Wawase Joy Assembly Dedicated

The Wawase Joy Assembly church building in Mahodwe District of Agona Swedru Area of The Church of Pentecost has been dedicated to the glory of God.

It was constructed at the cost of GH¢ 172,274.90 with funding from the assembly’s local development fund, National/Area grants, and donations from individuals.

The building was dedicated on August 21, 2019, by the immediate past Area Head, Prophet David Kankam Beditor, assisted by the District Minister, Pastor Emmanuel K. Appiah.

The assembly, which was established on 13th September 1992 with seven members in an uncompleted classroom block, was initially named Wawase Assembly during the time of Pastor Isaac Anane Babae, then of Swedru District. The name of the assembly was changed to Joy Assembly on August 21, 2005.

The land was purchased in 2002 with the sod-cutting performed by the then District Minister, Pastor Osei Kwame Asamoah-Omono. The foundation stone was laid on September 6, 2017, by the then Area Head, Prophet David Kankam Beditor, assisted by Pastor E. K. Appiah.

Special commendation went to Elder Prince Chris Andoh (former presiding elder) and Mr. & Mrs. Dangbe for financially supporting the construction of the building to its completion.

Report by Elder Prince Chris Eboh Andoh.

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