Elder Emmanuel Ansah Retires After 39 Years Of Active Service web

Elder Emmanuel Ansah Retires After 39 Years Of Active Service

Elder Emmanuel Ansah, an officer of the Asutsuare District in the Agormanya Area of The Church of Pentecost, on Sunday, April 14, 2024, officially brought his active work in the church to an end after 39 years of meritorious service at the local, District, and Area levels.

Addressing the congregation at the retirement service held in his honour at Asutsuare Central Auditorium, the Agormanya Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr Samuel Gapketor, admonished Christians, especially officers of the church to diligently serve God and His church, since a time would come when they would not get such an opportunity again.

‘As long as it is day, we must do the works of Him who sent us. Night is coming, when no one can work,’ he quoted.

Drawing inspiration from John 9:4 with emphasis on ‘Night is coming,’ he explained that ‘night’ in this context may be a period when one cannot get an opportunity to serve in a capacity as a minister, officer, presiding elder, ministry leader or executive committee member.

He explained that the phrase, ‘night is coming’ used by Jesus may be interpreted as a period of age where one cannot be permitted by law to work.

“In The Church of Pentecost, the retirement age for ministers and officers is 65, whilst presiding elders have two years to serve and they are reviewed or considered for another term,’ he said, adding, ‘We must, therefore, serve well and make a meaningful impact to God’s glory while we have the opportunity.’

He noted that transfers, reviews, deaths, and deteriorating health conditions, among others, may be factors (nights) that could prevent one from serving at a particular office and time.

He, therefore, admonished Christian leaders to make good use of the opportunity they have now to serve by doing it well and to God’s glory.

In a testimony that was read by the District Secretary, Elder Ezekiel Abban Teye, in honour of Elder Emmanuel Ansah, it was revealed that he was a hardworking, faithful, and obedient leader who was always willing to serve wherever his services were needed.

It stated: ‘Elder Emmanuel Ansah is a gallant soldier of The Church of Pentecost, a man of wisdom, knowledge, and a strong prayer life. A philanthropist who gives willingly to support all church activities.’

It is on record that Elder Emmanuel Ansah served as a presiding elder for 27 years.

Report by Agormanya Area Media Team.

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