The Roles Of The Royal Priesthood Beyond The Wall

The Church of Pentecost, under the visionary leadership of Apostle Eric Nyamekye, is boldly entreating Christians through the scriptures to move beyond the walls of the church to possess every sphere of society for Christ. This is the ‘Unleashing Agenda’ as seen in Ephesians 3:10, “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms.” Simply put, it is the church ministering in the world with urgency and intentionality to bring everyone and every sphere of society under the influence of the values and principles of the Kingdom of God. It is empowering the church to be more effective in its mission of spreading the gospel and transforming society with the values, principles, and lifestyle of the Kingdom.

Unleashing the church is, therefore, a call to every member of the local church to get involved in some form of ministry outside the four walls of the church with the sole aim of projecting the values and principles of the Kingdom of God to transform people in their world.

In 1 Peter 2:9-10, Apostle Peter refers to all Christians as a Royal Priesthood chosen by God to show others the goodness of God. As priests, we represent the nations (people) before God and God before the nations (people). Because of this, we are encouraged to become vessels through which God’s grace will flow unto humanity. In Vision 2028, every member of the church is to be self-unleashed to possess their spheres of influence as priests, seeing their ‘’secular jobs’’ as opportunities for ministry and a call to serve; a call to be a teacher, lawyer, banker, nurse, artisan, and more (My Career; My Ministry).

The roles of the Royal Priesthood include intercession—praying for others and seeking spiritual well-being on behalf of the community, bringing people into contact with the gospel and having their lives transformed. Interceding for those who are sick to receive the healing grace of God. We also share Kingdom values, principles, and sound teachings to help others understand and grow in their faith as Christians.

Ministry outside the walls as a Priest involves acts of kindness, compassion, and service to meet the needs of individuals and communities. That is to become a vessel through which God’s grace will flow unto humanity. Taking up leadership roles within the community to guide and inspire others in their journey through life.

Furthermore, evangelism—sharing the gospel of Christ with unbelievers in our geographical locations, bringing them into the saving knowledge of Christ, discipling, and nurturing them into Christlikeness. Our journey of becoming like Jesus is a process, but the repentant should not become comfortable with the sins they have become good at hiding. The priest is to bring these things to light and commit them to God. As the cornerstone of the building of the church, Jesus is our standard of measure and alignment to righteousness.

Also, we should advocate for fairness, equality, and justice in society, aligning with the moral and ethical principles of faith. Living a life that reflects the principles and values of the Kingdom, serving as an example for others. Letting your lifestyle depict how much God has saved you, shown you favour, shown you His mercies, as said in 1 Peter 2:10, and to witness for others to emulate and also come to the saving knowledge of Christ is the reason for our living.

These roles collectively contribute to the idea that the Royal Priesthood is not confined to religious rituals within a specific space but extends into the broader context of daily life and societal interactions and transformation to go beyond the walls of the church.

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Written by Mrs. Priscilla Annor-Mensah Dadzie (Bansi District, Bawku Area)

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