Kaneshie Estate Assembly Women’s Ministry Donates To Christian Rehab Centre web

Kaneshie Estate Assembly Women’s Ministry Donates To Christian Rehab Centre

The Women’s Ministry of the Kaneshie Estate Assembly (KEA) of The Church of Pentecost has extended a helping hand to the Christian Rehabilitation Centre located at Bortianor in Accra.

The generous donation, which included toiletries, bags of rice, cleaning equipment, food items, clothing, water, and other essentials, aimed at making a positive impact on the lives of inmates at the rehabilitation centre.

The gesture is in line with the ministry’s annual “A Hand Towards a Life” initiative, reflecting their commitment to giving back to society.

The donation was accompanied by a vibrant float and an outreach programme to engage with the residents at Bortianor.

As part of the visit, the ministry, led by Deaconess Diana Bekoe, the Women’s Ministry Leader, organised a comprehensive health screening exercise for the inmates of the centre. The screening encompassed vital assessments, including sugar levels and blood pressure.

It is worth mentioning that, last year, the Church donated a brand-new refrigerator set and other items to the Gynecology Department of the Kaneshie Polyclinic to enhance their operations.

Speaking in an interview with PENTECOST NEWS, Deaconess Diana Bekoe emphasised that these charitable endeavours align with the broader vision of The Church of Pentecost, which is “Possessing the Nations.”

Elder Patrick Oppong, the North Kaneshie District Evangelism Ministry Leader, also shed light on the rationale behind such benevolent actions, saying that the Church is dedicated to making a positive impact in various spheres of society.

The founder of the Christian Rehabilitation Centre expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Women’s Ministry for their benevolence.

She said that the donation would contribute significantly to the smooth running of the centre and aid in the rehabilitation and reintegration of individuals, ultimately empowering them to lead meaningful lives.

Report by Kaneshie Area Media Team.

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