Sawla Area Holds 3-Day Pastorate & Wives’ Retreat


The Sawla Area of The Church of Pentecost has organized a three-day fasting and prayer retreat for the pastorate and their wives.

The retreat, which was held under the theme “Unleashed with the Holy Ghost to Transform Our World,” took place from Wednesday, August 11, to Friday, August 13, 2024, at the Sawla English Assembly Auditorium.

The Sawla Area Head, Pastor Frederick Obboh, who initiated the event, led the ministers and their wives through sessions on effective ministry and the need to partner with the Holy Spirit for excellence in ministry.

In a presentation entitled “Sowing Righteousness and Reaping the Benefits,” Pastor Obboh underscored the need for ministers to live righteous lives because it reflects the nature of God. Therefore, ministers must exhibit and practice this communicable attribute of God.

The Area Head further noted that in righteousness, Christians are established and grounded to impact their spheres as the salt and light of the world.

Referencing Hosea 10:12 and Galatians 6:7, Pastor Obboh stressed that a minister’s anointing is dependent on righteousness, which acts as a catalyst for receiving more oil than others.

According to him, righteousness means standing right with God and remaining right with Him at all times. The minister, as a messenger of God, must live and be clothed with righteousness, for it is the nature of the God the minister represents. Anything short of this is unacceptable.

Pastor Obboh admonished the ministers to watch their ways, love their wives, and be mindful of how they use mobile phones. He emphasized that a minister must be holy and righteous at all times, regardless of who is present or who can see them.

The ministers were also taken through pastoralia to help equip them to effectively carry out their unleashing and transformational mandate. New ministers who recently joined the Area were oriented on the work and their role as missionaries of God in the Area. The ministers and their wives expressed gratitude to the Area Head and his wife for the impact they made on their lives during the retreat.

Report by Pastor Jones Dwomoh Amankwah

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