northern pastors

430 Ministers And Wives Participate In Northern Ghana Conference

A total of 430 ministers and their wives of The Church of Pentecost in Northern Ghana converged on Tamale to participate in the 2022 Ministers and Wives Conference.

The four-day prayer and fasting conference which was officially opened on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, at the Radach Lodge & Conference Centre in Tamale, was hosted by Apostle Sylvester Arhin (Chairman of the Northern Regional Coordinating Committee and Executive Council Member, who also doubles as the Tamale Area Head). It had the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, as the special guest. 

Ministers and their wives were drawn from the church’s eight administrative Areas in the Northern Sector, namely Tamale Area, Walewale Area, Yendi Area, Sawla Area, Bolgatanga Area, Bawku Area, Wa Area, and Tumu Area, which constitutes the five political regions in the North – the Northern Region, Savanna Region, North-East Region, Upper West Region, and Upper East Region.

Addressing the participants on Thursday, the General Secretary, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, challenged them to endeavour to meet God’s standard in all their dealings.

Speaking on the topic, “Righteousness, The Authority of the Kingdom,” with his main scripture readings taking from Proverbs 14:22; Romans 14:17; Hebrews 1:8-9; Psalm 45:6, Apostle Kumi-Larbi urged Christians, particularly ministers of the gospel, to ensure that their words, deeds, and attitude are aligned with God’s will and purpose. This, he said, will help them to meet and maintain God’s standard in everything they do, whether in private or public.

The General Secretary who spoke passionately about the subject using his personal life as a case study asked ministers to check their motives for joining the full-time ministry and set their priorities right so that they will not lower the standards set by their forebearers. 

He defined righteousness as “behaviour that is morally justifiable or right” before God. Such behaviour, he pointed out, is characterized by accepted standards of morality, justice, virtue, or uprightness. 

“The Bible’s standard of human righteousness is God’s own perfection in every attribute, every attitude, every behaviour, and every word. Thus, God’s laws, as given in the Bible, both describe His own character and constitute the plumb line by which He measures human righteousness.”

Also presenting a paper on “The New Creation and the Possessing the Nations Agenda,” Apostle Daniel Nii Tetteh Tackie (Wa Area Head), took his main scripture readings from 2 Corinthians 5:17 and said that anyone who comes to Christ has become a new person regardless of their past evil life. 

Citing other scriptures to support his presentation, Apostle Tetteh Tackie revealed that how a sinner is born into Christ (rebirth) is a mystery. He explained that the Holy Spirit plays a key role in the rebirth processes by giving the new creation a divine nature.

He maintained that the new creation comes with so much power given by the Holy Spirit to overcome sin and the schemes of the devil. 

He indicated that since the new creation (born-again Christian) has been given a divine nature, they have become God’s agent of expanding the Kingdom of God on earth.

He, therefore, charged believers to assert their roles as agents of transformation and transform the corrupt society since they were created (saved) to be transformers of the nations.

Prophet Evans Annaba Mensah (Walewale Area Head), also took participants through “The Ministry of Intercessory Prayer.” His presentation was full of inspiring testimonies demonstrating the power of God through intercessory prayers.

Reading Isaiah 58:6; Colossians 4:12; Ephesians 6:18 as his main texts, he said that intercessory prayer is the prime duty for every believer, stressing that helping a fellow brother should not be a burden for believers.

According to him, the ministry of intercessory prayer somehow has no recognition, since people do not see those who secretly intercede for them, saying, “The nature of this ministry is serving your brother while he does not see.”

He, however, called on Christians to pray for one another so that God will do greater works through them. 

“The Lord has called us to be each other’s keeper, caring for one another through intercession,” he said.


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