Chairman Interacts With Church Leaders In Tamale And Yendi Areas


The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, met with ministers and their wives as well as officers in the Yendi and Tamale Areas on Monday, November 25, 2019, as part of his working visit to the Northern part of Ghana.

According to the Chairman, the purpose of his visit was to fellowship with the church leaders and also throw some light on the 5-year strategic vision of the church dubbed “Vision 2023 of Possessing the Nations.”

Addressing the enthusiastic crowd, the Chairman read 1 Samuel 12:8 and explained that at every point in time, God appoints a leader to lead His people. Hence, anytime people call on the Lord to give them a leader He answers by choosing whoever He wills to serve His purpose at that particular time.

He said that his assumption to the office of Chairman was therefore, God’s response to the cry of members of the church for a successor after Apostle Professor Opoku Onyinah had successfully completed his term of office.

The Chairman also took the opportunity to commend the Officers for their dedication, sacrifices and voluntary services to the church in various ways. He said that The Church of Pentecost would not have expanded to over 100 nations if not for the hard work of Officers who continue to selflessly serve the church without pay.

Touching on Vision 2023, Apostle Nyamekye said that Ephesians 3:10 underscores the church’s vision of possessing the nations by transforming every sphere society with the principles and values of the kingdom of God.  This, he explained, is because Christians have been called out by God to sit in church auditoriums, but sent back into the world as agents of transformation to make known the manifold wisdom of God to the nations.

According to him, the overall goal of the vision is to build a church where members go to possess their nations by transforming every worldview, thought and behaviour with values, principles and lifestyles of the Kingdom of God and thereby turning many people to Christ.

“Building on what has been achieved by previous leadership, we foresee a refreshed church that equips and releases its members into ministry as agents of transformation wherever they may be,” he said.

As part of the meeting, Pastor Emmanuel Agyei Kwafo and Probationary Overseer Alex Nyame, the Coordinators for Home and Urban Missions (HUM) and Ministry To Persons With Disabilities (MPWD), took turns to educate the audience about their respective ministries.


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