Pastor Twene Adane

Dunkwa Atechem District Launches Vision 2023

The Dunkwa Atechem District of The Church of Pentecost has launched the 5-year strategic vision of the Church dubbed ‘Vision 2023’ in the district.

The launching took place on 1st February, 2019, during a district all-night service as part of the implementation process of the vision.

The purpose of the event was to make members understand and own the vision and put it to work. It was also a period of great intercession for the Church and the nations.

Quoting from Matthew 28:16-20 and preaching on the topic, “Possessing the Nations,” the District Minister, Pastor Justice Adane Twene called on the members to do their best to possess the nations by influencing every worldview and sphere of society.

According to him, possessing the nations was God’s original idea which was revealed when God told man to rule and take dominion over all creation, but man failed God when he sinned.

Pastor Twene explained that Jesus Christ came to the world to forgive the sins of mankind and established a kingdom whose citizens will implement God’s original idea of taking dominion by possessing the nations with the principles and values of God.

“Believers are members of the kingdom of God with a kingdom culture mandated by the King of kings and Lord of lords to influence every sphere of society with their kingdom culture, values, principles and practices.

“You are an agent of transformation called by God to influence society with kingdom principles. Believers are children of light to illuminate the dark world with their light,” he stressed.

He outlined the reason why Christians must rise and possess the nations. According to him, the Church must possess the nations because it is an obedience to God’s commandments and fulfillment of the mandate to make disciples of all nations.

“Possessing the nations is God’s sacred mandate that is non-negotiable,” he said, adding, “Christians must arise and possess the nations because souls are perishing and time is running fast.”

According to him, the Church needs the power of the Holy Spirit to transform society. He admonished the members not to downplay the importance of the Spirit power in transforming society.

He added that the Church needs great boldness, great grace and great faith in order to possess the nations. He encouraged the congregation to pray for the grace of God and boldness to preach the gospel and influence the systems of the world.

“We cannot possess the nations when we sit in Church and refuse to embark on serious evangelistic activities. We have to preach the gospel in season and out of season. We have to snatch perishing souls from hell at the market places, in offices, at the palaces, in schools, and all areas of life. We have to target all manner of people,” he said.

Pastor Twene took the members through the Vision 2023 document and charged them to own the vision and implement it with great zeal at all levels. He encouraged them to form evangelism coordinating teams, chaplaincy committees, counselling and chieftaincy committees, among others to ensure an effective implementation of the vision. He also encouraged presiding elders to sponsor needy but brilliant students.

Report by Philip Thompson, Dunkwa Atechem

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