Ho Family1

Saved From Jatropha Poison

The family of Elder Samuel Andy Dormevenu of the Pentecost International Worship Centre, Ho are grateful to the Almighty God for saving their two sons, Samuel Noble Mornyuie and Emmanuel Sitsofe Mornyuie, from Jatropha seed poison on Saturday, 7th March, 2020.

The youngsters aged 11 and 9 chewed the dried Jatropha seeds numbering nine and 11 respectively.

They were rushed to the Ho Teaching Hospital when they started vomiting severely and passing watery stools. They were admitted, treated and discharged the following day.

The kids had been left in the care of their grandmother at the time their parents had traveled to their hometown for a funeral.

Their parents, the entire family, and the church are grateful to the Lord for their lives.

According to researchers, the seeds of Jatropha curcas contain highly poisonous toxalbumen curcin, a lectin dimer. Its sap is a skin irritant, and ingesting as few as three untreated seeds can be fatal to humans.

Report by Enyonam Adjorlolo Dormevenu, Ho.

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