Gbongbonduori District Mission House Dedicated pix1

Gbongbonduori District Mission House Dedicated

The Sawla Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle William Ohemeng-Kwakye, on Saturday, September 5, 2020, dedicated the Gbongbonduori District Mission House located in the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba Constituency of the Savannah Region.

Gbongbonduori District was carved out from the Tuna District in 2018. The building is sited on a parcel land acquired by the Area from the chief and elders of Nakwabi.

The sod-cutting ceremony to commence the construction of the building was performed by Apostle Ohemeng-Kwakye on 25th February, 2018, assisted by Overseer Isaac Kwadwo Asare of Tuna District. He also laid the foundation stone on 3rd August, 2018.

Speaking at the dedication service, Apostle Ohemeng-Kwakye admonished members and officers of the church to take good care of their ministers since they have been sent by God to lead the church.

Quoting from Judges 17:10-13 with Micah as a case study, he spoke on the theme: “It is a blessing to live with the man of God.”

According to him, Micah accommodated, clothed, fed, and supported the Levite as his priest. The Area Head, therefore, underscored the need for the church to build mission houses to accommodate ministers.

He also advised members and officers to accept ministers transferred to their districts in good faith to help build a glorious church and possess the nations.

The total cost of the project amounted to GH¢161,278.61. It was funded through grants from the Head Office, Area, District, as well as special contributions by some ministers, individuals and members of the church.

Meanwhile, Apostle William Ohemeng-Kwakye has dedicated a borehole water facility in the district solely funded by the Sakumono District in the Teshie-Nungua Area.

Present at the event was the Gbongbonduori District Minister, Overseer Prince Kwesi Mensah. Also in attendance were ministers and their wives in the Area, officers, and members in the district.

Report by Sawla Area Media Team.

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