Walk In Good Works web

Walk In Good Works – Apostle Agyemang Badu Urges Christians

The Kintampo Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Francis Agyemang Badu, has urged believers to let their light shine wherever they go by engaging in good works. He made this call on Sunday, January 14, 2024, during a working visit to the Krutakyi Assembly in the Jema Nkwanta District of the Church.

In a sermon titled “We Were Dead, But God” and using Ephesians 2:1-10 as a scripture reference, Apostle Agyemang Badu enumerated how God has graciously chosen believers to become His sons and daughters, despite their past. He explained that, before Christ’s redemption, they were dead in their transgressions and sins, following the ways of the world. He added, “We were under demonic and satanic powers and followed the desires of the flesh.”

Touching on the three types of death, he explained that humankind experienced spiritual death, which is separation from God, as a result of Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden. The second type of death, he mentioned, is physical death, occurring when the soul departs from the body, whereas the last death, eternal death, awaits those who refuse to accept Christ as Lord and will be cast into hell fire on judgment day.

He emphasised that God, through His love, mercy, and grace, has completely paid for the sins of humanity and restored their broken relationship with God. “He showed us mercy by not punishing us or allowing us to die in our transgressions, but He saved us out of His unconditional love and grace. God has raised us with Christ, given us eternal life, and seated us in the heavenly realm,” he said.

The Kintampo Area Head concluded by advising everyone to abstain from the works of the flesh since they are new creations, and the old has already passed away. He urged believers to live up to their new standing in Christ as God’s handiwork, specially created in Christ Jesus to do good works and implored them to influence their spheres with the values and principles of the Kingdom of God.

In attendance were Apostle Samuel Badu Nyarko (Rtd.) and his wife, Mama Cecilia, Pastor Prince Augustine Ababio (Jema Nkwanta District Minister), Nana Oduro Pinkrah II (Yefri Anponahene), as well as officers and members of the Krutakyi Assembly.

Report by Jema Nkwanta Media Team

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