Every Individual Is Precious In The Eyes Of God – Mrs. Deborah Agyemang Bekoe wweb

Every Individual Is Precious In The Eyes Of God – Mrs. Deborah Agyemang Bekoe

Mrs. Deborah Agyemang Bekoe, the wife of the International Missions Director of The Church of Pentecost, has stressed that every individual is precious in the eyes of God.

Quoting 1 Corinthians 1:27-28, she reiterated that one’s background or circumstances should never be a hindrance to being used by the Almighty.

Addressing participants today at the ongoing “ABIDEDOES Conference” being organised by the Women’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, Mrs. Agyeman Bekoe drew attention to the exemplary women of the Bible who left an indelible mark on their generation.

One of the notable figures she discussed was Rahab, a woman with a questionable past as a prostitute.

Mrs. Deborah Agyemang Bekoe highlighted that despite her background, God used Rahab to impact society profoundly.

“Joshua 6:25 recounts how Rahab’s faith and actions saved not only her family but also those around her. Intriguingly, Rahab’s legacy extended further, as she found a place in the genealogy of Jesus, as revealed in Matthew 1:5,” she said.

Mrs. Agyemang Bekoe encouraged participants to embrace the lesson of Rahab and strive to be a positive influence in their communities.

The wife of the International Missions Director also shared the story of the Samaritan Woman, whose life was forever altered through her encounter with Jesus.

“In John 4:39, it is recounted how many Samaritans came to believe in Jesus because of her testimony. Her encounter with Jesus not only transformed her life but also became a catalyst for the transformation of many others,” she examined

Mrs. Agyemang Bekoe stressed the importance of surrendering oneself to Jesus for His use, just as the Samaritan Woman did.

She emphasised that no one in the Bible encountered Jesus and remained the same; they were all profoundly changed.

Ending her sermon, Mrs. Deborah Agyemang Bekoe encouraged participants to take heart, adding that regardless of one’s complicated pasts, once they encounter Jesus, their lives will never be the same.

The “ABIDEDOES Conference,” derived from the names of notable Bible characters: Abigail, Deborah, Dorcas, and Salomey, aims to equip women with the necessary skill sets to make a maximum impact in their respective fields.

The event began today, September 14, 2023, and is scheduled to end on Saturday, September 16, 2023.


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