Promote The Interest Of God – Pastor Hagan Advises Christian Youth

Promote The Interest Of God – Pastor Hagan Advises Christian Youth

The Youth Director of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor Ebenezer Hagan, has advised young Christians to promote the kingdom of God in every aspect of their lives.

He charged the youth to stand up for God and set good examples in order to promote the ‘Possessing the Nations’ agenda.

He said this on January 22, 2023 during a visit to the Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA) – Legon Sunday Service held at the Mensa Sarbah Hall.

Speaking on the topic, “Repositioning God’s Faithful Ambassadors in Babylon,” Pastor Hagan explained Babylon as a strange land in which a Christian may find himself.

Using Hosea 11:1-3, and Genesis 19:30-38 as scripture references, he mentioned that when the Israelites went into captivity, they strayed from the Lord and worshipped other gods, cautioning them not to joke with the power of a strange environment.

The Youth Director, therefore, admonished Christian youths to stand on their grounds anytime they find themselves in a strange land.

“Have a wide understanding when walking with God. If you want to be successful as God’s ambassadors in Babylon, you must stand. Let them know that you are a child of God. Bear the consequences.”

Expounding on the features of Babylon, Pastor Hagan noted that it has unfavourable conditions with antichristian leadership figures.

“They bring decrees against the practice and growth of the Christian faith,” he said, adding, “The demands of Babylon are destroying young Christians. If you are God’s faithful ambassador in Babylon, you are not there to serve, but rather to manage. Any Christian who does not affect lives around him is not a good Christian.” 

Pastor Hagan revealed that in Babylon, the pleasures of the world are unlimited. This, he said, can cause believes to lose their spirituality.

“Babylon contains the things we eat and enjoy. The pride of life, the lust of the eye, sex, occultic power, and the war against God’s faithful ambassadors. But as a Christian in Babylon, you need wisdom; be the guy on top of the bar, an excellent guy who does the work and brings in results,” he admonished.

Citing Daniel 6:1-3, Pastor Hagan noted that Daniel was a man of excellence who worked with professionalism, saying, “Your professionalism will take you high even when your enemies are against you.”

He ended his sermon with a charge to young Christians to provoke the interest of God anytime they find themselves in a strange land.

“When the Lord raises you up in the land of Babylon, provoke the interest of God. Use your office to promote the interest of God. Let the kingdom of God benefit from you. That is the meaning of possessing the nations,” he stressed.

In attendance were the campus Pastor of The University of Ghana – Legon, Pastor Kwadwo Obeng, Elder Emmanuel Agyei (President, PENSA UG – Legon) Elder Ransford Arthur Cole (immediate past PENSA President, UCC), and the student body.


Be Loyal To The Church of Pentecost – Apostle Nyamekye To The Clergy

Be Loyal To The Church of Pentecost – Apostle Nyamekye To Clergy

“The Church of Pentecost (CoP) should be our greatest treasure in life as ministers of this great Church. We need to love her dearly and cherish her in our hearts. This is why everyone in the Church should be respected and deeply loved.”

These were the words of the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, to ministers of the church, during the closing ceremony of the 2023 Global Ministers and Wives’ Conference on Friday, January 28, 2023, held at Pentecost Convention Centre, (PCC), Gomoa-Fetteh, near Kasoa.

Delivering a sermon on the topic, “Loyalty,” Apostle Nyamekye said that the people purchased by the blood of Christ are God’s possession.

“If these people are God’s special possession, then they should be our greatest treasure. For it is in their talents, gifts, and treasury that we would find the strength of the Lord,” he said.

Reading from 1 Chronicles 11:9, Apostle Nyamekye iterated that David became powerful because the Lord was with him. He, however, said that David did not succeed alone but had support from his team.

“Great leaders do not succeed alone, behind them is a great team that support them. People talk of the leader because he is the face of the institution but behind a good leader is a team supporting his mandate,” he stated.

He disclosed that one way of showing loyalty to the church is to have a strong love for the church. He admonished the clergy to keep faith in the church that brought them into full-time ministry.

Explaining the pattern of the local church in the New Testament, he pointed out that Apostle Paul and Barnabas in Acts 14:21 won many people who became disciples of Christ. In the same vein, he said, in establishing the local church, elders are appointed to take care of the church.

“The elders are appointed as leaders of the local church; we need to respect and close the gap between the clergy and the officers,” he said.

The Chairman called on ministers to avoid despising members who do not have certain skills or talents. This, he noted, is because not all can preach, rather some can teach, serve, and give to help make the church great.

“The common good of The Church of Pentecost is that everyone is useful to the church of God. All of us together, that is the officers and pastors are co-workers in the Lord’s vineyard. One thing we need to fulfill this is to be loyal to the trust and task,” he noted.

He further admonished members of the church not to draw away from the Church when the battle become tough: stating, “Even when the leaders make mistakes, it is imperative for members and ministers to cover their shamefulness for the sake of the church.”

“Don’t you know that we represent the church and when you destroy us, you destroy the church?” he quizzed, adding, “Anyone who destroys the church of God will face the full wrath of God.”

He advised the leaders to uphold the policies of the church which, according to him, are the ligaments that hold the church firmly to stand. He said that if a minister drifts away from the policies of the church, he is breaking the ligaments of the church.

He explained that loyalty to the church means commitment, faithfulness, sacrifice, love going the extra mile, intercessory prayers, effective leadership, and defense.

“Loyalty is to make the body of The Church of Pentecost better. Therefore, we need to be careful of our attitude to the body of the church, so we do not send the members that make up the body away. Cherish it,” Apostle Nyamekye concluded.


The Church Of Pentecost Has Shown Me Great Love & Compassion – Apostle Dr. Ntumy

The Church Of Pentecost Has Shown Me Great Love & Compassion – Apostle Dr. Ntumy

Former Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr. Michael Kwabena Ntumy, has acknowledged the overwhelming love and support he has received from leaders and members of the Church over the years.

The revered minister of God, who retires from active ministry in September this year, expressed profound gratitude to the Church for the prayers, visitations and words of encouragement to him and his family when he addressed participants of the 2023 Global Ministers and Wives’ Conference (GMWC’23) today via Zoom.

“The Church has shown us great love and compassion. I am also very grateful to you, the Chairman, who is the face of the Church, for the love and prayers, and we look forward to seeing you in Hamburg God-willing 24th September [for the retirement service],” he said.

Remarking on the 2023 Theme of the Church: “Repositioning the Local Church For Maximum Impact In The Nations,” which he described as “Fantastic,” the former Chairman stressed the need for ministers to first reposition themselves to able to effectively reposition the local church.

Drawing lessons from the story of Balak and Balaam in Genesis 22, Apostle Dr. Ntumy explained that Balak, the king of Moab, who was exceedingly afraid of the people of Israel, hired Balaam a prophet to curse them so that he would be able to defeat them in battle. However, Balaam did the opposite and blessed them instead. In an attempt to remedy this, Balak sought to “reposition” the prophet at various locations to have a different view of the Israelites so that he (the prophet) would appreciate the threat posed by the multitude of Israelites camping in Moab.

“From the various positions, Balaam saw a different side of the Israelites and God gave him a corresponding Word. Likewise, as ministers, when we reposition ourselves, we would see the Local Church from God’s perspective,” he said.

Expounding further, he said that when ministers are repositioned, they would see the divinity of the Church as people called out by God and not just a mere gathering of people. “In this way, we will love and cherish them,” he added.

He further noted that when repositioned, ministers would appreciate the invincibility of the Church as a powerful institution and know that of a truth, no power, witches and devil can rise against the Church.

Apostle Dr. Ntumy also noted that when repositioned, ministers would also see the humanity of the local church.

“As we reposition ourselves, we see that, the local church, although a gathering of God’s people, is also made up of human beings, and in her humanity, we will see the weakness, the poor, the suffering and imperfect so that we will be able to minister to their needs by the power of the Holy Spirit,” he said.

As part of the repositioning process, he advised ministers to take an introspective view of their lives and ministry and realign themselves to the will of God.

“As ministers who have been repositioned, we would not do things because we have to do them, but we will do them from God’s perspectives,” he said.

Apostle Dr. Ntumy was called into the full-time ministry of The Church of Pentecost in 1984 at age 26, called to the office of an Apostle at age 34 and was elected the fourth Chairman of the Church six years later. After serving for two terms (10 years), he handed over to Apostle Professor Opoku Onyinah, the immediate-past Chairman of the Church. Apostle Dr. Ntumy also served as President of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC) for two terms (10 years) 

He currently serves as the Director of Literary Works of the Church and has since overseen the production of over 15 church publications, such as God’s Power at Work (Volumes 1&2), God’s Faithfulness to The Church of Pentecost, among others.

Apostle Dr. Ntumy is set to retire from active ministry this year after having served God and the Church meritoriously for close to four decades.



God Blesses The Faithful Tither – Elder Dr. Adjaloo

Elder Dr. Michael Adjaloo of the Pentecost International Worship Centre, Asokwa (PIWC-Asokwa) has called on Christians to tithe consistently and faithfully because God blesses faithful tithers. 

According to him, tithing is still relevant to Christian living today despite the controversies surrounding the age-long practice in recent times.

“These dissenting views are largely due to misunderstanding or inadequate biblical teachings. Many a time, prejudice plays a major role in the anti-tithing crusade. There is, therefore, the need to respond with sound biblical teachings, and more importantly, establish timeless validity and relevance of tithing as a tool in the implementation of God’s plan of salvation”, Dr. Adjaloo decried.

He also stated that tithing is of God, and since He instituted it (initiator), He always blesses the faithful tither, as seen in biblical precedence and real-life transforming testimonies by some members of the Church. 

“If God blesses for tithing in these days, it’s enough proof that God still approves of the practice” he emphasised.

Delivering a paper on the topic ‘Sacrificial Giving and Tithing’ at the 2023 Global Ministers’ and Wives’ Conference (GMWC23) at the Pentecost Convention Centre, Gomoa Fetteh near Kasoa, Elder Dr. Adjaloo, who is also a Senior Lecturer at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), commended members of The Church of Pentecost (CoP) for their sacrificial giving and faithfulness in tithing which has been part of the Church’s growth story.

“The significant role money plays in restructuring and developing the Church cannot be overemphasised. The institutional structure of The Church of Pentecost (COP), the quality of both our ministerial and non-ministerial human resources, landed properties, and other assets constitute a monumental tribute to the generosity of our teeming church members over the years”, he explained and added that “the generosity and selfless giving of our forebears have brought the Church to its current status. In fact, churches which have left out tithing have ended up stifling the Church’s growth”.

Commending the Church’s leadership for strategic financial policies and prudent financial management, he asserted that “The COP ensures transparency and accountability at all levels by following standard financial principles and procedures that every Church can employ to ensure effective accountability. All financial transactions are approved by designated officers and income and expenditure are audited periodically to ensure value for money”.


Combine Grace With Hard Work – Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah Advises Christian Leaders

Combine Grace With Hard Work – Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah Advises Christian Leaders

“In The Church of Pentecost, if you are talking of people who have been the recipient of God’s grace, I have been one of them. I was called into the full-time ministry at age 22, ordained as a Pastor at age 25, appointed a Regional Head (Area Head) at age 30, called into Apostleship at age 32, and at age 34 elected as an Executive Council member. All these show that I have been a recipient of God’s grace, but I can also say that I have also worked very hard and toiled physically,” Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah (Rtd.), the immediate past Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, has revealed.

Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah who is also a former President of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC), called on ministers and wives to work very hard in ministry as they combine the grace of God upon their lives to make maximum impact in the nations.

He indicated that although the grace of God is available for every believer, one would have to work hard, have an intimate relationship with God, and set up personal policies and goals to be relevant in ministry for the ‘Possessing the Nations’ agenda.

Addressing participants at the 2023 Global Ministers and Wives’ Conference at the Pentecost Convention Centre at Gomoa Fetteh on Friday, January 27, 2023, Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah said that there are certain principles and practices Christians have to adopt to help them grow holistically, hence the need to work hard and be diligent and also rely on the grace of God.

Speaking on the topic, “Combine Grace with Hard Work,” he touched on certain personal practices such as waking up early in the morning, exercising the body, having personal devotions, having quality time in prayer, studying the word of God and meditating on it daily, healthy eating, among others which, he said, should be encouraged and pursued earnestly by Christians.

He recalled a scripture in 2 Timothy 2:15 which was one of his guiding principles, “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

“I was challenged by this scripture to study the Bible and other books and even went to the extent of contacting some friends to teach me things I had no knowledge about in certain fields of disciplines to make me a better person,” he said.

He added that another scripture that helped him in his ministerial life is 1 Corinthians 14:40, “Let all things be done decently and in order.”

He revealed that this scripture propelled him to follow all church policies to the letter and motivated him to do ministry in a decent and orderly manner bearing in mind that God expects him to be unique in everything he does.

The immediate past Chairman further mentioned that Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and have been called according to his purpose,” armed him to be confident that in whatever situation he found himself (whether good or bad) since the Lord who has called him is always with him, He will work all things for good according to His purpose.

“It is important that you become conscious of the Lord’s presence abiding with you as a Christian even to the point that you trust and believe Him in every situation you find yourself,” he said, adding, “You may face challenges in ministry but you must keep on trusting the one who has called you.”

Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah highlighted some ministerial principles that will help active ministers and those on retirement to help them make maximum impact.

He admonished them to know their strengths and weaknesses and ask for help if need be for maximum impact. He called on retirees to check their zeal otherwise it may cause trouble, while urging church leaders to pray and prepare for all activities, saying, “Be sensitive to what goes on at church and be reminded that unless the Lord has called you into glory you need to learn on a daily basis.


Promote Visitation In The Local Church – Apostle Anane Denteh Tells Church Leaders web

Promote Visitation In The Local Church – Apostle Anane Denteh Tells Church Leaders

The Director of the Men’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost (PEMEM), who doubles as an Executive Council Member of the Church, Apostle Vincent Anane Denteh, has urged church leaders to promote visitation in the local church since it is one of the most important and expressive ways the Church offers care and compassion to members in real-life situations.

According to Apostle Anane Denteh, visitation in the local church could be promoted not only in times of crises but also in times of celebrations and good news such as weddings, outdooring, graduations, and visiting students.

“Besides, it is also our divine responsibility to look for persons who are shut off from the church’s fellowship due to old age, health challenges, or facing various kinds of hardships that may require the attention of other persons,” he stated. 

Apostle Anane Denteh gave this admonition on Friday, January 27, 2023, at the 2023 Global Ministers and Wives Conference (GMWC’23) of The Church of Pentecost at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh near Kasoa in the Central Region of Ghana. 

Presenting on the topic, “Visitation in the Local Church,” he emphasised that when church leaders promote visitation in the local church, there is godly fellowship, care for one another, brotherly love and members begin to bear each other’s burdens.

He, therefore, stressed that Christians must grasp that the love of Christ is the basis of our pastoral care ministry of which visitation is a part. 

“The purpose of these visitations is to look for persons who cannot attend church services or fellowships due to old age, health challenges, or facing various challenges that may require the attention of others. This could be among members, local leaders, and other leaders of the Church,” he said.

The PEMEM Director further noted that visitation has always been a crucial practice in Christianity and cited Acts 20:20 to demonstrate how apostle Paul engaged in house-to-house activities as one of his visitation models to the believers in the early church.

Apostle Anane Denteh, therefore, urged ministers and church leaders to always uphold this principle and be ready to stay connected with the members so that they could identify themselves with their needs and help them solve those challenges. 

He, however, cautioned that what transpires in visitation, whether house to house or wherever the visitation occurs, must be godly in nature and devoid of pursuing any rebellious behaviour against God’s church or a group of people.

“Negligence of the pastoral care, on the other hand, would incur the displeasure of God since all are duty-bound to carry out that aspect of divine obligation. This informs us of the importance of fostering visitation in the Church, particularly the local church, where the members are fundamentally accounted for,” he said.


Make Time To Address Grievances Of The Youth – General Secretary Tells Church Leaders

Make Time To Address Grievances Of The Youth – General Secretary Tells Church Leaders

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost (CoP), Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, has made a passionate appeal to Church leaders to make time to interact with the youth and educate them about the core values, rules of conduct and other foundational beliefs of the Church.

According to the General Secretary, many of the grievances of young people in the Church could easily be addressed when ministers and church leaders engage more with them.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi said this yesterday when he addressed participants of the 2023 Global Ministers and Wives’ Conference (GMWC’23) currently ongoing at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh.

Speaking on the topic: “The CoP Brand: Rules of Conduct and Core Values,” the General Secretary emphasised the need for the older generation of members to painstakingly teach the youth about the foundational beliefs and practices that were bequeathed to them by their forebears.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi noted that observing the tenets, core values, church culture and rules of conduct inherited from the forebears has given the COP a unique and enviable brand.

“It thus behoves this generation to know, uphold and jealously guard these time-tested Pentecostal distinctive attributes as we seek to reposition the local church for maximum impact,” he said.

To preserve The CoP brand for future generations, Apostle Kumi-Larbi posited that church leaders should engage the youth to clarify any concerns or misgivings they may have regarding the Church’s governance system, The CoP’s way of expressing practical Christian life and ministry, as well as her cultural practices. 

“These values and beliefs are in tandem with God’s covenant with the Church, which predates the existence of The Church of Pentecost. I therefore plead with ministers and leaders of The Church of Pentecost at all levels to have time to engage the members, especially the youth; they have questions!” he said.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi also advised the youth to avail themselves to be mentored by the older generation and to seek clarifications on issues from appropriate authorities.

He buttressed his assertion by quoting item “G” of the Church’s Rules of Conduct, which reads: “During casual conversation at home or at work, do not speak disrespectfully or disparagingly about the Church and God’s servants. Make your concerns and grievances known to the appropriate authority for explanation or redress (3 John 9,10; Numbers 12:1-15).”

He advised the Christian youth to refrain from falsely accusing or castigating their spiritual leaders or persons in authority as it may have dire consequences, as seen in the cases of Miriam (Numbers 12:1-15) and Diotrephes (3 John 9, 10).

He reminded them that emphasis on the respect for authority, as well as prayer, the word of God and absolute reliance on the Holy Ghost, are among the variables that have contributed immensely to making The CoP a respected brand in the world.

“It is because of this culture that in 1998, Senior Apostles like S.K. Ansong, B. K. Arthur, D. K. Annan and the rest could subject themselves to the leadership of a young Apostle, Dr. Michael Ntumy, who was elected Chairman of our Church at age 40,” he said.

Concluding his message, Apostle Kumi-Larbi encouraged members, particularly the youth, to cooperate with the Church leadership in protecting and projecting The COP brand.

“For, I foresee that the glory of tomorrow’s Church is far more glorious than the Church today,” he said.


Encourage Small Prayer Groups In the Local Church – Apostle Antwi To The Clergyd

Encourage Small Prayer Groups In the Local Church – Apostle Antwi To The Clergy

The Cape Coast Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Samuel Yaw Antwi, has charged the clergy to encourage small prayer group meetings within the local church to ensure great revival in the church.

“As Christians, we need to keep a close relationship with God by interacting with Him through His word and prayer,” Apostle Antwi said.

The Executive Council Member said this on Thursday, January 26, 2023, during the 2023 Global Ministers and Wives’ Conference, which is ongoing at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa-Fetteh, near Kasoa.

Delivering a paper on the topic, “Encouraging Personal Devotion and Small Groups Prayer Meetings to Strengthen the Local Church,” Apostle Antwi defined a small group as a micro-community of three to twelve persons doing the Christian life deeply together.

“When you are few, you can expose yourselves to one another by sharing your weaknesses and strengths for support,” he said.

Using Matthew 4:18-22 and Luke 6:13 as scripture references, Apostle Antwi said that Jesus had a small group at the beginning of His ministry which enabled Him to minister within a framework of interpersonal relationship, saying, “This small group formed the basis or platform for His ministry to large groups.”

He added: “One of the trademarks of The Church of Pentecost is its dedication to prayer. The mantra: ‘Prayer is the work, and the work is prayer’ has been carried down from the Founder, Rev. James McKeown to the current generation.”

He disclosed that a typical assembly of the church had its doors open for any member to walk in and spend time before the Lord in prayer.

Apostle Samuel Yaw Antwi, therefore, called on the clergy to reflect on this fading core value and find appropriate ways to revamp it in an effort to strengthen the local church.


Let’s Strengthen The Local Church for Greater Impact - Apostle Nyamekye To Church Leaders

Let’s Strengthen The Local Church For Greater Impact – Apostle Nyamekye To Church Leaders

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost (CoP), Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has said that the 2023 theme was intentionally chosen to strengthen the local church as the centre for mobilising and equipping church members for maximum impact in the nations.

The Chairman said this yesterday when he threw more light on this year’s theme: “Repositioning the Local Church for Maximum Impact in the Nations,” during the opening ceremony of the ongoing Global Ministers and Wives’ Conference at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh.

Apostle Nyamekye explained that the effort to reposition local church for more impact despite the many gains made by The Church of Pentecost over the years is an indication of the Church’s thirst and hunger for excellence.

“So, let us put behind us the glories of the yesteryear and strife to attain the goal for which Christ has called us,” he stated. 

The Chairman, therefore, advised the ministers to embrace the theme with passion and zeal to achieve the intended objective.

“As ministers of a church that seeks to reposition itself, we need to first reposition ourselves to be able to effectively reposition the local church. This can only be a reality when we are well-grounded and well-positioned in the very things we want our members to know and do,” he said.

Apostle Eric Nyamekye also revealed that to achieve the desired set goals under the 2023 theme, a pattern of teaching would be adopted, guided by these selected topics: “The Local Church as a Family, The Local Church Upholding the Value of Godliness, Sacrificial Giving and Tithing, the Local Church in Evangelism and Visitation in the Local Church.”

The other topics are: “Raising Family Altars to Strengthen the Local Church: Lessons from the Puritans, and Encouraging Personal Devotions and Small Group Prayer Meetings to Strengthen the Local Church.”

In addition to the selected topics, the Chairman stated that the first three months of the Bible Study sessions have been dedicated to studying the rules of conduct and core values of the Church, as a means of strengthening the local church and deepening The CoP brand.

Concluding his presentation, Apostle Nyame stated that the Church leadership intends to use the 2023 theme to make the local assemblies ready to combat every thought, argument and pretension that set itself up against the knowledge of God and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.


Fear God For Maximum Impact In The Nations – Apostle Dr. Walker Admonishes Ministers

Fear God For Maximum Impact In The Nations – Apostle Dr. Walker Admonishes Ministers

An Executive Council Member of The Church of Pentecost, who doubles as the Area Head of Tarkwa, Apostle Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker, has admonished the clergy to carry the fear of God for maximum impact in the nations.

According to Apostle Dr. Walker, the Holy Spirit manifests Himself in various ways in the local church, where sinners are constantly being saved and added to the church. 

“It is time to make a maximum impact by stoking the fire of the Holy Spirit in bigger proportion through the fear of God,” he stated.

He made this admonition on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at the opening of the 2023 Global Ministers’ and Wives’ Conference, organised by the church, at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, near Kasoa.

Delivering a presentation on the topic, “Stoking the Fire of The Holy Spirit, Living In the Fear of God in the Local Church,” the Western and Western North RCC Co-ordinator said that Jesus told the disciples to wait for the power of the Holy Spirit before doing ministry.

“Being baptized by the power of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the disciples were equipped and repositioned to go into the world,” Apostle Dr. Walker iterated.

He disclosed that one major characteristic of the early church that had made a major impact in their communities, nations, and wherever they went was the fear of God in the church.

Defining the fear of God, he noted that it is having a deep respect, reverence, and awe for God’s power and authority. He, therefore, urged the clergy to honor God with their lives in such a way that they would not do anything in word or deed to displease him.

Touching on the fear of God in the local church, the Executive Council Member charged the clergy to obey God’s Word; sacrifice unconditionally; have compassion for others; refrain from evil; keep the commands of God; walk in the ways of God, and love God and serve Him with their heart and soul.

“Ministers must avoid amassing wealth for themselves at the expense of sacrificing wholly to God,” he said, urging, “We want to reposition the church such that apostles, pastors, and members will fear the Lord and would not condone sin.”

Apostle Dr. Walker further explained that when we talk about fearing God it does not only involve having deep reverence or respect for God, exercising careful obedience to His word, but being sincerely afraid of God.

He charged the active and retired ministers gathered across the globe to keep themselves holy and pure, wearing the righteousness of Christ to lead other members in righteousness and holiness in the church.

“When the fear of God is in operation in the church, the fire of the Holy Spirit is rekindled always, and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit becomes prominent,” he posited.