Asenemaso District Donates To Orphanage web

Asenemaso District Donates To Orphanage

The Asenemaso District in the Abuakwa Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated assorted items valued at GHS 10,200.00 and a cash amount of GHS 2,000.00 to the King Jesus Orphanage Home at Boadi, near Kumasi.

The items comprised rice, clothes, pieces of wax prints, toiletries, sachet and bottled water, soft drinks, and various food items. Members within the district voluntarily donated the items to support the inmates of the Home. 

The District Minister, Pastor Peter Quayson, and his wife, Mrs Divina Quayson, backed by the District Youth Ministry, presented the items to the beneficiaries during a visit to the orphanage on Sunday, February 4, 2024.

The donation forms part of the church’s social responsibility to make the world a better place to live, especially for the underprivileged. 

The Assistant Administrator to the King Jesus Orphanage, Madam Mercy, receiving the items, expressed her appreciation to The Church of Pentecost for the gesture. She appealed to individuals and other institutions to emulate this worthy cause. 

The children at the orphanage sang songs and slogans to express their appreciation for God and the Church.

Report by Pastor Peter Quayson.

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