
PIWC-Tesano Donates To Orphans

The Pentecost International Worship Centre, Tesano (PIWC-Tesano) in the Achimota Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated items worth GH¢6,600.00 to the Echoing Hills Village, an orphanage located at Madina in the Greater-Accra Region. 

The donated included bags of rice, beans, gari, boxes of toothpaste, Dettol, Parazone, gallons of liquid soap, bags of washing powder, tissues, assorted drinks, toilet rolls, cooking oil, water, Children’s Bibles, and an undisclosed amount of money.

The items were presented last Sunday during a visit to the orphanage by the Church. The church delegation was led by the District Women’s Ministry Leader, Deaconess Selina Nkansah, and Mrs Grace Eghan (wife of the resident minister) as well as Elders Frank Nkansah and Joesph Obiri-Yeboah, presiding elders of the English and Akan assemblies of the Worship Centre, respectively.

Deaconess Nkansah, in a brief exhortation, encouraged and assured the orphans and their caregivers of the endless love of God for them. 

She also said the Church’s benevolent act was inspired by James 1:27, which says: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” 

Presenting the items to officials of the home, Mrs Eghan prayed that the items go a long way to support the operations of the orphanage. She also sought God’s blessings for all who contributed in diverse ways to make the donation possible.

The children and caregivers of the home expressed profound gratitude and joy to the Church for the show of love.

Echoing Hills Village was established about 30 years ago to provide accommodation, care, and education for disabled and abled orphans. The orphanage has 38 children, of whom 23 have disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy, and down syndrome.


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