Agona Swedru Area Organises Zonal Prayers web

Agona Swedru Area Organises Zonal Prayers

The Agona Swedru Area of The Church of Pentecost has organized a day’s prayer meeting for the Agona Swedru Zone of the Area at the Dwenho District Miracle Temple.

The prayer meeting, which commenced at 8:30 am, saw members and officers from 18 Districts out of the 26 Districts gathered for spiritual deepening until 3:00 pm yesterday.

The prayer meeting was on the theme: “If my People Pray and Seek my Face, I Will Hear” (1 Chronicles 7:14-15).

Addressing the gathering, the Area Head, Apostle Derek Kwaning Mireku, said prayer brings down great treasures from God’s throne to the believer.

He, therefore, advised Christians to seek God’s face in constant prayers.

Apostle Mireku further noted that believers can find solace and solutions to the many ills and troubles of these end-times only in Jesus Christ, and that He can be vividly encountered in honest soul-searching prayers.

He urged Christians to avoid seeking only material blessings from God and yearn for spiritual things more.

“When the Spirit comes, material things become a bonus. Seek to go deep and draw from the depths of God’s treasure house,” he indicated.

Apostle Mireku pointed out that those who are God’s people must be known to have regular fellowship with Him.

“We are a holy family, God’s royal priesthood. We derive our very source from God, and if we fail to fellowship with Him, our roots will dry, and we cannot transform any sphere,” he observed.

He emphasised that the more time Christians spend with God, the more attractive to the watching world and cause many to willingly flood church gatherings to encounter the Light in them.

He posited that character transformation comes to the believer when they spend time in Scripture and with God in prayers.

He charged the gathering to robe on God in fervent prayer and be unleashed with great character and ministry to serve God and save the world.

He lamented that disobedience to the word of God hampers the Christian’s life and makes them of no significance in their society or spheres.

Apostle Mireku also revealed that good character through obedience and power for ministry through prayers are the two key equipment needed for every Christian to transform their individual worlds, stressing that God blesses those who are obedient to Him (Deuteronomy 28:1).

He cautioned against depending on personalities, amulets, and liquids other than God. He said none of those have any power to save or transform lives except the power of God.

The gathering went into an extensive period of prayers led intermittently by various district ministers for divine enduement with spiritual gifts, healings, intercession for the nation, the church and her leaders, Vision 2028, personal needs, galamsey menace, and Christmas convention among others.

It was a time of revival as voices were raised to encounter God in fervent prayers. Many visions and testimonies of healings were shared by the members after the prayers.

Prior to the sermon, the Area Secretary, Pastor George Osei-Asiedu, was asked to teach the congregation the 2024 main theme song and two others.

The prayer meeting attracted about 700 members. Present were the pastorate and wives from all the districts within the Swedru zone.

Report by Agona Swedru Media Team

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