IMD Dedicates Adidogome Central Temple In Togo

IMD Dedicates Adidogome Central Temple In Togo

It was all joy and jubilation when the International Missions Director (IMD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Gyesi-Addo, joined the Church in Lome to dedicate the Adidogome Central Temple in Lome, Togo on August 24, 2019.

Present to assist the IMD was the outgoing National Head of the Church in Togo, Apostle Ousmane Patinde Zabre and his national leadership as well as the incoming National Head, Apostle Komi Edina Agbavitoh.

The temple which was constructed at the cost of 80million CFA, received funding from the International Missions Office (General Headquarters in Ghana), the National Office in Togo and some individuals.

The church in Adidogome was established on September 22, 1995. The assembly initially had their service at the salon of a sister and later moved to a classroom of a private school. In 1999, it was moved to Agbemadon, where they worshipped in a tent. Having lasted for a year, the assembly relocated to a private school in the year 2000.

In 2002, the leadership of the church bought a piece of land at the cost of 6.9million CFA to construct a permanent church building. The project took off during the time of Apostle Komi Edina Agbavitoh, the then National Head, but the actual construction began in 2012 when Apostle Ousmane Zabre took over as National Head.

Delivering the sermon on the theme, “Being an Agent of Transformation” based on Isaiah 58:12, 1 Peter 2:5, Pastor George Prah Amonoo said God through the Chairman and the Executive Council has given the church a vision, thus Vision 2023 to possess the nations. The vision, he said, seeks to equip the members with godly values to impact the world with Kingdom principles and values.

Explaining the texts, he said in the ancient days’ cities were built with walls for protection. He indicated that cities with fortified walls were secured and had peace. Using the anecdote of the ancient wall, he explained that in the Bible wall symbolises God’s protection and security.

He, however, said broken walls stand for a life that is lived in sin, a life that is in shambles and has no protection of God.

“Today, many walls are broken. The walls of families are broken; the fortified walls of our nations are broken through immoral life, corruption, sin, and alcohol and drug abuse. Corruption is everywhere and the fortified walls of righteousness are broken down.

“Many families are in shambles because the walls are broken. Families are shattered by divorce and many children have become street children,” he bemoaned.

He called on Christians to rise up to restore righteousness and Kingdom values in every place they found themselves in order to rebuild the broken walls of the family, society and the nations.

“Vision 2023 is a call to bring the people back to God. All of us are being called upon to be agents of transformation. We should be repairers of broken walls wherever we are,” he stressed.

In order to be agents of transformation, Pastor George Amonoo entreated Christians to preach the message of transformation (the good news) to people around them, pray to God to open their eyes to see the dying souls around them, and also endeavour to live a transformed life.

Jesus Is Much More than a saviour

Jesus Is Much More Than A Saviour – Apostle Gyesi-Addo

The International Missions Director (IMD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Gyesi-Addo, has advised Christians to acknowledge Jesus Christ, not only as their Saviour, but also as the Lord of their lives.

According to the IMD, “to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord means that, He is ruler, boss, owner of all things and master of one’s whole life, and that He is the one who exercises authority, power and influence over others. He cannot be Lord of a part – He must be given control of one’s entire life.”

Apostle Emmanuel Gyesi-Addo said this on February 15th, 2020, during a presentation on the topic, “The Christian and the Lordship of Christ” at the maiden Francophone Ministers and Wives’ Conference at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh near Kasoa in the Central Region.

In his presentation, the IMD said that, the conversion or adoption of a believer as a child of God begins with the belief, acceptance and confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour. However, he observed that in contemporary Christianity, more emphasis is placed on the saving grace of Jesus Christ, while little or no mention is made of His lordship. “Many contemporary Christians have been introduced to the benefits of salvation through Christ without having to accept the ‘inconvenient’ challenge of His lordship over their lives. As a result, many Christians today, are very comfortable with Jesus in a manger and Jesus crucified on the cross, but not how we may share in His suffering (Galatians 2:20),” he explained.

Reading Luke 4:8, he explained that, “Jesus is our Saviour because He is the only one who is anointed to save humanity, proclaim the Good News, heal the sick and deliver the oppressed. So, most people love the Jesus who delivers. But Jesus is not only our Saviour, He is also our Lord!”

He explained that living a victorious Christian life calls for a life of commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ; for this reason, every Christian must submit to the authority of Jesus Christ.

He asserted that, “If anyone recognises Jesus Christ as Lord, then the first requirement from such a person is utter and total obedience. Obedience must be immediate and not delayed because obedience delayed is the same as disobedience.” Apostle Gyesi-Addo, therefore, challenged Christians to submit to Christ by bringing every area of their lives under His sovereign rule.

He indicated that the love for Christ and a clear conscience should inform every Christian’s motive for submitting to His Lordship. (1 John 4:19; 2 Corinthians 5:14). However, very often some Christians, who profess Jesus as their Lord, do not portray lifestyles, attitudes and deeds that support their claim.

The IMD, therefore, urged ministers to consciously teach church members, especially new converts to know and understand that Jesus Christ is not only their Saviour, but also their Lord, and for this reason, He must be given control over their entire lives.

Jesus Died To Benefit The Entire Human Race – Apostle Gyesi-Addo

Jesus Died To Benefit The Entire Human Race – Apostle Gyesi-Addo

The International Missions Director (IMD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Gyesi-Addo, has declared that Jesus Christ did not die a vicarious death for Himself, but suffered so that humanity would be set free from sin and eternal damnation.

He explained that for one to benefit from the death of Jesus Christ, they must acknowledge Him as their Lord and personal Saviour and He will turn their sorry situations around. 

“Jesus went through hell which separated Him from God. For the first time He couldn’t call God, ‘Father’ because He took our place and bore the sins of the world upon Himself; it was not for His sake. He died that we might live. He went through hell so that we may not go through hell again. He did that as punishment for sin in order to save us,” he pointed out.  

Apostle Gyesi-Addo stated this in a sermon on the Good Friday on PENT TV as part of the 2020 Easter celebration by The Church of Pentecost which is being held on the theme, “Jesus Died That I Might Live” – 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10.

Speaking on the topic, “The Message of the Cross” based on John 19:28-30; 1 Corinthians 1:18, he explained that the cross was a symbol of shame, punishment, and curse and that death on the cross was only reserved for the most wicked criminal.

However, he stated, when Jesus went up to the cross, the narration about the cross changed, saying, “Every situation that Jesus comes into, He transforms it even if it is one of a shame and curse when Jesus associates Himself with that kind of situation, He transforms it.

“From the time Jesus went to the cross and associated Himself with it, today the cross has become a symbol of glory and beauty. So no matter how your life is, just invite Him into it and He will transform your life.”

According to the IMD, there are so many theories that have been fabricated by men about the death of Christ. He said that some people say that Jesus fainted and died, others say that just as He was about to die His body was smuggled, while others also say that he was exchanged for someone else. “No matter what the theories say, the Bible confirms that Jesus died and the fact is that He did not die for Himself – He died to bring benefit to others; He died that we might live,” he stressed.

Apostle Gyesi-Addo mentioned that the physical sufferings that Jesus went through was meant to give eternal life to men. “The Lamb of God was killed in order to give us life. He went through intense sufferings for our sake; He went through hell for us. Jesus was made sin and, therefore, had to pay the penalty of sin, and the penalty of sin is death,” he pointed (2 Corinthians 5:21; Luke 16:19-24).

He indicated that when Jesus shouted, “Tetelestai” meaning “It is finished,” it implied that He had finished the task of working on the salvation of humanity that was assigned Him by God, that all His sufferings on earth from the beginning of His ministry all the way to the cross had come to an end; the period of fasting, temptations, the insults, false accusations, hunger and thirst, weeping, emotional and physical torture had all come to an end.

“Whatever you go through in life has an expiry date written on it. You may not see it but God sees and one day it is going to be over. One day every suffering will come to an end,” he assured.

“When Christ cried Tetelestai, He was saying that the work given to Him by the Father has been accomplished. It means that every debt – the debt of sin, weakness and shortcomings, the debts of our parents and ancestors that have had bearings on us have been paid in full.

“You don’t owe the devil anything for Jesus’ sake. So as we celebrate Easter this year, it doesn’t matter the condition under which we are celebrating it, the message of the Cross is still the relevant and the same,” he stated.