Study, Obey, And Teach web

Study, Obey, And Teach The Word Of God –Apostle Obuobi Charges Christian Leaders

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Samuel Gyau Obuobi, has advised Christian leaders to make every effort to study the scriptures thoroughly, teach and live by the word of God.

According to him, studying the word of God is not enough. It’s crucial to apply the teachings in one’s life and share them with others. 

He made this known on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 during the opening session of the 2024 Lay Leadership Training School organised by the National Discipleship and Leadership Development Committee (NDLDC) of The Church of Pentecost at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa-Fetteh.

Speaking on the topic: “Study, Obey and Teach,” Apostle Obuobi’s message centered on Ezra 7:10, which highlights Ezra’s commitment to studying the law of the Lord, applying it in his life, and teaching it to others.

“Ezra set his heart to study the scriptures, obeyed what he learned, and made it known to others,” Apostle Obuobi explained, adding; “This attitude is essential and relevant to our lives today.”

Apostle Obuobi underscored that studying the word of God goes beyond mere reading. It involves intentional and deliberate engagement with the scriptures.

He referred to 2 Timothy 2:15, where Apostle Paul advised Timothy to study the Word diligently, explaining that God expects all believers, especially leaders, to take the study of scriptures seriously.

“Leaders, in particular, are called to be diligent students of the scriptures. This involves more than casual reading. It requires a deliberate and intentional approach to understanding and living out the teachings of the Bible”, he revealed.

“Studying the word of God is vital because it is not only about gaining knowledge; the Word is life itself,” he stated.

According to him, engaging with the scripture means engaging with life.

“In today’s world, filled with deceptions and false philosophies, knowing the truth through the word of God is imperative”, he added.

The General Secretary warned of the consequences of disobedience, citing the example of Jonah from Jonah 1, where disobedience led to separation from God. He stressed the importance of not only studying but also obeying the Word to avoid catastrophic consequences and maintain a close relationship with God.

Moreover, he highlighted the responsibility of leaders to teach the scriptures. Quoting Apostle Eric Nyamekye, he noted that teaching involves reasoning, explaining, and proving from the scriptures.

“This approach was exemplified by Paul in Acts 17:2-3, where he reasoned, explained, and proved the truth from the scriptures,” he stated.

“Teaching the Word requires discipline and an open heart. We must study, obey, and teach the scriptures to lead effectively and faithfully”, Apostle Obuobi concluded.

The 2024 Lay Leadership Training School began today, May 28, 2024 and is expected to conclude on Friday, May 31, 2024.

Notable speakers for the conference included Apostle Samuel Gakpetor (Chairman, NDLDC); Apostle John Budu Kobina Tawiah (Tamale Area Head); Apostle Emmanuel Ankra Badu (Tema Area Head); Pastor Emmanuel Pasteeco Arthur (Resident Minister, PIWC New Tafo); ­Mrs. Gifty Otu Appiah and Elder Ing Eric Atta-Sonno.


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