We Urgently Need A Wave Of The Spirit In Our Time – Apostle Dr Jimmy Markin Calls web

We Urgently Need A Wave Of The Spirit In Our Time – Apostle Dr Jimmy Markin Calls

‘If there is ever a season and time when the nations and churches need a wave of the Spirit, it is today. There is an urgent need for revival and restoration in our churches now. There is urgency now in the nations of the world, and the Church of Christ for a restoration of all the things of old.’

This clarion call was made by the Evangelism Director of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr Amos Jimmy Markin, during a presentation on ‘The Waves of the Spirit’ at the maiden Pentecost 2024 Conference held at the Rudolf Weber Arena, Oberhausen, Germany, from May 15-18, 2024.

Referring to several scriptures to back his call, including Luke 24: 49; Psalm 32: 8; Job 32: 8, Proverbs 20:27, Apostle Dr Jimmy Markin, who is also an Executive Council Member of the church, indicated that the time has come for the Spirit of God to move with his power to turn the world back into righteousness and the fear of God.

He observed that the nations of the world have become so secularized that godliness does not matter to them anymore. In nations and lands previously Christian, the mention of God today is a taboo and unknown. Even in places such as Africa, Latin American and Asia where Christianity is thought to be growing, the nature of the average Christian’s life is very superficial, he bemoaned.  

He added that in the nations of the West, just as those in Africa including Ghana today, which is thought to be predominately Christian, there is nothing to show for it, since the churches have become places of merchandise, performing artistry, self-aggrandizement, sin and evil and a habitation of anything but God.

‘The Church today suffers because it neglects the Spirit and is not sensitive to him. The Spirit is the custodian or the gate keeper, the helper, and guardian of Church,’ he stated.  

He added: ‘The believer in Christ misses his or her direction and guide, because he does not know or recognize the Spirit. The young educated person misses his guide, because he loses his focus on the Spirit but only rely on the articulation and training of the mind.’

Explaining what the wave of the Spirit is, Apostle Dr Jimmy Markin disclosed that it is the periodic intervention of the move of God – the Holy Spirit – upon a generation, nation, community, people or individuals, who seek after God’s Spirit to intervene in their spiritual dryness.

According to him, there is a wave of the Spirit when the Holy Spirit comes to revive, restore, or brings a divine awakening upon a spiritually dead situation or people to make them alive to the consciousness of God.

He pointed out that a wave of the Spirit brings back an awareness of God consciousness as the Spirit revives spiritually dead situations. To the sinner, the Spirit brings an awareness of the existence of God, sin consciousness, and the sinfulness of sin, and repentance. To the already Christian, he brings an alertness and sensitivity of God and his Holy Spirit and desire to please him. He revives the church, God’s people, and bring them to their former position, or condition of first love, which used to exist in them.

‘When the Spirit sends forth his wave there is renaissance. What the churches need today is not articulation of words, but the Spirit. The missionary can only break new grounds and sustain it by the wave of the Spirit. The life of the child of God will flourishes only when he is touched by the Spirit,’ he said.


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