Suame Area Chieftaincy Ministry Holds Maiden Joint Service web

Suame Area Chieftaincy Ministry Holds Maiden Joint Service

The Suame Area Chieftaincy Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, led by Elder Dr. Nana K. Gyasi, has organised its maiden royals joint service.

The event, which took place on Friday, January 20, 2023, was graced by chiefs, queens and royals in the Kumasi metropolis.

The Area Head, Apostle John Obeing Kesse, in a sermon, said that the vision of The Church of Pentecost for the chieftaincy institution is to bring the palace closer to God.

Inaugurating the Area Chieftaincy Ministry, Apostle Kesse stressed the need to bring together all royals in the enclave to thank God for his guidance and protection.

He blessed the royals for gracing the programme and congratulated them for the good work they are doing for God and country.

Speaking on the theme, “Repositioning our Kings and Queens to serve God to have maximum impact to serve the nations” based on Deuteronomy 17:14-20 and Daniel 4:34-37, the Area Head disclosed that God worked with the prophets, priests, and kings in the days of old in prosecuting his agenda on earth.

According to him, royalty is from the Lord. He, therefore, charged them to serve with diligence and with the fear of God to uplift the face of their communities just as King David and Solomon did in their days.

He entreated them to serve with integrity since Ghana is looking for kings and queens who are honest and lead by example.

Apostle Kesse further encouraged them to rule with biblical principles and values. He stated although culture and traditions cannot be changed, however when culture and traditions meet Christ it opens up to the power of Christ.

He called on the royals to stand for God while assuring them that God who has called them and made them leaders of their communities will protect and guide, and lead them on to an expected end. 

Deaconess Victoria Fosuaa of Akrowa Pentecost Revival Centre prayed after the Word, while Pastor Frank K. Sinatra (Area PEMEM Leader), thanked the royals for gracing the occasion.

Report by Pastor Peter Mensah Yanney.

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