Chairman Commends Head Office Staff For Their Loyalty (2)

Chairman Commends Head Office Staff For Their Loyalty

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has commended the staff of the General Headquarters of the church for their loyalty and cooperation.

Speaking at this year’s Head Office Staff Retirement and Awards ceremony held at the Sophia McKeown Temple at La, Accra on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, the Chairman said that despite the changes and the challenges that COVID-19 brought about in the operations of the church, some gains were made over the period. This, he attributed, to the grace of God and the hard work and cooperation of the staff.

“On behalf of Management, may I commend you all, our beloved staff for standing with us throughout these turbulent times, especially when we had to take very critical decisions to get the operations of the church on course.

“Your cooperation has helped us to sail the boat effectively despite the storms of COVID-19. It is our hope and prayer that we can continue to count on you in the years to come in steering the affairs of the church, as we seek together to build a glorious church to possess the nations for our Lord,” he stated.

Touching on Christmas and the prospects for the ensuing year, Apostle Nyamekye reminded all and sundry that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ, the true wonderful story ever told, saying, “It all began on the day that God came in the flesh, the day the son of God was born by a virgin named Mary. The excitement and the wonder that gladded His conception, birth, and dedication is incomparable.

“May I humbly submit that Christmas is not really for individual families but the family of God; a people whom he has purchased by his blood; His household, the Church. It is therefore proper that brethren meet in this season if they can, to celebrate the birth of Christ together, sing and tell of His goodness in the assembly of the saints, and to proclaim Him to the world. In this vein, I admonish all of us to play active roles in the organization of this year’s Christmas convention in our respective districts.”

He added: “Brothers and sisters, as we enter the year 2021, may we not be apprehensive of what the new year has for us. We should not allow the setbacks in 2020 to weigh us down. Rather, let us take advantage of the lessons COVID-19 has taught us and use them as springboards into the future as we take stock of our lives.

“May we strive to correct the errors of the past and resolve to do things differently in the year ahead as we seek to build a glorious church revived to possess the nations. May we also seek to manage our lives and our finances well against the future.  I trust our God will restore and compensate that which we might have lost in 2020.”


Real Revival is the alignment of the soul to the moves of the Holy Spirit - Chairman1

Real Revival Is The Alignment Of The Soul To The Moves Of The Holy Spirit – Chairman

“Real revival is at the point of alignment of the soul to the moves of the Holy Spirit. It is the adjustment of the soul to the workings of the Spirit, the desires and promptings of the Spirit. Real revival is the alignment of the believer’s soul to the word of God; it is at this point when the soul says “Yes” to the Lord.”

These were revealed by the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, during Day Two of the ongoing 2020 Heads’ Meeting on Tuesday, December 1, 2020.

This year’s Heads’ Meeting is being held virtually via zoom and at regional level throughout the world.

Speaking in a sermon titled, “The Call For Revival,” Apostle Nyamekye stated that revival is not carrying Bibles and singing spiritual war songs. Neither is it about healing and deliverance nor the shouts of joy in church or replacing benches with single seats in the church. These, he stated, could be the manifestation of or effects of revival but they are not revival in and of themselves.

“Revival is not an event but about people. It is about a certain kind of a man or woman,” he explained.

He indicated that the call for revival today means a heavenly need of a certain kind of people, saying, “If we are calling for a revival, what it means is that heaven has to meet a certain kind of people.”

He explained that revival is always about a certain kind of Christians – men and women who are heaven made and have decided to make certain concessions of their lives to live for Christ. He said that such persons are ever ready to do anything to defend the cause of the gospel even at the peril of their lives.

Reading from Matthew 26: 38-39, he pointed out that Jesus’ soul was overwhelmed with sorrow because of the sufferings he had to go through since God’s will for him was the cross [to die a precarious death on the cross]. The will of God for Jesus, he said, could not change because what is written is written. He said that althougJesus’s soul was overwhelmed with sorrow, he subjected his will to the Master [God]. It was a critical moment for Jesus – a make or break in his life.

Quoting from Luke 22:36-37, he stated: “Though Jesus had his passion and will, he had to ensure that what was written about him come to pass. Because of this, he subjected his soul to that of the Master. It was at this point that he said, ‘Yes’ to the Lord.”

“Brothers and sisters, if we are calling for revival, then we need men and women who will submit their will, mind, emotions to the will of God.

“God is constantly at work in His creation; He is always speaking and it takes a receptive soul to connect. When one connects, that is the point of revival. That is where all things are done in new and fresh ways. At this point, one sees through the lenses of the Spirit, their eyes turn away from everything and fasten on Jesus.

“Men of revival are sicked with the evil they see; they are vexed with the things they see and hear; they will rather die than to see evil perpetuate. Sin makes them sick. Their only passion is the glory of God. And when their soul is consumed with the will of God, they will do anything to bring back the glory of God. These men are scarce to find. They are the people who cause revival. They are frustrated by the evils of the world.

With reference to 1 Kings 17:1-2, the Chairman expounded that believers who cause revival are prepared in the closet and they are released to the world, and that when their souls are aligned to the Spirit of God, there is no hindrance to the overflow of the power of God in them.

He added that the bodies of revived people adjust to the effect of the overflow of the anointing in their lives and it becomes glare for everyone to see, feel, and hear the revival and power of God in their lives. “This kind of life is notoriously infectious. Just as one COVID-19 person can infest many, so also can one revived person and a revived church affect many others and many churches.”


Chairman Unveils Theme For 2021 pix2

Chairman Unveils Theme For 2021

The theme of The Church of Pentecost for the year 2021 is “A Glorious Church Revived to Possess the Nations” (Ephesians 3:12, 5:27), the Chairman of the church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has revealed.

The theme was unveiled during the opening session of the ongoing Global Heads’ Meeting held virtually on Monday, November 30, 2020.

The 2021 theme bears semblance to that of the 2020 theme; the only difference is the introduction of the word “revived.”

Explaining the rationale behind the 2021 theme, the Chairman said that the Executive Council after prayerful consideration chose to repeat the 2020 theme because of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic which made it impossible for the church to effectively treat the theme.

“Since these annual themes are guiding steps towards the overarching theme, introducing a new theme, we believe, will distract the intended process towards the realisation of the “Possessing the Nations” agenda. In view of this, the Executive Council after a prayerful consideration has decided to repeat the 2020 annual theme for 2021.

“However, as we gradually recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and its related impact, we also see that the church globally will need a reawakening. We sense a sound of abundance of rain. For if we have experienced a pandemic in our lifetime, we should also experience a revival in our lifetime. Just as many have succumbed to the deadly virus, many should also be led into the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

“So, although we are repeating the 2020 theme, we are introducing one word into the theme – ‘revived.’ Thus, the theme for 2021 is, ‘A Glorious Church Revived to Possess the Nations,’” he said.

According to Apostle Nyamekye, topics to be treated this year would remain the same, but they would be treated with the intention to spark up a revival in the church.

This year’s Global Heads’ Meeting is taking place at the regional levels and blocs across the world. However, the evening sessions would be organised virtually via Zoom.

Taking part in the event are Area Heads, National Heads, Apostles, Evangelists, Prophets, Ministry Directors, Ministers on Secondment, and retired ministers, among others.


Bear each other

Bear With One Another In Love – Apostle Nyamekye Urges Christians

Christians should make every effort to bear with one another in love in order to hold the unity of the body of Christ, the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has advised. 

Referring to Ephesians 4, Apostle Nyamekye outlined some qualities and attributes required of believers in managing and containing each other in the family of God. 

According to him, since the body of Christ (the Church) is made up of people with different background and training, certainly, there will be some kind of behaviours that need to be tolerated and accommodated just to keep the unity of the Spirit when such attitudes do not breach the basics of the Gospel. 

“If what we do, say, eat, like, wear does not contravene the fundamentals of the Gospel, then we must try to bear with one another,” he said.

Apostle Nyamekye said this in a sermon he preached to conclude his teachings on November 22, 2020, during the Special Sunday Evening Service on PENT TV.

Reading from Acts 15:19-21 and Romans 14:1-6, 13-17, the Chairman explained that bearing with one another is making concessions for the weak. This, according to him, will make it easier to break bread together as the custom of the early church was. 

“For the unity of the body, we need to endeavour to hold the church together. Sometimes we need to make a concession when it doesn’t go against the core message of the Gospel so we can accommodate our brothers,” he reiterated.

He, however, cautioned Christians against overbearing in their bid to make concessions as the effort of every member of the body of Christ is required in holding the church together.

Apostle Nyamekye pointed out that Christ has made some provisions in the heart of believers to be able to accommodate one another (Romans 5:5).

“So apart from the work on the cross; apart from the prayer He prayed before He went on the cross; apart from intercessory prayer that He is constantly making for us and what the Elders do by helping us unite by giving us good teachings, in every believer’s heart Christ has poured the love of God,” he said, adding, “So when we want to operate, let’s operate from that perspective that there is the love of God in our heart that is able to accommodate one another’s failing and weakness.” 

Explaining what to do to help one another in the body of Christ, Apostle Eric Nyamekye charged Christians to see value in one another by recognising the graces upon one another (Ephesians 4:7), honour one another (Romans 12:10), share each other’s burden (Galatians 6:2), encourage one another (Hebrews 3:12-13), exhort, teach and admonish one another (Ephesians 5:19-21; Colossians 3:16). 

“As members of the body of Christ, we must love one another (John 13:30), serve one another (John 13:11), support one another (Acts 2:45), pray for one another (2 Thessalonians 2:5), spur one another on (Colossians 4:17), rejoice with one another and mourn with one another (Romans 12:15), and be everything for another,” he added.

“We are of the same family and we need to unite and fight the devil and make the kingdoms of the world become the Kingdom of our God. There is a race that we must run; there are victories to be won.

“We need to try and sit at the Master’s table as brothers. Let us work hard at the unity of the Spirit; accomodating one another’s failing.

“Being gentle and patience; being very humble and living the life that we have been called to, the life of holiness, we will be able to forge the unity of the Spirit,” the Chairman concluded.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah.


Chairman Interacts With 2020 NSMQ Winning Team

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, today (Tuesday, November 10, 2020), hosted the winning team of the 2020 National Science and Maths Quiz (NSMQ) in his office at the church’s Headquarters in Accra.

The winning team, Isaac Gyamfi and Benjamin Nketsia, both members of the Olebu and Korle Bu Districts of The Church of Pentecost, respectively, together with the indefatigable Daniel Kekeli Gakpetor, represented  the Presbyterian Boys Senior High School (PRESEC) in this year’s NSMQ and emerged victorious after beating their counterparts from the Adisadel College (ADISCO) and Opoku Ware Senior High School (OWASS) to the ultimate prize of the competition.

The celebrated trio, who came in the company of Apostle Samuel Gakpetor (Anyaa-Ablekuma Area Head,), Pastor Stephen Ewusie-Ocran (Olebu District Minister) and Mrs Diana Gakpetor (mother of Daniel Gakpetor), were warmly received on arrival by the Chairman and the General Secretary, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, who is himself a past student of PRESEC.

Interacting with them, Apostle Eric Nyamekye said that, just like most people in the country, he followed the competition with keen interest through to the end.

According to the Chairman, the decision to invite them came about after he was informed by Apostle Samuel Gakpetor, that two of the three-member winning team were members of the Church. He said that the meeting is, thus, to congratulate them for the extraordinary feat and to applaud them for making their school, parents and the church proud.

The Chairman explained that it is God who grants individuals talents and abilities to enable them manage the earth and its resources. He, however, stressed that although abilities differ, human beings need each other to thrive. Hence, no ability should be seen as more important than the other because everyone depends on the other to survive.

“The doctor may be intelligent, but for him to sit comfortably to do his work, he will depend on the skills of the carpenter who is skilled in crafting furniture. In the same way, the carpenter also depends on the caterer to cook sumptuous meals for him to eat. This means that we all need each other,” he elaborated.

Reading from 1 Corinthians 4:7, Apostle Nyamekye urged the gentlemen to be humble and not allow the attention they have received, following their feat, get into their heads but to be motivated to work even harder to do more exploits. He advised them to be always mindful that it is the Lord who has granted them the intelligence with which they were able to emerge victorious.

The Chairman revealed that, in recognition of their outstanding performance, The Church of Pentecost is offering all three of them, a full-tuition scholarship to pursue higher learning at the Pentecost University.

Speaking to PENTECOST NEWS after the meeting, the gentlemen expressed their gratitude to the Chairman for the noble invitation. They were particularly grateful for the great advice they received from the Chairman and the generous educational scholarship offered them by the church.

Mrs Diana Gakpetor, who was visibly elated by the visit, commended the church for extending the invitation and scholarship to her son although he is not a member of the church.

After the interaction, the Chairman prayed for them and joined them in a group photograph session. They also received brief tour of the Pent TV studios located at the Headquarters premises.


Chairman Extols Evangelist Asiamah As He Retires From Full-Time Ministry (002)1

Chairman Extols Evangelist Asiamah As He Retires From Full-Time Ministry

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has extolled the Maamobi District Minister of the Church, Evangelist Samuel Agyei Asiamah, who retired from active ministry on Sunday, October 25, 2020, after 33 years of exemplary service to God and humanity.

Speaking at his retirement service which took place at the Salem Assembly at Maamobi in La Area, the Chairman described Evangelist Asiamah as a very humble and respectful minister of God.

The Chairman noted that the Church will greatly miss the retired evangelist due to his resourcefulness and ability to excellently carry out tasks that leadership assigns him. “I’m somehow saddened that today we are retiring such an illustrious minister of the Church. His retirement has come at a time we needed his services most,” he stated, adding, “I pray that God will continue to bless this Church with ministers of his type.”

Apostle Nyamekye, in a sermon titled, “The True Value of Our Service to God is with Him” taken from John 7:38, charged Christians to strive to be fountains through whom God will channel His heavenly blessings to other people.

He explained that as true followers of Christ, it is not the physical blessings that they gain that matters, but the good things that flow through them that impact society.

He indicated that Mary Magdalene, whose brother Jesus resurrected from the dead, broke her alabaster jar [an expensive perfume] and used it to anoint the feet of Jesus, did her best to honour the Lord even though she was strongly chastised by people like Judas Iscariot who wanted it sold to cater for the poor so that he could personally benefit from it.

He added that the offering of the widow, though insignificant, pleased Jesus because she gave her last and her best. According to Apostle Nyamekye, “God reads motives, so we should not let our services be a sheer showmanship just to please men.”

The Chairman, therefore, implored believers, especially ministers of the gospel, not to make money and material blessings their main priority, since God is not interested in that. “The measure of our success in ministry or life is not about our titles or the quantum of material things we acquire, but our ability to give out what we receive from God.”

He advised believers to serve with diligence whenever they get the opportunity since their works will follow them.


The Maamobi District described Evangelist Asiamah as a “gifted man of God who spiritually imparted members during church services.” They added: “His words carry power and this is a true hallmark of a prayerful man of God who loves to encourage prayer meetings.”

The District Women’s Ministry also described his wife, Mrs. Josephine Asiamah, as an indispensable companion to her husband and others. “Her prayer life, devotion, the ministration of the word of God, and the unique way of doing this is worthy of emulation,” they stated.

For the General Council, Evangelist Asiamah served with utmost dedication, selflessness, contentment, innovation, and wisdom, saying, “He selflessly worked with great enthusiasm and zeal. As an innovative minister, he always seeks better ways to push boundaries and breaks new ground.”

Profile of Evangelist Samuel Agyei Asiamah

Born some 65 years ago at Juaso in the Ashanti Region, Evangelist Asiamah completed elementary school at Juaso Local Authority Middle School in 1971 and continued to Koforidua Technical Institute (Pre-Tech) and completed in 1973. He enrolled at the Kumasi Polytechnic (now Kumasi Technical University) and studied Electrical Engineering Practice (EEP) and graduated in 1975. Whilst in ministry, he did other courses and also acquired a Bachelor of Theology degree from the Canada Christian College.

He worked at the Volta Aluminium Company Limited (Valco), Tema, and later at Nestle Ghana Limited. He also worked at the Tema Steel Works Corporation and the Cocoa Processing Company Limited, where he worked till his call into the full-time ministry in 1987.

In ministry, he served in the following stations: Ayirebi (1987-1993), Yendi (1993-1994), Chiraa (1994-1995), Akim Oda (1995-2001), Nungua (2001-2008), Belgium (2008-2013), Austria (2013-2015), and Maamobi (2015-2020).


The service attracted people from all walks of life, including active and retired ministers of the Church. Prominent among them were: Apostle Isaac Nii Kotei Djani (Tamale Area Head/Executive Council Member), Apostle Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker (Rector, Pentecost University/Executive Council Member), and Apostle John Osei Amaniampong (La Area Head).

Others were: Mrs. Mary Nyamekye (wife of the Chairman) and Mrs. Rose Dansoa Kumi-Larbi (wife of the General Secretary), among others.


Chairman Applauds Out-Going Ministry Directors NEC Members pix1

Chairman Applauds Out-Going Ministry Directors, NEC Members

Out-going ministry directors of The Church of Pentecost and their National Executive Committee (NEC) Members have been lauded for their invaluable services to the Church.

“We want to show our appreciation to you for what you have done for the Church. You have done what you could and you need to be proud of serving the Church,” the Chairman of the Church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, said this during a certificate presentation ceremony held in honour of the reviewed directors and their NEC members at the Headquarters at La, Accra, on Friday, October 16, 2020, ahead of the farewell and induction service scheduled to take place on Sunday, October 18, at PIWC Atomic.

The outgoing directors are Apostle Fred Tiakor (Children’s Director), who served from 2012 to 2020;  Deaconess Grace Lucy Yeboah-Asuama (Women’s Director), who served from 2012 to 2020; Apostle Emmanuel Ofei Ankra-Badu (PEMEM Director), who served from 2016 to 2020; Pastor Dr Nicholas Darko (Finance and Administration Director – FAD), who served from 2001 to 2020; Elder Amos Kevin-Annan (Deputy Youth Director), who served from 2004 to 2020, and Deaconess Margaret Osei (Deputy Women’s Director), who served from 2012 to 2020.

The reviewed NEC members from the Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM) are Pastor Joseph Agbemor (2012 to 2020) and Pastor Joseph Quaicoo (2012 to 2020).

The Women’s Ministry reviewed NEC members are Mrs. Rebecca Assabil (2016 to 2020), Mrs. Mabel Darko (2015 to 2020), Deaconess Victoria Aboah (2012 to 2020), Deaconess Juliana Asare Debrah (2012 to 2020), and Deaconess Gladys Atujona (2012 to 2020).

From the Youth Ministry are Pastor Nii Okaija Sackey (2012 to 2020), Elder Makafui Nyamadi (2012 to 2020), Elder Dr. Omare Siaw (2012 to 2020), Mrs. Gifty Dansoa Appiah (2012 to 2020), and Deaconess Gina Asante (2012 to 2020).

The reviewed NEC members from the Children’s Ministry are Pastor P. G. Andoh (2012 to 2020), Elder K. Asare-Twerefour (2008 to 2020), Deaconess Rita Yedu (2004 to 2020), and Mrs. Victoria Abeo-Tetteh (2012 to 2020).

In a short exhortation based on Ecclesiastics 1:1-4, Hebrews 6:10, Mark 14:8, the Chairman said that it is gratifying to serve one’s generation. According to him, though human beings may forget generations gone by, God, who is not unjust, will always remember them.

Apostle Eric Nyamekye indicated that the reviewed directors and the NEC members will have their names imprinted in the history books of the Church and the ministries for their dedicated services.

He entreated them to keep the fellowship they have established over the years even though their terms have ended, and also support their successors with their prayers and advice for them to succeed.

Elder Amos Kevin-Annan (the out-going Deputy Youth Director) on behalf of the reviewed directors and the NEC members expressed their profound gratitude to God for endowing them with grace to serve the Church. He also thanked the leadership of the Church for the confidence reposed in them to be appointed to serve the Church in various capacities.

Present at the event were the General Secretary, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi; the International Missions Director, Apostle Emmanuel Gyesi-Addo; Apostle Joseph Assabil (Takoradi Area Head/Executive Council Member), and Prophet David Beditor Kankam (Ashaiman Area Head/Executive Council Member), among others.



The Gospel Is For The Salvation Of All – Chairman

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has noted that  salvation is not the preserve of particular group of people but anyone who believes the Gospel message of the Lord Jesus Christ.

“An exodus continues today; an exodus from sin and death through Christ’s death and the power of His resurrection that is why the voice of Isaiah is still sounding ‘Who has believed our report?’. Anyone who believes this message shall be saved,” he stressed.

Apostle Nyamekye said this on Sunday, October 11, 2020, in a weekly televised service on Pent TV dubbed ‘Sunday Special Evening Service With The Chairman’ as part of his series on The Nature of the Flock.

In a sermon on the topic: “Who Has Believed Our Message?”, the Chairman recounted the role Jesus played in the redemption of humankind. According to him, the whole Scripture is the report of the redemption of humankind from the dominion of sin.

“Within this report is a message, the redemption story, the gospel, the truth, the death and resurrection of Christ,” he said, adding, “Within the stories of the Bible, God has set eternity within it.”

Reading from Isaiah 53:1, Apostle Nyamekye revealed that the arm of God is the power of God in action and that whoever believes this message shall benefit from the hand of God that is stretched again which, he noted, is the second exodus.

He explained that unlike the first exodus which focused only on the deliverance of the Israelites, the second exodus is for the deliverance of all nations (Isaiah 52: 10-12).

“The first was for deliverance from the paws of Pharaoh and Egyptian slavery but this second one is for the deliverance from sin and death through Christ’s death and power of His resurrection. In the first exodus, they had to rush out but this second exodus, there is newness of God’s plan – no more in a hurry because God will go ahead of them and also be their rear guard,” he said.

Citing the Ethiopian Eunuch, an African, who was saved and baptized immediately after believing the report in Isaiah 53:7-8, the Chairman said that in this second exodus there is no barrier or impediment to the salvation of those who believe in the gospel.

He noted that the message in the report was prophesied by Isaiah (Isaiah 52:7; 53:1-12) which talks about the Messiah’s exaltation, humiliation and exaltation and those prophecies have been perfectly fulfilled by the Lord Jesus with much reference being made to it in the New Testament.

Apostle Eric Nyamekye also took viewers through many instances in the Bible (Jeremiah 23:5; Isaiah 11:3-16; Zechariah 3:8-10, 6:12, 15; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 11:17-19; Philippians 2:5-10) where Jesus Christ is described as ‘Branch’ which strayed and swayed to save mankind from their sins.

“All of us have strayed but He was punished as if He has strayed too. We strayed form the path of God and He had to stray to redeem us. It is on this scripture that the prophets called Him as Branch. He strayed to bring us in. He came to seek and save that which was lost. He swayed to graft us in.

We, who were far off, because of Christ who went out of His way have been brought near through the cross. We have been adopted into the family of God. Branches were broken off so that we could be grafted in.

Who has believed our report and upon whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed. If you believe this report you will be saved. Every portion of this report is true and authentic,” he stated.



Heaven Remains Our Ultimate Goal – Chairman Tells Church Leaders

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye has advised ministers and officers of the church not to only preoccupy themselves with discharging their responsibilities as church leaders but ensure that they do not drift away from the faith. 

According to him, Heaven remains the ultimate goal of every Christian, as a result, they ought to go about their duties as church leaders while consciously ensuring that their souls remain saved. 

Apostle Nyamekye gave this admonition during his meeting with Officers in the Dansoman Area on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, at the PIWC-Dansoman church auditorium in Accra.

The Chairman read Hebrews 3:12-15, among other scriptures, to reecho the need for Christians, particularly church leaders, to regularly examine themselves to see if they are still in the faith. 

This, according to him, would enable them to hold fast to the gospel they have received, lest they drift away from the faith.

Apostle Nyamekye indicated that the “drifting process” is not instant, but gradual, hence, church leaders may seem to be going about their duties as usual, and yet, be oblivious of the fact they are slowly moving away from the faith.

He, therefore, urged them to be careful about the people they associate with, even in the church, so that they are not negatively influenced by them.

Apostle Nyamekye further noted that one key thing that could cause them to stumble is a disease of the heart known as bitterness. He described bitterness as the seeds of resentment lodging in the human heart.

Expounding on the topic: “Bitterness,” the Chairman explained that the human being is tripartite and complex in nature, in that “he is a spirit who has a soul and lives in a body.”

He added that what people usually see is the body; however, the spirit and soul of the human being is not invisible, and this is what the Bible usually refers to as the inner man (the soul or spirit) or the heart.

Apostle Nyamekye indicated that God is, therefore, interested in the state of the inner man or the heart because out of him flows all the issues of life.

He read Matthew 12:35, to reiterate that it is the inner man who dictates the actions of an individual that is why they must always be concerned about the state of the heart.

“A good man out of the good stored up in him will bring out good fruit and a bad man out of the evil stored up in him will bring up evil fruit, “he emphasized.

Explaining how bitterness gets into the heart, the Chairman said that no one consciously stores up evil in their heart, however, as they engage others and the things around them they unconsciously take in new things within. 

He, therefore, cautioned them to consciously guard the heart because evil can make its way into it and cause them to perpetrate evil. On the other hand, when they allow the goodness of the love of God into their hearts, they become the good people that God has destined them to be.

He also advised persons nursing bitter emotions, to rid themselves of such negative emotions because it could lead to far-reaching consequences.

“When one is filled with bitterness, he or she is like one infected with HIV or COVID-19. This is because once you contract it, it becomes a problem for yourself and it begins to destroy you. But it does not end there. You also become a carrier of the virus which makes it possible for you to transfer it to other persons,” he explained.

Apostle Nyamekye revealed that bitter people tend to keep mental records of the wrong done to them, have sharp and hurtful tongues and are very vengeful or unforgiving. He added that nursing bitterness could also lead to insomnia (inability to sleep) and other diseases such as ulcer and high blood pressure. He also added that bitterness dries up one’s anointing and causes them to lose their faith in God.

In overcoming bitterness, Apostle Eric Nyamekye stated some five (5) facts of life that every Christian must internalize. He noted that: “to avoid becoming bitter you must accept the fact that not everyone would like or love you, not everyone would understand you, disappointment is a fact of life, the world is not fair, and bad things happen to good people.” 

The Chairman concluded his message with an advice to Christians to desist from expressing their bitter emotions angrily. He said that expressing bitterness would not make them meet the standard of righteousness that God expects of them. He also advised them against repressing (suppressing) their bitter emotions, because people who do so tend to be hypocrites and live a life of duplicity. Instead, he urged them to always confess their bitter emotions to God, and if possible, to the offender for an amicable resolution.

The meeting with Officers is part of the Chairman’s three-day visit to the Dansoman Area. It is also the Chairman’s first visit to the Area since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March this year.



Chairman Meets Officers In Downtown Ofaakor Area

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, met officers in the Downtown Ofaakor Area on Wednesday, September 16, 2020, to start his three-day visit to the Area.

The meeting, which took place at the Downtown Central church auditorium, was the Chairman’s first official visit to the Area since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Apostle Nyamekye took the opportunity to commend the officers for their hard work and sacrifices in maintaining fellowship within the church even in the COVID-19 pandemic. 

He, however, cautioned that as church leaders it is important that they regularly examine themselves to see if they are still in the faith. He said that it is not enough to go about their duties as officers but what is most important is that they remain in the faith.

He, therefore, urged them to show value for the salvation they have received in Christ Jesus and must be prepared to hold on to it till the end at all cost.

Speaking on the topic: “Bitterness,” Apostle Eric Nyamekye explained that the human being is a tripartite being made up of a spirit, soul and body.

“The human being is a spirit who has a soul and lives in a body. The heart is the combination of the soul and the spirit. The Bible describes that as the inner man, the man on the inside,” he said.

He said that bitterness is a seed of resentment in the human heart. However, people do not consciously store up evil, but when they keep offences within them, it grows and causes harm to them and those around them.

According to the Chairman, a lot of Christians have backslidden due to offences inflicted on them in church which they did not let go.

He said that God expects believers to have a pure heart because it is only those who are pure in heart that would see God (Matthew 5:8).

Referring to the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis Chapter 4, Apostle Nyamekye said that God saw the bitterness in Cain’s heart and forewarned him to master it, unfortunately, he did not heed to his warnings and ended up killing his own brother in cold blood.

He said that whenever people are embittered, they give room to the devil to water the bitter seeds to cause havoc to themselves and those around them.

Reading Matthew 12:35 and 15:18-20, the Chairman asserted that a good man is known from what flows out from within them and that translates into his/her actions. “You will not see it from the kind of attire she/he is wearing, rather by the state of his/her heart. What this implies is that the stores of the heart determine our actions and ultimately defines us,” he said.

The Chairman indicated that people who are consumed by bitterness are unforgiving and keep mental records of wrongs, saying, “Some even go to the extent of writing them down in a diary for record-keeping purposes. They tend to have very poisonous and sharp tongues due to the pent-up resentments they keep within. Hence, anytime they open their mouths to speak, they spew all forms of vituperations and invectives, sometimes, without even noticing it themselves.”

He also noted that bitterness weakens the individual spiritually and causes their anointing to run dry.

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, therefore, urged church leaders and Christians in general, to rid themselves of any bitterness they may be nursing within in and to guard the heart against the malady of bitterness (Proverbs 4:23) so that they would not lose their position in Christ.