Rekindling The Zeal Of Children’s Workers: Participants Arrive For 2023 Foundation Builders Conference

From all corners of the country, they gathered, arriving in great numbers. Like eagles soaring through the sky, they flocked to the venue with tales of triumph and eager expectations.

These were the foundation builders, bearing the weight of their remarkable experiences and seeking to pursue their aspirations. Much like lone hunters in the deep forest, they carried within their weary hearts both intriguing and harrowing stories of their work.

Across various landscapes and through challenging terrains, they navigated the undulating paths that held the power to transform the lives of future generations. Their heads held high, adorned with the scars of battles fought and glimpses of hard-fought victories as five-star generals in the realm of souls. Their hands may have appeared soiled, yet within those very hands lay finished artefacts crafted by skilled artisans. Their eyes may have betrayed tears, but behind those tears resided a deep love for the precious treasures bestowed upon them by their Creator.

Fatigue, bruises, and discouragement marked their countenances, and so they gathered, seeking rekindling, refuelling, and reequipping to express unwavering devotion to their Lord and the lambs under their care. Behold, they arrive! Who are they? They are the foundation builders—the dedicated children’s workers of The Church of Pentecost.

This marks the second edition of the Foundation Builders’ Conference, where children’s workers from far and wide convene to reconsider their calling, reconnect with the source of their power, and be revitalized to carry out their work for their master, Jesus.

The conference theme, “Rekindling the Zeal of the Children’s Worker for Maximum Impact,” couldn’t be more timely in light of the countless challenges children’s workers face across the globe each day.

Presently, the average children’s worker feels disheartened and worn, with some even contemplating abandoning their journey. The weight of their responsibilities demands a fresh surge of energy and divine empowerment that will propel them to wholeheartedly serve the Lord like never before.

The movement is underway, and the battle lines have been drawn. Retreating is not an option; moving forward, regardless of the obstacles, is the objective. If last year’s conference was grand, this year’s promises to be monumental! Welcome aboard as we soar to new heights in the service of the King.

Written by Pastor Samuel Avornyo

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