Aflao Area Inaugurates French District (12)

Aflao Area Inaugurates French District

As part of the efforts to possess the nations for Christ, the Aflao Area of The Church of Pentecost has inaugurated the first French District in the Area.

The Aflao municipality shares boundary with neighbouring Togo, a Francophone nation. The municipality is a hub for trade and commercial activities, with Ewe, English, and French as the predominant languages spoken by the people. It is imperative, therefore, for the Church to create an environment where the gospel of Jesus Christ would be preached to every people group no matter their languages. 

The Area Head, Apostle Peter Kofi Dzemekey, on 17th November, 2020, inaugurated a French District/PIWC at the Shekinah Assembly at Aflao. The service also coincided with the welcome service for the first District Minister, Pastor Eric Herbert Acheampong, and his wife, Serwaah. 

The newly inaugurated district is made up of four French assemblies and one English assembly. 

The service, which was conducted mostly in French, was attended by Apostle Komi Edna Agbavitoh (National Head of Togo), who was accompanied by the Area Secretary of Maritime in Lome, Togo. Also present were the Pastorate in the Aflao Area as well as members of the newly created district.

In a sermon, Apostle Komi Agbavitor spoke on the topic, “Every Language is Important to God.” Taking his scripture reading from Genesis 11:1-9, he explained that all creation was one, initially speaking the same language and living in the same place.

He said that God in His quest to cause men to multiply and fill the earth changed the language of the people. He stressed that no language is more important than the other, and called for an end to language segregation. 

He concluded with a reading from Revelation 3:9, “And they sang a new song: ‘You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.’

According to Apostle Agbavitoh, since Jesus Christ has purchased all people in all nations by his blood, worship should be done in the language the people are comfortable with and readily understand.

The Aflao Area Head, Apostle Dzemekey, prayed for the leadership of the newly created district and charged them to work hard to ensure the realisation of the vision upon which the district was established.

Meanwhile, Apostle Peter Kofi Dzemekey has dedicated a set of musical instruments for the newly created district. He also laid the foundation stone for their mission house.

Report by Pastor Samuel Yaw Abil Asoandek.

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