Vivian said, “It is great news indeed. The truth is, some of us have gotten so used to the nose masks that we sometimes forget that it is no longer mandatory. So, it would take some time to get used to life without it.”

Mrs Vivian Darko Addo, together with the hundreds of patrons who participated in the opening session of the La Zone Easter Convention, which included the General Secretary of the Church, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, were very jubilant and praised the Lord for the return to “normal” life.

Vivian is confident that this year’s convention could record more souls as compared to the previous two years, and hopes that through the conventions being organised nationwide many would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

The La Zone Easter Convention, which is being held under the auspices of the La Area Head, Apostle John Osei Amaniampong, has as its theme: “Being Equipped with the Resurrection Power to Possess the Nations” (Philippians 3:10). Also present at the event was Apostle Lt. Col. Benjamin Godson Kumi-Woode (Resident Minister, Burma Camp Worship Centre).


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The Easter El Classico: Love Vs Hatred

The super titanic Easter clash between Love and Hatred happens to be the grand finale between the sides. Also dubbed “The Easter El Classico”, it is the Hatred people suffer for the simple reason of casting their vote for the Lord Jesus Christ. One can view it as the persecution of believers for their faith in Christ. Having lost by convincing margins in the first three matches in my last three articles in succession, Hatred marshals all its arsenals in the final deicidal and titanic clash with Love. The winner of this encounter settles the matter for good, thereby making the second league in Love’s home a mere formality. Before kick-off, their respective National anthems, team sheets and mottos are as displayed below.

Team Sheet of Love: Patience, Kindness, Humility, Hope, Perseverance, Truth, Trust, Peace, Joy, goodness, Self-Control, Faith, Resurrection Power, Selflessness, Respect, Forgiveness, Forbearance, gentleness, Unity, Compassion, Fasting, Prayer and faithfulness.

Team Sheet of Hatred: Anger, Envy, Jealousy, Pride, Slander, Selfish Ambition, Unforgiving spirit, Strife, Bitterness, Worldliness, Wickedness, Hypocrisy, Greed, Dishonesty, Lies, Nepotism, Rebellion, Death, factions, witchcraft, Propaganda, Tribalism and racism.


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)



I will give you all the Kingdoms of the world and their splendor if only you will bow to me and worship me. (Matthew 4:8-9).


When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, His star arose, and the magi followed on to worship Him. King Herod heard it, and together with the inhabitants of Jerusalem, they became disturbed (Matthew 2:4). Herod and the people’s rage at His birth explains the hatred the world powers, and its subjects have for all who access the new birth in Christ Jesus. It is, therefore, an automatic and challenging game all believers of Christ Jesus will necessarily have to honour in the days that follow their repentance until they join their maker. In essence, the day one confesses Christ is the day of exchanging pleasantries to play against the side of Hatred. Even as Christ suffered Hatred at His birth, lifetime and death, so would all who His followers suffer the same. In Matthew 2:7-12, Hatred attempted to score an offside goal against Love through a wicked pass from Deception to Lies. King Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared and said to them, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me so that I too may go and worship him.”

The bench of Love, after this scare, signalled his players to tighten the midfield and make Wisdom the lone striker to sustain the pressure. Jesus’ parents, therefore, had to run away unceremoniously during the night to Egypt with Him. When Herod or Hatred realized the planned early offside goal did not work, all males below the age of two years were killed, thinking Jesus could be one of them. The constant stay of Jesus in Bethlehem during the time would have resulted in more massacres of innocent lives just because of Hatred. Believers are, therefore, to watch the Holy Spirit or the bench for the right signals when Hatred starts his incursions due to our newly found faith in Christ. 

We must avoid some of his wicked and offensive crosses by moving into empty spaces. Out of sight could be the wisest thing in dealing with Hatred. Herod could not have killed Jesus, but His continuous stay in Bethlehem in those early days of the game would have caused a lot of innocent lives and confusion. Wisdom is what prevailed in that strategic retreat of Jesus and His parents to Egypt. The scoreboard credited Hatred by an early goal owing to Love’s escape to Egypt. In like manner, the spillover of Hatred’s incursions on us and innocent lives may warrant a relocation or transfer for a while according to God’s direction. Love scored their equalizer when King Herod died, and an Angel instructed  Jesus and His parents to return home and pitch their camp in Nazarite in the District of Galilee. The scoreline was, therefore, 1-1. (Matt 2:13-15; 19-21). On their return from Egypt, the District and particular locality to lodge were all sanctioned and approved by God. In this grand finale, Love was playing with Hatred; every careless move or loss of concentration would be at the peril of their own lives.

If God, in His wisdom, could orchestrate a temporal transfer of His begotten Son to manage Hatred’s fury? What makes us think we can survive in his continual presence even when the Holy Spirit suggests otherwise for us? In like manner, Joseph’s continual stay with the level of his brothers’ hatred for him in Cannan would have spelt doom for him and the entire family. The Bible says the more he spoke to them, the more hate they developed for him (Genesis 37:4-5). As believers, let us allow God to hide us for a while under the shadow of His wings when the storm of Hatred begins to hit hard at our boats.

With the stadium packed to total capacity and burnt on satisfying his home fans with the bragging rights, Hatred resorted to a compact play luring Love to his half and relying on counterattacks. Imploring all manner of tactics and foul play, the bankroller of Hatred started engaging some three critical players of Love to compromise them by playing the game soft for his side. They were Fasting, Humility and Obedience. This was the temptation for Jesus to turn stone into bread, throw Himself down to show off His powers and be offered material wealth and power in return for bowing in worship to him (Matt 4:1-8). Love, however, prevailed in all of these three attempts and was credited to them as goals. The scoreline became 4-1 in their favour just before halftime.

Then comes the argument of some scholars who argue it was Jesus’ presentation style that courted for Himself unwarranted attacks of hatred during the days of His earthly ministry. Have you also fallen to this propaganda? Of course, Yes, He tackled Hypocrisy, Paganism, Phariseeism, False Prophetism and False Teachings that were prevalent during His day. (Matt 6:2-7, 7:15, 23:13-33). Although Jesus’ head-on collision in the air with these players of Hatred put Him in harm’s way, it has become a blessing to all today and helped sharpened theological discourse for generations. Of what use will Truth be to the side of Love if he isn’t given any pass on the field of play? Why must he be denied playtime due to the possible mudslinging campaign against him from Hatred and his supporters in the stands? Some will still hate you for the imports of your submission and not the style of your presentation. None of us can pretend to be more gentle than Jesus Christ. No amount of sugar-coating of the truth will sound comfortable in the ears of a defective  heart engulfed with Hatred.

One other source of hatred for believers is our good deeds. When our lights shine before men, and the glory to God ascends on high, the devil throws lower the belts blows at us. One day, Jesus healed someone on the Sabbath. Instead of busing the sick in Jerusalem to be healed, the Pharisees met and plotted how to kill Him. Are you still at a loss as to why your good deeds have attracted so much hatred against you? Jesus realizing the presence of wickedness on the side of Hatred, withdrew wisely from the scene. Wisdom was, therefore, doing most of the running on the pitch at the resumption of the second half. In Matthew 26:3-4, the Chief Priest and his cohorts designed another plot to kill Jesus but this time using one of the goalkeeper trainers in the Love team in the person of Judas Iscariot. Without leaving any stone unturned, Hatred conspired with all the influential secular and religious gurus of the day and managed to bribe his way by compromising some vital inner supporters of Love.

They offered Judas a bribe to influence his goalkeeper to pretend and allow an own against his side. Unfortunately, Judas accepted the bribe and looked for the slightest opportunity to betray his side. As believers, let’s not be surprised if close associates strangely begin to behave unusually around us. The bankroller of Hatred might have compromised them. As stated earlier, the side of Hatred has no respect for fair play on his home grounds and will, therefore, resort to unorthodox moves when he is getting frustrated on the field of play. After taking the bribe, Judas hypocritically asked Jesus whether he was the one going to betray Him. He asked Jesus, “hope am not the one.” Jesus or the side of Love, however, maintained their focus and concentration and avoided any needless banter and arguments with the referee. As Hypocrisy and Lies were mounting pressure, the technical bench of Love pulled Prayer from the defence to lead the attack in the last quarter of the regulation time (Matthew 26:36-46).

Resorting to arguments, writing Memos and fighting for equal rights and justice is a game strategy the devil lures us to play when the going gets tough for him. That is what suits his game plan. So Jesus was smart to remind Peter not to fall to Satan’s game strategy when the latter cut off the ear of Malchus with his sword during the former’s arrest (John 18:10-11). Peter had dozed off at the 3hr marathon prayer at Gethsamane, so his reaction to the sword of hatred was not surprising. As believers, prayer must rise with increasing hatred, hypocrisy and provocation. When Jesus was arrested, the scoreboard credited Hatred with a goal bringing the scoreline to 4-2. In Matthew 26:67, the soldiers spat on Jesus’ face and slapped Him. The board turned 4-3, and when the pressure was mounting, Love withdrew Prayer to play just behind gentleness and Forbearance. The Bible says in Matthew 26:63a, “But Jesus remained silent.”

During Jesus’ interrogation and before His crucifixion, Judas, who betrayed him, committed suicide out of remorse and the scoreboard credited Love with that goal against Hatred. “When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. I have sinned, he said, for I have betrayed innocent blood. What is that to us? They replied. That’s your responsibility. So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.” (Matthew 27:1-10). It is instructive to learn that the “Judases” die before the “Jesuses” they betray for material possessions or favours from people in authority even in this life. Is it possible for people to bribe believers and compromise them to do the devil’s bidding? Unfortunately, Yes! If Judas, one of the chosen Apostles, could crumble under human influence, authority and the Socio-religious gurus of his day, we must all be on our guard.

A few thought-provoking questions; Where was Judas when Jesus took his colleague Apostles to pray on Mount Olives? Because he came with the soldiers to arrest Jesus. How come he was the only one the Chief Priest and his men contacted for negotiations as to how best Jesus could be handed over to them? How come the Teachers of the Law and the scribes liked and trusted him, but the Bible called him a thief in John 12:6? How come Judas could still manage to be with his colleague Apostles but still maintain close links with the Chief Priests and those opposed to Jesus’ ministry at the time? Was he trying to impress his society as a person with a balanced spiritual and socio-political lifestyle?

Be it as it may, the end of Judas is a lesson for believers of today who, for societal acceptance, tries to conform and adjust themselves to suit worldly expectation and Christian standards. One cannot be in Abraham’s bosom and lie on Delilah’s lap at the same time. 2 Corinthians 6:14 says, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? Love was leading Hatred by two goals (i.e. 5-3), but this lead was all cancelled when the people flogged Him and began shouting “crucify Him”. At the 5-5 scoreline, the 4th referee displayed five additional minutes to cater for the injury time. In anticipation of the match entering extra time, both technical benches decided to make their last substitution for the few minutes left. Hatred removed Anger and brought on Death, whiles Love removed Peace and introduced Resurrection Power. Forgiveness picked a pass from Patience in the centre half, gave it Wisdom, dribbled one, and sent a deep cross into Hatred’s “18” yard box, but Death did not know what to do with the ball in the air, and so handled it with his hands. The referee close to the action whistled for a professional foul against Hatred and issued a red card to Death (Matthew 27:62-66). Death had mistakenly laid its icy hands on the Lord Jesus Christ, and just afterwards, the Temple curtains tore from top to bottom. “From noon until three in the afternoon, darkness came over all the land. About three in the afternoon, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (Matthew 27:45). The stadium gate was, thus, opened freely for all who were listening to the proceedings outside the walls to enter and watch the last minutes of the game. Whiles some of Hatred’s supporters were jubilating in the stands, others were uncomfortable sitting on edge due to the position of the infringement awarded to Love.

Hatred formed his defence wall with all his remaining ten players on the field apart from their goalkeeper. Their supporters in the VIP stands made up of the Chief Priest, Teachers of the Law, Pharisees, Pilate and the Roman Soldiers all stood their feet to inspire them so they could send the game into extra time. The side of Love began discussing who and how to kick that ball. Frustration had set in the supporters of Love, whiles the side of Hatred wished the game ran into extra time because they were exhausted. The referee positioned the ball at the spot, and Resurrection Power from the side of Love got close, touched the ball and positioned it well while everyone stood with some praying and others singing. Due to the tense nature of the last minutes and the fear of the home side maltreating them, Peter, John and the other disciples of Christ left the stadium to listen to their radio outside the stadium.

Meanwhile, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary seated at the centre line kept their gauze on the last kick of the game. Resurrection looked at the human wall of Hatred, went back and fired a supersonic shot that went straight into the net of Hatred. When Peter and John heard Mary and the other Women screaming GOALLL!, John outrun Peter back to the stadium and onto the pitch for jubilation (John 20:4). “He is not here; He has risen, just as he said…” was the lyrics of the jubilant supporters of Love (Matt 28:6).The referee then blew his last whistle to bring the game to a close. Resurrection Power’s strike became the winning goal in that tense and difficult battle to win Love the eternal bragging rights over Hatred even on his home soil. Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:14 that if Christ did not resurrect, Believers would have been the most miserable of all. That goal and the victory automatically opened the door for the non-suspecting supporters of Hatred to join their counterparts in Love by removing their replica jerseys and paraphernalia and replacing them with those of Love. The resurrection of Christ Jesus from the dead has given Love a permanent edge over Hatred now and forever. Though the last game between the sides was a thorny one, Love in the person of Christ has forever subdued Hatred and will therefore beat him at any given day and time. Let us, therefore, Love as believers because God is Love.

Joseph’s brothers bowed to him and he became the Prime Minister of Egypt. King Saul had committed suicide at the time of David’s inauguration as Israel’s King. Haman and his ten sons were hanged on the gallows he designed and constructed for Mordecai. The hatred Christ suffered which ended up in His crucifixion is what has reconciled humankind to God their maker. Love has, therefore, stamped his authority over Hatred for good and swallowed him up in victory. It will, however, be realized in the four write ups that no one can avoid clashing with Hatred in this  life. If you manage to prevent him within the family setting, you will meet him in Church. If you swerve him in the body of Christ, you are most likely to clash with him at the workplace or in your organization. It is all because of the decision you have made for Christ and never to go the world’s way anymore. No matter how difficult the first leg appears here where Hatred is playing home, Love, the visitors always has an edge over Hatred. Instead of becoming exhausted and frustrated with such encounters, let us rather be encouraged in the strength and winning power Love has over the fighting spirit of Hatred. At the return league on Love’s home soil which will also be the coronation game at the culmination of the age, it will be all joy because every hassling, sweat and tears from our eyes will be wiped away (Revelations 21:4).

God will decorate Love with his trophy and Hatred, his bankroller, and his supporters gnashing their teeth. You do not deserve to gnash your teeth with satan and his fallen angels, who are the Architects of all hatred. If hatred has taken over your life, please repent and allow Love, which is God in Christ Jesus, to flow through your spirit and soul. God bless you.

Written by Pastor James Orhin Agyin (

Pastor, His Sons & Driver Saved From Gory Accident

Pastor, His Sons & Driver Saved From Gory Accident

Pastor Reynolds Lartey, the Pokrom District Minister of The Church of Pentecost in the Nsawam Area, together with his two sons and a Cinema van driver of the church, were saved from a gory accident that happened at Kwame Ntow, near Nsawam in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

The accident occurred around 9:00 pm on March 25, 2022, while they were returning to Pokrom from a Children’s Ministry outreach at Kwame Ntow, which produced eight souls for Christ.

Narrating what happened, Pastor Lartey noted that the cinema van on its way to Pokrom, had a brake failure while descending the mountain leading to the Kwame Ntow township.

He said that in an attempt to swerve from crashing into an oncoming vehicle, the driver, Elder William Antioku, veered off the road and run into a nearby building in the town. The vehicle then bounced back to the road and somersaulted three times and landed on its side in the process.

The pastor and his two children with the driver (far right)

Pastor Lartey indicated that he landed in a deep gutter and sustained a fracture in the left arm above the elbow, while his five-year-old son , Hayford Lartey, was tossed over a gutter and had his back head hit against the ground with deep cuts on his back head, shoulders and legs. The cinema van driver had a fracture in both his left ankle bone and right arm.

Speaking to PENTECOST NEWS in an interview, he revealed that his 7-year-old son, Joseph Lartey, was however miraculously saved from the crash unhurt but slightly bruised on his left temple.

“My son told me that an angel of God asked him to pass through the window of the crashed van,” he stated.

All four passengers of the van were rushed to the Nsawam General Hospital for immediate treatment, but Hayford was discharged the same day.  The driver and Pastor Lartey were later transferred to Graceville Hospital at Nsawam for further treatment.

As of the time of filing this report, they were discharged from the hospital. The driver was however transferred to Korle Bu Teaching Hospital for further treatment.

“We give glory to God for His deliverance and saving grace,” he said.

Pastor Lartey thanked the Chairman, Apostle Eric Nyamekye; the General Secretary, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi; the Nsawam Area Head, Apostle Francis Yaw Adu, and the Evangelism Director, Apostle Dr. Amos Jimmy Markin, and others for their care and support.


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Ho Area Dedicates 4 Community-Based Church Buildings

Apostle Dr. Dela Quampah, the Ho Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, and Executive Council Member of the church, has dedicated four (4) community-based church buildings (CBCBs) in the area.

The dedication services happened at Klefe Assembly in Bankoe District, Kpeleho Assembly in Adaklu Waya District, Matse Assembly in Ziavi Dzogbe District and Anum Asikuma English Assembly in Anum Asikuma District of The Church of Pentecost.

Addressing the congregants in Adaklu Waya District, Apostle Dr. Dela Quampah, who doubles as the Volta and Oti Regional Coordinator of the church, commended the leadership of the church for the effort in constructing the first church building in the district since its creation 13 years ago.

Speaking in all the four assemblies, he admonished both members and officers of the church to cultivate a good maintenance culture so that the buildings would continuously look magnificent in their appearance.

In a sermon on the theme, “Living Stone For Spiritual House,” Pastor David Francis Akayue, Resident Minister for Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC) – Ho, noted that the living stone is able to impact life and rekindle the Spirit of God in believers.

He stated: “Man has to be conscious of the presence of God, else he/she may miss divine appointment.”

He further added: “We should always be conscious of the fact that when we come to church, we come to a Living Stone that is able to save and turn us into stones made alive to be built into a spiritual house.”

The traditional authorities expressed their appreciation to the church for putting up beautiful edifices as a place of worship in their communities.

Report by Overseer Felix Brakatu.