Couple Married For 8 Years Without Issue Finally Welcomes First Child


One of the expectations couples hope for after a marriage ceremony is to be blessed with the fruit of the womb. But to Mr. Eric Baah and Mrs. Victoria Owusu Baah, the situation was unpleasant and disturbing as the couple after eight years of marriage did everything humanly and medically possible to conceive but to no avail.

Mr. Eric Baah is a member of the Presbyterian Church while his wife, Victoria is a member of The Church of Pentecost in Old Tafo Akim District of Effiduase Area. According to him, they got married on 20th December 2014 full of expectations to be blessed with the seed of the womb. However, they kept on anticipating as the years went by but without any sign of conception.

They recounted the humiliations and the stigmatization they had to endure from friends and family members and even some church members, making the situation unbearable. Not only that, they spent a huge sum of their earnings on medications, jumping from one hospital to another, including fertility hospitals, with the aim of having a child but to no avail.

At a point, he even advised his wife not to move forward whenever childless couples were called out for prayers. He said that though it was not easy, they encouraged themselves and trusted and believed God for a miracle.

To their surprise, Comfort conceived in February 2021 and gave birth to their beautiful Erica Nyameakwan Fosuhemaa Baah Miracle in November 2021.

According to Mrs. Victoria Owusu Baah, she received her miracle during the January 2021 session of the District Monthly Prayer Warfare dubbed “Miracle Hour” organised by the Old Tafo Akim District of The Church of Pentecost.

Recounting her story, she said the District Minister, Pastor Prince Odoom, during the prayer hours, called for childless couples and she quickly moved forward. After the prayers, she said that she had a dream that same night harvesting fishes from a well she went to fetch water for masons working on their church building. In the dream, the presiding elder asked her to take the fishes home and the following month her menstrual cycle ceased. She even thought of it as a sign of early menopausal age since she was 39 years old. But a test conducted later proved that she was pregnant.

The baby girl was christened and dedicated by Pastor Prince Odoom on Sunday, February 6, 2022, at the Maranatha Assembly where Mrs. Victoria Owusu Baah worships.

To God be the Glory.

Report by Enoch Obeng Asare, Old Tafo Akim District Media Coordinator.

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