Whistler Barracks Worship Center Dedicates New Children’s Ministry Auditorium web

Whistler Barracks Worship Center Dedicates New Children’s Ministry Auditorium

Whistler Barracks Worship Center in the Teshie-Nungua Area of The Church of Pentecost, on Sunday, December 10, 2023, dedicated a newly-constructed Children’s Ministry auditorium.

The ceremony was officiated by the General Secretary, Apostle Samuel Gyau Obuobi, with support from Apostle Wilberforce Nkrumah-Agyeman (Teshie Nungua Area Head), Apostle Dr. Col. Benjamin Godson Kumi-Woode (Military Chaplains’ Coordinator), and Pastor Captain Collins Badu Agyapong (Resident Minister for Whistler Barracks Worship Centre).

Preaching on the topic “No More Manger for a Child,” Apostle Dr. Col. B.G. Kumi-Woode quoted Luke 2:7 and Ephesians 2:22 and explained that of all the places that Jesus could be born, no one pitied Mary – a pregnant woman to offer a better place for her delivery than a manger.

“The place of worship for the Children’s ministry is a type of manger that must bring much comfort to the children,” he explained further.

He added that the church is the only place where some children receive love and care, so it becomes worrying when they are neglected in their place of worship.

Apostle Kumi-Woode continued that at times when church buildings are constructed, the main focus becomes where the adults will worship while the Children’s auditoriums are neglected, and the children are left to worship under trees and tents.

He concluded that Christians should extend love to all, especially children, in this Christmas festive season.

The General Secretary dedicated the Children’s Auditorium and a newly constructed mission house to accommodate the Resident Minister and his family.

He commended the leadership of Teshie Nungua Area and Whistler Barracks Worship Centre for constructing the Children’s Ministry auditorium and a place of residence for the resident minister.

Pastor Capt. Agyapong was grateful to the leadership of the Church and the Area for their enormous support.

In attendance were Air Vice Marshal Appiah Agyekum (Deputy Chief of Staff, Administration – Ghana Armed Forces), Rev Commodore Paul Adjei-Djan (Director General of Religious Affairs – Ghana Armed Forces) and Mrs Korkor Obuobi (wife of the General Secretary). The Guest of Honour for the occasion was Vice Admiral Seth Amoama (Chief of Defence Staff – Ghana Armed Forces)

Report by Pastor Bernard T. Kofie

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