chairman 2

Carry The Presence Of God With You – Chairman Charges Ministers And Wives

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has charged the pastorates of the Church and their wives to carry the presence of God wherever they find themselves especially at their church services.

He said this during his closing sermon for this year’s Ministers and Wives Conference at Ansaful in the Winneba Area of the Church which was telecast live throughout all the regional venues of the Conference and the nations.

Apostle Nyamekye explained that just as the ark of the tabernacle that symbolizes the presence of God with the people of Israel was carried around by the priest, so the presence of God in our time must be virtually carried by the pastorates and their wives as they lead the people of God.

“The ark must be carried by the priest and not by chats. The ark must be seen leading the people and not just by word. So should our ministers carry God’s presence in our days at all times especially at and during our (church) services. And this presence of God should not just be by words but be experienced by our members and all who attend our (church) services”, the revered Apostle echoed in his sermon.

Preaching on the topic, “The Church as the Equipping Centre in Carrying out the Great Commission; the Possessing the Nations Agenda”, Apostle Nyamekye expounded that “the Great Commission is bigger than evangelism, which is converting people from the world into faith in Christ and to join our churches. It is about going out and discipling the nations; possessing the nations with the values and principles of the Kingdom of God.”

He clarified further that, even though the church is not the focus of the Great Commission, it is the most important tool for carrying out this commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“It is the vehicle God uses to equip His people for the work of the ministry to the nations. It is the equipping centre, a training ground, where believers are prepared as an Army of God to impact the society with Kingdom principles, lifestyle and values. Christians are equipped in the church to make maximum impact as ‘salt of the earth and light of the world’, Apostle Nyamekye emphasized.

Making references from Matthew 28: 18 – 20, Obadiah 1: 17 – 21 and Hebrews 12:18, 22-23, the Chairman indicated that the Church, as the modern day Zion, must therefore raise redeemers and saviours and equip them so as to unleash such “to govern the mountains of Esau (the world with the values and principles of the Kingdom)” so “the kingdom will be the Lord’s” (Obadiah 1: 21 NIV).

However, the Apostle explained, “such is only possible when the Church as Mount Zion become a place of action: a functional church, a great gathering, a congregation, and an assembly, where the active presence of the Almighty God with His host of angels is tangibly real.”

“It is God’s empowering presence in the midst of His people that makes Zion a seat of Power. It is in such a supernatural encounter with God at Zion, the congregation of the people of God in worship that deliverers and saviours are raised and deliverance is also experienced”, he added.

“It is therefore required of the minister of God to virtually carry the very presence of God just as the ark was carried by the priest to bring God’s presence so as to make the church a real equipping centre in carrying out the Great Commission; the Possessing the Nations Agenda”, the Apostle averred.

“We need God’s empowering presence which makes Zion (the Church) the seat of power so deliverance, healing and the joy of the Lord is experienced. It is only then that the people can be equipped to take over the nations and makes them the Kingdom of our Lord”, he concluded.

Report by Pastor Solomon Kwasi Kyei

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