God Takes Notice of Everything Done for Him - Apostle Samuel Obuobi web

God Takes Notice of Everything Done for Him – Apostle Samuel Obuobi

Apostle Samuel Gyau Obuobi, the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, has reminded Christians that God takes notice of everything done for Him and rewards each person’s actions accordingly.

Drawing from the dialogue between the Lord Jesus and Peter in Mark 10:28-30, Apostle Obuobi outlined two kinds of rewards Christians receive for their good deeds in Christ: earthly rewards and eternal rewards.

He further emphasized that while salvation is free, rewards are not—they are earned through effort and activity.

Apostle Obuobi made this poignant assertion during his presentation on the topic, “Living for Eternal Rewards,” on the morning of the third day of the Volta-Oti RCC session of the Ministers and Wives Conference held at PIWC, Ho.

Explaining Colossians 3:24, he encouraged the ministers and their wives to serve in ministry as unto the Lord, rather than unto their respective Area Heads.

He also advised ministers not to become discouraged when their good deeds seem unnoticed or unappreciated.

Drawing inspiration from Kevin Halloran, Apostle Obuobi reminded the participants that they will be duly rewarded when they endure pressures in ministry, give generously, bear insults, and offer excellent service to their employers.

“When we serve the Lord faithfully, we will earn different kinds of crowns, including the crown of life, the imperishable crown, the crown of righteousness, the crown of glory, and the crown of rejoicing,” he stated.

The General Secretary further explained that faithfulness is expected of Christians in three areas: unto the Lord, to the calling they have received, and to the church or institution (The Church of Pentecost) that provides the platform for their service.

Apostle Obuobi concluded by urging ministers and their wives to remain obedient to God and their calling, so they can successfully earn the rewards promised by the One who called them.


Absolute Holiness Is Possible - Apostle Samuel Obuobi web

Absolute Holiness Is Possible – Apostle Samuel Gyau Obuobi

Apostle Samuel Gyau Obuobi, the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, has called on Christians to pursue absolute holiness and reject any doctrine that suggests otherwise. He emphasized that holiness is a non-negotiable trait for every believer, and it should be understood as an attainable goal.

He made these remarks during his presentation on the rationale behind the 2025 theme at the opening session of the Ministers and Wives Conference for the Volta and Oti Regions, currently ongoing at PIWC Ho.

Quoting Ezekiel 43:12, Apostle Obuobi affirmed that Christians are called to lead holy lives, explaining, “The law of the Lord’s temple, which is your body, is absolute holiness.”

He stressed that believers must not focus excessively on the weaknesses inherited from the Adamic nature but instead, focus on the life they have received through faith in Christ— a life capable of living in purity.

Apostle Obuobi further emphasized that there must be a visible distinction between a believer’s former life and the new life in Christ. This transformation should be evident to the world.

Referring to Apostle Paul, he noted that people glorified God because they saw the clear transformation in his life.

Quoting 1 Thessalonians 4:7, one of the main texts of the 2025 theme, he explained that the same man who had once persecuted Christians was now publicly advocating for the faith. This dramatic change led people to praise God.

“We must reach a point where others can clearly see the change in our lives. Until this is achieved, we have not yet reached the mark,” he said.

He added, “The change in Apostle Paul’s life was undeniable, which is why people glorified God. Similarly, our lives should reflect such transformation, and others should give glory to God.”

Apostle Obuobi encouraged all members to strive for righteousness and holiness, stressing that this is one of the key ways to ensure the glory of God remains within the Church for generations to come.