Apostle Fianko Larbi

Our God Dwells In The Third Heaven And Yet…

Creation Account of Heavens and Earth

Genesis 1:1 states that, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth

Take note that, the Bible did not say “heaven” but “heavens”; this denote many…

Hebrews 11:3a says that, “By faith we understand that the worlds (some versions use “universe”) were framed by the word of God…”

Bringing Genesis 1:1 and Hebrews 11:3a side by side, we see that the universe (or the worlds) is made up of the earth and the heavens


Universe = Earth + Heavens

The “heavens” used in the Bible, therefore, refers to all other elements or constellation in the universe aside the earth.

Biblical record of creation is presented from the perspective of one standing on the earth. This is because, the Lord chose to place humanity on earth from where He would roll out His redemptive plan for them. Creation account therefore list the earth, the moon, the sun and the stars.

Isaiah 13:10 says, “For the stars of heaven and their constellations will not give their light; the sun will be darkened in its going forth, and the moon will not cause its light to shine”

I cited Isaiah 13:10 above to show that the sun, stars and moon makes up the universe outside the earth as the confirmed by the creation account.

The sun is a star, but the Lord gives it a special focus for emphasis since it is the star closest to the earth – where His redemptive purpose for humanity will take place. It is like Jesus telling Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome to go and tell, “the disciples and Peter” (Mark 16:7); that did not mean Peter is not a disciple but for the purpose of emphasis.

We can therefore see that, after the description of the creation account, the biblical narrative moves straight to the Garden of Eden – from whence God’s redemptive plan begins to roll out – starting with His interaction with Adam and Eve.

The Heavens

Predominant Hebrew word translated “heaven(s)” in the Old Testament is “samayim” (singular: sameh). This word means, “to be lofty” – meaning “to be lofty” – the sky (as aloft) – the visible arch in which the clouds move, as well as referring to the higher ether where celestrial bodies revolve. Predominant Greek word translated “heaven(s)” in the New Testament is “ouranos” (from the idea of elevation) and refers to the sky; by extension heaven (as the abode of God); by implication happiness, power, eternity. Thus “heaven(s)” refers to either of three realms, depending on context of a given biblical passage:

  1. The firmament
  2. The rest of the universe – often referred to in the Bible as, the host of heaven (stars including the sun and the moon)
  3. The heaven of heavens (the unapproachable light) where God dwells with the host of heaven (angels, etc.)

Hosts of heaven

Depending on context, “host of heaven” can refers to “the rest of the universe” or to “angels etc. with God in the heaven of heavens”

Let us examine these scriptures below to bring out the differences:

Deuteronomy 4:19; 5:8; 17:3; 2 Kings 17:16; 21:3, 5; 23:4, 5; Isaiah 13:10 among many other passages reveals the “host of heaven” as the sun, the moon and the stars which human beings are not supposed to worship; any worship that focusses on the moon, the stars and the sun is idolatry. For instance, Deuteronomy 4:19 says,

‘And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you feel driven to worship them and serve them, which the Lord your God has given to all the peoples under the whole heaven as a heritage’

1 Kings 22:19-22; 2 Chronicles 18:18-21; Nehemiah 9:6; Psalm 103:21; 148:2; Luke 2:13-15, among many others passages also reveal the “host of heaven” as multitude of angels. For example, Luke 2:13-15 says,

‘And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” When the angels had gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, “Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us.”’

Heaven as the Firmament – the 1st Heaven

Now back to “Heaven as the firmament”. As we have already established, the word “heaven(s)” can mean “the firmament”; “the rest of the universe” (stars, including the sun, & moon): or “the heaven of heavens where God dwells”. Genesis 1:8, 14, 15, 17, 20 refers to the heaven as the firmament; also referred to as “the first heaven”.

Genesis 1:7-8 says,

‘Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. And, God called the firmament, heaven’

Genesis 1:20 also says,

‘… and let the birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens’

The firmament is part of the sky. The sky is everything above the earth surface even to outer space. Thus, the sky is therefore made up of the atmosphere (between the earth surface and outer space) and outer space. The atmosphere is made up of 5 levels: Troposphere; Stratosphere; Mesosphere; Thermosphere; and Exosphere.

Troposphere is the atmosphere between 8km to 14km above the earth surface. The troposphere holds nearly all of earth’s water vapor. It is where most clouds ride the winds and where weather occurs. It contains as much as 80% of the mass of the whole atmosphere. The further up you go in this layer, the colder it gets. Helicopters fly in this zone of the atmosphere. The boundary between the troposphere and the next layer up (Stratosphere) is known as the tropopause.

Stratosphere is the atmosphere between 14km to 64kms above the earth surface; unlike the troposphere, temperatures in this layer increase with elevation. Stratosphere is very dry, so clouds rarely form here. It also contains most of the atmosphere’s ozone, triplet molecules made from three oxygen atoms (O3). At this elevation, ozone protects life on earth from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. It’s a very stable layer, with little circulation. For that reason, commercial airlines tend to fly in the lower stratosphere to keep flights smooth. This lack of vertical movement also explains why stuff that gets into in the stratosphere tends to stay there for a long time. That “stuff” might include aerosol particles shot skyward by volcanic eruptions, and even smoke from wildfires. This layer also has accumulated pollutants, such as chlorofluorocarbons. Better known as CFCs, these chemicals can destroy the protective ozone layer, thinning it greatly. By the top of the stratosphere, called the stratopause, air is only a thousandth as dense as at earth’s surface.

Mesosphere is the atmosphere between 64km to 85km above the earth’s surface. Scientists do not know quite as much about this layer. It is just harder to study. Airplanes and research balloons do not operate this high and satellites (such as the moon) orbit higher up. We do know that the mesosphere is where most meteors harmlessly burn up as they hurtle towards earth. Near the top of this layer, temperatures drop to the lowest in earth’s atmosphere — about -90° Celsius (-130° Fahrenheit). The line marking the top of the mesosphere is called the mesopause. If you ever travel that far, congratulations! You are officially a space traveler — aka astronaut — according to the U.S. Air Force. It is important to note that, there is the ionosphere. The ionosphere is a zone of charged particles that extends from the upper stratosphere or lower mesosphere all the way to the exosphere. The ionosphere is able to reflect radio waves; this allows radio communications.

Thermosphere is the atmosphere between 85km to 600km above the earth’s surface. It soaks up x-rays and ultraviolet energy from the sun, protecting those of us on the ground from these harmful rays. The ups and downs of that solar energy also make the thermosphere vary wildly in temperature. It can go from really cold to as hot as about 1,980 ºC (3,600 ºF) near the top. The sun’s varying energy output also causes the thickness of this layer to expand as it heats and to contract as it cools. With all the charged particles, the thermosphere is also home to those beautiful celestial light shows known as auroras. This layer’s top boundary is called the thermopause.

Exosphere is the atmosphere between 600km to 10,000km above the earth’s surface. Its lower boundary is known as the exobase. The exosphere has no firmly defined top. Instead, it just fades further out into space. Air molecules in this part of our atmosphere are so far apart that they rarely even collide with each other. Earth’s gravity still has a little pull here, but just enough to keep most of the sparse air molecules from drifting away. Still, some of those air molecules — tiny bits of our atmosphere — do float away, lost to earth forever.

Heaven as Galaxies – the 2nd Heaven

We have also seen that the word “heaven(s)” can refer to the rest of the universe often refer to as “the hosts of heaven” – bodies in outer space; some view this as the “second heaven”. This includes the stars (the sun, being the closest star to the earth) and the moon (the earth’s satellite). A satellite is an object that moves around a larger object. Earth is a satellite because it moves around the sun. The moon is a satellite because it moves around earth. Earth and the moon are called “natural” satellites.

What the Bible refers to as “stars” are galaxies – groups of stars in space. When standing on the earth, stars appear very small – though they are far bigger than the sun – because, unlike the sun (a star, itself), stars, as seen from the earth, are very far away from the earth surface. Stars are far beyond the exosphere – the upper layer of the earth’s atmosphere; stars are in outer space. Outer space is everything beyond the exosphere.

Galaxies are sprawling systems of dust, gas, dark matter, and anywhere from a million to a trillion stars that are held together by gravity. Nearly all large galaxies are thought to also contain supermassive black holes at their centers. In our own galaxy, the Milky Way (one among the billions of galaxies in our Universe), the sun is just one of about 100 to 400 billion stars that spin around Sagittarius A, a supermassive black hole that contains as much mass as four million suns.

Moon and Sun to Determine Times and Seasons

Genesis 1:14-18 says,

‘And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.’ (underline, mine)

Whiles the earth and other planets move round the sun, as said earlier, the moon also move round the earth. The moon is 384,400km from the earth and it is between the earth and the sun beyond the earth’s 5th atmospheric layer (exosphere). The moon moves around the earth at a speed of 3,700km/h. So how many days does the moon take to make one complete movement around the earth? Let that time be “T”; let “R” be radius of moon from the earth (R=384,400km); “V” is velocity or speed of moon round the earth (V=3,700km/h). Thus,

T = 2ΠR/V

T = (2 x 22/7 x 384,400km)/3,700km/h

T = 653.035hrs = 27.2days

Hence, all other factors (such as movement of the moon on its own axis) considered, it takes the moon between 28 to 31 days to move round the earth; this period is referred to as a month (one moon).

Since the moon is held attached to the earth by gravity as a satellite to the earth, even as the earth rotates on its axis and also move round the sun, the moon moves with it. Remember that a satellite is an object that moves around a larger object. Three sets of lessons can to drawn from the moon’s relationship with the earth and the sun. First, the moon shows commitment, loyalty and faithfulness towards the earth. The moon also expresses humility as it hides when the sun appears in the day over the earth – and rather than try to compete with the sun, the moon absorbs light from the sun; the moon acknowledges the greatness of the sun; the moon is not envious. Furthermore, the moon is not caught up in inferiority complex; at night, it gives off the “little” light it has absorbed from the sun during the day. The nature of God is revealed in sundry ways in His created order and at least, the moon reflects these three sets of the many nature of God manifested in His creation in parts but fully expressed in the Person of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

Colossians 2:9 states, ‘For in Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily’

It is worth noting that, the earth takes 24 hours to move on its axis of 360°. Thus time zones shift by 360°/24hrs = 15° per hour and that is why Ghana on longitude 0° is an hour behind Nigeria which is on 15°E. Also, the earth is 149,140,000km from the sun and moves around the sun at a speed of 107,000km/h. So how many days does the earth take to make one complete movement round the sun? We all know it to be approximately 365days (1 year). But how do we get this figure? Let that time be “T”; let “R” be radius of earth from the sun (R=149,140,000km); “V” is velocity or speed of earth round the sun (V=107,000km/h). Thus,

T = 2ΠR/V

T = (2 x 22/7 x 149,140km)/107,000km/h

T = 8,761.23hrs = 365days

Heaven as the Throne of God – the 3rd Heaven (Heaven of Heavens)

Far beyond the universe is the “heaven of heavens” where God dwells; God dwells in the infinity – a place yet to be explored by scientists; this explains infinity (∞) in mathematics. Well, that illustrates the unapproachable light where God dwells. Apostle Paul calls it “the third heaven” in 2 Corinthians 12:2. It states,

‘I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a one was caught up to the third heaven.’

Apostle Paul again refers to where God dwells as the “unapproachable light” in 1 Timothy 6:15b-16 which states,

‘God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen’ (underline, mine)

Various places in scripture reveals the reality of the throne of God in the heaven of heavens. Examples are Job 22:12; 1 Kings 8:27, 30, 43, 49; Psalm 115:16 among many others.

Job 22:12 quizzes the obvious, ‘“Is not God in the height of heaven?’

1 Kings 8:27 also reveals, “But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You. How much less this temple which I have built! (underline, mine)

In 1 Kings 8:30, 43, 49, Solomon prays to the Lord saying on these three occasions to the Lord, “…Hear in heaven Your dwelling place”.

The psalmist nails it in Psalm 115:16, saying, ‘The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s;
but the earth He has given to the children of men.

Our God: Transcendent and yet, Immanent

God is so far away but He is so close to us and even in us and comes speedily to bring help to us in times of trouble. Our God is Immanuel – God with us. Our God is Jehovah Shammah – God who is there! He is not absent. Others may persecute us, reject us, ghost us, and even cancel us but the God Almighty we serve, who has revealed Himself fully in Christ Jesus and now lives in those in Christ by the Holy Spirit, is our ever-present help in times of trouble

Deuteronomy 33:26, ‘“There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides across the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his majesty”’

Job 22:14, ‘Thick clouds cover Him, so that He cannot see, and He walks above the circle of heaven’

Psalm 46:1, ‘God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble

Travelling from Nairobi, Kenya to the capital cities of nearly all the East African nations (Kigali, Rwanda; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Bujumbura, Burundi; Kampala, Uganda; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Juba, South Sudan) takes averagely 1 hour 20 minutes by flight with speed of about 840km/h at a height of about 10km (~33,000 feet) above sea level. This means, if I urgently need to help someone in any of this nations, it will take me not less than 1 hour, 20 minutes by flight barring delays from COVID test; check in; arrival protocols; drive from airport etc.

On the contrary, our God, living so far away beyond the universe (outside of Mass, Length and Time – which are the three defining dimensions of creation – as taught in physics under the topic, “Dimensions”) brings help instantly when we call upon Him. What an amazing God we serve! Be encouraged by this write up to thank, praise, adore and to trust the Lord God Almighty all the more as we journey this earth – enjoying eternal life here and the hereafter. Amen!

Written by Apostle S. K. Fianko-Larbi

Pastor & Wife Singlehandedly Construct Children’s Auditorium For Toflokpo District web

Pastor & Wife Singlehandedly Construct Children’s Auditorium For Toflokpo District 

For many years, the children of the Central Assembly in the Toflokpo District of The Church of Pentecost met under a Neem tree for Sunday School. But now, they can heave a sigh of relief because their District Minister, Pastor Isaac Dickson Baidoo, and his wife, Dora, have singlehandedly built them a suitable place of worship.

The beautiful edifice, which was constructed at a GHS 125,000.00, was dedicated last Sunday by Apostle Emmanuel O. Ankra-Badu (Tema Area Head), with assistance from Evangelist Ohene-Asa Otu (Sefwi-Juaboso Area Head) and the Children’s Ministry Director, Pastor Professor Otoo Ellis.

Also present at the colourful event were ministers and wives in the Tema Area, traditional leaders, as well as the officers and members of the Toflokpo District and other nearby districts.

Recounting the genesis of the project at the ceremony, Mrs Dora Baidoo, a tutor at the Bonikope School Complex, said it all began one Sunday morning in 2019 when she was on her way to church. As she got closer to the auditorium, she saw the children gathered under the tree where they usually held their meetings. Suddenly, it began to rain, so the children had to carry their benches into the main church auditorium for shelter. As she looked on at the unpleasant situation, she heard a voice saying: “What will you do about this situation?” However, she did not respond and ignored the voice.

Three weeks later, she heard the voice again, “Won’t you do what I told you about the Children’s place of worship?”

“This time I responded and said that I am only a teacher by profession and did not have enough money for such a project. But the voice assured me that I would have enough money when I commenced it,” she narrated.

After the experience, Mrs. Baidoo became nervous and immediately shared what had happened with her husband, who encouraged her with the word of God in Haggai 2:8 and Psalm 127:1. He also assured her of his support for the project.

Pastor Baidoo summoned the District Executive Committee to inform them about the project. They also assured the couple of their unflinching support.

On hearing the ambitions project, the then Area Head, Apostle Matthew Larbi Wettey (now retired) offered words of encouragement to the couple and performed the sod-cutting ceremony for its commencement in April 2020.

The project continued steadily but was later halted due to financial constraints and the COVID-19 pandemic. However, just as the Lord had assured her of His provision for the project, Mrs Baidoo received a breakthrough.

According to Mrs. Baidoo, she felt some pain in her leg and visited the hospital for treatment but to no avail. A friend introduced her to a herbal medicine that completely healed her of the ailment.

“One day, in my sleep, I had a strange dream in which my husband was encouraging me to be a sales agent for the herbal medicine. So, when I woke up, I contacted the manufacturer and signed up as a sales agent,” she said.

Mrs. Baidoo said the decision served as a major turning point as it provided her additional income to push the project until its successful completion.

Pastor and Mrs. Baidoo are very grateful to God for His faithfulness and for helping them to provide a suitable place for worship for the children.

They are hopeful that the edifice would help boost children’s attendance at Sunday School.

Dedicating the building, Apostle Emmanuel Ofei Ankra-Badu thanked the Baidoo family for bearing such a great vision, which is worthy of emulation. He charged the leadership of the church to take good care of the building and engage in aggressive evangelism to win more children in the community for Christ. 

Moved by the gesture, the Area Children’s Ministry pledged to install a flatscreen TV in the facility for the children to facilitate teaching and learning of the word of God.

Report by Pastor Boachie-Ansah (Tema Area Media Team)

Shalom Worship Centre Acquires 33-Seater Bus

Shalom Worship Centre Acquires 33-Seater Bus

Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, last Sunday, dedicated a brand new 33-seater Hyundai bus purchased by the Shalom Worship Centre for evangelism, discipleship and general welfare commitments.

He was ably assisted by Apostle Dr. Samuel Ofori (Lecturer, School of Theology, Mission and Leadership, Pentecost University) and Pastor James Orhin Agyin (Shalom Worship Centre Resident Minister and Projects, Development and Estate Manager at The Church of Pentecost Headquarters).

Speaking to PENTECOST NEWS in an interview, Pastor Agyin said the vehicle was, among other reasons, acquired to mitigate the inconveniences suffered by members due to the difficulty in commuting to and from the church premises.

He was also hopeful that the advent of the bus would help resolve this challenge and boost members’ attendance to evening services and other church programmes.

“With this bus, we would be able to convey members to vantage locations after evening service where they would easily have access to the services of commercial transport operators. It will also help increase members’ involvement in area programmes such as conveying church members to the Mandela prayer grounds for the monthly Kaneshie Area prayer meeting,” he said.

In addition to other welfare commitments such as attending funerals, weddings programmes, etc, the bus would be used for evangelism outreaches and follow-up exercises, he further stated.


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PIWC-Takoradi Men’s Ministry Visits Ankaful Psychiatric Hospital

The Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM) of Pentecost International Worship Centre, Takoradi (PIWC-Takoradi), as part of the “Possessing the Nations” agenda of The Church of Pentecost, during the Easter holidays embarked on a visit to the Ankaful Psychiatric Hospital in the Central Region.

As part of the visit, the ministry sponsored the painting of the Dr. Kwaw Armah Arloo Outpatient Department (OPD) complex at the hospital.

In addition to this, the ministry donated some food and sanitary items such as cooking oil, toilet rolls, washing powder, soaps, detergents, rice, soda drinks, biscuits, loaves of bread, chicken, and bottled water, to the facility.

Presenting the items on behalf of the ministry, Pastor Daniel Okyei Boakye, Resident Minister for PIWC-Takoradi, indicated that just as Jesus remembered humanity through His death, burial and resurrection by atoning for their sins, the church has remembered the patients too.

“As followers of Jesus Christ, we cease every opportunity to remember the good deeds of Jesus and practically imitate Him by caring for the needy and less privileged as He would also do if He was to be here,” he added.

Elder Stephen Kwabena Acheampong, the District PEMEM Leader, thanked the management of the hospital for their collaboration and support.

The Deputy Director of the hospital, Mr. Bismark Tuffour, and the Protocol Officer, Madam Kate Quarshie, on behalf of management, thanked PIWC-Takoradi PEMEM for their timely intervention through the presentation of the items and the repainting of the OPD of the facility, which they consider very timely, and an act of generosity shown to the hospital.

Report by Pastor Ernest Perbi-Asare, Takoradi Area Media Pastor.


The Church Of Pentecost Cleans Up Ho Main Market

The Ho Area of The Church of Pentecost, as part of this year’s Environmental Care Campaign, organised a clean-up exercise at the Ho Main Market on Thursday, April 21, 2022.

The event, which was under the theme: “Making Environmental Care Campaign Community Owned,” was organised by the districts of the Church within the Ho Municipality in collaboration with Zoomlion Company Ltd. and the Environmental Health Department of the Ho Municipal Assembly.

Speaking at the event, Apostle Dr. Dela Quampah, the Ho Area Head and an Executive Council Member of The Church of Pentecost, expressed his appreciation to the two institutions for providing the needed tools and personnel for the exercise. 

He advised all stakeholders to make conscious efforts to promote environmental cleanliness wherever they go, so that the exercise does not become a nine-day wonder.

Apostle Dr. Qiuampah, therefore, urged participants to continue the public education on environment cleanliness and to serve as change agents wherever they find themselves.

In a short address, the Area Campaign Coordinator, Pastor Nelson Agbove, who doubles as the Bankoe District Minister, stated that God created a beautiful environment for humans to inhabit and entrusted it into their hands to care for it. 

For this reason, he further noted, God expects humankind to maintain the environment and make it as habitable as possible.

“As custodians, the onus lies on us to keep the environment clean and instruct others to do so,” he said.

Mrs. Stella Awusavi, the Volta Regional Environmental Health Officer, commended the Church for initiating the project, which is contributing to the overall agenda of maintaining a clean environment. She beckoned all other institutions and individuals to come on board since environmental cleanliness is a collective effort.

Miss Comfort Sunu, the Deputy Ho Municipal Environmental Health Officer, was amazed by the impressive turnout of the members of the Church despite the rainfall. She urged the market women who joined the exercise to maintain the cleaned environment and serve as environmental ambassadors at the marketplace. 

“This would help to maintain our hard-earned accreditation as the cleanest city in Ghana,” she stated.

Mrs. Sefakor Kugblenu of Zoomlion Co. Ltd. assured the Church of her company’s readiness to partner with them or any other church denomination, individual or egroups to embark on similar campaigns.

Report by Overseer Felix Brakatu

akosombo combined

Akosombo New Combined District Wins 8 Souls

Six commercial drivers and two market women gave their lives to Jesus Christ when the Women’s Ministry, Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM), and the Youth Ministry of the New Combined District of The Church of Pentecost organised a ‘Lunch Evangelism’ in the Akosombo township recently.

In all, about 120 people, mostly commercial drivers and traders in the dam city, were served fufu with pork, palm nut and groundnut soups, jollof rice with chicken, and banku with okro stew, after which the gospel of Jesus Christ was preached to them.

The innovative exercise was spearheaded by the District Minister, Pastor Martin Berko Kesse, and his wife, Esther with the support of the leaders of the various ministries.


Health Workers Must Work Diligently – Apostle Kumi-Larbi Urges

Health Workers Must Work Diligently – Apostle Kumi-Larbi Urges

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, has urged health workers to see their profession as a call to serve mankind.

According to the General Secretary, health workers, especially nurses and midwives, must endeavour to treat every patient as their own relative, thereby providing the best health care possible to them.

“As understood by Florence Nightingale, nurses must see their work as a calling aimed to save lives,” he said.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi said this on Saturday, April 23, 2022, during the first matriculation and inauguration of Flosam Institute of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Science, located at Suhum in the Eastern Region.

Speaking at the event, Apostle Kumi-Larbi said that despite the challenges in the health sector such as the low doctor-to-patient ratio due to limited health training facilities, nurses could offer their best for the country.

He urged them to work diligently in the fear of the Lord which, he believed, would help boost the confidence people have in the health sector.

He, however, called on the government to consider paying the allowances of nursing students in private schools just as it is done in public nursing schools without any discrimination.

“How can the government give allowances to the public sector nursing students, leaving out private sector students, while they are all trained to work at the same government hospitals,” he questioned.

Referring to Matthew 25:31-46, he reiterated that Christians are the light of the world, therefore, when the opportunity to help people comes forth, they should not relent.

He charged Christians to demonstrate godly characters wherever they find themselves.

“Work hard, be loyal, productive and maintain integrity at all times and places,” he noted.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi noted that there will be accountability for the resources God has given all persons on the day of judgement.

“For those who will use the resources for themselves will be classified as goats, while those who used it to help their brothers will be classified as sheep. These people will inherit Heaven. Therefore, we must use what we have to help others in order to please God,” he concluded.

Dr. Paul Doku, Vice Dean for the School of Nursing, University of Cape Coast, called on the government to support private nursing schools.

According to him, the private sector plays a critical role in employing majority of Ghanaians, therefore it is expedient for them to be supported.

He entreated health training and tertiary institutions to offer global and 21st-century skills to their students. This, he said, will help them to be relevant in the global market as trends keep changing.

“Knowledge is good, however, knowledge without character becomes very dangerous. Therefore, you must remember the pledges that you have taken and inculcate them in your work. This will make you a nurse of good character who will be useful to the nation,” he pointed out.

On her part, Dr. Christian Asiedu, Founder of Flosam Institute of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Sciences, said that the institution aims at preserving the core values that have sustained the institution while preparing its students for the future.

She mentioned that the school is strategically creating innovative programmes in science and the nursing profession at large with the aim of inspiring students to live and serve globally, while promoting the advancement of the nursing profession.

The grand ceremony brought together personalities from the health sector, Christian and other religious leaders, chiefs, the media, among others.

Flosam Institute of Nursing, Midwifery & Allied Health Sciences is a private health training institution accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana (NMC), and the National Accreditation Board (NAB). Being affiliated to the University of Cape Coast (UCC), its main aim is to train health professionals in Ghana and globally.

Report by Alex Nana Owusu Nkrumah.

Lead By Example – General Secretary Tells Leaders

Lead By Example – General Secretary Tells Leaders

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, has advised people in positions of influence and power, particularly Christian leaders, to always lead by example in order to produce maximum effect.

According to the Chief Scribe, the actions of leaders speak louder to their followers than what they say. “For people to believe in what we say as leaders, we must first lead by example,” he said.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi said this at a graduation ceremony organised by the Shalom Worship Centre last Sunday for graduands of the “Shalom Workers’ College.”

In a sermon titled “Leading by Example: Mentoring and Discipling,” the General Secretary explained that Jesus demonstrated in John 13:1-17 how leaders ought to conduct themselves.

He said that Jesus did not just command His disciples to be humble, love and to serve each other, but He first demonstrated it to them by washing their feet with water, an act that was reserved for servants.

The General Secretary stated that bad leadership where leaders abuse their positions for personal gains, remains the bane of the African continent, saying: “Until we practice what we preach, our leadership would yield little or no results.”

Unlike Christ, he further explained, the Pharisees, who were the teachers of the Law, exhibited religious hypocrisy because they only reveled in the titles and positions accorded them but did not completely follow what they preached (Mathew 23:1-28).

Apostle Kumi-Larbi, therefore, admonished church leaders to do well to subject themselves to the very teachings they proclaim, bearing in mind that the members over whom they preside are observing their actions. 

He urged them to regard leadership as a responsibility to serve and not an opportunity to amass wealth for themselves.

Quoting Ezra 7:10, Luke 9:10, 1 Corinthians 11:1, Philippians 4:9, 1 Peter 5:3 and Acts 20:18, among other scripture references, Apostle Kumi-Larbi admonished them to be pacesetters and serve as role models for the followers. He also urged them to mentor young ones and grant them opportunities to also serve.

“Every leader must prepare for his or her exit by making conscious efforts to raise successors, who will take over from them,” he advised.

He, therefore, advised the graduands, made up of presiding elders, ordained officers, ministry leaders, Bible Study and Home Cell leaders etc., to do well to practice everything they had been taught.

He also urged them to be more than teachers to the members, but to “father” them and show genuine concern for their holistic growth, saying that: “Teachers just give information, but fathers pour themselves out.”

Last year, the District Discipleship and Leadership Development Committee (DDLDC) of Shalom Worship Centre organised the Shalom Workers’ College, a 40-week discipleship programme from February to November, to equip the adult youths to effectively influence every sphere of life with Kingdom values and principles.

The graduands, who had successfully completed the programme, were each presented a certificate of participation.


10 Pass Out Of School Of Fulani Ministry

10 Pass Out Of School Of Fulani Ministry

The first batch of students, comprising 10 Fulani members of The Church of Pentecost has completed the maiden School of Fulani Ministry (SCOFUM), under the Home and Urban Missions (HUM) of the church.

The 34-day intensive residential training was done in collaboration with the Pentecost University (PU). The students were trained holistically in carefully selected topics such as practical ministry, homiletics, soteriology, Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, Church History, Marriage and Family Life, and Personal Devotions, among many others.

The passing out ceremony which took place at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Brofoyedru in Kumasi on April 22, 2022, saw the closure of the school, awaiting the admission of the next batch of students. The closing ceremony was performed by Pastor Thomas Ayamboya (HUM Pastor, Kumasi Sector) on behalf of Apostle Dr. Christian Tsekpoe and Apostle Emmanuel Agyei Kwafo, Chairman and National Coordinator of HUM, respectively.

The 10 Fulani converts who have all been baptised in the Holy Spirit have since been released for 2-weeks block placement in seven different Areas of the church.

The church intends to equip them as an army of God to possess the Fulani communities in Ghana.

Report by Overseer Emmanuel Otchere Darko (Registrar – SCOFUM).

Shalom Worship Centre Organises Post-Marital School For Couples

Shalom Worship Centre Organises Post-Marital School For Couples

A special graduation ceremony was held yesterday for 27 couples who had successfully passed out of a 12-week Post-Marital School organised by the Shalom Worship Centre of The Church of Pentecost.

The graduands, clad in academic gowns, were beaming with smiles as they each took their turn to receive their certificate at the event which had in attendance the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, and his wife, Mrs. Rose Dansoa Kumi-Larbi.

The Post-Marital School, a novelty of the Resident Minister, Pastor James Agyin, was organised to help promote healthy marriages in the Church.

The school was held on a weekly basis with Pastor Agyin, and his wife, Joyce, as the resource persons. The duration for each session was two hours with take-home assignments in a workbook titled “Becoming One”. 

Some of the topics treated at the school are: Our Desperate Need for Love and Oneness, God’s Purpose for Oneness, God’s Provision in Oneness, God’s Power in Oneness, God’s Instrument of Change: Love and Blessing, God’s Order for Marital Oneness, Communication and Conflict Resolution, Managing In-Laws: The Christian Way, Romance: Naked and Unashamed, among others.

According to Pastor Agyin, the first batch of students, made up of 14 couples, was enrolled in 2019, however, the graduation ceremony which was slated for April 2020 was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated restrictions. He further stated that the sessions for the second batch, comprising of 13 couples, took place from June to September 2021.

“Graduates from both batches have since been added to the pool of counselors at the local and district levels and have really been of immense help to the Church,” he added.

Speaking on the topic: “Jesus Christ and His Church; A Model for A Good Marriage,” Mrs. Kumi-Larbi challenged Christian couples to honour God with their marriages.

She said that marriage is hard work and therefore requires the utmost commitment of both parties in order to succeed.

“A healthy marriage requires diligent work to build. A good marriage is not something you find; it is something you make and continue making,” she said.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi, on his part, challenged Christians to lead by example in every aspect of their lives. He urged them to endeavour to practice what they preach so that others, especially the younger generation, can emulate them.

“Until we practice what we preach, our leadership would yield little or no results,” he cautioned.

The General Secretary, therefore, urged the graduands to do well to practice all they had learnt during the training period.

Apostle Dr. Samuel Ofori, a Lecturer at the School of Theology, Mission and Leadership of Pentecost University, who represented the Kaneshie Area Head at the event, commended the participants for availing themselves to undergo training.

He noted that there is a clear connection between study and humility, hence they should continue to avail themselves for training, saying that: “Arrogance and a teachable spirit are mutually exclusive.”

The event also saw 100 members of the Church receiving certificates for successfully completing a 40-week discipleship programme, dubbed the “Shalom Workers’ College.”