PENSA Ghana Conference 2023 Kick-Starts WEB

PENSA Ghana Conference 2023 Kick-Starts

The Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA) Ghana Conference 2023 kick-started on Monday, January 2, 2022, in grand style at three locations across the country – University for Development Studies (UDS) – Tamale; Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST) – Kumasi, and the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC) – Gomoa Fetteh, near Kasoa.

The conference, being held under the theme: “Repositioning The Youth For Maximum Impact In The Nations” (Colossians 2:6-7, 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20), is expected to end on Thursday, January 5, 2022. It attracted tertiary students from all over the country.

Addressing participants, the National Co-ordinator of PENSA Ghana, Elder Samuel Nkansah, admonished the participants to have an urgency in their hearts to have a supernatural encounter with the Lord at the conference.

“Seek to have an encounter with God, an experience like no other. Make way for God to build you and be impacted to impact nations,” he stressed.

On his part, the Director of the Youth Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor Ebenezer Hagan, noted that the conference promises to change young persons in order to impact the world.

According to the Youth Director, after the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of PENSA, there was a need for the leadership of the Youth Ministry to expand the frontiers of PENSA, including the conferences. This led to the split of the conference into ‘Pre-tertiary’ and ‘Tertiary’ conferences.

He disclosed that the Pre-tertiary Conference in 2022 had in attendance 52,000 students.

“Expect God in this conference. I want you to know that a lot will depend on you. God has taken your future to impact lives,” he stated.

Pastor Hagan thanked God for his mercies toward the Church and the country.

“Throughout the pandemics, wars, and economic hardships, Ghana has not been spared. But one thing has been constant, Christ has always been with us. Though we went through troubled times, the Lord was and is always with us. We hold on to Jesus because he is our hope in this life and the one to come,” he added.

He also thanked the Chairman of the Church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, and the Executive Council for their exceptional leadership.

Speakers for this year’s conference are the Chairman of the Church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye; Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi (General Secretary); Apostle Samuel Osei Asante (Patron, Youth Ministry); Pastor Ebenezer Hagan (Director, Youth Ministry) and Elder Samuel Nkansah Appiah (Co-ordinator, PENSA Ghana), among others.

In attendance at the Pentecost Convention Centre was the wife of the Youth Director, Mrs Priscilla Hagan, Pastor Kwadwo Obeng (Campus Pastor, University of Ghana-Legon), Pastor Frank Tandoh (Traveling Secretary, Kaneshie Sector), Pastor Michael Fiifi Bortsie (Traveling Secretary, Koforidua Sector) and Pastor Alex Adjani (Traveling Secretary, Upper Volta Sector).


Goka Prayer Centre Holds Annual Prayer Festival web

Goka Prayer Centre Holds Annual Prayer Festival

The Goka Prayer Centre of The Church of Pentecost successfully held its annual New Year Prayer Festival on January 1, 2023, at Goka in the Berekum Area of the Church.

Led by Apostle Samuel Berko (Berekum Area Head) and the new Prayer Centre Management, the event was attended by thousands of people from all walks of life.

This year’s event was celebrated in grand style, touted by the chiefs as the most peaceful and victorious one in recent times.

Just a month before the Prayer Festival, Mr. Joe Daah, the former Centre leader separated himself from the Prayer Centre to set up his own group and vowed to observe the annual prayer festival in the town at the same time. According to the chiefs, there were tension and fears of clashes in the town. However, the hand of the Lord mightily brought peace, triumph and success to the Church.

Delivering the sermon at the event on the topic, “Walking with the Unchanging God in 2023” based on 1 Samuel 15:29; James 1:17; 2 Corinthians 1:9-20; Isaiah 14:24, Apostle Samuel Berko assured believers that there is great hope for Ghana and all those who walk with Jesus Christ in 2023, because all good and perfect gifts come from God who is dependable and a promise keeper.

The Area Head expressed great joy to the Lord for the success of the programme.

Apostle Samuel Berko announced the Executive Council’s decision to sever fellowship with Mr. Joe Daah due to his letter to resign from The Church of Pentecost to set up his own group.

More than 6,000 people attended this year’s prayer festival. Among them were the Chiefs and Queen mothers from Goka and the Suma Traditional Council; the Jaman North District Chief Executive and the Member of Parliament for Jaman North Constituency.

Others also came from the United States of America, Europe, some African countries and other parts of the world.

The Goka Prayer Centre annual New Year Prayer Festival was instituted more than four decades ago by Deaconess Sarah Donkor (founder of the Prayer Centre). As part of the annual prayer event, a mammoth durbar is held for Word ministration, prophetic declarations, sharing of testimonies, sacrificial offerings, and a triumphant procession through the principal streets of Goka township.

Report by Berekum Area Media Team.

Reposition Yourselves To Impact The World – Apostle Nyamekye Tells Christians

Reposition Yourselves To Impact The World – Apostle Nyamekye Tells Christians

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has charged Christians to grow up as sons of God and reposition themselves for maximum impact in their spheres of life this year.

Apostle Nyamekye stated that Christianity is a father-son relationship. He explained that once a person believes in Christ Jesus, he receives the adoption of God as a son.

According to him, the relationship between God and Christians is “a transforming relationship” which should not be reduced to “superstition and calendar.”

Apostle Nyamekye said this on Sunday, January 1, 2023, when he fellowshipped with members of the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Graceland at Nungua.

Preaching on the topic, “Repositioning Ourselves For Maximum Impact In Our World,” Apostle Nyamekye said that the Christian faith is anchored on two key beliefs – the beginning of Jesus’ story and the end of His story.

He noted that the belief at the beginning of Jesus’ story is the incarnation, that is God becoming incarnate in Jesus and the belief at the end of the story is His death and resurrection.

“This distinguishes Christianity from all other beliefs,” he said, adding, “Jesus is not the founder of any religion because He is the Saviour of the world. This is the gospel that purchased our freedom.”

The Chairman disclosed that success is basic for all who have believed in Jesus, saying, “Therefore, the fact that we are children of God makes success basic for all of us Christians.”

He admonished believers not to reduce Christianity to superstition but focus on their relationship with God throughout the year.

“What you need to work at is success this year. You do not need anyone to prophesy unto your life because you are children of God,” the Chairman stated.

He revealed three key things that can assist believers to achieve success for maximum impact in society.

Apostle Eric Nyamekye asked Christians to reposition their minds, hearts and hands. He, therefore, urged believers to work at growing in Christ which, according to him, engenders confidence, changes the outlook of life, ensures maturity, strength, wisdom, leaves beggarly and feeble things behind and laughs at superstition.

“My greatest concern for you this year is to represent yourselves to be on God’s side for He’s always right,” he stated.                                                                                                                        


Make The Church Your Spiritual Home – Apostle Kumi-Larbi To Christians

Make The Church Your Spiritual Home – Apostle Kumi-Larbi To Christians

Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, has advised Christians to make the Church a place where true worship and affectionate love among brethren can be greatly felt.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi said this yesterday when he joined members of the Danquah Worship Centre in the La Area of The Church of Pentecost for the first Sunday service of the year 2023.

In his sermon titled: “Discerning the Body of Christ,” the General Secretary explained that the Church is a group of believers or disciples of Jesus Christ who are related through consistent gathering and membership in a Christian denomination that serves as their spiritual family for nurturing, guidance, support and ministry or service (Ephesians 4:12-16).

He also described the Church as the household of God made up of all those who have been redeemed and sanctified by the blood of Jesus Christ, stressing that, as members of God’s household, Christians must value and treat each other with love. 

Apostle Kumi-Larbi further posited that Christian churches exist because of the love of Jesus, and they grow with the love of every believer strengthening the family of God. 

“Each follower of Christ is part of God’s universal family, and as children of God, we enjoy His fellowship through the life of every believer,” he said.

According to the General Secretary, fellowship is a gift from God to help the believer enjoy their faith journey with like-minded people. He said that, through Christian fellowship, the believer is able to help, encourage, strengthen, teach, and comfort other Christians – and receive the same from them.

Referring to Acts 2:42, Apostle Kumi-Larbi highlighted the strong bond that existed between the early Christians, who devoted themselves to “teaching, fellowship, prayers, and breaking of bread.” 

He explained that early believers willingly shared what they had with their brethren to the point that they had no needy persons among them, and, thus, urged contemporary Christians to emulate this “great display of brotherly love.”

The General Secretary also urged Christians to share each other’s burdens by comforting the afflicted, encouraging the disheartened, visiting the sick, and praying for those who are weak or struggling in the Christian faith. 

“Every follower of Christ carries a burden for His kingdom, and these loads become lighter when shared,” he said.

Touching on the spiritual significance of the Church, Apostle Kumi-Larbi noted that, beyond fostering healthy relationships among brethren, the gathering of Christians has spiritual implications for God’s mission on earth.

“Every Christian is like a stone, and the Church is the spiritual house that God is building. The Lord Jesus is the foundation of this spiritual temple. He is a great stone. Every Christian is a small stone built upon the Lord Jesus to become the temple of God and the habitation of God,” he explained.

He further noted that Christians, as living stones, are therefore being built up to become “God’s spiritual house” (1 Peter 2:5).

“The purpose of our being built up as a spiritual house is to form a collective priesthood that is continually offering spiritual sacrifices to God,” he added.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi, therefore, called on Christians to lead righteous and holy lives at all times to make their bodies acceptable sacrifices that God could use for His purpose.

He also advised them not to speak disparagingly about the Church and God’s people as this brings the Church, and extension, God’s name, into disrepute.

“Rather, make your concerns and grievances known to the appropriate authority for explanation or redress, he advised.


Pursue God’s Favour In The New Year – Apostle Kumi-Larbi Tells Christians

Pursue God’s Favour In The New Year – Apostle Kumi-Larbi Tells Christians

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, has advised Christians to resolve in the New Year to obtain God’s favour at all cost.

According to him, pursuing divine favour, which he also describes as the Lord’s approval, would bring upon an individual untold blessings, cause God to make worthwhile interventions in their circumstances, and connect them to their destiny.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi revealed this in a sermon at the Osu Central Assembly church auditorium during the recently-held 31st December watchnight service.

Speaking on the topic “The Highly Favoured One,” the General Secretary explained that the manifestation of God’s abiding presence in the life of an individual is what reflects as the favour of God. 

He, however, stressed that God’s grace must precede His favour because the Grace of God revealed in Christ transforms a person’s heart from one opposed to God to one that can be approved and inhabited by the Holy Spirit.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi therefore indicated that divine favour is a distinguishing mark of every believer since only those who have experienced the grace of God in Christ Jesus can receive it.

“Anyone who has encountered the grace of God in Christ that transforms the heart and has the abiding presence of God is highly favoured. So, as a child of God, you must accept that you are indeed highly favoured,” he explained.

Making reference to the encounter between Angel Gabriel and Mary in Luke 1:28-30, 38, Apostle Kumi-Larbi noted that the former addressed the latter as “highly favoured” and “blessed” due to the unique task and privilege she had to be the earthly mother of the Messiah, through whom salvation would come to all humankind.

“Gabriel’s emphasis was on the privilege Mary had received, not on her status as a virgin or a member of the house of David, but just that she had found favour with God and become the recipient of His grace; His undeserved favour,” he explained.

The General Secretary further noted that, just as people usually favour those who favour them, God also shows favour to those who honour Him with their words and deeds.

Quoting Isaiah 66:2 and 2 Chronicles 16:9, Apostle Kumi-Larbi advised Christians to develop an intimate relationship with God and to delight in, connect with, and give honour to Him daily so as to be rightly positioned to receive the Lord’s approval (favour).

“Mary gives us an example of her total devotion to the Lord in her answer to the angel Gabriel: ‘I am the Lord’s servant. May it be unto me as you have said.’ [Likewise], may we have the wisdom and grace to answer God’s call, whatever it is,” he said.

Touching on the benefits of divine favour, the General Secretary noted that people who are divinely favoured receive special strength to outrun their competitors and accomplish great feats even with little effort. 

Apostle Kumi-Larbi further noted that people who are divinely favoured are selected among many other qualified persons.

“Divine favour is also said to be in operation when a man seeks the face of God in prayer and has all his request granted, and also when help is made available unto a person at a time and from a place they least expected as was the case of the crippled man at the pool of Bethesda in John 17: 1-15,” he said.

The General Secretary also stated that divine favour is seen at work when one is called by God for the work of ministry when they least expected; when one always receives kindness from others; when one is singled out of a crowd; and when, all of a sudden, every endeavour one undertakes begins to succeed or prosper.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi, however, cautioned Christians who have obtained God’s favour not to take it for granted like Saul, Samson and Lucifer but to guard it jealously.

He mentioned disobedience to God, immorality, pride, stinginess (selfishness), wickedness and prayerlessness, among others, as some actions that could cause one to lose God’s favour.


Suame Area Holds Last ‘Jericho Hour’ Prayers

Suame Area Holds Last ‘Jericho Hour’ Prayers

Hundreds of members on Thursday attended the ‘Jericho Hour’ prayers organised by the Suame Area of The Church of Pentecost at the Aprepo District Central auditorium to climax the Area’s weekly prayers for the year.

The Suame Area Head, Apostle John Obeng Kesse, in an exhortation based on Galatians 2:20 and Ephesians 1:3-6, charged Christians to know that Jesus is the reason for their living, and for that matter, their ability to make maximum impact in the nations can only be achieved when they are grounded in Him.

Using the Apostle Paul as a case study, he mentioned that Paul accepted Christ and submitted fully to the knowledge of God. According to him, Paul appreciated the great grace God honoured him.

“The ultimate reason for the very existence of the Christian is the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,” he disclosed.

He added that the Lord has promised all who come to the faith in Christ Jesus of His salvation package. He, therefore, admonished believers to have knowledge of the great works of Christ and to fully rely on Him for great benefits in the salvation package.

Apostle Kesse mentioned that though Christians walk through hard times, they are assured of God’s unfailing provision.

He explained that hard times are periods of the test of faith of the Christian and as they rely on Christ, the Lord will give them the grace to come out gloriously.  

He concluded his message by admonishing Christians to stay firm in the Lord since those that walk faithfully with Christ are always granted greater grace to traverse through every challenge they come across in life.

Apostle John Obeng Kesse encouraged members of the church to look forward to seeing greater things in their lives in the ensuing year even as they are grounded in the Lord for maximum impact.

Deaconess Maame Fosuah who is the leader of the Akrowa Revival Centre in the Buoho District of The Church of Pentecost led the congregation in a period of prayer.

Report by Suame Area Media Team.

Jesus Has Bridged The Gap Between Divinity And Humanity – Apostle Addo-Pappoe

Jesus Has Bridged The Gap Between Divinity And Humanity – Apostle Addo-Pappoe

The Twifo Praso Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle David Nii Addo-Pappoe, has stated Jesus Christ came into the world to bridge the gap between divinity and humanity which was created as a result of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.

He posited that God’s plan to send His Son into the world to save humanity was advanced when Adam and Eve disobeyed Him in the garden.

According to him, God gave a word of hope to the first man and woman that, the seed of the woman will crush the head of the serpent and that the serpent will also strike the heel of the seed of the woman.

“In God’s appointed time, He sent forth His Son Jesus Christ into the world in order to bring humanity back into His very presence, thereby bridging the gap between divinity and humanity,” he stressed.

Apostle Addo-Pappoe said this in a sermon during the Wassa Ateiku District Christmas convention which took place from 21st to 25th December 2022 at Wassa Ateiku Community Centre, under the theme: “God Became One of Us to Possess The Nations,” (Matt. 1:23). Other speakers included the District Minister, Pastor Paul Yaw Mensa and Apostle Joseph Albert Mensah (Rtd) – guest speaker.

Reading from Luke 2:8-14, Apostle Nii Addo-Pappoe further explained that the birth of Jesus Christ is very significant due it its numerous benefits.

He explained that through the birth of Jesus Christ, God has brought light into the world to show humanity the way back to Himself, saying, “Those who believe in His Son will never walk in darkness because Jesus is the Light of the world.”

The Twifo Praso Area Head further stated that Jesus has become the mediator between humans and God, and that He always intercedes on their behalf.

He concluded that God has made a provision for His free gift of salvation through the perfect sacrifice of His Son.

“God has given you the assurance of your salvation through His Son who dwells in you. Christ in you is the hope of glory,” he said, adding, “No matter the circumstance you may go through, be rest assured that since you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you are more than a conqueror.”

Report by Joseph Smiles Adu.

Assakae mission house

Assakae District Gets Mission House

The Takoradi Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Yao Semenya Dogbe, has dedicated the Assakae District Mission House to the glory of God.

The building was dedicated on December 18, 2022. Present to assist the Area Head was District Minister, Pastor Ernest Perbi-Asare, and other ministers in the Area.

The District Secretary, Elder Saviour Obeng, in a brief history of the district, said the Assakae District was carved out of Apremdo District which was then headed by Pastor Pastor Philip K. Ackumey on August 16, 2019, with Pastor Ernest Perbi-Asare as the first District Minister.

He mentioned that an apartment was rented to accommodate the district minister and his family.

Sod Cutting

The then Area Head, Apostle Joseph Kwame Assabil (now retired), cut the sod for the project to commence on 10th October 2019, while the foundation stone was laid on December 23, 2020.


Speaking on the topic, “The Faithfulness of God,” Pastor Daniel Antwi-Adjei of Tanokrom District admonished Christians to always see God as faithful and trust Him with all their hearts.

With references from Lamentation 3:22-23, 2 Timothy 2:13, and Psalm 121, Pastor Antwi-Adjei said that God’s faithfulness will continue to be with all those who trust in Him.

“If you trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean on Him, He will surely accomplish all that concerns your life in due time,” he indicated.

He used the opportunity to challenge Christians to emulate faithfulness in their day-to-day affairs in advancing the ‘Possess the Nations’ agenda.

The Assakae District Minister, Pastor Ernest Perbi-Asare, commended the leadership of the Church for the financial, spiritual and moral support towards the successful completion of the project.

He specially thanked Elders Eric Obeng Agyemang (District Finance Chairman), Richard Osei Prempeh (District Executive Member), Samuel Afriyie Kumah (District Estate Chairman), Samuel Essoun Koomson (immediate past District Executive Member) as well as Deaconess Vivian Dora Koramah Marfo (District Assistant Women’s Leader) for their diverse financial support towards the project.

Present at the ceremony were Mrs Rosina Dogbe (wife of Takoradi Area Head), Nana Quasie Essem IV (Chief of Whindo), Mrs Sarah Perbi-Asare (wife of the district minister) as well as some ministers and their wives in the Takoradi Area.

Report by Assakae District Media Team.


The Church of Pentecost Pays Fines For 40 Prisoners

Forty prison inmates convicted of various crimes in Ghana have been released after The Church of Pentecost paid the fines for their incarceration.

The Chairman of the church’s Prison Ministry, Apostle ADP James Tetteh, made this known during a four-day Re-integration Conference recently held by the ministry at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh.

The freed prisoners attended the conference and shared their moments of joy with the participants at the conference. They joined in dancing and singing praises to God.

Explaining the Church’s gesture, Apostle James Tetteh said the prison ministry is about sharing the word of God with the prisoners without neglecting their personal needs.

Speaking on the topic, “Doing an effective prison ministry”, he said the church has decided to intensify its efforts in the prisons because many prisons do not have chaplains while false religions and cults are reaching out to prisoners.

“We must therefore get there first,” he charged the participants.

The Chairman of the Prison Ministry said the gospel offers prisoners God’s forgiveness of sins, and also gives inmates new values and perspectives in life. The gospel also offers coping mechanisms and strategies to deal with difficult situations and emotional instabilities.

To this end, he said the church aims to provide legal aid to prisoners and also support their welfare, reformation and rehabilitation.

The conference held from December 5 to 10, 2022, also brought together professional counsellors and experts in reformation, rehabilitation, and reintegration who took the Prison Ministry Committee members and other Prison Ministry workers drawn from the various Areas of the church through sessions, so they can appreciate the dynamics involved in relating with prisoners.

The participants held a group discussion on “How to Improve The COP Prison Ministry For Maximum Impact” and “What is your understanding of the offender’s social reintegration process?”

All the ex-convicts went through personal counselling sessions led by Dr. Charity Kuwornu.

Intensive prayer sessions were held with the ex-offenders. During the Holy Ghost session led by Pastor Supt. Moses Animah (Secretary of the Prison Ministry), all 29 of the released inmates present at PCC,  received the baptism in the Holy Spirit to the glory of God.

In an interview session with Pastor Supt. Moses Animah, the Secretary of the Prison Ministry Committee, he explained that the conference was done in pursuance of the (Vision 2023) agenda of The Church of Pentecost, dubbed “Possessing the Nations,” aimed at instilling godly values and principles in every sphere of society.

The inmates, though isolated from the larger society have not been left out.

The Church has been concerned about their transformation and has made so much investment in that regard.

He expressed appreciation to the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost and the leadership of the Church for the kind gesture as well as the continued love the Church has shown to inmates and the Ghana Prisons Service as a whole.

The Church has already completed of a state of art two Camp Prisons at Ejura and Nsawam (Ejura and Nsawam Pentecost Reformation Centres) with two at various stages of completion to help reduce overcrowding in the prisons as well as assist in the inmate’s reformation, rehabilitation and reintegration process.

The Secretary of the committee said the conference has shaped the ex-convicts for a successful re-integration into the larger society.

Contacts were made with their families for them to be received with joy as they reunite with them.

Each of the former inmates received an undisclosed amount of financial support to start a business or enterprise as they begin their reintegration.

Apostle James Tetteh took the opportunity to introduce the other members of the Prison Ministry Committee. They are Elder James Nyann, Elder Richard Amaning (PENTSOS Director), Elder Augustine Sarpong, Elder Kumah Isaac and Deaconess Mrs. Juliana Owusu.

Pastor ASP Thomas Owusu Brefo, Elder ADP Charles Ameyaw and Deaconess Eunice Obeng are co-opted members of the committee.


Odorkor Area Donates To Nsawam Prison

Odorkor Area Donates To Nsawam Prison

The Odorkor Area of The Church of Pentecost donated some items to the Nsawam Medium Security Prison yesterday.

The items included bathing soap, washing soap/powder, bathroom slippers, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bags of rice, beans, gari and cooking oil.

Presenting the items on behalf of the Area, Pastor Kwame Pipim, the Area Prisons Ministry Committee Chairman, said the donation is in line with the five-year strategic vision of The Church of Pentecost (Vision 2023: Possessing the Nations), which, among other objectives, seeks to partner the government of Ghana in ensuring the practical reformation of prisoners.

The Chaplain of the Prison, Pastor ASP Thomas Brefo, who received the items on behalf of the inmates, commended the Church for its continued support to the Prisons Service and also thanked them for the timely gesture

Present at the brief presentation ceremony were Elder Oti Boateng (Area Prisons Coordinator) and Mrs. Florence Pimpim (Wife of the Area Prisons Committee Chairman).