The Enormous Power In The Church Must Be Unleashed – Apostle Samuel Obuobi web

The Enormous Power In The Church Must Be Unleashed – Apostle Samuel Obuobi

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Samuel Gyau Oboubi, has said that the church of God is blessed with enormous power that is not meant for the church alone but for the transformation of the world.

 According to him, this tremendous power received through the coming of the Holy Spirit must be consciously unleashed since it is never intended to remain in the church auditoriums.

Apostle Samuel Obuobi said this yesterday during the opening session of the ongoing PENSA Ghana Conference, dubbed the “Transformers Conference 2024,” at the PENSA-KNUST centre.

Speaking on the main theme of the conference, “Young People Unleashed to Transform their World,” the General Secretary explained that the Church has entered into the second phase of the “Possessing the Nations” agenda, dubbed Vision 2028.

He explained that the main difference between the previous vision and this new one is the fact that while Vision 2023 prioritised equipping the Church, the current one is more focused on unleashing the whole church to transform the world with Kingdom principles and values.

Quoting the Chairman, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, he explained that “to unleash is to cause the tremendous power locked up in the fortress of the church to be released for the transformation of society.”

Citing Acts, he said that the coming of the promised Holy Spirit has made the church a “container of tremendous power,” describing this power as immeasurable, unlimited, and surpassing. He added that this power is meant to help transform the world and take territories for the Lord.

Apostle Obuobi stated that every believer is not an ordinary person because they possess this tremendous power of God. He, however, stressed that the primary purpose of this power is to transform the world and not just to be exercised in church auditoriums.

The General Secretary, however, stressed that one can only transform their world because no single individual can transform the world.

“Everyone has his or her world. This is what is known as one’s sphere of influence. So, as you influence your sphere and I also mine, we ultimately transform the world,” he explained.

Apostle Obuobi explained that one’s sphere of influence includes one’s family or home, workplace, friends, school, etc.

He further noted that the only tool that can be used to undertake this societal transformation venture is the values and principles of the Kingdom of God, such as love for all, integrity, and righteous living.

The General Secretary concluded his message by stressing that one of the characteristics of an unleashed Christian is the accreditation of signs, wonders, and miracles.

He explained that when Jesus came down to earth, He was given this divine accreditation through which he went about doing good and healing the sick of their infirmities (Acts 2:22; Acts 10:38).

He further noted that when Jesus unleashed his 72 disciples into the world, He accredited them with signs and wonders (Luke 10:17-18).

Apostle Obuobi enphasised that his divine accreditation has also been given to contemporary believers since Jesus has assured them in Mark 16:17-18 that in His name, they would do exploits.

He, therefore, urged believers to consciously go out and appropriate this incomparably great power that is contained in them in order to change corrupt systems and ungodly lifestyles, and to confront the ills of the world.


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