
The Church of Pentecost Hosts Maiden International Legal Conference

The Church of Pentecost, through the International Missions Board, has put together a global legal advisory team that will represent the church in all legal issues in the 135 nations where the church has branches.

The team which is made up of attorneys, barristers, and judges selected from various blocs across the world has met in Accra to develop a common legal document for the missions enterprise of the church.

Headed by Elder Dr. Lawyer Ken Aboah, other members include Elder Lawyer Christian Ansah (USA, Americas bloc), Mrs. Rose Arthur (UK, Europe bloc), Pastor Stephen Agyei (Qatar, Middle East bloc), Attorney Caleb Larbi Asiedu (South Africa, SADC bloc), and Maxwell Ababio (Australia, Asia bloc).

The rest are Mrs. Maria Djaquite (Guinea Bissau, West Africa Anglophone bloc), Ms. Sharon Juliana Akinyi Otieno (Kenya, East Africa bloc), Mrs. Kegbero Rouki (Togo, West Africa Francophone, Barrister Christopher Tabetando Takem–Agbor (Cameroun, Central Africa bloc), Mrs. Erasmina Danso Boadi (Europe, Schengen Zone), and Overseer Lawyer Daniel Essuman Koomson (Asuokor District, Berekum Area).

Opening the meeting on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, under the theme, “Possessing the Nations Agenda: Legal Strategies for Mission,” the International Missions Director (IMD) of the Church, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, welcomed them on behalf of the Chairman, Apostle Eric Nyamekye.

He expressed his delight over the meeting, describing it as a dream come true. Giving the genesis of the formation of the team, the IMD said the Missions Board which is headed by the Chairman of the church, upon careful prayer and deliberations decided to come out with a legal committee of experts with a representation from all the regional blocs to battle every legal matter that comes up in the missions front of the church.

“As the church moves on, we cannot gloss over legal matters in the nations. We need experts to help us understand some of these legal issues. We pray that you will be able to fashion out something great for the church going forward,” he said.

Earlier, Elder Dr. Lawyer Ken Aboah in an exhortation supported with Acts 20:24; Romans 8:37-39; Galatians 2:20; Philippians 4:13, 19; Isaiah 41:10, said that many things are happening in the world such as COVID-19, LGBTQ+, and other related issues. Some of these global happenings, he said, can move or change the faith of the Christian. He entreated them to stand firm so that nothing would shake their faith.

Dr. Ken Aboah noted that with the right hand of God, believers can stand amid the chaos in the world. 

“This is the time we must be strong in the Lord and say with Apostle Paul that nothing can move our faith as Christian legal practitioners. The worst things are coming because the Bible has predicted it. So, you better be strong and stand firm and say that nothing can move you,” he stated.

Also addressing the participants, the Finance and Administration Director (FAD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Lawrence Otu Nyarko, took them through the financial policies of the church. 

“We thank the Lord for the forum which emerged from the Missions Board. This is a very crucial meeting because we want to regularise a lot of things in the church,” he stated. 

The FAD urged them to bring on board their expertise to help in the advancement of the Kingdom business.

The guest speaker, Lawyer Minka Premoo, a Lecturer at the Ghana Law School, also took them through “The Ghanaian Law.”

The Chairman, Apostle Eric Nyamekye; the General Secretary, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, as well as the immediate past International Missions Director, Apostle Emmanuel Gyesi-Addo, are expected to interact with the participants.



Focus On Your Salvation With The Fear Of The Lord – IMD Urges

The International Missions Director of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, has called on all Christians to work out their salvation with the fear of the Lord.

He made this call on Thursday, January 27, 2022, during the just-ended 2022 Ministers and Wives Conference, at Dwomoh Central in the Techiman Area of the Church, Bono East Region. 

Speaking on the topic: “The New Creation”, Apostle Agyemang Bekoe said that man as tripartite (having body, soul, and spirit), needed to frequently be in sync with God. This is because a person is dead before being born again.

He noted that it took the intervention of repentance and the acceptance of Christ to initiate life back.

“When the soul aligns with the spirit, we become spiritual people, but, if it is aligned with the body or flesh, we become canal. Salvation closes the doors of the past and opens futuristic doors for mankind,” he stated.

Apostle Agyemang-Bekoe explained that the helmet of salvation though figuratively used, could decorate, and protect the intents of a believer, thus, they should endeavour to put it on at all times.

Moreover, he cautioned the ministers and wives gathered to refrain from the inter-competitive comparisons that arise between them and focus on their responsibilities to the members, especially the new converts in the church.

He admonished them to be one and eschew pride while going about their duties to God and the Church. He said that pride leads to the emptiness of the Spirit of God in them, therefore, as new creatures, there was the need for a change. 

The International Missions Director, concluding, urged for the full equipping of the members with the armour of God, leading to the assurance of their salvation in Christ Jesus.

The four-day prayer, fasting, and teachings conference had all ministers and wives from the Areas of The Church of Pentecost within the Bono, Ahafo, and Bono East Regions converge in Techiman.

Report by Media Committee – B/A Sector

GS story

It Is Possible To Be Righteous – Apostle Kumi-Larbi Declares

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, has affirmed that it is possible for believers to be righteous and eschew all forms of ungodly acts in this perverse generation.

He stated that while the entire world is engulfed in darkness in relation to sin, it behoves on believers – people born of God – to be different in deeds, action, and moral life.

According to him, being righteous is possible if Christians determine not to join the bandwagon and decide to set themselves apart and do what is right in their workplaces, homes, and wherever they find themselves. 

The General Secretary said this in a sermon he preached at the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Tamale, and later at the Kamina Barracks Central Assembly also in Tamale on Sunday, January 30, 2022. He spoke on the topic: “Righteousness: The Authority of the Kingdom.”

Taking his main scriptures from Hebrews 13:20-21; Ephesians 4:11-12; Ephesians 6:10-11; Proverbs 14:34; Romans 14:17; Hebrews 1:8-9; Isaiah 14:5-6, he said that society is corrupt because leaders lack the moral authority to properly exercise the power conferred on them. Rather, they use the power to corrupt themselves to the detriment of the general wellbeing of the people. 

This, he said, can be changed if Christians who constitute more than 70 per cent of the Ghanaian population decided to live their lives in conformity to the will, mercy, and justice of God.

He maintained that if Christians stand right before God and man, they will be able to confront the ills of society, saying, “With righteousness, we can confront everything without fear or favour.”

Apostle Kumi-Larbi indicated that the church of God which is the representative of the Kingdom of God on earth is built on righteousness.

“The sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of the Kingdom of God. It symbolizes power and authority,” he pointed out.

He indicated that without righteousness, the believer has no power or authority over the schemes of the devil and the evils of society.

Talking about how God sees righteousness, he revealed that the word ‘righteousness’ has been mentioned more than 500 times in the Bible which indicates its importance and relevance. He, therefore, admonished Christians to attach all seriousness to righteousness because without it they cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.

To guard the heart against evil, he advised believers to put on the breastplate of righteousness which represents moral character. This, he said, can be done by the way they respond to evil. 

Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi stated that righteousness comes with many blessings as God has promised to bless the righteous and anoint them with the oil of gladness.

At Kamina Barracks, the General Secretary prayed for military personnel in the church using them as a point of contact for all security personnel in the country. He asked for grace, moral uprightness, and the protection of God for them in the discharge of their duties.

He was accompanied by the Tamale Area Head, Apostle Sylvester Arhin. At PIWC-Tamale, he was welcomed by the Resident Minister, Pastor Michael Blankson, while Pastor Isaac Deku received him at Kamina Barracks District.



Go And Equip The Lord’s People – Apostle Sylvester Arhin To Ministers

The Coordinator of the Northern Regional Coordinating Committee of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Sylvester Arhin, has charged ministers of the church to fulfil their primary responsibility of equipping their members with godly values and principles to make a positive impact in society.  

Giving his closing address at the just ended 2022 Ministers and Wives Conference for the Northern Sector on Friday, January 28, 2022, at the Radach Lodge & Retreat Centre in Tamale, Apostle Arhin who is an Executive Council Member, said that having been equipped by God through His Word, various word of prophecies, new songs received, and the solemn prayer and worship moments, ministers should, in turn, impart their members at the grassroots for them to possess their spheres of life for Christ Jesus.  

“Physically, we are closing from our conference, but it is the beginning of mighty things that the Lord will do this year through us. Therefore, go and equip the Lord’s people at the Area level, district level, local assembly, home cell, and every single member,” he challenged them.

Apostle Arhin commended ministers and their wives for their dedication to duty and for availing themselves for God to equip them within the few days spent under His feet.

He stated: “I fervently trust that life will flow through you to equip others too.”

This year’s Ministers and Wives Conference which was held at the regional level from 25th to 28th January 2022, was under the theme: “Equipping the Church as an Army to Possess the Nations” (Hebrews 13:20-21; Ephesians 4:11-12; 6:10-11).

The Northern Sector, comprising eight Areas, namely Tamale, Yendi, Walewale, Sawla, Bolgatanga, Wa, Tumu, and Bawku Areas met in Tamale for the four-day fasting and prayer conference. It was graced by the General Secretary, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi.


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Carry The Presence Of God With You – Chairman Charges Ministers And Wives

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has charged the pastorates of the Church and their wives to carry the presence of God wherever they find themselves especially at their church services.

He said this during his closing sermon for this year’s Ministers and Wives Conference at Ansaful in the Winneba Area of the Church which was telecast live throughout all the regional venues of the Conference and the nations.

Apostle Nyamekye explained that just as the ark of the tabernacle that symbolizes the presence of God with the people of Israel was carried around by the priest, so the presence of God in our time must be virtually carried by the pastorates and their wives as they lead the people of God.

“The ark must be carried by the priest and not by chats. The ark must be seen leading the people and not just by word. So should our ministers carry God’s presence in our days at all times especially at and during our (church) services. And this presence of God should not just be by words but be experienced by our members and all who attend our (church) services”, the revered Apostle echoed in his sermon.

Preaching on the topic, “The Church as the Equipping Centre in Carrying out the Great Commission; the Possessing the Nations Agenda”, Apostle Nyamekye expounded that “the Great Commission is bigger than evangelism, which is converting people from the world into faith in Christ and to join our churches. It is about going out and discipling the nations; possessing the nations with the values and principles of the Kingdom of God.”

He clarified further that, even though the church is not the focus of the Great Commission, it is the most important tool for carrying out this commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“It is the vehicle God uses to equip His people for the work of the ministry to the nations. It is the equipping centre, a training ground, where believers are prepared as an Army of God to impact the society with Kingdom principles, lifestyle and values. Christians are equipped in the church to make maximum impact as ‘salt of the earth and light of the world’, Apostle Nyamekye emphasized.

Making references from Matthew 28: 18 – 20, Obadiah 1: 17 – 21 and Hebrews 12:18, 22-23, the Chairman indicated that the Church, as the modern day Zion, must therefore raise redeemers and saviours and equip them so as to unleash such “to govern the mountains of Esau (the world with the values and principles of the Kingdom)” so “the kingdom will be the Lord’s” (Obadiah 1: 21 NIV).

However, the Apostle explained, “such is only possible when the Church as Mount Zion become a place of action: a functional church, a great gathering, a congregation, and an assembly, where the active presence of the Almighty God with His host of angels is tangibly real.”

“It is God’s empowering presence in the midst of His people that makes Zion a seat of Power. It is in such a supernatural encounter with God at Zion, the congregation of the people of God in worship that deliverers and saviours are raised and deliverance is also experienced”, he added.

“It is therefore required of the minister of God to virtually carry the very presence of God just as the ark was carried by the priest to bring God’s presence so as to make the church a real equipping centre in carrying out the Great Commission; the Possessing the Nations Agenda”, the Apostle averred.

“We need God’s empowering presence which makes Zion (the Church) the seat of power so deliverance, healing and the joy of the Lord is experienced. It is only then that the people can be equipped to take over the nations and makes them the Kingdom of our Lord”, he concluded.

Report by Pastor Solomon Kwasi Kyei


The Church In Liberia Hails Apostle Dr. Michael Ntumy For Selfless Service

The selfless life of Apostle Dr. Michael Kwabena Ntumy, former Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, during his days as a missionary in Liberia has been hailed by members of the church in Liberia.

Members of the Buchanan district in Liberia, where Apostle Ntumy spent most of his time while in Liberia, expressed their appreciation to the former Chairman and Missionary for the impact he made in the lives of the people, especially the Ghanaian community in Liberia.

Buchanan, also previously known as Bassa on some maps, is the third largest city in Liberia, lying on Waterhouse Bay, part of the Atlantic Ocean, with a population of more than 34,000.

Majority of the people who live in the city are fisherfolks and predominantly Ghanaians.

Buchanan is among the seven areas of The Church of Pentecost in Liberia and second to Monrovia Area in terms of membership.

The Church of Pentecost in Buchanan has a rich history dating back to the days of Apostle Dr. Michael Ntumy, a former missionary to Liberia.

As a missionary, Apostle Ntumy lived in the Buchanan district helping to plant churches in the area. He spent time amongst the Ghanaians who were mostly fisherfolks fellowshipping with them, teaching them the word of God and serving as a pillar during the Liberian war.

In those days, the Ghanaian population dominated the church in Liberia unlike now that the church is predominantly Liberians.

During the days of the Liberian war (1989 to 1997), Apostle Ntumy was a major source of motivation for the Ghanaian populace and The Church of Pentecost in Buchanan district. He did not only provide spiritual nourishment for them but was available anytime to reassure members of the protection of God for their lives.

In the heat of the civil war, Apostle Ntumy and his family were taken hostage for 163 days in the heart of the Nimba Forest in Liberia by Charles Taylor’s National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) rebels.

Testimonies by the members

Elder John Baidoo, presiding elder at the now Prayer Tower Assembly, the central chapel of the Buchanan district, where Apostle Ntumy used to fellowship, testified about the impact Apostle Ntumy had on the members of the church in the district.

“According to the elders I met, Apostle Ntumy laid his life down for most of the members here. He [Apostle Ntumy] came back three years ago and encouraged us.

“I remember the sermon he preached: ‘When I saw him I held fast to him but I now leave him.’ That sermon brought revival to the church here in Liberia. The sermon topic is now on everyone’s lips. Our father’s presence in Buchanan has really lifted the church high.”

A community leader amongst the fisherfolks and an elder of the church, Elder Joseph Kwame Persewaa also said: “If Apostle Ntumy was with us here now, we would have carried him up high on our shoulders. This is because spiritually he really worked. It is because of Apostle Ntumy’s works that we had confidence and courage to remain in the church. His lifestyle drew many to the church.”

He added: “I was present at Flamingo (the camp of no return) during the war when Apostle Ntumy prophesied that no one would die, and indeed non-members of The Church of Pentecost saw the hand and power of God and got converted.”

The Area Head for Buchanan Area and National Secretary of the Church in Liberia, Apostle Quie G. Toe, was full of praise for Apostle Ntumy. According to him, the successes and achievements of the Area were a result of the selfless leadership of Apostle Ntumy during his days in Liberia.

“Before every fishing season, Apostle Ntumy would gather members of the church who are fisherfolks and pray with them. This led to the introduction of a prayer and fasting programme that helped the fisherfolks to experience bumper harvests.

“This prayer programme has come to stay. The leadership of the church supports the Ghanaian fisherfolks to organise this prayer programme at the beginning of every fishing season,” he added.

Indeed, the selfless life of Apostle Dr. Michael Ntumy has yielded many fruits in Liberia.

Apostle Dr. Michael Kwabena Ntumy served as the Missionary of The Church of Pentecost to Liberia, Ivory Coast, France/Switzerland, from 1988-1998. He was subsequently elected the Chairman of the church in 1998 and left office in 2008 after successfully serving for 10 years.


northern pastors

430 Ministers And Wives Participate In Northern Ghana Conference

A total of 430 ministers and their wives of The Church of Pentecost in Northern Ghana converged on Tamale to participate in the 2022 Ministers and Wives Conference.

The four-day prayer and fasting conference which was officially opened on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, at the Radach Lodge & Conference Centre in Tamale, was hosted by Apostle Sylvester Arhin (Chairman of the Northern Regional Coordinating Committee and Executive Council Member, who also doubles as the Tamale Area Head). It had the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, as the special guest. 

Ministers and their wives were drawn from the church’s eight administrative Areas in the Northern Sector, namely Tamale Area, Walewale Area, Yendi Area, Sawla Area, Bolgatanga Area, Bawku Area, Wa Area, and Tumu Area, which constitutes the five political regions in the North – the Northern Region, Savanna Region, North-East Region, Upper West Region, and Upper East Region.

Addressing the participants on Thursday, the General Secretary, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, challenged them to endeavour to meet God’s standard in all their dealings.

Speaking on the topic, “Righteousness, The Authority of the Kingdom,” with his main scripture readings taking from Proverbs 14:22; Romans 14:17; Hebrews 1:8-9; Psalm 45:6, Apostle Kumi-Larbi urged Christians, particularly ministers of the gospel, to ensure that their words, deeds, and attitude are aligned with God’s will and purpose. This, he said, will help them to meet and maintain God’s standard in everything they do, whether in private or public.

The General Secretary who spoke passionately about the subject using his personal life as a case study asked ministers to check their motives for joining the full-time ministry and set their priorities right so that they will not lower the standards set by their forebearers. 

He defined righteousness as “behaviour that is morally justifiable or right” before God. Such behaviour, he pointed out, is characterized by accepted standards of morality, justice, virtue, or uprightness. 

“The Bible’s standard of human righteousness is God’s own perfection in every attribute, every attitude, every behaviour, and every word. Thus, God’s laws, as given in the Bible, both describe His own character and constitute the plumb line by which He measures human righteousness.”

Also presenting a paper on “The New Creation and the Possessing the Nations Agenda,” Apostle Daniel Nii Tetteh Tackie (Wa Area Head), took his main scripture readings from 2 Corinthians 5:17 and said that anyone who comes to Christ has become a new person regardless of their past evil life. 

Citing other scriptures to support his presentation, Apostle Tetteh Tackie revealed that how a sinner is born into Christ (rebirth) is a mystery. He explained that the Holy Spirit plays a key role in the rebirth processes by giving the new creation a divine nature.

He maintained that the new creation comes with so much power given by the Holy Spirit to overcome sin and the schemes of the devil. 

He indicated that since the new creation (born-again Christian) has been given a divine nature, they have become God’s agent of expanding the Kingdom of God on earth.

He, therefore, charged believers to assert their roles as agents of transformation and transform the corrupt society since they were created (saved) to be transformers of the nations.

Prophet Evans Annaba Mensah (Walewale Area Head), also took participants through “The Ministry of Intercessory Prayer.” His presentation was full of inspiring testimonies demonstrating the power of God through intercessory prayers.

Reading Isaiah 58:6; Colossians 4:12; Ephesians 6:18 as his main texts, he said that intercessory prayer is the prime duty for every believer, stressing that helping a fellow brother should not be a burden for believers.

According to him, the ministry of intercessory prayer somehow has no recognition, since people do not see those who secretly intercede for them, saying, “The nature of this ministry is serving your brother while he does not see.”

He, however, called on Christians to pray for one another so that God will do greater works through them. 

“The Lord has called us to be each other’s keeper, caring for one another through intercession,” he said.


Apostle S Y Antwi

Be An Agent of Transformation- Apostle Antwi Charges Christian Politicians

The Area Head of Cape Coast and the Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC) Chairman for the Central Region of The Church of Pentecost has urged Christian politicians to be agents of transformation wherever they find themselves, rather than towing along the status quo. 

Preaching on the theme: “The New Creation and the Possessing the Nation Agenda,” at the ongoing Ministers and Wives’ Conference in the Central Region, Apostle Samuel Antwi stated that the American Puritans, who were believers and professionals, used their profession to expand God’s Kingdom on earth by fighting for righteousness everywhere.

“Christians like Jonathan Edwards changed the world with sleepless nights of prayer,” he emphasized, using the example of William Wilberforce, a British parliamentarian who did not rest until the laws prohibiting the slave trade were enacted.

He added: “Through prayers and actions, the lawyers of the America Puritans argued for changes in the laws of their times and introduced new ones that were consistent with the values and principles of God’s Kingdom.” 

Apostle Antwi charged politicians, especially Members of Parliament to speak up for the Lord and present arguments in the House of Parliament that reflect God and His Kingdom, rather than simply towing party lines and ideologies. 

“And when we are called back home, will we be able to tell the principal that we have accomplished His purpose as agents in whatever capacity we found ourselves?” he asked the group.

Using Jesus on earth as an example of what is required to be true transformational agents, Apostle Antwi stated that believers, like Jesus, must be anointed and be branches of the true vine (Acts 10:38, John 15: 1-5). 

“And always remember that to whom much is given, much is required,” he concluded.



The New Creation Is Most Powerful On Earth – Chairman

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has stated that Christians, who are the new creation, are the most important and most powerful creatures on earth. 

According to him, while the old creation can manage the earth, it cannot manage spiritual things because it lacks the power that the new creation has, stressing that Christians must behave like God, command like God, and deal with the devil like God.

Apostle Nyamekye said the human being is made for a purpose, and God has ordained His purpose for each person’s life, and when a person becomes a born-again Christian, he becomes a new creation, who has been given gifts from within and gifts from without to manage the earth, make it fruitful, and advance God’s kingdom.

The Church of Pentecost Chairman was speaking at the Volta and Oti Ministers and Wives’ Conference, which is currently taking place at the PIWC in Ho. He spoke on the topic: “The New Creation and Possessing the Nations Agenda,” emphasising the helmet of salvation with scriptural references from 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Ephesians 6:17. 

The helmet of salvation, according to Apostle Nyamekye, is the hope of the Christian’s salvation, indicating that, “anyone who wants to be a very good Christian on earth should always have his helmet of salvation on because it is a crucial element of the Christian’s victory.”

“Just as a soldier’s helmet protects their head from harm, so knowledge of our salvation and understanding of the deliverance we have received in Christ, as well as the hope we have for his return, protects us from the enemy’s deception,” he added.


Jesus Holds The Keys Of Death – Apostle Kumi-Larbi

Own, Teach and Live By 2022 Theme – General Secretary Tells Ministers

Ministers of The Church of Pentecost have been admonished to assimilate the church’s 2022 theme by absorbing, teaching, and living by it.

Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, made the call on Wednesday while speaking to ministers and their wives in the Eastern Region at the Koforidua Central Tabernacle as part of the Eastern Regional Ministers and Wives’ Conference.

The General Secretary believes that if ministers own and teach the theme at the local level, members would be better positioned to make a positive impact in society.

The Church of Pentecost’s theme for this year: “Equipping the Church As An Army to Possess the Nations,” among other things, seeks to fully equip members with Kingdom values and principles in order for them to possess their spheres of life with godly lifestyles.

The thematic areas are as follows: The Church As An Equipping Centre In Carrying The Possessing The Nations Agenda, Mobilising The Squads For Effective Impact In The World, The Power Of Faith For Possessing The Nations, Righteousness: The Authority Of The Kingdom,  Equipping The Church With The Word Of God As The Sword Of The Spirit, Equipping The Church To Put On The Belt Of Truth, The New Creation And The Possessing The Nations Agenda, The Power Of The Gospel Of Salvation, and The Ministry Of Intercessory Prayer.

Speaking on the topic: “Righteousness, the Authority of the Kingdom,” Apostle Kumi-Larbi emphasised the importance of Christians pursuing righteousness, indicating that in God’s Kingdom, righteousness is the believer’s authority. He explained that believers have no power without righteousness, saying, “If we want the church to have power, our moral standards must be high.”

According to the General Secretary, believers are expected to live lives that conform to God’s will, mercy, and justice because they are in constant relationship with God.

“We can only exercise spiritual and moral authority to correct the world’s injustices and cruelty when we live in godliness.”

Using Proverbs 14:34, Romans 14:17, and Hebrews 1:8-9 as his key scripture readings, he opined that Christians will be able to do effective Kingdom business when they stand right, by separating themselves from the way the world does things.

He defined righteousness as “morally justifiable or righteous behaviour before God.” Such behavior, he noted, is characterised by accepted moral, justice, virtue, or uprightness standards.

According to Apostle Kumi-Larbi, righteousness validates believers’ authority as children of God’s Kingdom and as a militant church operating on Earth.

Reading from Ephesians 6:14, he urged believers to put on the breastplate of righteousness to protect their hearts from the devil’s schemes, adding that, wearing the breastplate of righteousness is the only way to protect one’s heart from sin.

“The breastplate of righteousness represents moral character, which serves as a defense for believers and keeps their hearts from sin,” he emphasized.

According to him, the spirit of the year’s theme is not about listing God’s armours as stated in the book of Ephesians, but about how believers should live their lives.

In order to put on the breastplate of righteousness, he charged believers to guard their hearts against all evil (Proverbs 4:23) and to be determined not to harbour any evil in their hearts.

According to Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, in order to influence every sphere of society with Kingdom of God values and principles such as goodness, mercy, justice, and sincerity, Christians should model lives of righteousness as breastplate, disclosing that it is a defensive armour that cannot be hidden.