Be Committed To The Goal Of The Church – Apostle Assabil Admonishes Christians (01)

Be Committed To The Goal Of The Church – Apostle Assabil Admonishes Christians

The Takoradi Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Joseph Kwame Assabil, has admonished Christians to be committed to the goal of the Church.

Apostle Assabil made the call at the just-ended 2021 Ministers and Wives’ Conference (Western Region) which took place at E. K. Kyei Memorial Temple at Tarkwa.

Speaking on the topic, “The Goal of the Church,” on Day 2 of the conference on January 27, 2021, with scripture references from Ephesians 5:26-27, 3:21, 2:10, Apostle Assabil stated that the goal of the Church is to prepare a bride with magnificent beauty and splendor for Christ.   

Expounding further, he revealed that the goal of everything is so important that all energy, attention, and effort must be directed towards achieving that goal.

“To build a radiant church without stain or blemish, Christians must be committed to the goal of the church,” he affirmed.

He stated that God is using church leaders in preparing the members to be a glorious bride, hence church leaders must be studious in studying the word of God and be fervent in prayer in order to discharge their duties to the latter.

On building a radiant church, the Takoradi Area Head indicated that the Holy Spirit is the force that drives it into reality. He, therefore, called on ministers and their wives to rely solely on the Holy Spirit in building a glorious church.   

“The heart of man is desperately wicked; hence it is only the Holy Spirit who can transform it,” he indicated.

Apostle Assabil stated that Christianity is not about materialism but how the Holy Spirit inspires people through the word of God to live holy lives to help them make it to heaven, which is the ultimate goal of the church.

“People are being deceived so much into equating materialism with Christianity. This false teaching must never be entertained in our churches in order not to distract members from the goal of the church,”  he affirmed.

Speaking on the role of the church, Apostle Assabil revealed that the prayer sessions during church services should not be centered on materialism but the focus should be on holiness since a radiant church always reflects the nature of God.

He cautioned that preaching holiness without love becomes legalistic since holiness conjoined with love always produces the desired results. “The love of God must always be emphasized and pursued in the Christian journey. Accepting one another in their weaknesses is the sure way of helping them move towards the purpose for which the church was established,” he stressed.

Concluding his sermon, Apostle Joseph Assabil challenged Christians to be circumspect in the types of books they read and indicated that for the Church to remain pure, the word of God must be preached fervently, and false teachings must be disputed with the true and pure word of God.

Report by Western Regional Media Team.

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