Minister of Education Commends Pentecost University

The Honourable Minister of Education, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, has commended Pentecost University for its delivery of the Engineering for non-Science students’ programme. 

According to him, the University has shown that it is possible to give opportunities to every child who dreams to be an engineer to do so, irrespective of one’s social or academic background. 

The Minister made the remarks when he addressed stakeholders and delegates at the Ghana Education Week 2022 at the Accra International Conference Centre on Wednesday, October 12, 2022.

In an interaction with Pentecost University students who are beneficiaries of the pre-engineering programme, the Honourable Minister congratulated them on their foundational training. He further charged them to work hard to justify the programme for continuity’. Dr. Adutwum said ” you have a chance to make your engineering dream come to reality, take advantage of it and make your family and Pentecost University proud, and also justify the pre-engineering concept.

When he visited the exhibition booth of the University, Dr. Adutwum commended the Management of Pentecost University for investing in 3D printing, robotics and other devices that enhance the learning of students.

Pentecost University was one of two Universities invited to exhibit at Ghana Education Week. The University’s International Digital Centre participated and showcased its robotic lab and other services.


La Area Head Charges Church Leaders To Embrace Technology

The La Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr. Dieudonne Komla Nuekpe, has expressed the need for churches, especially leaders to get themselves educated, trained, and be abreast with the use of the internet.

According to him, in the current dispensation where the internet has become part and parcel of human daily lives, one cannot but embrace digitalisation in the church system to keep it vibrant.

Apostle Dr. Dieudonne Nuekpe said this in an interview with Pentecost News during the recently held La Area Lay Leaders School.

The four-day leadership training took place from October 4–7, 2022, at six zonal centres, namely La, Accra Newtown, Mamobi, Alajo, Merry Villas, and Labone.

Participants were taken through topics including The Church as an Equipping Centre, Mobilising the Squad, Digitalisation Concept of The Church of Pentecost, and Ministering to Teens.

The Area Head visited the various centres. Speaking at the Alajo zone, he commended the pastors, facilitators, and participants for availing themselves of a such great task. He urged participants to take the studies seriously and apply them in their various districts and local assemblies.

Apostle Dr. Dieudonne Komla Nuekpe noted that the selected topics for 2022 Lay  Leadership School were timely and on point.

“All the topics are worthwhile and within the Vision 2023, except that the lessons should have been treated earlier especially the digitalisation concept,” h said.

He urged leaders who could not participate in the exercise to avail themselves in subsequent ones, as this will help build the body of Christ.

Report by Gina Akua Padi.

Sound Mind Is Key To Good Retirement – Apostle Korsah Observes

The Director of the Counselling Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Philip Osei Korsah, has noted that the best way to enjoy retirement is to have a sound mind.

He made this remark on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, near Kasoa during the ongoing 2022 Retirement Seminar for ministers who have up to ten years to retire from active service of the church.

The event, which started on Tuesday and will end on Friday, October 14, 2022, is under the theme: “Possessing the Nations: Serving the Saints” (Heb. 6:10).

According to Apostle Korsah, mental health encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

“It influences cognition, perception, and behaviour. Economic situation can cause a mental imbalance,” he noted.

He revealed that mental health may include an individual’s ability to enjoy life and create a balance between life’s activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience.

“Everyone says we have to get ready to retire financially. But what they don’t tell us is that we also have to get ready psychologically,” he pointed out.

He cited four phases of retirement that may happen in everyone’s life.

He mentioned the first phase of retirement as the vacation phase. In this phase, he said, “You wake up when you want, do what you want all day; there is no set routine. This represents our view of an ideal retirement since there is no more writing of reports, tithe closing, and the other hustles active ministry presents.”

The second phase, he revealed, is in three parts – the loss of the big five (which is loss of routines, loss of sense of identity, loss of relationships established during active service, and loss of a sense of purpose and power). The other part is coming face-to-face with the ‘Three Ds’: ‘divorce,’ depression and both physical and mental decline, and a disturbance in the equilibrium of relationships.

“Both men and women may struggle to adjust to the new situation,” he stated

He added: “Tension can also arise out of the increased need for joint decision-making. Whereas before retirement, the routine of work allowed for a relatively clear division of decision-making responsibilities, after retirement there may be many more decisions that need to be made together. Unless both of you are prepared to listen and be flexible, a shift in decision-making can be a source of conflict.”

Phase four, according to the Counselling Ministry Director, is the time to reinvent and rewire.

“Phase four involves answering some tough questions; what is the purpose here? What is my mission? How can I squeeze all the juice out of retirement?” he stressed.

However, to stay healthy mentally and have a happy retirement, Apostle Philip Osei Korsah noted that one needs to focus on his/her physical health, find activities that are meant to give a sense of accomplishment, and feel safe and secure.

“Seek support if you’ve been feeling sad, worried, stressed, angry, and numb or just ‘not yourself’ for two weeks or more, or if you would like extra support in managing your mental wellbeing, speak to your doctor. Sometimes just telling someone about how you are feeling is the first step towards feeling better,” he ended.


Christian Leaders To Petition Government Over Galamsey Menace

The leadership of the Christian Ecumenical Bodies in Ghana is set to petition the government of Ghana on the devastating effect of illegal mining (Galamsey) on the nation.

This was contained in a press release issued on October 10, 2022 and signed on behalf of the various Christian leaders by Dr. Cyril Fayose, the General Secretary of the Christian Council of Ghana (CCG).

The petition to the presidency would be preceded by a press conference on Monday, October 17, 2022, to be jointly held by the Christian leaders at the Assemblies of God Church Head Office at Osu in Accra, to remind Ghanaians of their mandate to keep the environment and be responsible stewards of same (Genesis 2:15).

“It is our hope and prayer that Ghanaians will stand up against galamsey and preserve our environment from further destruction,” the statement read.

Galamsey has become a topical issue in Ghana in recent months following a resurgence in news reports on its continued negative impact on the environment, particularly the country’s water bodies.

Below is a copy of the statement:


Ho Area Women’s Ministry Commemorates International Day Of The Girl Child

The Ho Area Women’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost joined the pupils of the Pentecost Preparatory School in Ho Fiave in the Volta Region and the rest of the world to observe this year’s International Day of the Girl Child.

The theme for the celebration of the Day, which was marked on October 10, was: “International Day of the Girl Child; Our Time Is Now.”

As part of the programme, Mrs Gifty Letsa (Head of Guidance and Counselling Unit of the Evangelical Presbyterian (EP) Schools in Ho) and Deaconess Patricia Letsa (Tutor at Mawuko Girls Senior High School) spoke to the pupils on the need to remain disciplined and morally upright in this contemporary times.

Deaconess Fidelia Ametefe, Area Women’s Ministry Leader, admonished the pupils to stay away from immoral acts such as LGBTQI+ and remain chaste while they focus on their academic work. She further encouraged them to take their studies seriously to become responsible future leaders who would positively impact society.

The ministry in their expression of love and care for the girl child presented some items worth GHS 2,933.00. Some items donated to the pupils were 10 boxes of sanitary pads, packs of disposable shaving sticks, hand sanitizers, 50 exercise books, packs of deodorants, packs of paper napkins, packs of toilet rolls and other toiletries.

In attendance were Mrs Judith Viku (wife of Ho Dome District Pastor), Executives of the ministry, as well some members of the church in the Ho municipality. 

Other districts in the Area outside the Ho municipality also observed the Day through various activities.

Report by Fidelia Ametefe & Pastor Felix Brakatu.

Cyber Security Awareness: Staying Secure

Globally, October is recognised as Cybersecurity awareness month. 2022 may have offered some respite from the previous year’s rush to enable a remote and hybrid world, but the increased use of personal devices also left security professionals with even more endpoints to manage and secure. As illustrated by breaches like the March 2022 attack on Shields Health Care Group that impacted two million people and the April ransomware attack that became a national emergency for the Costa Rican government, we all need to be cyber defenders to protect what matters.

The FBI describes the impact and losses from cybercrime as “staggering,” with over $4 billion in losses in 2020 alone. The 2020 Internet Crime Report includes information from 791,790 complaints of suspected internet crime—an increase of more than 300,000 complaints from 2019 Cybercrime is a growing problem that needs to be addressed. Perpetrators behind these crimes range from individuals looking for easy profit to hostile nation-states and terrorist organisations.

The first form of Cyber-attack took place in Genesis 27. This is the story of Jacob and Esau. When Jacob presents himself as Esau to Isaac, his blind dying father, to gain his birthright blessing- he basically performed what today we call an act of Identify Theft. 

With the prevalence of computerised business systems in stores, banks, and government offices, this increase in computer-related crime raises concerns for privacy and safety.

The Bible prophesied that “in the last days perilous times [times of stress] will come” (2 Timothy 3:1). It describes some of these stressors as men being “lovers of money,” unloving, slanderers, brutal, and treacherous (verses 2–4). Computer crimes cause much stress to the victims. Those who perpetrate such crimes while sitting safely behind a computer screen may not fully comprehend—or simply do not care about—the devastating impact on the lives of the recipients of their evil actions.

The growing prevalence of cybercrime is evidence of what happens when people without a godly worldview acquire certain technical skills. We need people with solid Christian ethics involved in these fields to use these potentially dangerous skills to pursue a higher calling, one in which they embody the exhortation in 1 Corinthians 10:31: “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

I will offer 3 Tips for you to consider.

Tip #1: Use A Strong And Protective Password Manager

What is a password manager, you may be asking? Password managers are encrypted databases that typically use one complex password to safeguard all other passwords. They can then help generate complex passwords for each account without you having to memorise them all. According to Microsoft, more than 80 percent of breaches stem from weak or compromised login credentials, so it is more important than ever to use a strong, unique password for each account.

Tip #2: Enable Multi-Factor Authentication Everywhere Possible

Even with the growing use of password managers, there is more that you can do to keep your accounts and information secure. Multifactor authentication adds an extra locked door of security to your account. It comes in many different forms, ranging from a code that arrives in an email or text message to a secure token tied to your account. However, states that 13 percent of account hacks were those using two or multifactor authentication. Building up your layers of security will close that gap.

Tip #3: Be Wary Of What You Click

In today’s world, there are more phishing attacks than ever before. One of the most common occurrences is receiving an email that looks as though it is from a reliable company or professional superior. It is more important than ever to hover your mouse pointer over links in an email and to check the sender’s email address. If anything looks suspicious, play it safe and get a trusted person’s opinion or delete it to be safe. Also, some email providers (Gmail and Outlook are two) have phishing and spam tags that automatically report the issue for investigation.

Everyone has a role to play in cybersecurity, and when we learn together, we are more secure together. 

Written by Elder Raymond Agyemang (Cyber Security Professional)

PIWC Kaneshie Holds Inter-Schools Quiz For 7 Public Schools

The Schools Outreach Ministry (SOM) of the Pentecost International Worship Centre, Kaneshie has organised its maiden edition of an inter-school quiz for public basic schools in Kaneshie and its environs.

A total of seven out of the 10 schools that the PIWC-KN SOM visits every Wednesday to fellowship with students participated in the competition which was held on September 30, 2022.

The schools were Saleria 1 Basic School, New Abossey Okai Basic School, Mataheko 1 Basic School, Kaneshie West 1 Basic School, Odorkor 7 Basic School, Bubuashie Basic School, and Darkuman 1 Basic School.

It was a five-round competition that covered areas of Science, Mathematics, English Language, General Knowledge, and Bible Knowledge, with the quiz master being Elder Chris Boye-Doe, a teacher by profession.

After the fifth round, Darkuman 1 Basic School emerged winner with 35 points, followed by Kaneshie West 1 Basic School with 29 points, while New Abossey Okai Basic School came third with 27 points. A certificate of participation was given to each of the students that represented their respective schools.

Darkman 1 Basic School which emerged winners received a trophy, an i5 Dell Phantom computer, an all-in-one HP printer, and a cash prize of GHS 500.00. The first runners-up, Kaneshie West 1 Basic school, received an i3 Dell OptiPlex computer and a cash prize of GHS 300.00, while the second runners-up, New Abossey Okai Basic school received an i3 Dell OptiPlex computer.

This trophy will be kept by the winning school for a year and can only be retained if they win the competition three consecutive times.

In attendance were the Resident Minister of PIWC Kaneshie, Pastor Emmanuel Yirebi; the Deputy Women’s Director of The Church of Pentecost, Deaconess Vivian Amfo; PIWC Schools Outreach Ministry Leader, Elder George Boateng; the District Secretary, Elder Daniel Mantey, and the Presiding Elder, Elder Kwaku Asare.

The Municipal Director of Education for Ablekuma North, Mr Emmanuel Kungyi and other officials, and the Circuit Supervisor for the area, Madam Miriam, graced the event.

Pastor Yirebi commended the media team and the Teen Youth for their support in the organisation of the programme.

Teachers of the participating schools were very impressed with the holistic approach that the church has taken towards the students and encouraged more of such ministry endeavours.

Funding for the competition was supported by some individual members of the church and the Schools Outreach Ministry Team.

The maiden edition of the inter-schools quiz was an add-on to the usual Time with Examiners programme where the church prays for students and invites examiners to teach candidates how to answer examination questions.

Report by Rebecca Botch (PIWC Kaneshie Publications Team)

Yennyawoso District Women’s Ministry Gives To Kumasi Children’s Home

The Women’s Ministry of Yennyawoso District in the New Tafo Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated assorted items to the Kumasi Children’s Home located at Airport Roundabout in Kumasi.

A delegation led by Mrs. Gladys Oduro (Wife of the District Minister) and Deaconess Bernice Apraku (District Women’s Leader) visited the facility on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, and donated some items including a bag of rice, a bottle of cooking oil, packets of biscuits, assorted drinks, four packs of toilet rolls, and two boxes of Kalypo to the inmates.

The Supervisor of the facility, Mrs. Mabel Boamah, who received the items on behalf of the management, thanked The Church of Pentecost, particularly the Women’s Ministry, for the benevolence. She noted that the items would go a long way to alleviate the plight of the inmates.

As part of the visit, Mrs. Cecilia Oppong, the Deputy Supervisor of the Institute, took the women through the concept of a Children’s Home. She indicated that not all the inmates were orphans. 

According to her, some of them were brought there for security purposes as there might be no peace in their homes, following some squabbles that might have ensued between the parents. She explained that such children, whom they refer to as “foster children,” are sent back to their parents when calm is restored.

Present at the brief presentation ceremony were: Deaconesses Vida Owusuwaah (District Women’s Assistant Leader), Gifty Owusu Afriyie (District Women’s Treasurer), Elizabeth Badu (District Women’s Financial Secretary), and all Local Women’s Ministry Leaders within the district.

Report by Yennyawoso District Media Team

Fear Serves The Agenda Of The Devil – Elder Anane Boate Asserts

A Trustee of The Church of Pentecost, Elder Emmanuel Anane Boate, has noted that fear serves the agenda of the devil, making believers doubt the Word of God.

He made this assumption on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, at the Pentecost Convention, Gomoa Fetteh, near Kasoa, during a devotion with participants of the 2022 Retirement Seminar being organised by The Church of Pentecost Pension Board.

The event, which is being attended by ministers and their wives who have up to 10 years (2023-2032) to retire from active service, is under the theme: “Possessing the Nations: Serving the Saints” (Heb. 6:10).

According to Elder Boate, many events in life have put men to fear. These include national issues, territorial issues, and personal issues.

Speaking on the topic, “Fear Not,” he explained that in the scriptures anytime God wanted to do something new in people’s lives, He begins with the phrase ‘Fear not’ (Isaiah 35:3-4).

Elder Emmanuel Boate defined fear as ‘an unpleasant feeling or emotion that is triggered by a perception of danger; whether it is real or perceived.

“The origin of fear is from the Garden of Eden. That was the first time the Bible mentioned fear, according to Genesis 3:9-10,” he revealed.

Elder Boate noted that before God can work on a person’s life, He has to first assure the person not to fear (Gen. 15:1; 26:23-24, Matt. 1:20-21, Luke 1:12-13). He stressed that fear can be natural or can be something that will not bring glory to God.

“God cannot work with us when we are bathed with fear. Before He works in our life, He has to first drive away fear,” he said, adding, “Fear serves the agenda of the devil. It makes us doubt the Word of God.”

He cited some forms of fear recorded in the Bible as the fear of man (Matt. 25:25), fear of failure (Num. 14), fear of death (Heb. 2:15), fear of Satan, demons, witchcraft, fetish (Mark 6:47-51), fear of illness, fear of the unknown and the fear of darkness.

Describing the dangers of fear, Elder Boate noted that faith compelled Peter to walk on water, but fear sank him, according to Matthew 14:31.

He, however, explained that the cure for fear is a closer walk with Jesus Christ (Acts 4:13), the Spirit of God (2 Tim. 1:7), and dwelling in the shelter of the Almighty God (Psalm 91).

“As we labour towards our retirement, challenges may come our way, perceived or real. But remember that the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Therefore, fear not, let us with confidence say, ‘even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil’ for God will lift you out of the challenges of retirement,’” he concluded.

Speakers for the event include Apostle Eric Nyamekye (Chairman, CoP), Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi (General Secretary, CoP), Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe (IMD, CoP), Apostle John Appiah Aidoo (Chairman, Pension Board), Apostle Lawrence Otu-Nyarko (Finance & Administration Director, CoP HQ), Apostle Philip Osei Korsah (Director, Counselling Ministry, CoP), Apostle Dr. Ing. Joseph Teye I. Buertey (PIWC Asokwa), and Apostle Rigwell Ato Addison (retired) – former General Secretary of the church).

Others include Pastor Dr. Edward Arko Koranteng (Medical Director of the Pentecost Hospital, Madina), Elder Paul Kofi Mante (Managing Director, EDC – Ecobank Gh. Ltd.), Mrs Esther Mmabilla Tamakloe, Elder Lawyer Kwaku Agyei Gyamfi (Member, Pension Board/Legal Advisor, CoP), Elder Dr. Stephen Ankamah-Lomotey, Mr Ernest Amartey-Vondee (Director, Planning, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation at the NPRA), and Mrs. Beatrice Osarfo of SSNIT.

In attendance were some members of the Executive Council, namely Prophet David Kankam Beditor (Area Head, Ashaiman), Apostle Samuel Osei Asante (Area Head, Kaneshie), Apostle Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker (Area Head, Tarkwa), among others.


Pastor’s Wife Donates Motorbike To Church

Mrs Cynthia Kwakye Frimpong, the wife of the Akuse District Minister of The Church of Pentecost, has donated a Haojue motorbike worth Gh¢4,600.00 to the Akuse District of the church in the Agormanya Area.

The motorbike is to aid ministry in rural areas within the district.

Dedicating the motorbike during his visit to the district on October 3, 2022, the Agormanya Area Head, Apostle Samuel Gakpetor, commended Pastor Jacob Kwakye Frimpong, the District Pastor, and his wife, Mrs Cynthia Kwakye Frimpong, for their hard work and dedicated services to the church.  

Apostle Gakpetor added that the intervention has come at the right time as some presiding elders struggle to access their members in hard-to-reach villages in the district.                                                                                 

“This motorbike would go a long way to facilitate the work of ministry in the district,” he stressed.

Report by Agormanya Area Media Team.