Women’s Director Visits Volta, Oti Regions


The Director of the Women’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, Deaconess Philomina Mireku, has paid a working visit to the Volta and Oti regions to interact with members of the ministry in the two regions.

Addressing members of the ministry at the PIWC-Mawuli Estate in Ho on November 20, 2020, on the theme: “Aligning Yourself to the Purpose of God to Become the Agent of Transformation,” based on Matthew 18:18-19, Dr. Gladys Quartey, National Executive Committee (NEC) member of the ministry, stated: “If we align ourselves with the will and purpose of God, we excel in whatever we do, but if we don’t we cannot transform the world. Therefore, if we want to be agents of transformation, then we need to obey and align ourselves to the purpose of God.”

She added that the ministry has a vision that is drawn from the overarching vision of the church, “so we plead with you to align with this vision and ran with it, and we believe that if we all align with this vision we will indeed become agents of transformation and possess the nations for Christ.”

The Women’s Ministry Director, Deaconess Philomena Mireku, expressed her profound gratitude to God for the opportunity to serve in the office of director. She remained thankful to her predecessors for the great feat achieved and made a passionate appeal to all and sundry to offer their unflinching support to the ministry to help it achieve greater heights. 

She shared with the stakeholders the drafted vision document and categorically highlighted the seven key priority areas that encapsulate the vision. The vision, she said, would be finalized into a working document and share with members of the ministry.

In an address, the Hohoe Area Head, Apostle Moses Kwame Ahiakor, said: “God speaks through diverse ways through diverse means to different generations at different times. We, therefore, have to be conscious of the word of God at every point in time, and align with it or with anyone who he sends to lead us.”

Report by Overseer Felix Brakatu.

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