
Konongo Area Women’s Ministry Visits Yawkwi Caring Homes Village

The Konongo Area Women’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost has donated assorted items to the Caring Homes Village at Yawkei, near Juaso, as part of the mandate to extend mercy and kindness to the homeless and the needy as stated in Proverbs 19: 17 (Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done).

The visit, which took place on Monday, May 3, 2021, was led by Mrs. Dora Owusu Akyaw (wife of the Area Head), supported by Pastor Daniel Adjabeng Kissi (Area Secretary), Deaconess Ruth Gyasi (Area Women’s Ministry Leader), and her team, among others.

The items included rice, toilet tissues, eggs, washing powder, detergents, assorted soft drinks and biscuits, medicated carbolic soaps, sanitary towels, among others.

They were received by the administrator of the Home, Mr. Adjei. On behalf of the Home, Mr. Adjei extended his profound gratitude to the church for the kind gesture. He appealed to the church to make the Village their second home by regularly visiting the inmates.

Through the visit, management of the Home has allowed the church to hold regular fellowship with the inmates of the facility.

Report by Pastor Isaac Ayiku Quarshie.

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