Miraculous Healing: Deacon Matey Shares His Story


Members of the Gethsemane Assembly, Otsenkorang District in the Agona Swedru Area of The Church of Pentecost, recently witnessed an extraordinary testimony of God’s healing power, involving Deacon Daniel Matey, who had his miraculous healing experience during one of the Communion services.

The incident and struggle

Deacon Matey had been suffering from a debilitating condition for the past ten years following a fatal accident he had which maimed his left hand and waist area. This condition became known to the entire church and the community. Despite numerous medical interventions and prayers, the healing seemed distant.

The moment of healing

One memorable communion service, after the District Minister, Overseer Solomon Boadi, had delivered the sermon and led the congregation in the Lord’s Supper, an incredible event unfolded.

Deacon Matey recounted his experience: ‘After the sermon my pastor preached and led us to take the Lord’s Supper, just after I took in the bread and wine, I felt a very sharp electrifying shock in my whole body. It felt like a doctor touched my body and started putting the bones back. My body and both shoulders started shaking, and within seconds, the sharp pain in both my shoulders just vanished.

‘To the glory of God, my whole body was restored that very day. Now I can work, and I can lift up my hands to the glory of God.’

This miraculous event did not go unnoticed, as the entire church and the community members, who were aware of Deacon Matey’s long-term struggle, witnessed his instant healing.

His testimony has strengthened the faith of many and stands as a powerful reminder of God’s miraculous healing power and His presence in the lives of His people.

Deacon Daniel Matey’s testimony is a testament to the power of faith and the sacraments. His healing, after ten years of suffering, serves as an inspiration and encouragement to all.

We give all glory to God for this miraculous healing and for continuously manifesting His power and love in the church. Let us continue to trust in God’s promises and His ability to heal and restore. May this testimony remind us that with God, nothing is impossible.

Report by Otsenkorang District Media Team.

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