Children Are Transformative Tools For This World—Unleash Them!

When parents genuinely love their children, it’s crucial to avoid letting selfishness creep in during the nurturing process.

In essence, parents often tend to mold their children based on their own desires or interests rather than considering the unique needs of the children.

However, parenting should deviate from this path. Scripturally, we are advised to guide our children according to their individual paths, not just replicating our own.

This concept can be likened to mentorship, where mentors identify and cultivate the potential in their mentees. Parenting shares similarities; it’s a challenging task that requires understanding and nurturing individual potential.

Parenting is a responsibility for the matured, as immaturity can lead to a lack of effort in understanding the interests of the children. This may result in imposing the parents’ desires on the children, hindering their development.

Many parents unintentionally shape their children into something they are not, driven by societal expectations. This approach limits their ability to recognise and nurture their children’s true potentials.

Dear parent, avoid being a selfish parent; seek knowledge on child mentorship. Invest time in reading parenting books and attending masterclasses to learn and apply valuable insights. Your children rely on your guidance for their development.

Recognise that as a parent, your strategies alone cannot transform the world. Your children are transformative tools; understanding their potential goes beyond merely thinking for them. Empower them to become peer educators, decision-makers, and agents of transformation.

See your children as individuals capable of positive impact on the world. Even without your perception, they are already influencing their surroundings, either positively or negatively.

Guide them to consistently make positive contributions to their world. The world needs the way you parent your children to foster transformation. Therefore, go all out and unleash their potential upon the world.

Written by Elder Tonnie Baffoe (District Youth Ministry Leader, Ekroful District)

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