
Ankasie Community Receive Farm Equipment Worth GHS 53,000.00

The Wassa Ankasie Assembly in the Agona District of The Church of Pentecost, in partnership with Compassion International Ghana (CIGH), has donated farm equipment worth GHS 53,000.00 to some residents of the Ankasie community.

The donation, which includes crocodile cutlasses, weedicides, pairs of wellington boots, and a cash amount of GHS 100.00 each, were presented to the beneficiaries at a short presentation ceremony held on Monday, March 20, 2023.

According to Pastor John Kweku Nartey, the Wassa Ankasie District Minister and the pastor-in-charge of the project, the gesture would help the 166 beneficiaries clear and prepare their farmlands for the planting season in May this year.

He further stated that, as part of the project, cocoa seedlings, coconut seedlings, orange and oil palm would be given to the beneficiaries, who are the selected caregivers of children in the community enrolled on the CIGH project.

“Our focus is to provide them with self-sustaining financial support. This is part of the interventions that Compassion International gives to the parents of the children on the project annually to support them and alleviate poverty,” he said.

Other CIGH officials present at the presentation ceremony were Mr. Justice Tsormana (Project Director), Elder Divine Todzo (Account Clerk) and Deaconess Priscilla Arthur (Social Health Worker).

The partnership between the Ankasie Assemby and CIGH began in 2017 when the latter undertook a feasibility study on the veracity of planting a Child and Youth Development Centre in the community.

The collaboration, however, came into force in 2018 after the community met all the criteria for the project, with the Church serving as the Implementing Church Partner (ICP) for the project.

Currently, 210 children of the Wassa Ankasie Assembly are enrolled onto the CIGH initiative.


Apostle & Wife Miraculously Saved From Stray Bullet n

Apostle & Wife Miraculously Saved From Stray Bullet

The Anyaa-Ablekuma Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle William Ohemeng-Kwakye, and his wife, Comfort, were miraculously saved from a stray bullet that made its way into the Area Mission House.

The spectacular incident happened on Sunday, January 15, 2023, few moments after Apostle Ohemeng-Kwakye had returned home from a series of Church meetings.

Speaking to PENTECOST NEWS, the Area Head said that, while on his way home, he heard a voice whisper to him the statement: “No weapon formed against you shall stand.”

He, therefore, reached for his Bible and read the text as written in Isaiah 54:17: “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the LORD.” 

According to him, he reflected over the scripture over and over until he got to the Mission House.

At home, Apostle Ohemeng-Kwakye and his wife retired to bed at about 11:00pm after praying with the family.

“While lying on the bed and studying from my iPad, I suddenly felt the urge to move from the bed to the other side of the room,” he recounted.

He instantly obliged and sat on a bedside desk to continue his study.

Soon afterwards, a stray bullet from an unknown source penetrated the roofing sheet into the master bedroom onto the bed – close to the place he was studying.

The loud blast which accompanied the bullet woke Mrs Ohemeng-Kwakye up from her sleep.

“She began screaming thinking that it was the iPad that had exploded. But by God’s grace, no one was harmed,” he said.

The issue was reported at the Anyaa District Police Command, and a team led by the District Commander visited the mission house to assess the situation.

In furtherance to that, a team of experts was sent from the Police Headquarters, Accra, to also examine the situation, but no scientific proof was established. 

It was later detected that the bullet penetrated the roofing sheet and the POP ceiling before landing on the bed.

“What makes the whole situation complex is that the mission house is a two-storey building, but it is surrounded by single-storey buildings, so we do not know how one could have shot into the building from the top,” he said.

The security personnel expressed dismay at the whole situation and thanked God for the mighty deliverance.

Report by Anyaa-Ablekuma Area Media Team


Apostle Obeng Kesse, Family Donate Rechargeable Speakers To Missions

The family of Apostle John Obeng Kesse, the Suame Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, has donated rechargeable (LEGACY PRO) speakers to four internal missions Areas of the church at the cost of GHS 10,000.00.

According to Apostle Obeng Kesse, the Lord laid on his heart during this year’s McKeown Missions Week to purchase the speakers for the internal mission Areas.

The beneficiary districts were Kajepere District in the Tumi Area, Najong District in the Walewale Area, and Kwasifanti and Dwarf Island districts in the Afram Plains Area.

As a former missionary, Apostle John Obeng Kesse prayed that the items will be put to good use to harvest souls through the use of the speakers to possess all spheres of the communities.

Report by Suame Area Media Team.


Caprice Worship Centre Holds Durbar To Mark Environmental Care Campaign

The Caprice Worship Centre in the La Area of The Church of Pentecost, under the leadership of Pastor Emmanuel Opoku Mensah, has organised a durbar to commemorate this year’s Environmental Care Campaign Week.

The event took place at the church auditorium on March 15, 2023, on the theme: “My Environment, My Responsibility.”

In an address, the Chairman of La Area National Discipleship & Leadership Development Committee (NDLDC), Pastor Danis James Osei Assibey, who doubles as Mamobi District Minister, said that the church as part of its Vision 2023, has set aside a week for Environment Care Campaign exercises across the country where members engage in thorough clean up exercises in their various communities.

With scripture reference to Numbers 35:33, Pastor Osei Assibey noted that God needs everyone as a partner to keep the environment clean, saying, “Let’s desist from polluting the land in which we live.”

Touching on plastic waste, he said that it causes a lot of havoc on human health and the environment, whiles government loses revenue in its management and processing. According to him, if plastics are well managed, it generates income for individuals.

Pastor Osei Assibey said that the practice is to ensure that members observe a clean environment to support the popular saying that “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”

He indicated that this year’s campaign focuses mainly on plastic waste products, their segregation, sales, and monetary aspect.

In an interview, the Ayewaso Central Director of the Ghana Education Service, Mr Augustus Owusu Ahenkora, expressed his utmost joy towards the involvement of school children in the campaign. He believes that when children are well informed they will intern teach their parents and friends how to segregate waste.

He noted that some schools within the community segregate their waste but others do not have bins to segregate.

He further appealed to Universal Plastic Product and Recycling Ltd (UPPL) and other stakeholders to support the schools with waste bins to help in segregating their waste products.

Mr Ishmael Nii Sowah Quaye of UPPL commended the church for the initiative. He said that the church’s campaign on plastic waste management is timely, especially with the involvement of school children.

He noted that his organisation’s doors are always open to assist in plastic waste management and recycling. The Chief of Kokomlemle, Nii Tetteh Obroni Onama Onsuro, called on Ghanaians to be mindful of their activities at home.

“People should desist from intentionally dumping refuse at vantage points,” he added. The Market Queen of Malam Atta Market, Naa Okaikor Etsuru, cautioned residents to stop the indiscriminate dumping of refuse in the market since it generates all kinds of diseases.

Also in attendance were Elder J. K. Asare, Mr Charles Tsatsu McCarthy, Mrs Heartwill Opoku Mensah, and a cross-section of members.

Report by Gina Akua Padi.


Mr. Frank Awuah Donates Sprinter Bus & Generator To Church

Mr. Frank Awuah, a member of the Manso Akwasiso District in the Ashanti Bekwai Area of The Church of Pentecost, has donated a 23-seater Mercedes-Benz Sprinter minibus and a generator, worth GHS 205,500.00, to the District.

The vehicle (GHS 200,000.00) and the generator (GHS 5,500.00) were both handed over to the Church on Friday, March 17, 2023 at a colourful ceremony held at the forecourt of the Akwasiso Central Assembly.

Making the presentation, Mr. Frank Awuah, who is known for his philanthropic acts, said he thanked the Almighty God for counting him worthy to serve His church in the ministry of giving.

He noted that the bus would enable the District to convey her members to and from Church events such as outreaches, conventions, Zonal prayer meetings, and other special ceremonies including funerals, weddings, naming ceremonies, etc.

The generator, on the other hand, would help provide electricity for Church programmes, especially during periods of power outages. Apostle Fred Tiakor, the Ashanti Bekwai Area Head, who received the documents and the car keys on behalf of the Church, expressed delight and profound gratitude to the Lord for touching the hearts of members to give sacrificially to support the Kingdom business. He further thanked Mr. Awuah for the kind gesture.

Reading from 1Chronicles 13:14, Apostle Tiakor said the Ark of God represents the presence of God, hence Obed-Edom elicited the blessings of God when, in obedience to Him, he made his home its resting place. The Area Head further noted that the sacrificial service of Obed-Edom resulted in the favour of God resting in his household.

“The obedience of Obed-Edom caused the Lord to bless him and his household,” he stressed. Apostle Fred Tiakor prayed for divine blessings for Mr. Awuah and his family and encouraged other Church members to emulate his good example.

He also advised the District to adopt a good maintenance culture to keep the vehicle in good shape and prolong its lifespan. In attendance were Pastor Emmanuel Okoh Lartey (Bekwai District), Pastor Samuel Kusi (Akwasiso District), Pastor Seth Ansah (Nampansa District), Pastor Jonah Sei (Keniago District), Pastor Gordon Asare (Dawusaso District), as well as officers and members of the Manso Akwasiso District.

Report by Overseer Frank Osei Tutu (Area Media Coordinator)

Church Media Personnel & Spirituality

Church Media Personnel & Spirituality

There is a popular saying that most media personnel in the Church are not “spiritual”. Proponents of this assertion usually say this to imply that media personnel are not actively involved in the “spiritual aspects” of the Church’s worship life during services. Although they may have grounds for arriving at this conclusion, I humbly beg to differ. As a media personnel myself, I can confidently say this notion is misconstrued and quite farther from the truth. Admittedly, not all media persons may take active part in a service – and this applies to all church members and not media persons alone. However, what I find worrying is the negative tag given to us as media personnel in recent times.

From my interactions and observations, I realised that the reason why people allude to this is mostly due to the fact that during church services, media personnel are usually seen taking coverage of proceedings and not seen participating in activities. During worship and prayer sessions, for instance, media persons are mostly seen “loitering” around. This has inadvertently created a notion in the minds of others that media work is for those who are not interested in spirituality. Indeed, hardly would you see a media person being called upon to lead a worship or praise session, but this could be attributed to the high demands of the work and not necessarily their “prayerlessness”.

To me, there are different instruments of worship that could be employed in praising our Maker. Trumpets, guitars, tambourines, and other instruments, for instance, can be used to glorify our God. Likewise, we, as media personnel, also use our skills and gadgets to create an enabling environment where worship can be done effectively. Creating a montage on an LED screen adds flavour to video productions. Using lights during major conventions does not only beautify the place to attract unbelievers, but it also boosts the beauty of video content for online evangelism. Whereas unbelievers use catchy flyers and high-quality videos to draw people to concerts and parties, we, church media personnel, also use our skills to create catchy contents that attract many (including unbelievers) to church events and services.

In recent times, the quality of video production of churches attracts more people to the house of God. The popular “Alpha Hour” online prayer session continues to receive high patronage, partly because of the quality of videos and audio-visuals – and this is done by the media team. If the video comes out pixelated with a bad audio output, many who join the feed may quickly switch off their data and probably go to bed. This is to stress that the media team also plays an instrumental role in the ministry of the Church, especially in the areas of soul-winning and church growth. This has become so crucial to the extent that any Church that fails to invest in its media ends up losing some of the members to the churches that do.

Again, contrary to what others think, most media persons pray before they start any production. This is one thing most people do not know. In fact, media personnel who do not fortify themselves with prayers do so at their own peril. This is because a lot of issues occur in the course of production. Thus, having a clean production comes with some level of grace. During or after production, it could happen that one’s laptop, camera, or router may not function well and affect the overall output. From experience, I have realised that any activity that seeks to push the agenda of God suffers a lot of setbacks and challenges. The Bible says “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12)”. It is only our prayers that help us to overcome some of these challenges. Therefore, being able to finish a major production successfully demands the hand of God. It is only the grace of God that can help one to do a great job and have a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

Other people also have the view that, as a result of work, media persons do not pay attention to messages preached during church services. Whilst this may be true, the other side of it is that media personnel get the opportunity to listen to the sermons over and over again after service. How? Well, after taking coverage, the media personnel go through the production severally to correct mistakes. In doing so, they get to listen to the messages again and again. Sometimes, one listens so much that one begins to recite portions of the sermon.

The same applies to pre-recorded messages – as the video editor gets to listen to the message even before the congregation. These life-transforming messages tend to have a major impact on the lives of video editors. There have even periods when, having been touched by the message, I paused the video to spend some time in worship before continuing the project.

In conclusion, I believe that the level of one’s spirituality cannot be seen from physical actions. Neither can it be determined by how often one leads the congregation in times of worship or prayer sessions. Spirituality goes beyond that. It is rather about the intimate relationship that one builds with the Lord. Media personnel in the Church should be encouraged to take their spirituality seriously just as any member of the Church, but this should not be done tactfully and not in a way that presupposes that a media person is not “spiritual.”

Written by Augustus Nii Oblie Adu-Aryee  (PIWC-Assin Foso)

9 Gallant Officers Of Adabraka District Retire

9 Gallant Officers Of Adabraka District Retire

Nine gallant officers of the Asylum Down Assembly in the Adabraka District of The Church of Pentecost retired from active service in a glorious ceremony recently. 

Officiating the service on behalf of the La Area Head, Apostle Dr. Dieudonne Nuekpe, the Abelenkpe District Minister, Pastor Paul Amoah, commended the officers whose years of service span 20 to 43 years. He spoke on the theme “Repositioning the Older Generation to Have Maximum Impact on the Church During Retirement.” 

Two former ministers of the Adabraka District, Pastor Moses Kenneth Abakah (Rtd.) and Pastor Joseph Ackah, joined the current District Minister, Pastor Emmanuel Osei Agyapong, and the rest of the congregation to honour the gallant soldiers. 

The retirees, Elders Joseph Abandoh, Alexander Billyham Sarpong, Richard Ohenekumah, Deaconess Comfort Takyi-Amankwah, Beatrice Akowah, Juliet Tetteh, Janet Tetteh, Agnes Sarpong and Cecelia Agbovi, on their part, expressed gratitude to God for seeing them through decades of dedicated service and to the leadership as well as members of the Church for the honour done them. 

Report by Adabraka District Media Team

Excel In Godliness - Apostle Dr. Appiah Missah (Rtd.) To Christians

Excel In Godliness – Apostle Dr. Appiah Missah (Rtd.) To Christians

Apostle Dr. Nicholas Appiah Missah, a retired minister of The Church of Pentecost has charged members and officers of the Church to live upright and godly lives in their walk with the Lord.

Apostle Dr. Appiah Missah said this when he ministered to participants of the New Tafo Zone at the M. K. Yeboah Memorial Temple, Krofrom in Kumasi, during the recently-held New Tafo Area Ministers and Officers’ Retreat (Apostolisation).

Speaking on the topic: “The Local Church Upholding the Value of Godliness,” Apostle Dr. Appiah Missah stressed that God expects believers to be godly in all their endeavours at all times because godliness is a requirement of the grace they have received in Christ Jesus (Titus 2:11-13).

“Godliness is not just going to church or being an officer, but living as delight to the Lord,” he explained while urging the participants to aspire to be like Jesus Christ, Ananias (Acts 22:12), Apostle Paul, Cornelius in godliness.

According to him, Christians should not struggle to live godly lives since they have been equipped for such virtue through Christ Jesus (2 Peter 1:3).

He mentioned knowledge of God, transformed life (Colossians 2:14-15; 1:20), among others, as sources of godliness, with good temper, continuous reliance on God’s word, and teaching of good doctrines as marks of godliness. 

Reading from 1 Timothy 6:6; 4:7-8, Apostle Dr. Nicholas Appiah Missah (rtd) identified the value of godliness and encouraged the participants to strive to finish the Christian race in a godly manner (Hebrews 12:2).

The 2023 New Tafo Area Ministers and Officers’ Retreat (Apostolisation), which kick-started on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, under the auspices of the Area Head, Prophet Samuel Tetteh Doku, was on the theme: “Repositioning the Local Church For Maximum Impact in the Nations” (Colossians 2:6-7; 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20). 

It was held at three zones in the Area (New Tafo, Sepe-Buokrom and Kenyasi Zones) with Apostle Dr. Nicholas Appiah Missah (Rtd.) and Pastor David Dorsu (Tumu Area Head) as guest speakers.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah


Couple Blessed With Child After 15 Years Of Marriage

Mr. Abraham Dorglo and his wife, Grace, who fellowship with the Grace Assembly in the Yennyawoso District of The Church of Pentecost have been blessed with a bouncing baby boy after enduring childless marriage for fifteen years.

The christening and dedication ceremony of the child was performed by the District Minister, Pastor Charles Oduro, on Sunday, March 19, 2023.

In a sermon on the topic: “The Sovereignty of God,” taken from Luke 7:18-27; Acts 12, Pastor Oduro advised Christians to always have a heart of gratitude and appreciate God in every situation they find themselves because God is sovereign and does whatever pleases Him (1 Thessalonians 5:18; Romans 8:28).

He highlighted the everduring faithfulness of God and urged all those who are looking forward to something to keep trusting God for a miracle, no matter how long it takes.

The couple could not hide their joy, likewise the church members for what the Lord has done as they sang songs of praise and danced to glorify the name of the Lord.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah


Pastor Kow Techie (Rtd) Goes Home

Pastor Joseph Kow Techie, a retired minister of The Church of Pentecost, was laid to rest on Saturday, March 18, 2023, at Moree near Cape Coast.

He was 89 years old. Born on January 12, 1934, he joined the Church of Christ (Spiritual Movement) and was ordained a priest between 1956 and 1967 and served in Cape Coast, Tema, Afienya, Terchire and Akim Oda.

He later resigned from the priesthood and joined The Church of Pentecost as a member. He was baptised by the late Pastor L. A. Nyarko at Cape Coast.

While at Cape Coast, he was identified as a true servant of God by Apostle George Alphonse Wood (late) and was transferred to preside over the church in Jukwa Breman. In 1970, Apostle Wood, in consultation with the then Executive Council called Joseph Kow Techie into the full-time ministry of The Church of Pentecost.

The following were the stations he served: Abura Dunkwa (1970 to 1979), Enchi (1979 to 1986), Konongo (1986 to 1990), and finally, Ajumako Besease (1990 to 1994), serving for 24 years. After retirement, he stayed at Edumfa and later relocated to his hometown in Moree Junction, near Cape Coast.

Preaching the sermon at the funeral under the topic, “Confidence in the face of death,” Apostle David Nii Addo Pappoe, the Twifo Praso Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, admonished Christians to face death confidently like Stephen, the first Apostle who was killed while preaching and praying for his killers.

Reading from 2 Corinthians 5:1-11, he identified four mysteries from the epistle that Paul wrote to the church. According to Apostle Nii Addo Pappoe, believers can be confident in the face of death when they know and understand that they are living in a tent.

“Tents provide temporary shelter. They don’t provide secured protection in times of storms. Life in a tent is uncertain. Tents are uncomfortable in the midst of storms such as sicknesses. God will take away the tent and replace it with a building,” he said.

He added that Christians can be confident in the face of death when they know and understand what happens when they die. He further said that believers can be confident in the face of death when they anticipate eternal life.

“We shall be like Jesus when He appears in glory. Mortality will end; eternal life is guaranteed. We shall be rewarded appropriately. We shall see God and that place is better than what we can imagine,” he explained.

The Twifo Praso Area Head finally said that believers can be confident in the face of death when they are assured of their personal salvation, saying, “God has given us eternal life in His Son Jesus Christ. He who has the Son has eternal life.”

In a tribute by the General Council of the Church, Pastor Joseph Kow Techie (rtd) was described as a man with a deep prayer life who believed that prayer had the power to change any situation. “He was a man full of ‘chords and notes’ who interspersed his sermons with spiritually inspired songs. He was also a man who loved God’s Church to a fault,” it said.

Report by Pastor Ebenezer Ayivi Okoampah (Cape Coast Area Media Ministry)