We Must Awaken Ghana's Moral Vision - Chairman Urges Royals web

We Must Awaken Ghana’s Moral Vision – Chairman Urges Royals

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Kwabena Nyamekye, has emphasised the need to awaken Ghana’s moral vision for national development.

Speaking at the opening session of the 2024 Royals Conference, Apostle Nyamekye stated, “We must awaken the moral vision of the people. The development of the citizens is the most important factor in the development of the nation.”

Highlighting why the church has recently been actively involved in national development issues, the Chairman mentioned, “The purpose of the church is the transformation of the nation. The history of the church invites it to do so, and righteousness exalts a nation.”

Explaining the church’s role in transforming the nation while advocating for moral vision, Apostle Nyamekye noted that the Great Commission calls on the church to go beyond its walls and evangelize. He added that the church must also be concerned about the environment in which people live.

“The church cannot only evangelise to win souls and ignore their environment. We need to win souls and transform nations,” he asserted.

Apostle Eric Nyamekye stressed the need for deliberate development of citizens ahead of infrastructural development.

He argued that morally bankrupt people undermine national progress, citing examples of how deliberate actions can lead to currency depreciation, inflation, interest rates hikes, and national debt.

According to him, the most important factor in the development of a nation is the character of its people.

To illustrate how the church’s history mandates its involvement in national development, Apostle Nyamekye referenced how the Puritans’ beliefs led to positive transformations in Europe.

He called on royals to respect everyone regardless of social status, eradicate laziness in their communities, and maintain integrity by being truthful.

Touching on the need for righteousness in leadership, Apostle Nyamekye said, “When you are a chief or a traditional leader, it is your service to God and your people.”

He urged the royals to impart Godly principles such as hard work, dignity of labor, patriotism, love, and forgiveness to their subjects.

Apostle Nyamekye admonished all traditional rulers and leaders to live with the next generation in mind and avoid amassing wealth at the expense of future generations.


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