It’s Not Too Late To Build Christian Culture In Our Schools- Apostle Prof. Peter Ohene Kyei (Rtd.) web

It’s Not Too Late To Build Christian Culture In Our Schools- Apostle Prof. Peter Ohene Kyei (Rtd.)

A former Rector of the Pentecost University, Apostle Prof. Peter Ohene Kyei and retired minister of The Church of Pentecost, has indicated that it is not too late to build the Christian culture in schools to build a morally upright society.

He said this on Monday, June 10, 2024, when speaking on the topic: ‘Creating a lasting Christian culture in schools – Reviving Christian Values and Principles,’ at the Conference for Proprietors of Christian Private Schools at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh.

Apostle Prof. Kyei (Rtd.) explained that the church plays a pivotal role in the development of structures and curriculum that will contribute to the moral upbringing of students in schools.

He emphasised that the school is the second home for students, therefore, teachers play a major role in the formation of the moral character of children. He stressed the need for school proprietors, heads of schools and all other staff to pray, think and strategise to push the Christian culture into schools to impact the lives of children.

The former rector who has over 40 years’ experience in administration and higher education explained that if schools are fully equipped with the Christian Culture, it will transform students into responsible and morally upright adults, who will have positive impact on others, their workplaces, nations and everywhere they find themselves. This, he said, can lead to children converting their parents and other relatives who are unbelievers.

According to Apostle Prof. Ohene Kyei, there is a growing appetite for corruption in every facet of society, hence there is a need to carefully look at education and how it impacts children’s character.

He noted that a school is not categorised as a Christian school because it was built by a Christian or because of its name. Rather, it is the practices and activities which take place there that determine so.

The former lecturer therefore called on proprietors to set moral policies for their schools and work hard with teachers and others to execute them.  

He advised them to among other things organise prayer festivals, crusades and other Christian activities on campus to establish and maintain the Christian culture in schools and affect the moral lives of the students.


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