Apostle Tekper Retires After 37 Years In Full-Time Ministry3 WEB

Apostle Tekper Retires After 37 Years In Full-Time Ministry

With cheerful smiles and hands lifted towards the sky, Apostle David Tettey Tekper, the Achimota Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, and his wife Matilda gave glory to God as they gracefully bowed out of active ministerial service.

A retirement service took place today at the Achimota Central Assembly auditorium to honour the gallant soldiers of the Cross, who have steadfastly served God and The Church of Pentecost for 37 years in full-time ministry.

Chaired by the General Secretary of the Church, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, the event welcomed a host of dignitaries including Apostle Samuel Osei Asante (Executive Council Member and Kaneshie Area Head), Apostle Isaac Nii Kotei Djani (Techiman Area Head and Executive Council Member), Apostle Amos Jimmy Markin (Evangelism Ministry Director and Executive Council Member-elect), Apostle Dr. Philip Osei-Korsah (Counseling Ministry Director), Apostle Ebenezer Hagan (Youth Ministry Director) and Apostle Patrick Aseyoro (Suhum Area Head).

Apostles James Tetteh, Abraham Swanzy, Dr. Christian Tsekpoe, Samuel Gakpetor, John Obeng Kesse, Emmanuel Kojo Aidoo, and others were also present.

The service was marked by joyous scenes, with congregants joining the couple in jubilant praises. The General Secretary, as usual, led the way with his iconic handclapping.

The sermon, fittingly titled “Finishing the Race Set Before You By God” and delivered by Apostle S. O. Asante, resonated powerfully with the retirement service of a man who has faithfully run the race of ministry for nearly four decades.

In his sermon, based on 2 Timothy 4:6-8, Apostle Asante explained that, at the twilight of his ministry, Apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to strive to also finish his race.

Referring to Numbers 8:23-26, he stressed that there is a time of rest from labor for everyone, further noting that, in addition to the statutory retirement age that brings an end to one’s labour, old age, sickness, and death could also bring an end to one’s service.

“Therefore, if there is anything we can do for God, we need to do it now and work at it well with all our strength,” he stressed.

Quoting Acts 13:36, Apostle Asante reminded Christians that God is not just interested in them finishing their race, but that they fulfill the purpose He has for their life.

The Christian life, he underscored, is a race set before the believer by God, adding that God desires for His children to live as true Christians without compromise.

“Since you have chosen to be a Christian, then be a Christian. So make sure you become the Christian God wants you to become and bring glory to Him,” he said.

Apostle Asante congratulated the retiring couple for ending their service (race) gloriously and urged the Church to emulate them by serving God’s purpose until the end.

“As a Christian, know that God has set a race before you, and He expects you to finish well,” he concluded.

Apostle David Tekper left his role as an Assistant Superintendent of Education in 1986 to heed the call into full-time ministry with The Church of Pentecost. His ministerial journey began in the Obawale District and took him through nine other stations, including Accra New Town District, Agona Swedru Area as Area Head, Kete Krachi Area, Hohoe Area, Cape Coast Area, and finally, Achimota Area. He also served as a missionary of the Church in Lesotho and as a missionary attaché in the USA.

Among other roles and appointments, Apostle Tekper also served as Secretary to the Pension Board from 1996 to 1999 and was an Executive Council Member of the Church from 2015 to 2020.

As part of the event, the Achimota Area presbytery, the Area pastorate, and the Women’s Ministry gave glowing testimonies about their outgoing Area Head and his wife, praising their attributes and contributions to the Area’s growth in the past five years.

They also presented the couple with citations acknowledging their meritorious service in the Achimota Area and The Church of Pentecost.

The General Council of The Church of Pentecost also eulogized the retiring couple for their exemplary service to God and unwavering loyalty to the Church.

The testimony, read on behalf of the Council by Apostle Nii Kotei Djani, described Apostle Tekper as a team player who relates well to his fellow ministers within and outside the Church.

“Our senior brother is a versatile leader skilled in developing other leaders, especially young people. He has an eye for identifying potential in the youth, many of whose skills he has helped develop,” it further read.

The Council also commended Mrs. Matilda Tekper for serving as a strong pillar behind her husband’s ministry and extended well wishes to the retiring couple.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi presented a Certificate of Service and a Retired Ministers’ License to Apostle Tekper on behalf of the Church.

In response, Apostle Tekper expressed heartfelt gratitude to all, particularly past and present leaders of the Church and their relatives, who in diverse ways supported them in their ministerial journey, after which the General Secretary, together with the apostles present, led the gathering in praying for the couple as they formally proceed on retirement.

The well-attended event also had in attendance Mrs Mary Nyamekye (Wife of the Chairman), Mrs. Rose Dansoa Kumi-Larbi (Wife of the General Secretary), Mrs. Grace Opoku Onyinah (Wife of the immediate-past Chairman), Mrs. Korkor Obuobi (Wife of the General Secretary-Elect),  the pastorate, their spouses, officers, and members of the Achimota Area, alongside scores of retired ministers, relatives, and well-wishers.


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