
Visitation Is The Hallmark Of A Strong Local Church – Mrs. Kumi-Larbi Asserts

One of the most distinguishing hallmarks of a strong and healthy local church is the regular visitation of leaders to the homes and workplaces of the members, Mrs. Rose Dansoa Kumi-Larbi, wife of the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, has said.

According to her, as Church leaders visit the members, they develop compassion for one another, love one another, care for one another, and strengthen their bond.

“The Church that engages in visitation is a strong church, unified in membership, and love exists there forever,” she stated. Mrs. Kumi-Larbi said this when she delivered a presentation on the topic: “Visitation In The Local Church” during last Wednesday’s evening session of the Sekondi Area Ministers and Officers’ Retreat (Apostolisation) at the Apostle JWD Cudjoe Memorial Temple, Ketan.

Making reference to 1 Peter 5:2-3, Mrs. Kumi-Larbi said that Apostle Peter charged the leaders of the early church to look after the members as God’s flock by caring, loving and teaching them the word of God, but not to seek their selfish gains.

She further noted that it is, therefore, required of every Church leader to provide pastoral care to members, and this includes visiting them in their homes, workplaces, at the hospital, etc. “Since visitation is part of the leader’s core duties in the Church, it must be done with all diligence and modesty,” she emphasised.

Mrs. Kumi-Larbi urged Church leaders to strengthen the local church, which remains the backbone of The Church of Pentecost, by promoting visitation in the various local assemblies. “When the local church falls, the Church will suffer dearly,” she cautioned.

Mrs. Kumi-Larbi also encouraged the members to forgive each other and rid themselves of bitterness as they reinforce visitation in the local church, adding: “This will bring joy and encouragement to the Church.”

She advised ministers and presiding elders to institute a visitation schedule in the local church to make the exercise more effective and sustainable. This, she further noted, would enable church leaders to visit every member of the local church.

Mrs. Kumi-Larbi, however, charged members to reciprocate the gesture, saying: “If you are fortunate to be visited, you must also visit someone in their house, family, workplace, hospital, and school.”


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