Ekroful District Teens Conference Records 146 Souls web

Ekroful District “Teens Conference” Records 146 Souls

The English Assembly and Schools Outreach Ministry (SOM) of Ekroful District in the Agona Swedru of The Church of Pentecost successfully held the third edition of the “Teens Conference” on Saturday, July 22, 2023, under the theme: “An Excellent Spirit” (Daniel 6:3).

Held in partnership with The Tonnie Institute – Africa, the event aimed at impacting the lives of the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) candidates in Aboso, Benso, Ekroful, and Akropong communities as they prepared for their final exams.

Elder Tonnie Baffoe, the Presiding Elder of the English Assembly & Schools Outreach Ministry and the Ministry to Teens Coordinator of Ekroful District, addressed the students, encouraging them to stop viewing Mathematics as a difficult subject. Instead, he advised them to embrace and love the subject as it would remain essential throughout their educational journey.

Elder Baffoe, who also serves as the Team Lead of The Tonnie Institute – Africa, urged the students to be mindful of their lifestyles.

He stated that many adults are eager to help teens and youths but often feel discouraged due to perceptions of disobedience among the younger generation. To counter this, he encouraged the students to embrace the power of obedience, drawing inspiration from Apostle Paul’s words in Ephesians 6:1.

Mr. Felix Dare, a key member of the Institute and the Head of Administration of Transforming World – International, emphasised the importance of actively engaging with matters of faith to lead excellent lives in and beyond school.

The event achieved great success, with a total attendance of 335 participants. Most notably, 146 individuals gave their lives to Christ during the conference.

Elder Tonie expressed heartfelt gratitude to the District Minister, Pastor Edward Asamoah Antwi, and his wife for their unwavering support. He also extended his thanks to the officers and members of Ekroful District, the Gomoa Central Directorate, as well as the Area Schools Outreach Ministry and the Ministry To Teens of the Area, all of whom contributed significantly to the event’s success.

Report by Ekrofi District Media Team

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