How God Saved Pastor & Wife From Fatal Accident And Removed Rotten Gauze From The Womb

How God Saved Pastor & Wife From Fatal Accident And Removed Rotten Gauze From The Womb

I am Pastor Jeremiah Atakpa, the Resident Minister of Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC-Aflao/French District) of The Church of Pentecost.

On November 24, 2022, my wife, Mrs Doriane Atakpa, underwent surgery (cesarean section) while delivering our third child. When I went to pick them up from the hospital after their discharge, we were involved in a fatal accident on the road. My steering wheel got locked, and I could not turn it, so I drove straight and hit a tree. A tree branch penetrated through the headlight straight into me in the car. But before it could pierce me, the car stopped.

We returned to the hospital since my wife had complications due to the accident. However, the doctor who conducted the surgery did not probe further, but only prescribed drugs. Despite taking all the prescribed medications, she continued to feel pains in the lower abdomen and complained of difficulty urinating and passing faeces.

A month later, upon the advice of our Area Head, we decided to go to another medical doctor in Lome, Togo to seek a second opinion, only for the doctor to detect after further scans that there was a leftover gauze (abdominal towel) and pus formation after the first surgery.

My wife had to undergo another surgery on January 3, 2023, to remove the pus and the gauze from her womb.

After the 4-hour-long surgery, the doctor told me that he could take away the pus and some particles of the gauze. According to him, the leftover gauze had deteriorated and caused an infection, which was the source of my wife’s pains and anaemia.

We left the hospital for the house with a great sense of relief, thinking that was all, not knowing that “the big one,” to borrow the expression of our dear Chairman, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, was coming.

Despite a few complaints of pain by my wife, we kept praying and believing that they were just side effects of the two consecutive surgeries and that she would be okay with time because she felt much better after the second surgery.

On February 14, 2023, while my wife was getting ready to send our baby to the hospital for their routine weighing, she screamed in the washroom, asking me to come and see. Lo and behold! What I saw was shocking! God pushed the actual leftover, thee month old abdominal towel (rotten gauze) out of my wife’s body while passing out faeces.

Indeed, what God cannot do does not really exist! What doctors could not do despite their good will and medical knowledge, God did it in just a minute. How can something come out through feaces when it was not swallowed? In fact, this is amazing!

In the Bible, people gave God various names depending on their encounter with Him. Today, we call Him ‘Jehovah Gauze’ for showing His ability to move gauze lying in the abdomen into the large intestine without using any surgical tool.

“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” – Revelation 12:11.

Report by Overseer Francis Akpalu.

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