Havedzi Assembly Church Building Dedicated

Havedzi Assembly Church Building Dedicated

The Aflao Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Michael Agyen Brefo, has dedicated the newly-built Havedzi Assembly church building in the Keta District of the Church.

Apostle Agyen Brefo was ably assisted by the District Minister, Pastor Samuel Dogbe, and other ministers in the Anloga zone and their wives. The dedication ceremony was held on December 30, 2022.

The building was funded through the Community-Based Church Building (CBCB) initiative and grants from the Church’s General Headquarters, the area, district and contributions from members of the Havedzi Assembly.

The history of Havedzi Assembly could be traced back to 2005, a year before the creation of Keta District in 2006 when Pastor Thomas Agbeke was the Anloga District Minister.

The assembly was opened through an aggressive house-to-house evangelism exercise after an attempt to organise an open-air rally proved futile. At the end of the outreach, souls were won, baptised and gathered for church service the following Sunday morning. The church used to fellowship at the compound offered by Mr. Francis Kwakuvi Aglanu Normoley until a plot of land was purchased from the Aglanu Nornorley family in 2012 for the purpose of constructing a permament place of worship.

Consequently, the assembly put up a temporary structure in which they fellowshipped until May 2019 when the CoP Headquarters released a CBCB grant for the project.

The financial support from the area as well as the diligence of the district and the local assembly facilitated the completion and dedication of the church building.  

Delivering a brief exhortation at the event on the topic: “Every Christian Is Shaped For Ministry” based on John 12:26 and Ephesians 4:11-12, the Agorve-Woe District Minister, Pastor Francis Lamptey, exhorted Christians that each one has been specially fashioned by God to serve in His church.

“Our spiritual gifts, hearts, abilities, personalities and experiences are part of God’s grand plan to use us variedly to reflect his glory on earth as his servants,” he stated.

Expounding John 12:26, he noted that a true servant is the one who serves the Lord and not one who holds the title of servanthood.

Dedicating the building, Apostle Michael Agyen Brefo expressed gratitude to the leadership of the Church for the CBCB initiative.

He also commended the Keta District’s leadership for the project’s successful completion.

He admonished the members to exhibit sacrificial service to the Lord so that God will use them to build a strong church.

He added that the ministry opportunities instituted in the church were to help members identify their callings in order to serve the church and the community.  

Report by Aflao Area Media Team

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