Translating Religiosity Into Morality In A Corrupt World An Extract From The Characteristics Of The Church Unleashed By Apostle Eric Nyamekye web

Translating Religiosity Into Morality In A Corrupt World: An Extract From The Characteristics Of The Church Unleashed By Apostle Eric Nyamekye

The current society in which we live is gradually being transformed into a place where truth can no longer be perceived as absolute. It is a society that accepts any kind of behaviour and deems it normal. A society where right and wrong depend on the individual defining them. A society that applauds deviant behaviour and attitudes while remaining passive and disinterested in righteousness, integrity, holiness, faithfulness, forgiveness, and good morals is indeed corrupt. Such a state is described by Isaiah 59:14-15:

“So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance, truth has stumbled in the streets, and honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice.”

In such a corrupt society, believers (Christians) are called upon to translate their religiosity into morality so they can transform their spheres. Religiosity is the quality or state of being religious; that is, manifesting faithful devotion, being fervent, zealous, and highly dedicated to the practices, customs, rituals, and traditions of a religion. Morality, on the other hand, pertains to the principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong, respect for and obedience to the rules of right conduct, and the mental disposition or characteristics of behaving in a manner intended to produce good results. Religiosity depends on beliefs and practices, but morality requires a conscious compliance with accepted norms (values and principles). Therefore, morality is supposed to be the end product of religiosity. In other words, one’s religiosity can best be measured by his moral life.

On the contrary, our society is full of religious people; both young and old belong to various religious sects, yet corruption and immorality are on the ascendancy. According to the 2021 government Population Census, 71 percent of Ghanaians profess to be Christians. Unfortunately, this high percentage of Christians in the nation has not been able to translate their religiosity into morality. This is well measured by their impact, which is not felt in our societies except for the wrong reasons.

It is incumbent, therefore, on Christians in general (especially The Church of Pentecost Members as a call) to translate their religiosity into morality to influence every sphere of society with the values, lifestyle, and principles of the kingdom of God. It is timely and very urgent for us to rise and respond to this call.

The urgency is due to the rate at which corruption and immorality are compounding, crimes being committed, and evil behaviours being commended, projected, highlighted, and applauded in society at the expense of the Glory of our God. Thus, the next generation stands at risk of complete moral decadence or faith in extinction. The journey from religiosity to morality must, therefore, be an intentional one.

As Daniel resolved in his heart not to defile himself with the king’s food in Daniel 1:8, Christians must also resolve to effect, transform, and impact their spheres of influence with kingdom values and principles. Just as yeast permeates dough (Matthew13:33), so should the church (believers), through their conduct, cause the kingdom of God to flow to the workplace, streets, the corridors of authority, homes, and wherever they find themselves. We must intentionally refuse to give or accept bribes, speak the truth at all times, write the correct time for reporting and leaving the workplace, give correct accounts of monies entrusted into our hands, be faithful to our spouse, live a life of chastity as singles, etc. Doing these things will not only bring transformation to our society but also make the kingdoms of the world the Kingdom of our God.

Mere religiosity does not transform a nation, but a changed life does. It proves the power of the Christian faith and attracts the world to our Christ. The discipline of living one’s faith as in conduct has to be intelligent and intentional, backed by the Holy Spirit.

The church in Thessalonica translated their religiosity to morality and demonstrated this in 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10: “They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead – Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.” The scripture also testifies about their repentance, their commitment to serve God, and how they await the second coming of Jesus. These are the key traits of genuine Christian conversion. We must, therefore, live our everyday life from a godly perspective as stated in Ephesians 4:13. Our acts of religiosity must be translated into influencing this corrupt world with the values, lifestyle, and principles of God’s kingdom.

Isaiah 55:7 [NIV] states, “Therefore let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thought. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them”.

May we be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our world, cause credible changes, and possess the nations for God.

Written by Mrs. Eunice Atta-Adomako (Garu District)


The Tale Of Leah: Lessons In Love & Self-Worth

In the ancient hills of a distant land, Laban, a man with two daughters, Leah and Rachel, resided. Rachel’s beauty captivated all who beheld her while Leah’s charms lay hidden beneath the surface.

Enter Jacob, a newcomer to Laban’s town, whose heart was immediately captured by Rachel’s radiance. He approached Laban, offering seven years of diligent work in exchange for Rachel’s hand in marriage. To Jacob, these years felt like mere moments, so deep was his affection for Rachel.

However, destiny took a cruel turn on the night of celebration. Laban, in an act of deception, gave Jacob Leah instead of Rachel. Jacob, furious at the deceit, confronted Laban, who justified his actions by citing tradition.

Refusing to accept Leah as his wife, Jacob agreed to labour for another seven years to marry Rachel, the one he truly desired. While Jacob pursued Rachel, Leah suffered in silence, yearning for his love. She bore sons in hopes of winning Jacob’s affection but to no avail.

Amid Leah’s anguish, God intervened, blessing her with children while closing Rachel’s womb. Yet, Jacob’s heart remained steadfastly fixed on Rachel, leaving Leah bereft of his love.

From Leah’s heart-breaking saga, several poignant lessons emerge:

  • Know Your Worth: Leah’s story underscores the importance of valuing oneself and refusing to compromise one’s worth for the sake of love. True love celebrates authenticity and respects individuality.
  • Love Must Be Mutual: Jacob’s pursuit of Rachel highlights the necessity of mutual affection in a relationship. Love cannot be forced or one-sided; it must be freely given and reciprocated.
  • Seek Affection and Respect: Leah’s plight serves as a cautionary tale against settling for a loveless relationship. Emotional neglect and lack of affection are red flags that should not be ignored. Every individual deserves to be cherished and respected in a partnership.
  • Trust Divine Timing: Despite Leah’s suffering, God’s intervention brought her solace and purpose. Trusting in a higher power and having faith in divine timing can provide comfort and strength during difficult times.

In today’s world, many individuals find themselves echoing Leah’s struggles, longing for love and acceptance in relationships. However, by embracing these timeless lessons, they can navigate the complexities of love with wisdom and self-respect.

Remember, true love honours and cherishes the essence of who you are. It is worth waiting for, and you should never compromise your values. As Leah’s story reminds us, love may not always come as expected, but in the end, it is the journey towards self-discovery and self-worth that truly matters.Written by Elder Enock Adomah


Understanding Paul: Addressing Criticisms And Approaching His Letters With Clarity

‘…Our good brother Paul, who was given much wisdom in these matters… Some things Paul writes are difficult to understand. Irresponsible people who don’t know what they are talking about twist them every which way. They do it to the rest of the scriptures, too, destroying themselves as they do it.’ 2 Pet 3:15-16 message (emphasis mine)

In today’s world, it’s not uncommon to see debates among Christians, including Christian leaders (televangelist and social media pastors) about the writings of Paul. Throughout church history, few individuals have had as much influence or sparked as much controversy as the apostle Paul. Since the early days of the Church up to now, Paul’s words have been both highly regarded and heavily criticized, leading to discussions and disagreements within the community of believers. However, upon closer examination of Paul’s teachings, one can uncover not just why there are criticisms but also appreciate the profound impact his ideas have had on Christian theology.

In this article, we have carved out five points why it appears so common to find people attack the Pauline Epistles and finally we proffer sound ways by which Christians should approach the Bible.


First and foremost, Paul’s emphasis on grace as the cornerstone of salvation has often been perceived as radical, challenging conventional notions of merit and righteousness. Paul’s theological teachings, particularly his emphasis on grace and justification by faith, have often been perceived as radical departures from traditional Jewish and even early Christian beliefs. His rejection of strict adherence to the Mosaic law, especially concerning circumcision, provoked significant controversy among Jewish Christians (Galatians 2:11-16). In Romans 6:1-2, Paul confronts the accusation that his message of grace encourages sin: “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” (Romans 6:1-2, KJV). This passage highlights the tension between grace and obedience, illustrating Paul’s commitment to upholding both the free gift of salvation and the call to holy living.


Throughout his epistles, Paul addresses a myriad of contentious issues, from gender roles to marital ethics. In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul delves into the cultural practice of head coverings, prompting reflection on the nature of authority and submission within the Church. He writes, “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God” (1 Corinthians 11:3, KJV). While these teachings may provoke discomfort or disagreement, they underscore Paul’s commitment to applying Christian principles to the complexities of everyday life. The Church of Pentecost has had it’s fair share of this contentious issue when the communique on head covering was released in 2010. All these point to the fact that, Apostle Paul really loved handling the ‘controversial’ issues.


Paul’s apostolic authority has always been an issue for him. Not being among the original twelve disciples, has been a point of contention among skeptics and critics.

In 1 Corinthians, amidst addressing various issues within the Corinthian church, Paul defends his apostleship, appealing to his encounter with the risen Christ as the foundation of his authority. He emphasizes his role in their spiritual formation, stating, “Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? Are you not the result of my work in the Lord? Even though I may not be an apostle to others, surely I am to you! For you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 9:1-2, NIV). Similarly, in 2 Corinthians, Paul confronts criticisms of his apostolic authority more directly. He expresses his concern for the Corinthian believers, asserting his role as their spiritual guardian: “I hope you will put up with me in a little foolishness. Yes, please put up with me! I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy… But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:1-3, NIV). Here, Paul defends his authority as a messenger of Christ, entrusted with safeguarding the purity of the gospel among them. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul forcefully asserts the divine origin of his apostleship: “Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead” (Galatians 1:1, NIV). This uncompromising declaration underscores the authority with which Paul speaks and the divine commission under which he operates.

These examples highlight Paul’s need to consistently affirm his apostolic authority throughout his epistles, anchoring his ministry in the divine calling and commissioning he received from Christ. Despite facing opposition and criticism, Paul remains steadfast in his conviction of being chosen by God to proclaim the gospel and shepherd the early Christian communities entrusted to his care.


The Bible indeed preserves the unique voice and personality of each author, including Paul. His distinct style and rhetoric is evident throughout his epistles, reflecting his passionate commitment to spreading the gospel and shepherding the early Christian communities.

Paul’s strong personality shines through in his writings, characterized by boldness, fervor, and occasionally, sharp rebuke. For example, in Galatians 5:12, Paul’s impassioned response to those advocating circumcision demonstrates his direct and forceful communication style: “As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!” (NIV). This vivid expression of frustration and disdain reveals Paul’s unapologetic nature and his willingness to confront false teachings boldly.

Moreover, Paul’s letters are marked by personal narratives, emotional outpourings, and heartfelt prayers, showcasing the depth of his relationship with both God and the recipients of his letters. In 2 Corinthians, Paul’s vulnerability and transparency are palpable as he shares his struggles, doubts, and triumphs in ministry. For instance, in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Paul describes his “thorn in the flesh” and his plea to the Lord for deliverance, highlighting his reliance on God’s grace and strength in weakness.

This aspect of Paul’s personality is a testament to the authenticity of the Bible as a collection of diverse voices inspired by God. It underscores the beauty of God’s sovereignty in using imperfect human vessels to convey His eternal truths. The Bible is not a product of human invention or manipulation but a divine revelation, where God works through the distinct personalities, experiences, and writing styles of its authors to communicate His message to humanity.

In essence, Paul’s personal style and rhetoric exemplify the richness and complexity of the biblical text, inviting readers to engage with the living Word of God in all its depth and diversity. Through the lens of Paul’s writings, we glimpse not only the workings of God’s redemptive plan but also the intricate interplay between divine inspiration and human expression, reaffirming the profound truth that “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16)


Paul’s letters have sometimes been subject to misinterpretation and selective reading, leading to distortions of his intended message as rightly posited by Apostle Peter ‘Some things Paul writes are difficult to understand’.  For instance, passages such as Romans 7:7-25, where Paul discusses the struggle with sin, have been misconstrued to suggest that Paul condoned sinful behavior. However, a closer examination of the broader context reveals Paul’s acknowledgment of the law’s inability to save and the need for grace (Romans 7:24-25).

To navigate the complexities of Paul’s letters and avoid misinterpretation, Christians must approach his writings with humility and discernment. Recognizing the historical and cultural contexts in which his epistles were written is crucial for grasping their intended meaning. Moreover, understanding the overarching themes of Paul’s theology, such as the primacy of Christ and the transformative power of grace, provides a coherent framework for interpreting his teachings.

In conclusion, while criticisms of Paul and his epistles are manifold, a thorough examination of his writings reveals the depth of his theological insights and the enduring relevance of his message. Here are some suggestions to help us approach the Bible as a whole;

PERSONAL BIBLE STUDY AND DISCERNMENT: Christians should resist the temptation to be spoon-fed spiritual content through brief social media videos or sensationalized teachings. Instead, they should prioritize personal Bible study and reflection, just as the Bereans did in Acts 17:11. The Bereans were commended for examining the Scriptures daily to verify the teachings they received. Similarly, believers today should take ownership of their spiritual growth by engaging in diligent study of God’s Word and seeking understanding through prayer and reflection.

WATCH WHAT YOU CONSUME ONLINE: It’s important for Christians to exercise discernment when consuming spiritual content on social media platforms. While social media can be a valuable tool for sharing and disseminating biblical teachings, it is also rife with misinformation and distortion of Scripture. Many televangelists and influencers prioritize sensationalism and popularity over doctrinal accuracy, spreading half-truths or outright falsehoods to attract followers and generate income.

HERMENEUTICAL PRINCIPLES: Employing sound hermeneutical principles is crucial for interpreting the Bible accurately and avoiding misinterpretation or misunderstanding. Christians should approach Scripture with a commitment to exegetical integrity, seeking to understand the author’s original intent and meaning. This involves studying the text in its original languages (where possible), analyzing its literary genre, and employing tools of biblical interpretation such as historical-grammatical exegesis. By adhering to these principles, Christians can discern the timeless truths embedded within the Pauline writings while avoiding simplistic or out-of-context interpretations that may lead to erroneous conclusions. . For CoP members at large, there is the need to embrace the Lay Leadership School. Local presbyteries must ensure that these programs are heavily patronized.

UNITY IN DIVERSITY: Finally, Christians should embrace the diversity of perspectives and voices within the Bible while maintaining unity in essential matters of faith. The New Testament comprises a variety of literary genres and authors, each contributing unique insights to the overarching narrative of God’s redemptive plan. Rather than viewing differences in interpretation or theological emphasis as divisive, believers should recognize them as enriching aspects of the Christian tradition. Unity in diversity allows Christians to appreciate the multifaceted nature of Scripture and to engage in constructive dialogue with fellow believers, fostering mutual edification and growth in faith.

In summary, Christians are encouraged to prioritize personal Bible study and reflection, following the example of the Bereans in Acts 17:11 who diligently examined the Scriptures daily. This commitment to personal study enables believers to deepen their understanding of God’s Word and grow spiritually. It’s also crucial to exercise discernment when consuming spiritual content online, as social media platforms can be rife with misinformation and distorted teachings. By applying sound hermeneutical principles, such as exegetical integrity and contextual analysis, Christians can interpret the Bible accurately and avoid misinterpretation. Furthermore, embracing the diversity of perspectives within the Bible while maintaining unity in essential matters of faith fosters mutual edification and growth among believers.

Written by Elder David Broohm


The Un-Bequeath Generation: The Dry Bones At Work

“9 When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?… 13 Elisha then picked up Elijah’s cloak that had fallen from him and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan. 14 He took the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and struck the water with it. “Where now is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” he asked. When he struck the water, it divided to the right and to the left, and he crossed over.” – 2 Kings 2:9, 14-15

The Vision 2028 demands that young men, who are the wings to carry the vision, be trained by our fathers in the faith. In other words, there should be a transfer of mantle from the older generation to the younger generation. If any of them fail, the dry bones (retired ministers) will return to work.

Before God took Elijah, there was a generation that had to carry on the Baton of ministry to another generation in complete succession. But after the death of Elisha, there was no one to carry on the ministry because Elisha couldn’t transfer the mantle to anyone. The vessel that could have carried the greatest Mantle in four-folds became a leper due to greed. Elisha, having the double portion of anointing from his master, couldn’t train any young person to carry on the Baton, so that generation will have to suffer for this.

Comparatively, Vision 2028 necessitates ministers who will diligently train young men and women in the various ministries to be able to carry on the “mantle of transformation.” This is not just a suggestion but a crucial task. If ministers fail to train, they will be forced to come back to work even after they retire, as illustrated in the story of Elisha’s bones. This underscores the urgency and importance of training the next generation.

This message, in my opinion, doesn’t sound like even while he was dead, his bones still could work wonders. Had Elisha trained someone in his place, that prophet could have raised the young man who was raised by his bones. Though the anointing could still be in his dry bones, the living could raise the dead young man. Elisha’s dry bones will not work after death.

Ministers who refuse to train, impart, or transfer any mantle to the next generation will always be in active ministry, even after retirement. Moses trained Joshua, the son of Nun, his aide, to take on the Baton of leadership to the promised land. Jesus Christ called and unleashed many to continue the work of ministry with the backing of the Holy Spirit.

We can see many other examples from the New Testament. Apostle Paul trained Timothy and many other believers to continue the work of ministry. Apostle Paul, being able to say, “I’ve fought the good fight and finished the race”, means he has prepared many other believers who will take over from him even when he is no more.


We young men and women should also avail ourselves of training and being imparted by our fathers in the faith and submit to leadership. Had Gehazi obeyed and submitted to leadership, he would have carried the four-fold anointing of Elisha. Ministers should be patient enough in order to train the younger generation.

Written by Deacon Emmanuel Tanor (Japekrom District, Berekum Area)

Unmasking The Good And Bad Enemies Of Vision 2028 web

Unmasking The Good And Bad Enemies Of Vision 2028


In 1990, I read a story from a Twi book called “Nimdeɛ kwankyerɛ.” The story’s title was “Akuafo atamfo,” meaning “The Enemies of Farmers.” The headline caught my attention because my parents were farmers. Therefore, I ensured I read the entire passage. At the end of the passage, squirrels, grasshoppers, and other animals that destroy farms were enumerated as enemies of farmers, among other things. To the farmer, the squirrel is destroying the palm nut, but to the squirrel, it is having dinner. This means not all enemies know they are being enemies by their actions or inactions.

Many Christians, by their dispositions, make themselves enemies of the church. Likewise, some folks of The Church of Pentecost tend to be enemies of Vision 2028 (Possessing the Nations: Unleashing the Whole Church to Transform the World with the Values and Principles of the Kingdom of God). Since many do not know they are enemies, I term them good enemies for the write-up. The paradox is that some people murmur approbation when the slogan is raised. These may also include members of the clergy, officers of the church, and members alike. Others may also be local, district, and area office holders. Most of these seem to attend church regularly. Unfortunately, they, by their actions and inactions, hate the Vision. Few may be deliberate about it, but many may not be aware that their attitude is tantamount to being enemies of the Vision. You may even be one without knowing. Thus, this write-up aims to unmask specific actions and inactions that seem innocuous but highly detrimental to Vision 2028. As you go through this article, may you become a lover and not an enemy of the Vision.



These are those who undertake activities to fill the columns in the report format. So if they organize forty-five (45) rallies and even win no soul, they are not bothered because they know they will get some marks for the rallies. Five (5) rallies with a soul are better than fifty (50) rallies without a soul. Of course, I would prefer fifty rallies with fifty souls. Moreover, some people’s reports appear better than those of their church. For some, the number that received Holy Ghost Baptism on the report far exceeds those that received it on the grounds. For others, the number recorded in the report for attendance to evening services, midweek services, communion services, etc. far exceeds the actual number who attended those services. Why are these enemies? In a visual field test (an eye test), we call such values ‘false positive values.’ People who give you false positives are like people who okay your car reversal until you fall into a ditch. Rather than giving false positive reports, we should work hard to get true positives Since true negatives are also not the best option.


Where a program is implemented, monitoring and evaluation must be performed. In The Church of Pentecost, reporting is one of the avenues used in monitoring and evaluation. Reporting is done weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or end of the year. Sadly, some leaders of committees and ministries, some presiding elders, ministers, and others fail to submit their reports or, at best, submit them late. This attitude has persisted for far too long. By the grace of God, I have been a local Leader, a District Leader, and an Area Leader, and I can say that at every level, the Leader comes face to face with this attitude from those who are to submit reports. Let us know that the Vision is time-bound, so timeliness in submitting quality reports is critical.


When we were in JSS, whenever a lesson was boring, we would pray the period had just elapsed. We often checked to find out the number of minutes remaining. This is called ‘time marking’. Such time markers will say that the Vision will pass in five years. They count days, weeks, and months. If you are relaxed, praying the Vision expires, you are either consciously or unconsciously being an enemy of the Vision.


They are experts in directing people to perform what is in the Vision document, but they hardly partake in any of those actions. Some of them preach virtues and practice vice. They trumpet the Vision publicly and swallow it privately. They are slogan champions and not solution champions. As I intimated in my introductory remarks, such people are not bad. To them, they are helping. I advise such people that he who knows what is right and does not do it may even be worse than the one who does not know. Do not be a spectator, but be a participant. Be active in ministries, committees, etc. Be part of prayer meetings, evangelism programs, and other programs. Give your best physically, spiritually, financially, etc.


One way your enemy can punish you is to starve you, in other words, to deprive you of resources. The Syrians used this method when they captured Samaria in the days of the four lepers. Vision 2028 will need many resources to thrive. Critical ones are human and financial. Human resources in this context include individuals’ gifts, skills, talents, strengths, time, and abilities. Hence, anyone who refuses to use his or her potential to advance Vision 2028 is literally starving it. That person is an aspiring enemy of the church if not an incumbent one. Financial resources come in tithes, offerings, donations, etc. We are not talking about giving any amount with any heart but giving according to your ability and doing so cheerfully (1 Cor 9:7). We are talking about not being stiff-necked but allowing the leaders’ words to inspire you or allowing a colleague giver to inspire you with their amounts or attributes so you also give bountifully. When you do not give or give grudgingly, you are akin to the nurse who has taken the oxygen from the patient whose oxygen saturation (Sp02) is 30% or the teacher who seizes the student’s calculator and demands that he solves complex mathematical equations in the examination. Make your body, time, gifts, abilities, resources, and family readily available to help the Vision see the light of the day.


One usually will not worry about things that border on their enemies. Those who hate snakes will hardly major in the anatomy of snakes. The Vision must be read, understood, owned, lived, and taught. Refusing to carry any of these roles stifles it and breaks the chain. Every lover of the Vision must not take things for granted. Those who love a particular football club can give you a lot of information about that club, including when it was formed, its past laurels, its current players, its position on the league table, etc. If you love the Vision, know where it is coming from, where it is going, and the key stakeholders.


All the above enemies are good per my definition, but the last group I will discuss is the people who deliberately defame the church. They are bad enemies. They have allowed Satan to use them as conduits to draw people from heaven. When we bring people in, they open the back door for the people to go out. They are primarily found in social media insulting the Leadership of the Church at all levels. They take one unfortunate action and blow it out of proportion. They never highlight the good works of the church. Unfortunately, just as Absalom got some of David’s close associates to his side, these evil enemies get people to support them. They deliberately tear what people have painfully built for many years. For such enemies, the full wrath of God awaits them if they do not repent.


The Bible says that Pilate and Herod were at loggerheads, but when Jesus came in, they were reconciled (Luke 23:12). No matter how much you have consciously or unconsciously hated the Vision, you have the opportunity to be reconciled. Show interest in it, make yourself available, and offer your skills, talents, and gifts. Also, offer your money. Work hard to achieve something and submit genuine reports on time. To the evil enemies, I warn them to repent because it is difficult to kick against the pricks (Acts 9:5).

Written by Pastor Dr Suleman De-Graft Issaka (Tema Greenwich Meridian)


The Spirit Blows Where He Wills: The Enchanting Missionary Effort Of The Church Of Pentecost Through The 10/40 Window


The Gospel of Christ is breath-taking. It has crossed barriers, unprecedented. It has defied all odds. This Christian evangel has demonstrated that it can penetrate anywhere, notwithstanding the resistance it may encounter. Bringing people to the saving knowledge of God has had a global orientation, even from the Old Testament. Although in the biblical narratives, we discover that he chose the nation of Israel as his peculiar people, his focus has been to reach out to all people and tongues despite their religio-cultural stance. Consequently, the mission of God is flourishing among non-religious people, primal religious people, and people who belong to the world religions, among others that may be. The Holy Spirit, who is the chief facilitator of missions, is by nature able to make entrance into every religio-cultural context, including the extremely difficult one. Some contexts have been rendered hopeless insofar as the Christian Gospel is concerned, but today, they have become places where Christianity is growing in leaps and bounds. The mission effort of The Church of Pentecost (CoP) has touched all continents of the world today. Beginning from Ghana and then to neighbouring nations, including Togo, Benin, La Cote d’Ivoire, and Burkina Faso, the CoP established churches. The work of missions to all continents continued. Today, the CoP is present in 170 nations of the world, including countries located between latitudes 10 degrees and 40 degrees north of the equator, where most of the unreached people groups with the Gospel lie. That rectangular part of the globe has come to be known as the 10/40 window in mission studies. It is marked as a hard ground for the Christian Gospel. Some demonologists claim that there is a strong demonic stronghold in that area, and as such, that zone of the world remains largely not evangelised. Notwithstanding, the CoP is breaking through the Window. With the understanding that the 10/40 Window is a place that is largely occupied by world religions, including Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism, among others, this essay shall proceed to point out the inspiring progress of the CoP within the Window. It will touch briefly on how the Christian faith spread in a strictly Judaist context in the Acts of the Apostles narrative to draw lessons. A cursory look at how Jesus Christ compares to Hinduism will also be done. It will be concluded by briefly considering the Gospel, who is Christ, in the light of Islam, another major religion within the 10/40 Window.


The term 10/40 Window was coined by Luis Bush, a missiologist. It spans northern Africa into Southern Asia, including the European part of the western hemisphere. It must be stated again that the countries that have been least evangelised are within this Window. Most of the unreached people groups of the world dwell there. Meanwhile, this window is home to most of the world’s population. It is difficult doing open evangelism there. This was known as the “resistant belt” in terms of resistance to the Gospel. Anti-Christian religious and governmental policies are rampant. As such, Christians suffer much physical persecution in these areas. The nature of the countries within the 10/40 Window concerning the spread of the Gospel has revealed the importance of missionary geography. Consequently, more mission effort is needed in this geographical area. Considering that the Great Commission encourages Christians to make disciples of all nations suggests that Christian missions must necessarily go on there.

In going through the 10/40 Window, the CoP has reached the United Arab Emirates, specifically Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Missionary incursion has been made into Pakistan, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Iraq, Kuwait, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Jordan. Other 10/40 Window countries that have been reached include Senegal, Japan, South Korea, Mali, Burkina Faso, China, Bangladesh, and Malta. Tunisia, India, Libya, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Thailand, The Gambia, Greece, Israel, Benin, Chad, Nepal, Niger, Cyprus, and Lebanon are also nations that lie within the Window to which the CoP has extended its missions effort. This is inspiring.

Extending its reach to these nations means that the CoP is navigating resistance from world religions, strict governmental laws, socio-economic challenges, folk religion, and atheism to bring the Gospel and Christian fellowship to indigenes and expatriates alike. It is of utmost importance that Christians are acquainted with how Christ stands among other religions.


When the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was promised by the Lord Jesus Christ, he indicated to the early disciples that the work of missions, as it were, would take off from their immediate dwelling, Jerusalem, and spread out to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Meanwhile, Jerusalem is the heartland of Judaism. Invariably, missions work will encounter world religions such as Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, among others. Per religious studies, Christianity is classified among the world religions. But Christ is unique indeed! He is the hidden desire of all persons despite their religious orientation. A conversation between Christ and other religions will show that there are pointers to Christ in them that Christian missions must capitalise on in preaching the Gospel to all people.

We see from the Acts narrative that, empowered by the Holy Spirit, the early disciples made great strides in Jerusalem and beyond. However, the resistance to the preaching of Christ was enormous. The early Christians were held to be a messianic Jewish sect since, by that time, all of them were Jews who were preaching about Christ. They were considered as wanting to rise against established religion. This is because the early Christians preached that Jesus, who was crucified, was the Messiah the Jews had been expecting. They referred to the Jewish beliefs and practices as pointing to Jesus Christ so that Jesus becomes the desire of that world religion, though the religion is searching for Christ through a distorted lens. They announced that Jesus had resurrected from the dead and would eventually come to execute judgment on the world. This contradicts the messianic eschatology of the Jews, where a Davidic Messiah is being looked forward to come and execute judgment on the enemies of Israel. From where the Jews stood, the early Christians flouted the Mosaic covenant and respected the Temple worship. Consequently, the early Christians were sorely persecuted.

Meanwhile, the politics at the time was also a challenge to surmount. Then, Palestine fell to the Romans. Earlier, the Greeks ruled Palestine. The war campaigns of the Greeks reached Palestine, and the Jews became part of the Greek commonwealth. The ripple effects of the Greek revolution catalysed by Alexander the Great are still felt today. Alexander the Great had the vision of spreading Greek culture, religion, and philosophy worldwide. The events that animated the Hellenization regime lie in part in cultural pride and the quest for power and glory. After the period of wars of Alexander, the Hellenization of the Jews became more pronounced, and Christianity, which emerged from within this context, became substantially shaped by the process of Hellenization.

Therefore, the work of missions within a world religious context had to deal with religion, culture, and political tensions. The early Christians were resilient. Consequently, the missionary zeal became equated to “turning the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). This was how impactful their mission work was. Future generations have much to learn from them in the face of great resistance within the 10/40 Window.


One of the scholars who has been a strong voice in the call for a revised Christology (doctrine of Christ) was Stanley Jedidiah Samartha, the first director of the Committee for Dialogue with People of Living Faiths and Ideologies, a division of the World Council of Churches (WCC). In his book, One Christ⸺Many Religions: Towards a Revised Christology, he discussed extensively the place of Christ in other religions and calls for a rethinking of the historical Christology of the Christian faith by endorsing a theocentric Christology against a Christocentric Christology. By this, the uniqueness of Christ is sacrificed.

Samartha then delved into the Hindu context of India to find appropriate means for interreligious relationships. He established the significantly pluralistic context of India as a case for the necessity for a theology that fully accepts other faiths as salvific. He drew from principles in Hinduism to reject exclusivism and embrace pluralism. His point was that India, than any other country, “the claim for the uniqueness of one particular religious tradition . . . sound so rude, out of place, and theologically arrogant.” The Hindu context of India, therefore, becomes, significantly, the fountainhead of his concept of the “mystery of God” or theocentric theology.

Reflecting on God in the Hindu context to formulate a Christology that he is pushing down the throat of the entire Christian faith is uncalled for. Interestingly, he could not hide the fact that Jesus Christ permeates the works of art in India. This is not surprising. Jesus Christ is before all culture. That Christ is seen in the works of art among non-Christians is evidence of the uniqueness of Christ.


From the backdrop of Islam being a main religion within the 10/40 Window. It is relevant we recognise pointers to Christ in that belief as well. These can be used as an important point of departure in the proclamation of the Gospel.

Many adherents of the Islamic religion take pride in the fact that they know more about the Bible and Christianity than an “average” Christian knows about Islam. Well, they are right. This is because, from a key point of view, there is a wide reference to Jesus (Isa) in the Qur’an. The family background of Jesus is key in the Qur’an. There is even a Qur’anic chapter named after Mary (Maryam), the mother of Jesus. The virginity of Mary was mentioned (Q21:91). The angelic visitation to Mary by angel Gabriel (Jibril) to announce that Mary (Maryam) will give birth to Jesus (Isa) was alluded to (Q19:17-19) as we see in Luke 1:26-38. Jesus (Isa) comes out in the Qur’an as a unique prophet (nabi) of God who performed some miracles. For instance, Jesus (Isa) spoke as a baby (Q19:3), and he created birds from clay by breathing life into clay models of clay, among others.

The Qur’an demonstrates that Jesus (Isa) is a messenger (rasul) of God who is the bearer of the Gospel (Injil). Just like in Matthew 5:17, where Jesus reveals that he has not come to destroy the Law to fulfil it, Q3:44 reveals that Jesus (Isa) came to announce the truth which has been said about him in the Torah or the Law. Jesus (Isa) is the Messiah (al-Masih) and the word of God (Q3:51) who speaks in God’s stead, as we see in John 1 as well. From the Christian perspective, Jesus Christ is the word of God. The Gospel is a person. This Gospel is translational or incarnational. As such, the Gospel can be translated into different contexts, unlike in Islam. Concerning Jesus as the Son of God, though Islam refutes his divinity and unity with God as demonstrated in the Bible, in the Qur’an, Jesus is referred to as being min at-Mukarrabin (close to the Lord).

From the foregoing discussion, it is apparent that the uniqueness of Christ abides. Even in this contemporary world of religious pluralism, the uniqueness of Jesus Christ cannot be denied. He is the one who permeates all that there is in the universe as far as our limited minds can fathom. He is the desire of the nations with their diverse religio-cultural emphases. In the face of cultural and political barriers, we must discover the unique Christ and preach him to the core within the parts of the world where other religions have taken root. The Holy Spirit, who inspires Christian missions, is not limited; he blows wherever he wills. May he continually grant the Church creative means of accessing these areas. This must inspire hope for the work of missions within the 10/40 Window. There is a lot of work to be done. The Great Commission must be on the go.

Written by Elder Dr. Stephen Ofotsu Ofoe


She Heard, She Came, She Saw, And She Was Transformed:  Reflections Of The Church Of Pentecost Ministry To Celebrities


It appears that the universal church and other para-church organizations, in all their ministry outlets, have often abandoned celebrities when it comes to fulfilling the great commission in their past ministry efforts. Though the church is blessed to have a handful of celebrities among its members, a dedicated and organized ministry effort geared toward reaching out to celebrities has not yet been deployed.

The influx of celebritism, a distressing social disorder where a person seeks to achieve celebrity status without work, has been a concern. Faith communities, especially the church and other para-church organizations, must develop a robust outreach ministry toward winning celebrities.

The Church of Pentecost, the leading Classical Pentecostal church in Ghana, recently unveiled a ministry outlet toward reaching and winning celebrities for Christ Jesus in their new vision dubbed Vision 2028.

Reflecting prayerfully on the vision document of the church and the presentation made by Pastor Michael Laryea Jnr during the Global All Ministers and Wives Conference at the Pentecost Convention Centre, I chanced upon a passage from scripture in 1 Kings 10:1-13. I considered sharing the lessons I gleaned from the passage in this article.

This article will, therefore, attempt to give a brief background to the passage, providing some theological and personal reflections on the encounter between the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon. Proposed measures the Church of Pentecost and other faith communities must put in place to win and disciple these celebrities are interspersed within the article. In this piece, King Solomon represents the Church of Pentecost, and the Queen of Sheba represents the celebrity or celebrities.


Among all the queens in the Bible, none is as fascinating as the one who came from somewhere on the Persian Gulf to Jerusalem to prove for herself the profound wisdom of Solomon. What she heard from the king’s lips and saw of his wealth and power amazed her. We know nothing of her beauty, but she was certainly all that could be desired in this respect. While this queen’s name is not given in the Bible, Arab writers call her Balkis, and Ethiopian writers name her Makeda. The Abyssinians not only claim her as their ancient queen but also trace the descent of their present king from a son who, these traditions say, was born to her by Solomon. But such a contention is without any Biblical foundation. After her royal visit to Solomon, we read that she returned to “her own Country.”


From 1 Kings 10:1, the Bible says, “When the queen of Sheba heard about the fame of Solomon and his relationship to the LORD, she came to test Solomon with hard questions.” She heard of the king’s fame and his relationship with God, prompting her to journey some 1,200 miles to hear and see him.

God used David to prepare the stage for Solomon’s reign, just as the forefathers of the Church of Pentecost prepared the grounds for possessing the nation’s agenda. Over the past five years, the church has equipped its members, deeming it appropriate to release the tremendous power inherent in the church (the members) to go and transform their world. This is the rationale behind the vision, “Possessing the Nations II” (Unleashing the Whole Church for the Transformation of the World with the Values and Principles of the Kingdom of God).

As members move beyond the frontiers of the church, they are expected to proclaim the good news through two means: their lifestyles (reflecting the values and principles of the kingdom of God) and their lips (via various forms of evangelism).

At the beginning of his reign, Solomon demonstrated the characteristics of an unleashed church. He developed a strong relationship with the Lord and showcased the values and principles of the kingdom of God through his lifestyle. These actions were so impactful, affirming the adage “actions speak louder than words.” The kingdom values and lifestyle of Solomon spread abroad, and many nations heard of his relationship with God. The Queen recognized the connection between Solomon’s wisdom and the God he served when she heard about his fame. Similarly, many nations have heard of the fame of the Church of Pentecost and its connection with the one true God.

However, Romans 10:14-15 states, “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’”

According to the above scripture, the only means by which celebrities can hear the gospel is if the church prepares and goes to them in their world. Solomon’s fame reached the Queen because Sheba was a mercantile city, and Solomon had numerous ships doing business for him. As they engaged in commerce, they also preached about what the Lord was doing in Jerusalem through the wisdom of their king. As the church seeks to unleash its members into all spheres of life, members must be prepared to share the gospel, defend it with the values and principles of the kingdom of God, and proclaim the good news with their lips.


When the Queen discovered the relationship between Solomon and God, she came to him. She arrived with a grand convoy of camels carrying spices, large quantities of gold, and precious stones. However, she brought more than material wealth—she also carried difficult questions.

Similarly, there are numerous celebrities visible on various social media platforms flaunting their wealth, estates, cars, and moving around town in convoys. They gather masses during their events, presenting a cheerful exterior, but deep wounds and voids often lie within them. They seek answers from different aspects of life.

It appears that the church had previously neglected some of these celebrities, leading some to join societies in search of solutions without success. The church is the only hope and answer for these struggling celebrities.

The Queen engaged in a meaningful conversation with Solomon, pouring out all that was in her heart. Solomon, in turn, provided answers to all her deepest questions, demonstrating that nothing was too difficult for the king to explain to her. It is my prayer that the Lord would endow the church (both clergy and laity) with the grace to answer and provide solutions to all the difficult questions and challenges the world and celebrities may present as we reach out to them with the gospel.

Furthermore, the church should establish strong roots in apologetics to effectively reach out to celebrities. Many celebrities have unanswered questions about evolution, Christology, heaven and hell, and the afterlife. Therefore, the church should intensify teachings on apologetics to equip members to provide answers when celebrities raise such questions.

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, in explaining the rationale for the 2024 theme, expressed that for the church to be attractive to the outside world, especially celebrities, and to be an effective force of change in the hands of God, “we have taught that the church must be credible — a glorious church. It must be beautiful to be looked upon by the watching world.” Thus, the church must be morally beautiful and doctrinally pure to attract the watching world.

Moreover, as most celebrities reside in urban centers, a unique approach to ministry in urban areas (the City Church concept) is essential. To stay relevant and make an impact in cities, the church must be willing to embrace change. Some practices of the church may need to be reviewed, as rural values that contributed to past success may prove counterproductive in an increasingly urbanized society.

King Solomon adapted to change by reviewing and improving upon most of the practices initiated by his father. This made his kingdom very attractive and popular. For the Church of Pentecost to forge ahead and be resilient in winning celebrities for Christ, some practices can be reviewed and improved upon to serve the current generation.

The Queen of Sheba witnessed many beautiful and admirable things during her visit to the king. The Church of Pentecost must leverage technology to promote Christian activities. Local assemblies, especially those in cities, should invest in technology to reach out to celebrities everywhere. Traditional methods of conducting services should be adjusted to reflect the tech-savvy orientation of people in the global village. The extensive use of the internet, social media platforms, online Bible schools, YouTube, overhead projectors, and more cannot be overemphasized in this era of unleashing the church to transform the world.

Additionally, due to the interconnectedness provided by PENSA International and various International Missions Blocks, the church must train members to the extent that every Christian (Church of Pentecost member) becomes a missionary wherever they find themselves. For example, well-trained members can reach out to their Facebook friends worldwide with the gospel, even in nations closed to the Christian faith.

The manifestation of God’s power at work in the church can also be an attractive tool to convert celebrities. The demonstration of God’s wisdom in Solomon attracted the Queen of Sheba. The clergy and elders must desire and yearn for the manifestation of the power of God in all their meetings. In its early stages, the Church of Pentecost became attractive to the outside world due to the demonstration of God’s power through miracles, divine healings, signs, and wonders. In Jesus’ ministry, the demonstration of God’s power through healing and various miraculous works drew crowds. If the church is to be attractive to onlookers, we must pray for the church to be filled with the manifestation of the power of God in all our meetings.


Solomon’s wisdom excelled beyond that of the children of the east country. God added countless precious possessions, good administrative and organizational skills, and the magnificence of Jerusalem surpassed the Queen’s expectations. Solomon’s gorgeous palace, attended by servants, ministers, and cupbearers in splendid apparel, along with the beautiful house of the Lord adorned with gold, left the Queen almost speechless.

In the church’s pursuit of winning celebrities and cities for Christ, organizational and administrative lessons from Solomon can be invaluable. Celebrities, accustomed to a certain lifestyle due to their fame, require intentional preparation from the church. Designing and constructing churches to suit the post-modern generation, systematic seating arrangements, tidy facilities, rich sermons (uncompromised gospel), efficient ushering and protocol teams comparable to Solomon’s attendants, can attract and retain celebrities.

The overwhelming external wealth of Solomon left the Queen in awe, confessing that the reality surpassed the fame she had heard. Similarly, for the church to impress celebrities, state-of-the-art musical and audio-visual equipment, a dedicated choir, time management by church leadership, and professional protocol and ushering teams are crucial. Such efforts contribute to a positive experience for first-timers, including celebrities who may be church shopping.

Expressing gratitude for what she had witnessed, the Queen bestowed rare and costly gifts upon Solomon. The church, when well-positioned to reach out to celebrities, can recognize and utilize the inherent talents and gifts of celebrities. By bringing them on board, celebrities can impact their followers with the gospel message, transforming them for Christ.

If the church repositions itself effectively to reach out to celebrities, they, like the Queen of Sheba, carry talents and gifts that, when grounded in Christ, can be used to spread the message of Jesus Christ. These celebrities, with a significant following, have the potential to impact their followers with the beliefs of their newfound faith, leading them to transformation for Christ.


The Queen’s gifts, though seemingly lavish, served as a tribute for what her ears had heard and her eyes had seen. Solomon, in his royal bounty, gave her all her desires, fulfilling her requests. While the material treasures he bestowed upon her were undoubtedly fabulous, the greatest treasure she took back was the spiritual and moral wisdom that God had instilled in Solomon’s heart.

Similarly, when celebrities are won for the Lord through the church, they too will come to the saving knowledge of Christ, becoming part of the family of God. The church, as a vessel of God, unveils His eternal intent and manifold wisdom to them. Celebrities receive salvation for their souls and, above all, the promise of eternal life.

Examining verse 9, one could argue that based on all the Queen saw and how Solomon answered her questions, she experienced transformation. Her proclamation, “Praise be to the LORD your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel,” revealed a deep understanding of Israel’s covenant relationship with the Lord. While some theologians suggest her confession may only signify recognition of the Lord as Israel’s national God within the context of her polytheistic paganism, it’s plausible that she added Solomon’s God to her pantheon and gradually transformed her worship. Although scripture does not explicitly confirm her transformation, Jesus later commended her during His ministry, implying a transformation of sorts.


The visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon provides valuable lessons. Like the Queen heard of Solomon’s wisdom and his relationship with God, the world should recognize the Church not only for its magnificent buildings and social interventions but also for its unwavering relationship with the Lord God Almighty.

Solomon’s foresight in building his palace and the temple of God for the future serves as a lesson for the church. Building tomorrow’s church today with stateliness and excellence is essential for making a lasting impact. Continuous training, especially for the youth, on defending the Christian faith, maintaining hospitality excellence at church premises and members’ homes, and ensuring professionalism in the execution of tasks by protocol and ushering teams are crucial.

The clergy’s attention to music and sound in the church, as well as effective use of social media, is vital. Understanding, practicing, and reaching out to celebrities in their world empower the church to win them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Written by Pastor Emmanuel Opoku Mensah

The writer, Emmanuel Opoku Mensah is a Youth Pastor of The Church of Pentecost and is currently the Area Youth Pastor for La Area and the resident Pastor of Caprice Worship Centre. You may reach him through, or


Anti – Lgbtq+ Bill; Let The President Make Our Joy Full!

Alas! Parliament has lived up to expectations by passing the mother of all Bills in the thirty-two-year history of the Fourth Republic of Ghana. On February 28, 2024, the 8th Parliament of the Fourth Republic passed the “Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill” (popularly called the Anti – LGBTQI+ Bill). The President, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has to sign it (Presidential Assent) before it takes effect. This paper is intended to draw the attention of the President to the fact that over 98% of Ghanaians are expecting him to make the joy of Ghanaians full by giving his unequivocal and unflinching assent to the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Act (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Act’). The paper further accentuates that when the President boldly signs this Act, he will be remembered as one of the greatest leaders of Ghana for the following reasons:

#1. Delivering on Presidential Promises (Oseadeeyo)

His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo boldly signing this anti–LGBTQI+ Act will make him one of a few Presidents the world over who delivered on the major ground–breaking promises to their nations. On October 6, 2019, the President gave an assurance that “so long as he remains President, there is no way Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) will be introduced into the school curricula[2].” The President of the Republic cemented his stance on LGBTQ+ matters in Asante Mampong Anglican Church when he declared that “it will not be under the presidency of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo that same-sex marriage will be legalised in Ghana; it will never happen in my time as president[3].” This statement made over 94.4% of Ghana’s population shout for joy, applauding the President for his bold stance. 94.4% of Ghanaians cheering on the President is such an overwhelming majority that no political party will ever gamble with them for any reason. Of course, the 94.4%[4] comprises 71.3% in the Christian community, 19.9% Muslims and 3.2% traditionalists conspicuously represented by our indefatigable chiefs and custodians of our culture. I believe that 4.5% of the population professing “Other Religions[5]” will support this Act, making it 98.9% of the Ghanaian population staring at the President earnestly expecting him to sign it. The remaining 1.1% are religiously unaffiliated population[6] who are known as religious “nones.”[7]

According to 2019 Pew Research Center survey, religiously unaffiliated adults – known as religious “nones” – are more likely to express accepting views of homosexuality. By this research finding[8], and by the legal maxim ex abundanti cautela, the 1.1% of Ghana’s population – religious “nones” – have been left out; otherwise, I would hold the view that 100% of the population of Ghana support the signing of the anti – LGBTQ Act. In any case, it will not be strange to declare that the whole country supports the signing of the anti–LGBTQ Act since Parliament (both Majority and Minority), representing the entire country, unanimously passed the Bill. Thus, our President should boldly proceed to sign the Act to make the joy of the Ghanaians complete.

#2. Meeting the Expectations of Ghanaians

Article 1(1) of the 1992 Constitution provides that “[T]he Sovereignty of Ghana resides in the people of Ghana in whose name and for whose welfare the powers of government are to be exercised….”

Undoubtedly, the people of Ghana in whom sovereignty resides are represented by Parliament. In August 2023, when the Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee presented the Bill to Parliament, all the 275 members[9] unanimously agreed that the Bill be accepted for consideration. It is not surprising that on February 28, 2024, the people’s representatives unanimously passed the Act. Indeed, the unanimity of Parliament on the anti–LGBTQ Act is an explicit statement to the President that almost every Ghanaian is keenly watching and waiting for the signing of the Act to make their joy complete. 

#3. Akin to the Aborigines’ Rights Protection Society of the Gold Coast

History has an interesting way of repeating itself and vigilant leaders seize the opportunity for the advantage of their people. In the Gold Coast, the British cunningly attempted to usurp our land and natural resources, but the chiefs and our forefathers resisted. In 1894 and 1897[10], the British introduced the draft Land Bills[11] in the Gold Coast intended to vest ownership of unoccupied lands, minerals and forest resources in the Queen of England. I believe that the resistance by the chiefs gave impetus to some educated sons of our land to form the Aborigines’ Rights Protection Society to resist the British annexation of the Gold Coast land. Men like John Mensah Sarbah (an astute lawyer like our President, Nana Addo), J. W. deGraft Johnson, Chief J. D. Abraham, J. P. Brown, J. W. Sey supported by Rev. S. R. B. Solomon rose to stop the British from usurping ownership of our land. But for the Aborigines’ Rights Protection Society, Ghana’s land ownership would have ended up like South Africa and Zimbabwe. Today, we look back and celebrate those chiefs and members of the ARP Society. Furthermore, in the independence struggles, the “Big Six” led their compatriots to resist oppressors’ rule to gain political independence. Nana Akufo-Addo has this bright opportunity to join these gallant leaders and sons of the soil as saviours of our nation. Indeed, if the President boldly signed this Act, he would have resisted the invasion of our cherished culture by foreign lifestyle. One day, history will be written, and Nana Addo will join his father, ex-President William Akufo Addo, and his uncle, the Doyen Joseph Boakye Danquah, to form “the Big Seven” because he, the President, will have saved our culture from the cunning invaders. In the days of ARPS and independence struggles, the Gold Coast was a colony under British rule, yet our forefathers disregarded the obvious repercussions to save our land for posterity. Will Nana Addo be brave enough like the members of ARPS and the “Big Six” to sign this Act? We humbly pray the President to join the gallant men to save Ghana. 

#4. Taking a cue from Eminent Ghanaian Leaders

On November 27, 2023, our own revered Cardinal Peter Kwodwo Turkson granted an interview to the BBC HardTalk on the anti-LGBTQ+ Bill, which many thought did not go well. However, the President is humbly invited to take a cue from his statement that “foreign lifestyle should not be imposed on our culture.” Additionally, the revered Cardinal Turkson issued a statement captioned: “Let us not criminalise people for who/what they are; let us criminalise people for what they do!” The Cardinal further stated that, “I thought, therefore, that there was the need for some education, first to properly understand the phenomenon and its diverse manifestations in people; and secondly, to distinguish between the phenomenon/tendency and its manifestation in homosexual acts. While the latter can be legislated and, thus, condemned or criminalised by a community or a State, the former, the phenomenon/tendency, may not be criminalised: there are no Acts/deeds to criminalise!” (Graphic Online published December 12, 2023).

In plain words, the revered Cardinal is saying that if people think or feel like homosexuals, then they cannot be criminalised, but if they decide to manifest or practise or display that thinking or feeling in the community, then the manifestation or practice or display of the homosexual acts must be criminalised. In simple terms, our dear Cardinal says – CRIMINALISE ACTS OF HOMOSEXUALITY, NOT THE HUMAN HOMOSEXUALS. This is an explicit approval of the anti–LGTBQ+ Act because the Act does not stop anybody from homosexual feelings, but the deeds of homosexuality and aiding and abetting same within the borders of Ghana are those the anti – LGBTQ+ Act seeks to proscribe. May I state categorically that the laws of Ghana do not criminalise any human being, but the laws criminalise undesirable deeds/actions. Indeed, Article 19(2) of the Constitution of Ghana 1992 provides, “A person charged with a criminal offence shall – (c) be presumed to be innocent until he is proved or has pleaded guilty.” Clearly, the Constitution does not allow any person to be called or treated as a criminal (even if caught red-handed) unless an action constituting a crime has been proven against that person in the competent courts of law. Besides, the anti-LGBTQ+ Act seeks to do precisely as our revered Cardinal Turkson advocates, “Let us not criminalise people for who/what they are; let us criminalise people for what they do!” However, to be able to criminalise what people do, there must be a legislation creating the offences and prescribing the penalties that go with them in satisfaction of article 19(5) of the Constitution of Ghana, 1992 “[A] person shall not be charged with or held to be guilty of a criminal offence which is founded on an Act or omission that did not at the time it took place constitute an offence.” The Catholic Bishops Conference also share this view by Cardinal Turkson in their communique dated 11/12/2023, “… we can state that the draft bill on “Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values 2021 currently in Parliament is in the right direction, as it seeks to enact laws against criminal homosexual acts.”

Similarly, the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC), per their President, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has continually called upon the President and Parliamentarians to collaborate to make the anti-LGBTQ+ law a reality (Daily Graphic 18/12/2023). The Christian Council and the Spokesperson of the National Chief Imam, Traditional Leaders, and eminent persons concerned with the future of our dear nation have sounded the clarion call to HE Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to boldly sign the Act to make the joy of Ghanaians full!

#5. Shrugging off Foreign Interferences 

It is likely that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank may attempt to apply austere measures in their dealings with Ghana due to this Act. The IMF has issued a statement indicating that they are “watching recent developments in Ghana closely,”[12] adding that they “cannot comment on a bill that has not yet been signed into law and whose economic and financial implications we have yet to assess.”[13] 

In May 2023, Uganda passed their anti–LGBTQ+ Act. In December 2023, The New York Times reported that the anti–LGBTQ law was hurting the economy of Uganda because travel and trade restrictions were imposed against Uganda after passing the anti–LGBTQ+ Act[14]. The same can happen to Ghana.

 In fact, it is reported that following the passing of the Act by Parliament, Ghana’s “dollar bonds experienced a decline, ranking as the second-worst performers in a Bloomberg index.”[15] We cannot ignore the possible financial stress on our economy, but we need to be balanced in our arguments. The United States of America, leading campaigns for LGBTQ, has numerous anti–LGBTQ laws, so why is Ghana being portrayed as having done the worst?

CNN reports that “at least 510 anti – LGBTQ bills were introduced in state legislatures across the United States in 2023.”[16] Nana Addo should be bold enough to shrug off the pressure from the United States because while the USA has introduced 510 anti – LGBTQ+ laws, we are modest to introduce only one. Indeed, it is on record that the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, signed the “Don’t Say Gay” law that restricts teaching and discussing sexual orientation and gender identity in the classroom[17]. In 2022, twenty states in the USA enacted anti-LGBTQ laws restricting instructions and discussion of LGBTQ in schools[18]. The United States is so confused about LGBTQ matters, as captured in Pew Research finding that “Americans’ views on gender identity and transgender issues are complex and nuanced”[19]. We need to shrug off LGBTQ and related problems. The USA is unable to resolve them in their own country and should not seek to impose them on Ghana. For this and other grounds afore-mentioned, our President should be bold enough to make the joy of Ghanaians full by signing the Act.

In conclusion, history beckons our President to leave the most incredible legacy of his Presidency in that no matter how many Ghanaian youth receive free education, no matter the length of roads constructed, no matter the amount of aid from the IMF, and so on, if our culture and moral values are eroded, we cease to be Ghanaians. His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is the President of Ghana, a nation with a unique cultural identity. May our President cause us to remain Ghanaians and to make our joy complete by signing the Human Sexual and Family Values Act passed unanimously by the representatives of Ghanaians.

 By Pastor Daniel Essuman Koomson, Esq. (


Amenumey, D.E.K. (2018). Ghana A Concise History from Pre-Colonial Times to the 20th Century. Accra: Woeli Publishing Services 

Choi, A. CNN. (2024) Record numbers of anti-LGBTQ bills were introduced in accessed 29/02/2024   

Cole, D. & Burnside, T. CNN. (2022). DeSantis signs controversial bill restricting certain LGBTQ topics in the  

Kenu, D. Graphic Online 07/10/2019 29/02/2024  

Connaughton, A. Pew Research Center. (2020). Religion & LGBTQ Acceptance, Religiously unaffiliated people more likely than those with a religion to lean left, accept homosexuality. Washington DC. USA 

Hurst, K. Pew Research Center. (2022). Gender & LGBTQ, Q&A: How and why we surveyed Americans about their views on gender identity. accessed on 01/03/2024

2021 Population and Housing Census Report accessed 28/12/2023 28/12/2023 accessed 13/01/2024 accessed on 01/03/2024 accessed on 01/03/2024

Graphic Business. accessed on 01/03/2024

[2] Reported by Daniel Kenu, Graphic Online 07/10/2019 27/12/2023 

[3] 28/12/2023   

[4] 2021 Population and Housing Census Report accessed 28/12/2023

[5] Ibid.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Pew Research Center.  

[8] Aidan Connaughton. (2020). accessed 01/03/2024

[9] accessed 13/02/2024

[10] Amenumey (2018). History of Ghana

[11] Ibid.

[12] accessed on 01/03/2024

[13] Ibid.

[14] accessed on 01/03/2024

[15] Graphic Business.

[16] Annette Choi. CNN. accessed on 29/02/2024

[17] Devan Cole and Tina Burnside. CNN Reporters. accessed 29/02/2024


[19] Hurst, K. Pew Research Center (2022). Gender & LGBTQ (interview of Anna Brown) accessed 01/03/2024


The God Factor In Marital Decisions: Lessons For Married Men


“To Adam, he said, ‘Because you listened to your wife and ate the fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’ Curse is the ground because of you; through painful toil, you will eat food from it all the days of your life.'”

The genesis of human struggles is evident in Genesis 3:7, where the Creator’s pronouncement, “Because you listened to your wife,” led to Adam’s downfall.

In Genesis 3:1-17, Adam had a clear opportunity to avoid Eve’s disobedience but chose to comply with her.

A careful analysis of the verse reveals God’s quest to understand Adam and Eve’s intent, while already judging the serpent.

Adam squarely blamed Eve, stating, “The woman you put here with me,” and Eve pointed to the serpent, saying, “The serpent deceived me.”

God highlighted Adam’s error but simply pronounced judgment on Eve and the serpent. Was God expecting Adam to act differently from Eve? Yes.

“Because you listened to your wife…” This statement from God suggests Adam erred in his final judgment.

Adam, as the head, had the chance to correct Eve’s wrong but sided with her, failing his role as God’s representative.

Patience could have spared Adam from the fall; they knew God was accessible, yet they acted impulsively.

Men, guided by divine patience, should make decisions reverently. Women, more sensitive, act swiftly, influenced by their environment.

The discourse between Eve and the serpent influenced her decision, altering human history. Communing with God could have averted disaster.

While men have weaknesses, they’re designed to commune with their Creator, missing out on critical decisions without divine consultation.

Married men must listen and reason with their wives, yet the final decision rests with the man, in reverence to God’s authority.

Consulting God in family or work decisions is vital; accountability and responsibility lie with men, acknowledging God as the ultimate authority.

Submissiveness in marriage doesn’t suppress women’s rights but fosters humility and maturity.Finally, the Bible states that God is the witness between the man and his wife (Malachi 2:14). This implies that marriage is a union with God as the judge and witness.

Therefore, I encourage wives to consistently pray for their husbands. This prayer is aimed at granting them a sound sense of judgment, enabling them to make decisions aligned with the will of God, free from any external influence, whether alone or amidst the masses. All of this is in the pursuit of glorifying God as the ultimate Head.

Written by Joseph Zoot

Biography Of Apostle Dr. Michael K. Ntumy web

Biography Of Apostle Dr. Michael K. Ntumy


The late Apostle Dr. Michael Kwabena Ntumy was born at Osramane-Dadease on September 22, 1958, to Opanin Kwaku Kumah and Obaapanin Adwoa Tiwaah from Osramane- Dadease, near Kete-Krachi. Both of his parents have gone to be with the Lord. He was the fifth of the ten children of his parents. His father, who was affectionately called Agya Aku, officially named him after his elder brother, Kwabena Ntumy.


In 1964, at the age of six, Ntumy began his education at the Osramane Local Authority Primary “B” School. When he was in class one, he transferred to Primary “A” School, where he joined his colleagues in class three instead of class two on the advice of his friend, Joseph Ntumy. In 1973, he completed the Middle School Leaving Certificate examination with distinction. Kwabena, as he was affectionately called within family circles, became the school prefect in his final year.

Although he passed the entrance examinations for both secondary school and Teachers’ Training College, our brother preferred the latter. He, therefore, enrolled at Atebubu Teachers’ Training College in 1973 at the age of 15 and passed out on July 7, 1977, with a Teachers’ Certificate “A” at the age of 19. He was among the seventh batch of students who graduated from the College that year.

On the higher level of the academic ladder, Michael Kwabena Ntumy won a scholarship in 1992, which allowed him to attend a monthlong intensive Advanced Christian Leadership Seminar in Singapore. He also studied at the Regents Theological College in Nantwich (affiliated with the University of Manchester, UK), and obtained a Master of Theology degree in 2000. His pursuit of knowledge motivated him to study for a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Theology and Organizational Governance from an affiliated college of the Southern Christian University in Florida, USA, where he graduated in 2008.


In 1979, whilst working at Yendi, the news of his sick mother and the inability of his “spiritually powerful” father to save her, moved Michael Kwabena Ntumy to seek a divine solution. This landed him at the “Saturday Bush Prayer Meeting” of The Church of Pentecost on January 27, 1979, on the invitation of Mrs Christiana Apea, a member of the church. At the end of the service,Kwabena Ntumy accepted Christ as his Lord and personal Saviour and was baptised by Pastor Isaac Narkujah on February 4, 1979. Michael was a man of great faith in the Lord, and he never gave up on the Lord.


It was at Yendi that Michael Kwabena Ntumy met his beloved wife, Mrs Martha Adwoa Diako Ntumy, the only woman he ever knew, and got married to her on August 8, 1982, at the age of 24. The union was blessed with five sons and one daughter who are well positioned in society of influence. Apostle Michael Ntumy loved his wife to the core and was always there to support her with everything within his power. Mrs Martha Ntumy was his closest friend, advisor,nurse, and pastor. They moved and worked together in all facets of their lives, went through challenges, faced life’s battles, and conquered together. Indeed, Apostle Dr. Ntumy and his wife were the epitome of a good Christian marriage.

Michael took his children’s education seriously. As a man who valued education, he challenged the children and the countless number of other people’s children he enrolled in school to pass his level of education. He dared the children to strive for nothing but excellence. As a result, many have become doctors, aeronautic engineers, software engineers, businessmen and women, chartered accountants, teachers, economists, pastors, and pastors’ wives, among others.


On September 15, 1977, Michael left home for his first job as a professional teacher with the Ministry of Education in the Yendi District. He taught at the Zohe Experimental Primary, one of the leading schools in the Yendi District charged with the responsibility of preparing students for the Common Entrance Examination.


In 1984, at the age of 26, he was called into the full-time ministry of The Church of Pentecost. After ministerial training at the Pentecost Bible Training Centre at Madina, Accra, he was stationed at Tamale until 1985, when he was transferred to Krachi Nkwanta. In 1988, he was posted to Liberia as a missionary and was stationed in Buchanan City. During the Liberian civil war when Charles Taylor’s National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) rebels captured some of the resident citizens of the five West African nations, including Ghana, that supplied troops for the operations of ECOMOG, Apostle Dr. Michael Kwabena Ntumy, his wife, their four children and a niece were taken hostage and transported to a rebel camp known as Flamingo Camp, nicknamed “The Camp of No Return” where they spent 185 days.

Even though many of the hostages lost their lives, the Lord miraculously saved the lives of Apostle Ntumy and his household. They returned to Ghana in 1991. In that same year, he was called into the office of apostle and was posted to La Cὃte d’Ivoire as National Head. Whilst on a ministerial trek in La Cὃte d’Ivoire in July 1992, he and his wife were involved in a terrible motor accident. Little did we know it was going to lead to a paralysis in future.

In 1996, he was transferred from La Cὃte d’Ivoire to France as the church’s first Resident Missionary and National Head. In 1998, at the age of 40, he was elected Chairman of The Church of Pentecost. After completing a 10-year tenure as Chairman, Apostle Dr. Ntumy was posted to Germany as National Head.

However, after a surgical operation on his cervical spine in France, he became paralysed in the lower parts of his body. Being a man of faith who was highly optimistic, he did not let his disability incapacitate him. From 2013, he served as the church’s Director of Literary Works until September 24, 2023, when he retired in Hamburg, Germany.


As a family, we can testify that Apostle Dr. Michael Kwabena Ntumy related well with his siblings,nephews, nieces, in-laws, and all the extended family members, including outsiders. He treated everyone equally and fairly. He gave equal opportunities to all the people he encountered based on their strength. He was simply a good man.

Apostle Ntumy’s generosity was unparalleled. Although he had six biological children, he catered for 35 adopted children who all equally enjoyed his benevolence and fatherly care. As emphatically quoted in His retirement brochure, “The Ntumy family goes beyond his six (6) biological children.” He paid house rents, financed the education of countless people as well as the weddings of many couples, and paid the medical bills of people without expecting anything in return. Without his benevolence, the future of the children he raised would have been jeopardised. Apostle Dr. Michael Kwabena Ntumy was one of the finest and most generous men who ever lived. He considered every need as an opportunity to invest in somebody’s life. He will be sorely missed.


The people of Dadease, his native community in Osramane, have been impacted by his evangelistic zeal, as most of them have been converted to Christ through The Church of Pentecost. He also supports them in diverse ways. The entire Osramane community cannot forget his support for the school named after him: Apostle Dr. Michael Kwabena Ntumy Junior High School. Another landmark achievement that the local populace of Krachi cannot forget is the well-stocked and state-of-the-art public library he built at Osramane to enhance the knowledge base of people in the community and beyond.

Apostle Dr. Ntumy’s unflinching love and passion for the development of his community was unparalleled. Before his demise, he initiated a celebration of the 60th anniversary of the New Osramane community since their resettlement at their current location by the Volta River Authority as a result of the displacement of their old settlement following the construction of the Akosombo Dam. His dream was to celebrate the 60th anniversary this year, and he had come out with drawings to build a community centre and clinic as part of the anniversary.

Apostle Dr. Ntumy also donated sports gear with silverware for the football teams that excelled during tournaments in the Krachi West Municipal Assembly. He supported the Krachi Traditional Council in diverse ways and was even honoured by Nana Besemuna Mprah III (known in private life as COP [Rtd.] J.C. Mprah), the Omanhene of Krachi Traditional Area by naming a street in the Krachi West Municipality after him: Apostle Dr. Ntumy Street.


He returned to Ghana on December 18, 2023, to finally rest from his active duty as a minister. We thought we were going to enjoy his wisdom, counsel, and all the great things he was made up of. Little did we know that his Maker and Lord had retired him from earthly duties as well. On Wednesday, December 27, 2023, the peaceful and glorious clarion call welcomed him to his eternal home, and he gladly answered. Though the void remaining is huge, he has left in our hearts great testimonies, legacies, and a reason to thrive in life and ministry.

He was born a hero, and he died a legend in the Lord. We, as a family, know that Apostle Dr. Michael Kwabena Ntumy has fought the good fight, finished the race and thus, has been rewarded with the crown of righteousness. His labour has not been in vain. We know that we will meet him one day on that beautiful shore.

May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace!