
Suhum Area Donates To The NCCE

The Suhum Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated an amount of GH¢ 4,900.00 to the Suhum Municipal Directorate of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE).

Presenting the cheque on November 3, 2020, at the Area Office, Apostle Anthony Eghan Kwesi Ekuban, the Area Head, indicated that the gesture was part of the church’s social responsibility in augmenting the Government’s effort towards the education of the electorate and the promotion of peace in the upcoming election.

Receiving the cheque, Mrs. Comfort Asabea, the Suhum Municipal Director of the Commission, thanked The Church of Pentecost for the benevolence. According to her, the gesture would help the Commission to sensitize and encourage citizens to exercise their civic responsibilities in the forthcoming general elections.

“The Commission is very grateful to The Church of Pentecost. The church has passionately resourced us [the NCCE] in educating the citizens on the need for a peaceful election,” she said.

The Suhum Area of The Church of Pentecost on Sunday, October 25, 2020, launched the ‘Agents of Peace’ campaign ahead of December 7 general elections. The peace campaign was inspired by the Vision 2023 agenda of the church, which has as its overarching theme, “Possessing the Nations: Transforming every Sphere of Society with Values and Principles of the Kingdom of God.”

Report by Samuel Danso.

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